Do We Really Want to Elect a Con as President

^^ it’s amazing how these leftwing twats have to lie to themselves about basic facts. Total brainwashed moron.
This comes from a right wing loon who thinks an election was stolen and that 1-6 was not an insurrection.
America has always been great. Well until tRump (the t is silent) came on the political charge. All we have to do to get our greatness back is to run tRump off as well as his supporters for good. Bush Sr. made a mistake when he let a group out of the box so they could destroy the GOP as well as the Tea Party.
Does the left really want to give the responsibility of bringing America back to it's greatness to a career politician with a deteriorating mental condition who never had a real job? TDS lefties are in a bind, they can't in good conscience support Biden but TDS prevents them from making a rational decision. For comparison the grade for an administration used to be short and to the point, "peace and prosperity". We had it during the Trump administration and we don't have it now.

Polls show a great many people are not buying into Braggs bullshit case. This being in New York it is possible he gets a guilty verdict and that verdict being overturned is as close to a sure thing as you can get. The only people really taking this case seriously are the most virulent anti Trump ones who were never voting for him under any circumstances.
"Show me the man and I'll show you the crime"....Stalin's secret police chief. Do we want to continue the Biden Stalinist regime or are we ready to make America great again?
If Trump could get away with it he'd steal the eyes out of your head if he could make a buck from it.
Vaxxing to stop people from dying is a constitutioonal mandate. Trump
Except it didn’t stop people from dying and was experimental and dangerous. I guess you believe what the government did to the Tuskegee airmen was “constitutional“.
Does the left really want to give the responsibility of bringing America back to it's greatness to a career politician with a deteriorating mental condition who never had a real job? TDS lefties are in a bind, they can't in good conscience support Biden but TDS prevents them from making a rational decision. For comparison the grade for an administration used to be short and to the point, "peace and prosperity". We had it during the Trump administration and we don't have it now.
Trump is a 78 year od man who is mentaly detiriorating and inherited everything he has. He has NEVER had to work in his life.





This is neither peace or prosperity.
I took baths with my mom or dad when I was small. And I could have as a teenager and would not have thought anything of it.
This explains a lot about you. Normal people don't take inappropriate showers with their teenage children.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

So do we really want to allow a convict (Trump) the option to uphold the law? Trump has been indicted on 88 counts. He faces 34 in this trial. He will not be found innocent of all 34. So it is time to face the fact that the Republican nominee for president will be a convict.
You support con man biden

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