
Yes, everything I hear and see is a lie.

I blame the fake Matrix I'm in, along with all the fake news that controls my fake matrix

Good news though, our political leaders continue to be in tune with the people are they are poised to impeach Trump a 20th time. Recession and inflation are a lie.

Well done Liz.

You have very selective vision and hearing. You listen to people who have a large financial interest in maintaining Republican rule in your nation. People who are profiting immensely from the pre-Biden tax code.

Rupert Murdoch, Robert Mercer, and the rest of the billionaire owners of right wing media have a vested interest in promoting Republican propaganda.
It's the other stuff that concerns me. Particularly filling countries up with illegals, and saying I'd be lucky to eat meat.

They seek globalization of everything. Our lives, money, food, possessions, everything.

3d printing organs will happen though. It's just a matter of technology. 5000 years ago who would have believed I could sit in a chair up in the sky in a giant metal tube while taking a shit and watching live news from the other side of the world on a tiny device I hold in my hand? In ancient Egypt they would have thought I was a god because of a bic lighter and fire came out of my hand.

This is why the American Constitution needs to be modernized. It created a small coastal nation with no global ambitions, and just the desire to live in peace and govern themselves. The Founders would be amazed at the living conditions in a modern home. They lived before the Industrial Revolution, the automobile, and the telegraph. This is NOT the country they had in mind when they started.
You have very selective vision and hearing. You listen to people who have a large financial interest in maintaining Republican rule in your nation. People who are profiting immensely from the pre-Biden tax code.

Rupert Murdoch, Robert Mercer, and the rest of the billionaire owners of right wing media have a vested interest in promoting Republican propaganda.

This is why the American Constitution needs to be modernized. It created a small coastal nation with no global ambitions, and just the desire to live in peace and govern themselves. The Founders would be amazed at the living conditions in a modern home. They lived before the Industrial Revolution, the automobile, and the telegraph. This is NOT the country they had in mind when they started.

Why modernize it?

10 years ago it was perfectly fine. No we need to change the people who want to change America, or tell them to get out

And if we do modernize it do you honestly believe that won't become a decades long corrupt procedure? Too many people want "their version" of America for it not to be ripe for corruption. There is absolutely no way people would agree on a new constitution right now.

So I say we stick with the one we have, if you don't like it then you don't get to live here. And all that's left behind is a population of people with the same values, the hate stops, the bickering over the country stops and everyone is a more comfortable being around others like them.
You have very selective vision and hearing. You listen to people who have a large financial interest in maintaining Republican rule in your nation. People who are profiting immensely from the pre-Biden tax code.

Rupert Murdoch, Robert Mercer, and the rest of the billionaire owners of right wing media have a vested interest in promoting Republican propaganda.

This is why the American Constitution needs to be modernized. It created a small coastal nation with no global ambitions, and just the desire to live in peace and govern themselves. The Founders would be amazed at the living conditions in a modern home. They lived before the Industrial Revolution, the automobile, and the telegraph. This is NOT the country they had in mind when they started.
That is true but natural rights the founders knew well, is unchanged today.

How would you modernize the Bill of Rights?
That is true but natural rights the founders knew well, is unchanged today.

How would you modernize the Bill of Rights?

The right to bear arms needs to be modified. It should have been modified when you moved to a standing army. The SC keeps interpreting this right as an absolutely, and ignoring the qualifier (the need for militias). That needs to change, and the generation of children which grew up with mass shooter drills will fucking well change it if you don't.

But the devil is always in the details. First off, women need to be equal under the Constitution and at law. And reproductive rights should be guaranteed to all women. Those who oppose abortion on religious grounds simply don't have to have an abortion. But they have to leave those who choose differently, in peace.

The religious right can believe what they want about "sinners" and "sins", but they MUST respect the rights of others to be free of discrimination and hate. If they want to keep gays out of their churches and homes, so be it, but you want to open a business to serve the public, you serve the public, gratefully.

Most rights should be universal - right across the country. Marriage, abortion, anti-discrimination laws, and voting rights and ID requirements. Voting hours should be standard across the country, and maybe a national holiday for voting day so all workers have a chance to vote.

Voting should be made easier, not harder. Once you've been registered to vote, any government issued ID should be sufficient to confirm identity.
Inflation is down
Gas prices are down
Job numbers are still good
Wall street isn't tanking

The world is not ending

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