Roland Martin Says Democrats Need to Ask Poor White Voters in Mississippi: ‘What the Hell Do You Hav

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Uhm retard they are a fiscal stable state ahead of California.

They were under Democrat control for ever and it takes time

And maybe they don't want to look like Detroit?

Roland Martin Says Democrats Need to Ask Poor White Voters in Mississippi: ‘What the Hell Do You Have to Lose!?’

Roland Martin Says Democrats Need to Ask Poor White Voters in Mississippi: ‘What the Hell Do You Have to Lose!?’

Roland Martin appeared on MSNBC Friday with a message to Democrats in Mississippi: ask poor white voters what supporting Republicans has done for them.

Democrats have got to stop being scared of white people in the southern states,” Martin said. “They have to be frank with white people.”

He continued: “Democrats always want to only want to focus on, ‘Well, if we could get some young voters and some progressive voters’ — No, you have to tell broke, white people: ‘You’re broke. And if you guys want to keep voting for your guns, go right ahead, but your health care is jacked up. Your education is jacked up. Your economics are jacked up.’ So, I really hope that Democrats get the message. They have to go into the South and go into these poor areas and not just talk to black voters, but talk frank to white voters and say, ‘Will you vote your economic interest?'”


Uhm retard they are a fiscal stable state ahead of California.

They were under Democrat control for ever and it takes time

And maybe they don't want to look like Detroit?

Roland Martin Says Democrats Need to Ask Poor White Voters in Mississippi: ‘What the Hell Do You Have to Lose!?’

Roland Martin Says Democrats Need to Ask Poor White Voters in Mississippi: ‘What the Hell Do You Have to Lose!?’

Roland Martin appeared on MSNBC Friday with a message to Democrats in Mississippi: ask poor white voters what supporting Republicans has done for them.

Democrats have got to stop being scared of white people in the southern states,” Martin said. “They have to be frank with white people.”

He continued: “Democrats always want to only want to focus on, ‘Well, if we could get some young voters and some progressive voters’ — No, you have to tell broke, white people: ‘You’re broke. And if you guys want to keep voting for your guns, go right ahead, but your health care is jacked up. Your education is jacked up. Your economics are jacked up.’ So, I really hope that Democrats get the message. They have to go into the South and go into these poor areas and not just talk to black voters, but talk frank to white voters and say, ‘Will you vote your economic interest?'”


o, you have to tell broke, white people: ‘You’re broke. And if you guys want to keep voting for your guns, go right ahead, but your health care is jacked up.
How after 8 years of Obama policies, and ACA enacted, could they still be broke and their health care is jacked up. UnfordableHealthCare ACT was forced upon US to remedy all those high costs of healthcare, and the redistribution of wealth Obama promised should of made those Missinformedpians uber rich, right?
Uhm retard they are a fiscal stable state ahead of California.

They were under Democrat control for ever and it takes time

And maybe they don't want to look like Detroit?

Roland Martin Says Democrats Need to Ask Poor White Voters in Mississippi: ‘What the Hell Do You Have to Lose!?’

Roland Martin Says Democrats Need to Ask Poor White Voters in Mississippi: ‘What the Hell Do You Have to Lose!?’

Roland Martin appeared on MSNBC Friday with a message to Democrats in Mississippi: ask poor white voters what supporting Republicans has done for them.

Democrats have got to stop being scared of white people in the southern states,” Martin said. “They have to be frank with white people.”

He continued: “Democrats always want to only want to focus on, ‘Well, if we could get some young voters and some progressive voters’ — No, you have to tell broke, white people: ‘You’re broke. And if you guys want to keep voting for your guns, go right ahead, but your health care is jacked up. Your education is jacked up. Your economics are jacked up.’ So, I really hope that Democrats get the message. They have to go into the South and go into these poor areas and not just talk to black voters, but talk frank to white voters and say, ‘Will you vote your economic interest?'”


Uhm retard they are a fiscal stable state ahead of California.

They were under Democrat control for ever and it takes time

And maybe they don't want to look like Detroit?

Roland Martin Says Democrats Need to Ask Poor White Voters in Mississippi: ‘What the Hell Do You Have to Lose!?’

Roland Martin Says Democrats Need to Ask Poor White Voters in Mississippi: ‘What the Hell Do You Have to Lose!?’

Roland Martin appeared on MSNBC Friday with a message to Democrats in Mississippi: ask poor white voters what supporting Republicans has done for them.

Democrats have got to stop being scared of white people in the southern states,” Martin said. “They have to be frank with white people.”

