Rioters Should Not Be Set Free With Bail $$$


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
There is a reason why sometimes arrested criminals are denied bail. One is because they are a flight risk, and are likely to not show up for a trial. Another is because they are too much risk to go right back out and commit the same rimes all over again, immediately. Nothing is more apt to fit into this category than the Floyd case rioters (which includes vandals, looters, and arsonists).

The rioters, arsonists, and looters should not be granted ANY bail whatsoever. They are more than just criminals . They are enemy combatants in a war against peaceful society, and should be treated as POWs. When enemy combatants are encountered, they are shot dead or kept jailed.
That's what should be happening here. What's the sense of letting these loons back out on the street ? So they can go out and riot again ? They are too much of a risk to be let back out.

Judges are being stupid by letting these creeps out, when seditious groups and airhead "celebrities" raise bail money for them. Most of these so-called celebrities are a bunch of no-name nobodies. Of the ones who are known, Colin Kapernick (of disrespect the national anthem fame) has established a "Know Your Rights" campaign that provides free legal representation for what he calls Minneapolis' "Freedom Fighters." I guess that means freedom from being law-abiding, and "freedom" to riot, arson, and loot. :rolleyes:
There is a reason why sometimes arrested criminals are denied bail. One is because they are a flight risk, and are likely to not show up for a trial. Another is because they are too much risk to go right back out and commit the same rimes all over again, immediately. Nothing is more apt to fit into this category than the Floyd case rioters (which includes vandals, looters, and arsonists).

The rioters, arsonists, and looters should not be granted ANY bail whatsoever. They are more than just criminals . They are enemy combatants in a war against peaceful society, and should be treated as POWs. When enemy combatants are encountered, they are shot dead or kept jailed.
That's what should be happening here. What's the sense of letting these loons back out on the street ? So they can go out and riot again ? They are too much of a risk to be let back out.

Judges are being stupid by letting these creeps out, when seditious groups and airhead "celebrities" raise bail money for them. Most of these so-called celebrities are a bunch of no-name nobodies. Of the ones who are known, Colin Kapernick (of disrespect the national anthem fame) has established a "Know Your Rights" campaign that provides free legal representation for what he calls Minneapolis' "Freedom Fighters." I guess that means freedom from being law-abiding, and "freedom" to riot, arson, and loot. :rolleyes:
Most likely, the stores' owners aren't pressing charges because they are paying the looters to destroy their buildings to collect the insurance so that they can rebuild accordingly to the Green New Deal. And George Soros owns Targets, Autozones, Starbucks and etc... And he is not going to come out of his pockets for this Green New DEal, but instead he is going to have the insurance companies to make his buildings to be Green. But the insurance companies can complain. That is if Soros do not owns them. But if he owns them. He is making sure that the policies holders of these insurance companies to pay for his Green new buildings.
And so they are committing insurance fraud right under our noses.
Most likely, the stores' owners aren't pressing charges because they are paying the looters to destroy their buildings to collect the insurance so that they can rebuild accordingly to the Green New Deal.

View attachment 345357
Most likely, the stores' owners aren't pressing charges because they are paying the looters to destroy their buildings to collect the insurance so that they can rebuild accordingly to the Green New Deal.

View attachment 345357
View attachment 345360
Have you been skiing lately?

Most likely, the stores' owners aren't pressing charges because they are paying the looters to destroy their buildings to collect the insurance so that they can rebuild accordingly to the Green New Deal.

View attachment 345357
View attachment 345360
Have you been skiing lately?

It's true that there are paid protesters and agent provocateurs, and it's true that Soros is behind a lot of the orchestrated stuff that goes on. But that said, I watched that video, and the guy made some pretty funny claims, he even claimed that Soros invited him to lunch? It almost seems like that "interview" was put out there to discredit the idea that there are paid protesters.

You gotta be careful these days with what you believe and post, there's so much misinformation and deception out there right now, sometimes truth mixed with lies, purposely presented in a way that makes the actual truth look ridiculous.
Most likely, the stores' owners aren't pressing charges because they are paying the looters to destroy their buildings to collect the insurance so that they can rebuild accordingly to the Green New Deal.

View attachment 345357
View attachment 345360
Have you been skiing lately?

It's true that there are paid protesters and agent provocateurs, and it's true that Soros is behind a lot of the orchestrated stuff that goes on. But that said, I watched that video, and the guy made some pretty funny claims, he even claimed that Soros invited him to lunch? It almost seems like that "interview" was put out there to discredit the idea that there are paid protesters.

You gotta be careful these days with what you believe and post, there's so much misinformation and deception out there right now, sometimes truth mixed with lies, purposely presented in a way that makes the actual truth look ridiculous.

He's speaking truthfully.
Some of these protesters are actors. That is why the police are standing down because they know that these are actors. And George Soros owns the companies that these protesters are burning down.

Rent-A-Mob: Ukraine's Paid Protesters
Most likely, the stores' owners aren't pressing charges because they are paying the looters to destroy their buildings to collect the insurance so that they can rebuild accordingly to the Green New Deal.

View attachment 345357
View attachment 345360
Have you been skiing lately?

It's true that there are paid protesters and agent provocateurs, and it's true that Soros is behind a lot of the orchestrated stuff that goes on. But that said, I watched that video, and the guy made some pretty funny claims, he even claimed that Soros invited him to lunch? It almost seems like that "interview" was put out there to discredit the idea that there are paid protesters.

You gotta be careful these days with what you believe and post, there's so much misinformation and deception out there right now, sometimes truth mixed with lies, purposely presented in a way that makes the actual truth look ridiculous.

