Republicans The Country Has a Crisis with Oil Prices Help or Else!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
America is in crisis with oil prices! The commodity markets for oil don't work, the spread between supply and demand is too tight almost any significant disturbance or potential significant disturbance gets magnified in an increased oil price in the markets. America can't take this pattern of oil price increases that's been occurring in the markets. There is no silver bullet to this problem but it would help a great deal if for domestically produced, that is oil pumped from the ground that is part of the sovereign United States, the Federal Government controlled the price oil is sold for and mandated that the savings be passed on to U.S. end users. The Republican party needs to get on board with this idea their call for increasing domestic oil production is no solution in the short to medium term, President Obama and Vice-President Biden could both resign today resulting in John Boehner ascending to the Presidency and President Boehner could commit to approving every oil company permit for oil drilling the same day the federal government received the permit request and America would still be many years away at best from having enough oil supply to create good and stable oil prices. If the price of regular unleaded gasoline on average across America stays above $3.50/gallon stays much longer and Republicans in Congress don't support price controls on oil produced domestically dozens of Republican in the House of Representatives won't be reelected to office in 2012, the American people are really mad about these high oil prices not only is it causing a lot of hardship to individual American families but it is really hurting the American economy, the American people view this issue very simply members of Congress aren't doing their jobs letting the oil markets jack-up oil prices the way they have and the consequences they will bring will be dramatic!

The media is so business friendly it is sickening; their reports on Fed Chairman Bernanke's first news conference in their news programs was so pro-business anti-consumer it was terrible, they reported technically truthfully that Mr. Bernanke's view is that the current rise of oil prices is a transient thing and he envisions oil prices stabilizing or dropping in the medium term but what else is a responsible and good Chairman going to say he doesn't want to undermine consumer and business confidence. This snippet of his press conference did not reflect Mr. Bernanke's complete assessment on the escalation of oil prices. Mr. Bernanke made three additional important points on this issue: first, the current increase is creating significant drag on the economic recovery from the 2007/2009 recession which is not a robust recovery; second, the current increase is causing a punch to the economy in increasing the price of goods and services that are oil price susceptible and third, the current increase is causing a second punch to the economy in decreasing American families purchasing power and in an economy which is two-thirds consumption based it is making a material difference. Not only should Mr. Bernanke's comments raise a red flag about the escalation in oil prices, but also consider what it is doing to the air line industry all the major ones are not making a profit or only a minor profit and are planning to cut flights because of increased oil prices this bodes poorly for the hotel and recreation industry who won't have customers that would otherwise be taking these canceled flights. America knows from the past high oil prices hurt the trucking industry,the retail industry people don't make as many trips to the mall and the restaurant industry because people don't eat out as much because of less disposable income. The American people are a smart people we recognize that the country can't take another recession right now because with our national debt level we don't have the credit to do the necessary stimulus spending such a recession would necessitate. Congress with its inaction on oil prices is playing Russian Roulette with America's economy and Congress isn't listening the American people don't want to play this game! The American people want this high oil price problem solved which fixing domestically produced oil prices could go a long way to achieving. If members of Congress continue to play the harp while America burns by the oil price flame come $4.25/gallon gasoline the American people in mass are going to go down to Washington and drown out this harp playing with American people protests, the conflict brewing here will be bad -members of Congress need to do their job on this matter!
America has no problem with "oil prices" it has a problem convinving the world of the value of its Dollar. This is a downward currancy slide, not an oil shortage. This is inflation !
America has no problem with "oil prices" it has a problem convinving the world of the value of its Dollar. This is a downward currancy slide, not an oil shortage. This is inflation !

We will look back fondly at the day's of the Original Carter.....

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