Cold Fusion38
Athiests are FAR stronger emotionally than those who insist that "GOD" is responsible for EVERYTHING. You see we athiets can't assuage our guilt by praying to a "GOD" for forgiveness we must ATTONE for our acts through our future acts or accept the fact that we are without morals or character. We can not commit attrocities and beg for a death bed reprive from punishment from a "GOD" and if we could then WHY would we live a life that respects our fellow human beings?
Consider the Westboro Babtist Church...............Are their VILE acts against their fellow citizens RIGHTOUS!!!??? Are their attacks leveled at the grieving families of our fallen servicemen JUSTIFIED by God and the Bible? If you say YES as you MUST since they are Christian and QUOTE the Bible in their attacks against gays and YES the grieving families of our fallen soldiers then what kind of person does that make YOU!!!???
Falwell AND Robertson both well respected "Christians" have BOTH said that 9/11 was GOD'S punishment for our "GODLESS" society. What kind of a "Christian" would say that 3000+ Americans DESERVED to die!!!???
With respect I must admit that the Westboro church is a GLARING exception to TRUE Christian values but he DOES have followers and he DOES quote the Bible to justify his and his followers DISGUSTING behavior.
Athiests would NEVER utter such disgusting remarks!!!! Yet your Church LEADERS do so and you call CHRISTIANITY a religion of LOVE!!!???
Consider the Westboro Babtist Church...............Are their VILE acts against their fellow citizens RIGHTOUS!!!??? Are their attacks leveled at the grieving families of our fallen servicemen JUSTIFIED by God and the Bible? If you say YES as you MUST since they are Christian and QUOTE the Bible in their attacks against gays and YES the grieving families of our fallen soldiers then what kind of person does that make YOU!!!???
Falwell AND Robertson both well respected "Christians" have BOTH said that 9/11 was GOD'S punishment for our "GODLESS" society. What kind of a "Christian" would say that 3000+ Americans DESERVED to die!!!???
With respect I must admit that the Westboro church is a GLARING exception to TRUE Christian values but he DOES have followers and he DOES quote the Bible to justify his and his followers DISGUSTING behavior.
Athiests would NEVER utter such disgusting remarks!!!! Yet your Church LEADERS do so and you call CHRISTIANITY a religion of LOVE!!!???
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