Rolling Stone Exposes Bain and Romney...


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
A great article on how Mitt Romney really made his money. Screwing working folks and leaving others with the bill.


And this is where we get to the hypocrisy at the heart of Mitt Romney. Everyone knows that he is fantastically rich, having scored great success, the legend goes, as a "turnaround specialist," a shrewd financial operator who revived moribund companies as a high-priced consultant for a storied Wall Street private equity firm. But what most voters don't know is the way Mitt Romney actually made his fortune: by borrowing vast sums of money that other people were forced to pay back. This is the plain, stark reality that has somehow eluded America's top political journalists for two consecutive presidential campaigns: Mitt Romney is one of the greatest and most irresponsible debt creators of all time. In the past few decades, in fact, Romney has piled more debt onto more unsuspecting companies, written more gigantic checks that other people have to cover, than perhaps all but a handful of people on planet Earth.

Read more: Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital | Politics News | Rolling Stone
They had nice things to say about Reagan and Bush too.

People still read that left-winged bird cage liner?
Here's the telling paragraph...

Once all that debt is added, one of two things can happen. The company can fire workers and slash benefits to pay off all its new obligations to Goldman Sachs and Bain, leaving it ripe to be resold by Bain at a huge profit. Or it can go bankrupt – this happens after about seven percent of all private equity buyouts – leaving behind one or more shuttered factory towns. Either way, Bain wins. By power-sucking cash value from even the most rapidly dying firms, private equity raiders like Bain almost always get their cash out before a target goes belly up.
A great article on how Mitt Romney really made his money. Screwing working folks and leaving others with the bill

So if there only one lifeboat which could save the lives of 10 people, but there are 20 on a ship, captain joe would torpedo the boat. So would the rest of your baa, baa Democrat friends. You've made this point before.
A great article on how Mitt Romney really made his money. Screwing working folks and leaving others with the bill

So if there only one lifeboat which could save the lives of 10 people, but there are 20 on a ship, captain joe would torpedo the boat. So would the rest of your baa, baa Democrat friends. You've made this point before.

I would try to keep the ship afloat.

Romney would loot the cargo bay of all the valuables and let everyone drown.

And in some cases, the reason why the boat is sinking to start with is because Romney loaded it down with too much debt, forcing the companies to either fire people or go bankrupt. Either way, Bain made money, and the workers paid.
People what Robmomey did at Bain was what is known as corporate raiding.

That was what it was tagged in the eighties.

Why is it the right always admires people who step on others to make their way in the world?
Corporate Raider Definition | Investopedia

Definition of 'Corporate Raider'
An investor who buys a large number of shares in a corporation whose assets appear to be undervalued. The large share purchase would give the corporate raider significant voting rights, which could then be used to push changes in the company’s leadership and management. This would increase share value and thus generate a massive return for the raider.

Read more:
A great article on how Mitt Romney really made his money. Screwing working folks and leaving others with the bill

So if there only one lifeboat which could save the lives of 10 people, but there are 20 on a ship, captain joe would torpedo the boat. So would the rest of your baa, baa Democrat friends. You've made this point before.

I would try to keep the ship afloat.

Romney would loot the cargo bay of all the valuables and let everyone drown.

And in some cases, the reason why the boat is sinking to start with is because Romney loaded it down with too much debt, forcing the companies to either fire people or go bankrupt. Either way, Bain made money, and the workers paid.

Typical Democrat, the more you have no clue what you're talking about, the more sanctimonious you are about it.
The first three pages is some of the stupidest propaganda I have read in a long time. Thanks for wasting my time.
You people want this country to hire a guy who looked people in the face who were wondering what was about to happen to their jobs with this NEW owner and told them it was all about how much money HE could make on the deal.

Romney was a corporate raider.

that is who you want to run our country after you crashed the world economy a couple if years ago?

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