The most evil non human savages right here.

EvilCat Breath

Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2016

I am DONE. This puppy was tortured then strangled. For fun. No they are not human beings. They are nothing more than pulsing protozoa. I don't care what happens to them. Bury them alive.

Notice anything familiar? They might be white nationalists.

I am DONE. This puppy was tortured then strangled. For fun. No they are not human beings. They are nothing more than pulsing protozoa. I don't care what happens to them. Bury them alive.

Notice anything familiar? They might be white nationalists.

Might want to hold your outrage until some source OTHER THAN Bitchute CONFIRMS the fate of the puppy... We as a country now --- have a WORSE media situation than the folks in the old Soviet Union had...

You CAN NOT believe the large majority of what you're reading and seeing..

We had a thread here a couple days ago based on Tweet about "Antifa coming to the suburbs".. Later BANNED from Twitter for not BEING ANTIFA -- but even now I don't TRUST Twitter's explanation of who owned that ANTIFA_US site..

Didn't stop members here from going several pages pledging to "pile up a body count".. Which is UNDERSTANDABLE given the threat.., But it's ALL BULLSHIT right now.. Do the work -- check the story.. HOLD your outrage...

As I said on the other thread, if this is true then it's an evil and disgusting act, but the story sounds very sensationalistic to me. It sounds like one of those stories purposely put out there to continue fanning the flames of division and hate. For the powers-that-be, it's all about divide and conquer. They purposely pit groups against each other, to keep us all busy hating each other, which takes the focus off of them, who don't care about ANY of us, regardless of color or political affiliation.
Might want to hold your outrage until some source OTHER THAN Bitchute CONFIRMS the fate of the puppy... We as a country now --- have a WORSE media situation than the folks in the old Soviet Union had...

You CAN NOT believe the large majority of what you're reading and seeing..

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: THANK YOU!!! So true, that really needed to be said around here.

I am DONE. This puppy was tortured then strangled. For fun. No they are not human beings. They are nothing more than pulsing protozoa. I don't care what happens to them. Bury them alive.

Notice anything familiar? They might be white nationalists.

Might want to hold your outrage until some source OTHER THAN Bitchute CONFIRMS the fate of the puppy... We as a country now --- have a WORSE media situation than the folks in the old Soviet Union had...

You CAN NOT believe the large majority of what you're reading and seeing..

We had a thread here a couple days ago based on Tweet about "Antifa coming to the suburbs".. Later BANNED from Twitter for not BEING ANTIFA -- but even now I don't TRUST Twitter's explanation of who owned that ANTIFA_US site..

Didn't stop members here from going several pages pledging to "pile up a body count".. Which is UNDERSTANDABLE given the threat.., But it's ALL BULLSHIT right now.. Do the work -- check the story.. HOLD your outrage...
The saying used to be 'Don't believe anything you read and only half of what you see'. Now you have to question even that.

I am DONE. This puppy was tortured then strangled. For fun. No they are not human beings. They are nothing more than pulsing protozoa. I don't care what happens to them. Bury them alive.

Notice anything familiar? They might be white nationalists.
I really think that you really need to spend your time more constructively than scanning the internet looking for crimes by some blacks as if some whites don't do the same thing. Find a life. Join the red hats or something.
When people are looking for excuses to justify this:

Then chose to deny that the cop killed him and shows more outrage at the way a dog was alleged to have been treated, there is something wrong with such human beings.

I am DONE. This puppy was tortured then strangled. For fun. No they are not human beings. They are nothing more than pulsing protozoa. I don't care what happens to them. Bury them alive.

Notice anything familiar? They might be white nationalists.
I really think that you really need to spend your time more constructively than scanning the internet looking for crimes by some blacks as if some whites don't do the same thing. Find a life. Join the red hats or something.
And THE resident racist chimes in. Hilarious!
When people are looking for excuses to justify this:

Then chose to deny that the cop killed him and shows more outrage at the way a dog was alleged to have been treated, there is something wrong with such human beings.

Unlike idiot lefties I can actually hold more than one opinion on this issue.

Police brutality is wrong
Killing random cops in cold blood is wrong
Beating people with bricks is wrong
Torturing puppies is wrong
Appeasing a mob is wrong.

I am DONE. This puppy was tortured then strangled. For fun. No they are not human beings. They are nothing more than pulsing protozoa. I don't care what happens to them. Bury them alive.

