White-washing of Ukrainian Nazis in the US


Gold Member
Jun 14, 2021
Over there
Recently, footage from a secret meeting held in May 1989 in Calgary, Canada, has come to light. The man seen speaking in the footage is Walter A. Zaryckyj, the Executive Director of the Center for US-Ukrainian Relations. When I say there has been a systematic whitewashing of Stepan Bandera and Ukrainian Nazism, selling it to the public as "opposing" Russia and the Soviet Union, I mean it quite literally!
These followers of Stepan Bandera (may his memory be erased) actively defend Nazis and mass murderers like John Demjanjuk, the Sobibor extermination camp guard.
They lobby Western governments to change policies and erase any mention of Stepan Bandera and Ukrainian Nazis from public discourse. They openly discussed this in the secret Calgary meeting, even going as far as labeling you a Soviet agent or now a Russian troll to silence you on these issues.
Walter A. Zaryckyj openly talks about pursuing Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal and claims to have the address and phone number of Charlie Allen, the Nazi hunter who exposed these war criminals finding refuge in the United States in the 1960s! He asks his audience, 'What do you think should happen to him?' to the sick laughter of his audience. These Banderites are the people who lobby in Washington and Brussels for policies favorable to their cause.
Excellent rehabilitation lesson for our Forum Outcasts .

Step up Nazi Troll Raspberry for your jaw corrective treatment
Recently, footage from a secret meeting held in May 1989 in Calgary, Canada, has come to light. The man seen speaking in the footage is Walter A. Zaryckyj, the Executive Director of the Center for US-Ukrainian Relations. When I say there has been a systematic whitewashing of Stepan Bandera and Ukrainian Nazism, selling it to the public as "opposing" Russia and the Soviet Union, I mean it quite literally!
These followers of Stepan Bandera (may his memory be erased) actively defend Nazis and mass murderers like John Demjanjuk, the Sobibor extermination camp guard.
They lobby Western governments to change policies and erase any mention of Stepan Bandera and Ukrainian Nazis from public discourse. They openly discussed this in the secret Calgary meeting, even going as far as labeling you a Soviet agent or now a Russian troll to silence you on these issues.
Walter A. Zaryckyj openly talks about pursuing Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal and claims to have the address and phone number of Charlie Allen, the Nazi hunter who exposed these war criminals finding refuge in the United States in the 1960s! He asks his audience, 'What do you think should happen to him?' to the sick laughter of his audience. These Banderites are the people who lobby in Washington and Brussels for policies favorable to their cause.

ivan rapist, 1989 who cares ? nobody here watch your RT videos

2024 , you N1 ideologist :


any comment on this ?

Far-right Right Sector founder & commander of Ukrainian Volunteer Army of Right Sector publicly threatened in 2019 that Zelenskyy would hang on tree if he would fulfil his election promise of peaceful resolution of Donbas war. He then became Zaluzhnyi's adviser.

According to Katchanovski, a political scientist based in Canada, "Neo-Nazis are a relatively small segment of Ukraine", but "the fact that they are integrated in the Ukrainian armed forces and tolerated by Zelenskyy."
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"The CIA director personally asked Zelensky not to steal too much, said American journalist Seymour Hersh".

I guess the Pentagon and the CIA are afraid of losing the palm of superiority in stealing. The competition is serious.
And that's how you deal with Nazis.

Also this video is in Germany not under the protection of free opinion. It is a typical Nazi and Commie (right wing and left wing extremists) method and an instigation of violence - even in case it had been a totally unreal fake-video. The use of an armband with Swastika is a crime in Germany but justifies not the use of violence on reason of self-defence. So the German comment to this video is totally stupid.

Do not forget to leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers. Yesterday is a good day to do so.
Recently, footage from a secret meeting held in May 1989 in Calgary, Canada, has come to light. The man seen speaking in the footage is Walter A. Zaryckyj, the Executive Director of the Center for US-Ukrainian Relations. When I say there has been a systematic whitewashing of Stepan Bandera and Ukrainian Nazism, selling it to the public as "opposing" Russia and the Soviet Union, I mean it quite literally!
These followers of Stepan Bandera (may his memory be erased) actively defend Nazis and mass murderers like John Demjanjuk, the Sobibor extermination camp guard.
They lobby Western governments to change policies and erase any mention of Stepan Bandera and Ukrainian Nazis from public discourse. They openly discussed this in the secret Calgary meeting, even going as far as labeling you a Soviet agent or now a Russian troll to silence you on these issues.
Walter A. Zaryckyj openly talks about pursuing Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal and claims to have the address and phone number of Charlie Allen, the Nazi hunter who exposed these war criminals finding refuge in the United States in the 1960s! He asks his audience, 'What do you think should happen to him?' to the sick laughter of his audience. These Banderites are the people who lobby in Washington and Brussels for policies favorable to their cause.

Like Mossad created Hamas CIA is daddy of Banderanazis
In DDR 2.0 only hard- core commies have the right for free speech.
Anyone who don't worship Marx and Talmud is a Nazi in your crazy country

What can one say to you except that you are a superidiot with no contact to reality except to other idiots who are perhaps even more stupid than you and even more unreal? One man alone is not able to be as stupid as you play to be.
What can one say to you except that you are a superidiot with no contact to reality except to other idiots who are perhaps even more stupid than you and even more unreal? One man alone is not able to be as stupid as you play to be.

Are you reciting Trotsky, your spiritual father?
Your communist pals in your DDR 2.0 already plans to prohibit everyone who isn't in love with communism
Your low IQ 'posts' spread nothing except hate, condemnations and insults
Like Trotsky & Co a hundred years ago
Are you reciting Trotsky,

Eh? From which planet do you come? How?

your spiritual father?
Your communist pals in your DDR 2.0 already plans to prohibit everyone who isn't in love with communism
Your low IQ 'posts' spread nothing except hate, condemnations and insults
Like Trotsky & Co a hundred years ago
Kaniv city named a street after Ulas Samchuk - editor of antisemitic nazi n/paper «Volyn». Samchuk author of articles justifying Holocaust and calling for the murder of jews. Samchuk’s n/paper posted 318 anti-jewish pieces while 25k jews in Rivne were killed, including 6k children
even going as far as labeling you a Soviet agent or now a Russian troll to silence you on these issues.
It is the identical strategy empoyed by the Jewish elite ----- accuse others of using the very tactics that they employ themselves .
Act as Nazis but use Nazism to produce the cloak under which they hide , all the while reminding you of their unique victim status .

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