Republicans: "Have you No Shame?"


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
After that display of treason, yes I said treason, yesterday.....just how can the GOP Congress sit on their hands and do nothing. The Orange Dictator named trump has shown his total allegiance to Vladimir Putin. He did everything yesterday except kiss him on the lips. Maybe be did that while they were alone.

US Intelligence needs to find out what orders Putin gave to trump while they were alone with interpreters...I am sure he gave him some new ways to tear down the Western Alliance. Putin is aiming to regain the Baltic states, at the very least. trump is doing everything he can to help him. Syria will soon be lost....
After that display of treason, yes I said treason, yesterday.....just how can the GOP Congress sit on their hands and do nothing. The Orange Dictator named trump has shown his total allegiance to Vladimir Putin. He did everything yesterday except kiss him on the lips. Maybe be did that while they were alone.

US Intelligence needs to find out what orders Putin gave to trump while they were alone with interpreters...I am sure he gave him some new ways to tear down the Western Alliance. Putin is aiming to regain the Baltic states, at the very least. trump is doing everything he can to help him. Syria will soon be lost....
Poor baby. Six more years of crying for you.
How do you have any tears left? Are you made of saline?
Trying to get NATO to actually give a damn about the sorry state of their defenses is tearing down eh
After that display of treason...
Barry gives 20% of the US Uranium to Russia, knows Hillary is compromising national security & lets her keep doing it, & knows what the Russians are doing & lets them continue....

Barry attempted to control the outcome of the 2016 elections, protected a felon, & organized a coup should Trump win...

You & other snowflakes have been undermining this President since before he beat your career criminal candidate....

STFU, traitor....
The meeting between Trump and Putin when they were alone was one between a spy master and his asset. I am sure Trump sang like the obese fat canary he truly is. But because the bloated buffoon has the brain the size of a nanotube, he probably walked out of the meeting thinking he won.
The meeting between Trump and Putin when they were alone was one between a spy master and his asset. I am sure Trump sang like the obese fat canary he truly is. But because the bloated buffoon has the brain the size of a nanotube, he probably walked out of the meeting thinking he won.
Sorta like Bill Clinton when he met Putin just before the Uranium One treason scandal...?!
Trying to get NATO to actually give a damn about the sorry state of their defenses is tearing down eh

Did you watch that display of Treason? He chose the word of a murdering thug over the word of his own Intelligence. If that does not Shame you.....Nothing will!

If you can sit and do nothing after the Chamberlain type of also are a TRAITOR.....OR YOU ARE A PUTIN PAWN.
The meeting between Trump and Putin when they were alone was one between a spy master and his asset. I am sure Trump sang like the obese fat canary he truly is. But because the bloated buffoon has the brain the size of a nanotube, he probably walked out of the meeting thinking he won.

trump is the Neville Chamberlain of the 21st Century....but worse. He is actually helping a US adversary to dismantle the Western Alliance. He has given the House to the Dems in November and the Senate it tittering on the edge for the GOP.
After that display of treason, yes I said treason, yesterday.....just how can the GOP Congress sit on their hands and do nothing. The Orange Dictator named trump has shown his total allegiance to Vladimir Putin. He did everything yesterday except kiss him on the lips. Maybe be did that while they were alone.

US Intelligence needs to find out what orders Putin gave to trump while they were alone with interpreters...I am sure he gave him some new ways to tear down the Western Alliance. Putin is aiming to regain the Baltic states, at the very least. trump is doing everything he can to help him. Syria will soon be lost....

Your side failed to take down our President by suffrage. Now, you play the treason card. Much the same as on this message board, the Left thinks he who shouts out nonsense the loudest, wins. What your side really wants is absolute chaos; enough chaos to incite millions of Americans to swarm government buildings and drag the traitors out into the streets. Not gonna happen, sunshine.
After that display of treason, yes I said treason, yesterday.....just how can the GOP Congress sit on their hands and do nothing. The Orange Dictator named trump has shown his total allegiance to Vladimir Putin. He did everything yesterday except kiss him on the lips. Maybe be did that while they were alone.

US Intelligence needs to find out what orders Putin gave to trump while they were alone with interpreters...I am sure he gave him some new ways to tear down the Western Alliance. Putin is aiming to regain the Baltic states, at the very least. trump is doing everything he can to help him. Syria will soon be lost....

You needs meds kid, seriously.
After that display of treason, yes I said treason, yesterday.....just how can the GOP Congress sit on their hands and do nothing. The Orange Dictator named trump has shown his total allegiance to Vladimir Putin. He did everything yesterday except kiss him on the lips. Maybe be did that while they were alone.

US Intelligence needs to find out what orders Putin gave to trump while they were alone with interpreters...I am sure he gave him some new ways to tear down the Western Alliance. Putin is aiming to regain the Baltic states, at the very least. trump is doing everything he can to help him. Syria will soon be lost....

This is what happens to whiny beta males who post in sheer utterly emotional wats. They get bitch slapped.

Thousands of
Nato troops have amassed close to the border with Russia as part of the largest build-up of Western troops neighbouring Moscow’s sphere of influence since the Cold War.

The Baltic states, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria are hosting soldiers from across Nato’s 28 member states, with more than 7,000 troops deployed in countries bordering Russia.