Notice anything familiar? They might be white nationalists.
I really think that you really need to spend your time more constructively than scanning the internet looking for crimes by some blacks as if some whites don't do the same thing. Find a life. Join the red hats or something.
It is just the kind of thing you would do. You probably have. You would think that white people deserve to have puppies killed. It's right up your alley.
When people are looking for excuses to justify this:

Then chose to deny that the cop killed him and shows more outrage at the way a dog was alleged to have been treated, there is something wrong with such human beings.

If the cop is responsible for George Floyd's death he killed a career criminal whose last stint in prison was for a home invasion robbery. The saintly Floyd put a gun to the belly of a pregnant woman. He and his friends raped her.

The cop didn't kill that career criminal as much as do the world a favor by taking out the trash. George Floyd died as he lived, stuffed to the gills with drugs.
When people are looking for excuses to justify this:

Then chose to deny that the cop killed him and shows more outrage at the way a dog was alleged to have been treated, there is something wrong with such human beings.

If the cop is responsible for George Floyd's death he killed a career criminal whose last stint in prison was for a home invasion robbery. The saintly Floyd put a gun to the belly of a pregnant woman. He and his friends raped her.

The cop didn't kill that career criminal as much as do the world a favor by taking out the trash. George Floyd died as he lived, stuffed to the gills with drugs.

Even if all that was true (which it may or may not be, I can't comment without verifying it first) there's a little thing called due process. When you advocate and cheerlead for cops killing people just because a person may have committed crimes in the past, you're advocating for making cops the judge, jury and executioner, giving them power that can (and will) be used against any of us.

I mean, you're probably not entirely serious, you're probably just using hyperbole to make your point, but if you are serious then I can't even begin to express how utterly retarded and wrong that is, on a number of levels. Then again, I've been seeing posts in the last few days from people cheerleading for martial law, so the useful idiot-ness around here seems to be getting worse by the day.

I am DONE. This puppy was tortured then strangled. For fun. No they are not human beings. They are nothing more than pulsing protozoa. I don't care what happens to them. Bury them alive.

Notice anything familiar? They might be white nationalists.

Might want to hold your outrage until some source OTHER THAN Bitchute CONFIRMS the fate of the puppy... We as a country now --- have a WORSE media situation than the folks in the old Soviet Union had...

You CAN NOT believe the large majority of what you're reading and seeing..

We had a thread here a couple days ago based on Tweet about "Antifa coming to the suburbs".. Later BANNED from Twitter for not BEING ANTIFA -- but even now I don't TRUST Twitter's explanation of who owned that ANTIFA_US site..

Didn't stop members here from going several pages pledging to "pile up a body count".. Which is UNDERSTANDABLE given the threat.., But it's ALL BULLSHIT right now.. Do the work -- check the story.. HOLD your outrage...
I trust the twits at Twitter even less than you trust conservatives
When you advocate and cheerlead for cops killing people just because a person may have committed crimes in the past,
In the name of Floyd libs are committing crimes in the present

and exhausting the patience of citizens like Tipsycatlover

I am DONE. This puppy was tortured then strangled. For fun. No they are not human beings. They are nothing more than pulsing protozoa. I don't care what happens to them. Bury them alive.

Notice anything familiar? They might be white nationalists.

Might want to hold your outrage until some source OTHER THAN Bitchute CONFIRMS the fate of the puppy... We as a country now --- have a WORSE media situation than the folks in the old Soviet Union had...

You CAN NOT believe the large majority of what you're reading and seeing..

We had a thread here a couple days ago based on Tweet about "Antifa coming to the suburbs".. Later BANNED from Twitter for not BEING ANTIFA -- but even now I don't TRUST Twitter's explanation of who owned that ANTIFA_US site..

Didn't stop members here from going several pages pledging to "pile up a body count".. Which is UNDERSTANDABLE given the threat.., But it's ALL BULLSHIT right now.. Do the work -- check the story.. HOLD your outrage...
Yes, news source like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, New York Times and Washington Post are just like media in former Soviet Union.
When you advocate and cheerlead for cops killing people just because a person may have committed crimes in the past,
In the name of Floyd libs are committing crimes in the present

and exhausting the patience of citizens like Tipsycatlover
Police are now being killed in the streets. Time for use of deadly force.
When people are looking for excuses to justify this:

Then chose to deny that the cop killed him and shows more outrage at the way a dog was alleged to have been treated, there is something wrong with such human beings.

The dog was innocent... Floyd was not.

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