
And yet what is going on isn’t right either, but you will not complain until a Republican is in office…

What is going on is the result of 40 years of Republican economic policies, and favouring the wealthy in every public policy. Well other first world nations are experiencing SOME of what you're going through, the worst of your economic woes are caused by the economic failures of the Republican economic strategies.
What is going on is the result of 40 years of Republican economic policies, and favouring the wealthy in every public policy. Well other first world nations are experiencing SOME of what you're going through, the worst of your economic woes are caused by the economic failures of the Republican economic strategies.
It's true, the GOP is the source of all evil in the world and the cause of all our woes. In fact, the CIA director just came out and said the GOP is worse than the Taliban.

However can we rid ourselves of them?

Send them to the showers perhaps?

However can we rid ourselves of them?
The solution isn't getting rid of Repubs. The only way they will stop being an obstacle to the future success of the country is by realizing for themselves just how far off the rails they have gone.

Note that while the article pre-dates Trump it does presage his ascension. Also note Ornstein is a conservative.
The solution isn't getting rid of Repubs. The only way they will stop being an obstacle to the future success of the country is by realizing for themselves just how far off the rails they have gone.

Note that while the article pre-dates Trump it does presage his ascension. Also note Ornstein is a conservative.
What is your final solution?
It's true, the GOP is the source of all evil in the world
That slightly overstates the case. Here is the view of another conservative. Daddy Bush's former speechwriter.

That slightly overstates the case. Here is the view of another conservative. Daddy Bush's former speechwriter.

I’ve been a Republican all my adult life. I have worked on the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal, at Forbes magazine, at the Manhattan and American Enterprise Institutes, as a speechwriter in the George W. Bush administration. I believe in free markets, low taxes, reasonable regulation, and limited government. I voted for John McCain in 2008, and I have strongly criticized the major policy decisions of the Obama administration. But as I contemplate my party and my movement in 2011, I see things I simply cannot support.

America desperately needs a responsible and compassionate alternative to the Obama administration’s path of bigger government at higher cost. And yet: This past summer, the GOP nearly forced America to the verge of default just to score a point in a budget debate. In the throes of the worst economic crisis since the Depression, Republican politicians demand massive budget cuts and shrug off the concerns of the unemployed. In the face of evidence of dwindling upward mobility and long-stagnating middle-class wages, my party’s economic ideas sometimes seem to have shrunk to just one: more tax cuts for the very highest earners. When I entered Republican politics, during an earlier period of malaise, in the late seventies and early eighties, the movement got most of the big questions—crime, inflation, the Cold War—right. This time, the party is getting the big questions disastrously wrong.
I can feel it in the air, like never before.

Businesses do not have employees they need.

Inflation is unsustainable and increasing.

Energy is being rationed rather than expanded.

Governments around the world are stopping farmers from using fertilizers needed to keep up with ever increasing demand for food around the world.

All of these things are controlled by world governments around the world as they are pushing the world into a massive reset.

So what will it look like?

Naturally, a one world digital currency is an objective. But what else?


You just described what every country on this planet has been going through, since their inception.
Orwell’s classic novel is likely a good prediction of our future.

It's been updated, revised and republished by the world economic forum.

Which is not a fairy tale conspiracy theory. It is a real organization made up of very real people like leader of china, fauci, bill gates, Charles Schwab and more of the ultra elites that specifically state they will recreate our world in their image.

Predictions of the World in the Bible... :eek-52: eek


3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
I can feel it in the air, like never before.

Businesses do not have employees they need.

Inflation is unsustainable and increasing.

Energy is being rationed rather than expanded.

Governments around the world are stopping farmers from using fertilizers needed to keep up with ever increasing demand for food around the world.

All of these things are controlled by world governments around the world as they are pushing the world into a massive reset.

So what will it look like?

Naturally, a one world digital currency is an objective. But what else?

Interesting utopian thinking -- or dystopian.

Well, I think there is a huge idea of getting the world off fossil fuel energy and into "green" energy. That probably IS a sort of conspiracy, but it's an obvious one. And anything to get us off dependence on the Arabs and Russia!!

Assuming you are right about a massive reset, which I don't necessarily think is so, I'd say the next goal would be to get people so trained to do what they are told by government so that government can put controls on reproduction, because we certainly are in the Population Bomb. Paul Ehrlich was too early, but he wasn't wrong.

Once they get people really trained, like the Chinese are doing now with their pointless zero-Covid silliness which only functions to train people to move in lockstep, then they can start on the overpopulation problem. My concern is that a voluntary or exhortative effort would just result in the smart people cutting back a lot and the stupid people having lots of babies as ever, with bad consequences for the gene pool. I'd like to see licenses for children, depending on ability and achievement. People who have proven worthless to society -- drug abusers, crazies, murderers, thieves, etc. -- no kids allowed. I remember a Heinlein book (Podkayne) in which the parents were so high-achieving they were licensed for six, which turned out to be very inconvenient. But they did their part -----
What is going on is the result of 40 years of Republican economic policies, and favouring the wealthy in every public policy. Well other first world nations are experiencing SOME of what you're going through, the worst of your economic woes are caused by the economic failures of the Republican economic strategies.
Go away, Canadienne. Why should anyone here care what you think?
Cute, about 3-D printing organs for replacement. Sounds good. Should imagine it's very likely, but who knows.

It's the other stuff that concerns me. Particularly filling countries up with illegals, and saying I'd be lucky to eat meat.

They seek globalization of everything. Our lives, money, food, possessions, everything.

3d printing organs will happen though. It's just a matter of technology. 5000 years ago who would have believed I could sit in a chair up in the sky in a giant metal tube while taking a shit and watching live news from the other side of the world on a tiny device I hold in my hand? In ancient Egypt they would have thought I was a god because of a bic lighter and fire came out of my hand.
It's the other stuff that concerns me. Particularly filling countries up with illegals, and saying I'd be lucky to eat meat.

They seek globalization of everything. Our lives, money, food, possessions, everything.

3d printing organs will happen though. It's just a matter of technology. 5000 years ago who would have believed I could sit in a chair up in the sky in a giant metal tube while taking a shit and watching live news from the other side of the world on a tiny device I hold in my hand? In ancient Egypt they would have thought I was a god because of a bic lighter and fire came out of my hand.
Agreed, I stopped watching soon after the not-much-meat stuff and the global warming nonsense. The word "will" is always a lie, that's a principle of mine.

Yeah, could be coming true on the 3-D printing. My husband now has TWO replaced hips --- and can walk pretty well again. This wasn't 3-D printing but metal, but the replacement of failing parts point is made, and this past week there was news about a 3-D printed cornea being put in someone's eye. Hope it works. 3-D has got to be better than using pigs ---
The solution isn't getting rid of Repubs. The only way they will stop being an obstacle to the future success of the country is by realizing for themselves just how far off the rails they have gone.

Note that while the article pre-dates Trump it does presage his ascension. Also note Ornstein is a conservative.
We are the devil to you and your ilk so be it. I have horns a tale and a spear. This is what you want so be it. Now come and enforce your views on us. We dont agree with you. Therefore we are the devil. So do simething about it Fascist.

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