He's speaking truthfully.
Some of these protesters are actors. That is why the police are standing down because they know that these are actors. And George Soros owns the companies that these protesters are burning down.

Rent-A-Mob: Ukraine's Paid Protesters

Yeah, you completely misunderstood what I said. Please go back and read my post again.
Now that we've gotten through George Soros, AutoZone, skiing, and the Green New deal, can we get back to the TOPIC of this thread ? >>
Rioters Should Not Be Set Free With Bail $$$
Most likely, the stores' owners aren't pressing charges because they are paying the looters to destroy their buildings to collect the insurance so that they can rebuild accordingly to the Green New Deal.

View attachment 345357
View attachment 345360
Have you been skiing lately?

It's true that there are paid protesters and agent provocateurs, and it's true that Soros is behind a lot of the orchestrated stuff that goes on. But that said, I watched that video, and the guy made some pretty funny claims, he even claimed that Soros invited him to lunch? It almost seems like that "interview" was put out there to discredit the idea that there are paid protesters.

You gotta be careful these days with what you believe and post, there's so much misinformation and deception out there right now, sometimes truth mixed with lies, purposely presented in a way that makes the actual truth look ridiculous.

He's speaking truthfully.
Some of these protesters are actors. That is why the police are standing down because they know that these are actors. And George Soros owns the companies that these protesters are burning down.

Rent-A-Mob: Ukraine's Paid Protesters

I am contacting USMB moderation to delete Post #s 2 - 8, for being off topic. While they have interesting content well worth discussing, they simply are off the topic of the OP, not a word about BAIL $$$, are derailing it, and belong in another thread.
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Problem is, most are being set free without any bond. So, where is that money really going, is my question. Check the arrest records of the different cities.
I have the answer to the END OF RIOTING WITHOUT
ARREST. All persons should be returned "home" and
restricted to their homes except for necessary forays
to nearby distribution centers to obtain necessary goods and medical care. Public business----like court appearances, taxes, ---put on hold. Police should be employed in the neighborhood distribution centers,
guarding of utilities. Persons who have no address can be confined in temporary shelters. NO ARRESTS.
NO RACES. STAY HOME. Persons detained for violating the "stay home" rule cannot be described
as by race.
I have the answer to the END OF RIOTING WITHOUT
ARREST. All persons should be returned "home" and
restricted to their homes except for necessary forays
to nearby distribution centers to obtain necessary goods and medical care. Public business----like court appearances, taxes, ---put on hold. Police should be employed in the neighborhood distribution centers,
guarding of utilities. Persons who have no address can be confined in temporary shelters. NO ARRESTS.
NO RACES. STAY HOME. Persons detained for violating the "stay home" rule cannot be described
as by race.
What's wrong with arrests and jailing these people ? :dunno:
Like I had said. The guy is telling the truth. he was paid by Soros. Because this was short notice to the Globalists. They weren't planning on Pres.Trump having so much supporters. And so they have to move quickly gathering up paid protesters, even if they have to go out in the streets looking for them. And like the guy in the video said. That Soros asked him do he have any friends that is willing to be paid to protest. He needed the average Johns to protest. They rushed without thinking in the beginning. Like in the beginning, these protesters from off the streets had costly signs. And then when Pres.Trump pointed it out about why these poor individuals were able to paid someone to ,make them signs. And then after that, they came with card board cut out written with color crayons.
And i know a few who works in law enforcement. They will not let no one come up close to them. They will tell them to stay certain distance away from them.
You cannot approach them while they are carrying a weapons. And these officers knows that.
You are OFF TOPIC. YOU have already been warned and reported. Further violation could result in you being banned from posting. Further off topic posting is at your own risk.
I am contacting USMB moderation to delete Post #s 2 - 8, for being off topic. While they have interesting content well worth discussing, they simply are off the topic of the OP, not a word about BAIL $$$, are derailing it, and belong in another thread.
You cannot arrest protesters. You only can give them fines which George Soros pays their fines. That is why it says you have the right to protest. But these buildings are own by someone that doesn't care about pressing charges on them. And so if there is no victims, that there's no crime committed. Unless the D.A. picks it up, which most of the D.A.s are working for the leftist's organizations. And so you can't force them to press charges. But the only thing you can do is have certain political leaders voted from out of office.
But most of these buildings are own by the left's. But like those protesters that were beating up conservatives at the Berkeley's riot. They have gotten arrested because charges was pressed.
And so, if no one has been arrested because no one pressed charges.
I'm going to let y'all know that whatever the media tells y'all what is going on. That it is not the whole truth.
Like Alex Jones screaming that he gets fined for saying cuss words on their air. But he said that the Leftist's can cuss all they want. But he don't knows that the Left's does get fined, but their Billionaire friends pays those fines. And plus he owns the majority of them. But they will not tell the public that they were fined. That is what is going on about protesters are being released. The media is only telling part of the story. To make everyone upset. To make it seems as if conservatives are the only ones being targeted. This is a old trick that has been played centuries ago.
These people knows the law like they knows the back of their hands. They knows how to play on someone intelligence.
I'm going to let y'all know that whatever the media tells y'all what is going on. That it is not the whole truth.
Like Alex Jones screaming that he gets fined for saying cuss words on their air. But he said that the Leftist's can cuss all they want. But he don't knows that the Left's does get fined, but their Billionaire friends pays those fines. And plus he owns the majority of them. But they will not tell the public that they were fined. That is what is going on about protesters are being released. The media is only telling part of the story. To make everyone upset. To make it seems as if conservatives are the only ones being targeted. This is a old trick that has been played centuries ago.
These people knows the law like they knows the back of their hands. They knows how to play on someone intelligence.
I get the distinct gut feeling that you've been thinking (or dreaming) too much.

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