The UK is the lead nation in Estonia, where
800 soldiers are based at the Tapa base, about 50 miles from Tallinn, helped by French and Danish forces.

British soldiers are also deployed in Poland as part of a US-led Nato mission numbering some 4,000 troops, which is supported by the Romanian army."

The map that shows how many Nato troops are deployed along Russia’s border
The meeting between Trump and Putin when they were alone was one between a spy master and his asset. I am sure Trump sang like the obese fat canary he truly is. But because the bloated buffoon has the brain the size of a nanotube, he probably walked out of the meeting thinking he won.

trump is the Neville Chamberlain of the 21st Century....but worse. He is actually helping a US adversary to dismantle the Western Alliance. He has given the House to the Dems in November and the Senate it tittering on the edge for the GOP.
In case you hadn't noticed, Jim, the Trumpbots here were not phased by Trump's performance. A lot of people in this country may have vaguely heard that Trump met with Putin yesterday and that Trump once again said he didn't believe Russians interfered with the election, but that's about it. That's not exactly a news flash. Most people aren't glued to CNN and FOX; they've got lives completely unrelated to politics and they could give two shits as long as they've got a job.
After that display of treason, yes I said treason, yesterday.....just how can the GOP Congress sit on their hands and do nothing. The Orange Dictator named trump has shown his total allegiance to Vladimir Putin. He did everything yesterday except kiss him on the lips. Maybe be did that while they were alone.

US Intelligence needs to find out what orders Putin gave to trump while they were alone with interpreters...I am sure he gave him some new ways to tear down the Western Alliance. Putin is aiming to regain the Baltic states, at the very least. trump is doing everything he can to help him. Syria will soon be lost....

Your side failed to take down our President by suffrage. Now, you play the treason card. Much the same as on this message board, the Left thinks he who shouts out nonsense the loudest, wins. What your side really wants is absolute chaos; enough chaos to incite millions of Americans to swarm government buildings and drag the traitors out into the streets. Not gonna happen, sunshine.

That's what the Political Class wants. When violence erupts marshall law will be declared. It will get worse from there.
The meeting between Trump and Putin when they were alone was one between a spy master and his asset. I am sure Trump sang like the obese fat canary he truly is. But because the bloated buffoon has the brain the size of a nanotube, he probably walked out of the meeting thinking he won.

trump is the Neville Chamberlain of the 21st Century....but worse. He is actually helping a US adversary to dismantle the Western Alliance. He has given the House to the Dems in November and the Senate it tittering on the edge for the GOP.

Interesting...Trump holding his NATO allies feet to the fire to strengthen their defenses somehow "dismantles" the Western Alliance and makes it more vulnerable to Russia? That's rather amusing.

The Democrats aren't winning the House or the Senate come November, Jim. They'll lose seats. Why? Because they're running on nonsense like an open border and the abolishing of ICE! You folks on the far left are so disconnected from reality at this point it borders on farce. You don't have solutions to anything any more...all you have is identity politics and division. Not only will you not win in this election...if you don't get your act won't win for quite some time.
The meeting between Trump and Putin when they were alone was one between a spy master and his asset. I am sure Trump sang like the obese fat canary he truly is. But because the bloated buffoon has the brain the size of a nanotube, he probably walked out of the meeting thinking he won.

trump is the Neville Chamberlain of the 21st Century....but worse. He is actually helping a US adversary to dismantle the Western Alliance. He has given the House to the Dems in November and the Senate it tittering on the edge for the GOP.

Interesting...Trump holding his NATO allies feet to the fire to strengthen their defenses somehow "dismantles" the Western Alliance and makes it more vulnerable to Russia? That's rather amusing.

The Democrats aren't winning the House or the Senate come November, Jim. They'll lose seats. Why? Because they're running on nonsense like an open border and the abolishing of ICE! You folks on the far left are so disconnected from reality at this point it borders on farce. You don't have solutions to anything any more...all you have is identity politics and division. Not only will you not win in this election...if you don't get your act won't win for quite some time.

Poor Jim is suffering from an estrogen attack. Rump is the magician, nothing more.He is the distraction. We are protecting the Balkans and have NATO troops on Russia's border. We have Russian Subs off he East Coast and have a Carrier out there watching them. Everything is priming itself for a conflagration everywhere. This entire thing is stunning to watch.
After that display of treason, yes I said treason, yesterday.....just how can the GOP Congress sit on their hands and do nothing. The Orange Dictator named trump has shown his total allegiance to Vladimir Putin. He did everything yesterday except kiss him on the lips. Maybe be did that while they were alone.

US Intelligence needs to find out what orders Putin gave to trump while they were alone with interpreters...I am sure he gave him some new ways to tear down the Western Alliance. Putin is aiming to regain the Baltic states, at the very least. trump is doing everything he can to help him. Syria will soon be lost....
Take off the tin foil hat. Please, with facts and accuracy prove treason.
The meeting between Trump and Putin when they were alone was one between a spy master and his asset. I am sure Trump sang like the obese fat canary he truly is. But because the bloated buffoon has the brain the size of a nanotube, he probably walked out of the meeting thinking he won.
Considering you have no idea what was discussed, your post is of no significance.

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