He continued: “Democrats always want to only want to focus on, ‘Well, if we could get some young voters and some progressive voters’ — No, you have to tell broke, white people: ‘You’re broke. And if you guys want to keep voting for your guns, go right ahead, but your health care is jacked up. Your education is jacked up. Your economics are jacked up.’ So, I really hope that Democrats get the message. They have to go into the South and go into these poor areas and not just talk to black voters, but talk frank to white voters and say, ‘Will you vote your economic interest?'”


The dumbass Democrats relentlessly heap hate upon working class White Voters and then they complain that they will not vote's amazing that they don't get it
Uhm retard they are a fiscal stable state ahead of California.

They were under Democrat control for ever and it takes time

And maybe they don't want to look like Detroit?

Roland Martin Says Democrats Need to Ask Poor White Voters in Mississippi: ‘What the Hell Do You Have to Lose!?’

Roland Martin Says Democrats Need to Ask Poor White Voters in Mississippi: ‘What the Hell Do You Have to Lose!?’

Roland Martin appeared on MSNBC Friday with a message to Democrats in Mississippi: ask poor white voters what supporting Republicans has done for them.

Democrats have got to stop being scared of white people in the southern states,” Martin said. “They have to be frank with white people.”

He continued: “Democrats always want to only want to focus on, ‘Well, if we could get some young voters and some progressive voters’ — No, you have to tell broke, white people: ‘You’re broke. And if you guys want to keep voting for your guns, go right ahead, but your health care is jacked up. Your education is jacked up. Your economics are jacked up.’ So, I really hope that Democrats get the message. They have to go into the South and go into these poor areas and not just talk to black voters, but talk frank to white voters and say, ‘Will you vote your economic interest?'”


The dumbass Democrats relentlessly heap hate upon working class White Voters and then they complain that they will not vote's amazing that they don't get it

It's like what the fuck? Do they think they are going to vote for democrats who told coal miners "sorry you don't need jobs"

Uhm retard they are a fiscal stable state ahead of California.

They were under Democrat control for ever and it takes time

And maybe they don't want to look like Detroit?

Roland Martin Says Democrats Need to Ask Poor White Voters in Mississippi: ‘What the Hell Do You Have to Lose!?’

Roland Martin Says Democrats Need to Ask Poor White Voters in Mississippi: ‘What the Hell Do You Have to Lose!?’

Roland Martin appeared on MSNBC Friday with a message to Democrats in Mississippi: ask poor white voters what supporting Republicans has done for them.

Democrats have got to stop being scared of white people in the southern states,” Martin said. “They have to be frank with white people.”

He continued: “Democrats always want to only want to focus on, ‘Well, if we could get some young voters and some progressive voters’ — No, you have to tell broke, white people: ‘You’re broke. And if you guys want to keep voting for your guns, go right ahead, but your health care is jacked up. Your education is jacked up. Your economics are jacked up.’ So, I really hope that Democrats get the message. They have to go into the South and go into these poor areas and not just talk to black voters, but talk frank to white voters and say, ‘Will you vote your economic interest?'”


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The democrats want you to have a bunch of tent cities in that picture .

Democrats Need to Ask Poor White Voters in Mississippi: ‘What the Hell Do You Have to Lose!?’

Funny. When folks voted for Obama, they were hip, tuned in and turned on. Then is 2016, a bunch of former "smart" democrats flipped parties and voted for Trump and suddenly became "deplorable."

What the hell do they have to lose? In 2008 they said: "Hmm, put a black man in the WH just because he's black! What do we have to lose?" Then they found out when they lost it. Then in 2012, they said: "What do we have to lose by giving Obama a second chance with our healthcare and economy?" And they found out when they lost more.

Finally when the Democrats came up with Hillary Clinton as the next choice for democratic president in 2016, they decided they had lost too much and just were not going to go there again. Now they have Trump in office trying to get it all back.
Democrats Need to Ask Poor White Voters in Mississippi: ‘What the Hell Do You Have to Lose!?’

Funny. When folks voted for Obama, they were hip, tuned in and turned on. Then is 2016, a bunch of former "smart" democrats flipped parties and voted for Trump and suddenly became "deplorable."

What the hell do they have to lose? In 2008 they said: "Hmm, put a black man in the WH just because he's black! What do we have to lose?" Then they found out when they lost it. Then in 2012, they said: "What do we have to lose by giving Obama a second chance with our healthcare and economy?" And they found out when they lost more.

Finally when the Democrats came up with Hillary Clinton as the next choice for democratic president in 2016, they decided they had lost too much and just were not going to go there again. Now they have Trump in office trying to get it all back.

Exactly, Trumps mantra was drain the swamp, what do you have to lose?

Now the democrats mantra is " what do you have to lose by putting us swamp creatures back in"?

It's like rednecks are dumb but not that dumb..

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