Debate Now Republican candidates discussion, Conservative/libertarian/tea party only


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Rules for this thread....

you must support conservative, libertarian or Tea Party beliefs and candidates.....

If you have a republican in clown face as your avatar you cannot post in this thread...

If you are a known anti Republican, Tea Party hater, you cannot post in this thread.....

This thread is for the debate of Republican Presidential Candidates from those who actually support the opponents of the democrats....I say that as a person who only votes republican because the libertarians can't get enough people elected to make a difference, perhaps Rand Paul will change that....
My two favorites so far....Ted Cruz and Scott Walker....they seem to actually be fighters...both have actually fought against the democrats.....and aren't of the mind set to "reach across the aisle" which actually means caving to any or all demands of democrats just to appear nice......
My two favorites are the same. Cruz, Walker. I think Cruz is very knowledgeable on our Constitution and laws. Walker is a Governor, which I prefer to have as a President since they have experience in running a state. I do like Bobby Jindal too
My two favorites are the same. Cruz, Walker. I think Cruz is very knowledgeable on our Constitution and laws. Walker is a Governor, which I prefer to have as a President since they have experience in running a state. I do like Bobby Jindal too

I like Walker because he has fought and defeated the democrats 3 times and they really tried to take him down....any of the other republicans would have folded and given up at the first whiff of media outrage......except for Ted Cruz of course, another reason I like him...the only thing I am concerned with with Cruz is he hasn't been a governor......that usually helps....but as a local commentator pointed out he has an outstanding non political that helps compared to "community orgainizing".....

Oh...and Walker passed Concealed Carry in Wisconsin.....again, after dealing with anti gun attacks about blood in the streets....
Jindal is good too....and I just read an article that Rand Paul defended the pro life position and attacked pro abortion activists to defend their position...not something republicans normally do....
Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. A Christian and a Jeffersonian libertarian. We still have a pining for our revolutionary principles, however meager, and these two can remind us of them.
As much as I'd like to support this person or that, I know the reality of our situation.

most of the media will lie about the gop and lie in support of the dnc. Nothing important will be considered important and the most useless non-sense will be headliners.

just look at obamas re-election
My two favorites are the same. Cruz, Walker. I think Cruz is very knowledgeable on our Constitution and laws. Walker is a Governor, which I prefer to have as a President since they have experience in running a state. I do like Bobby Jindal too

I like Walker because he has fought and defeated the democrats 3 times and they really tried to take him down....any of the other republicans would have folded and given up at the first whiff of media outrage......except for Ted Cruz of course, another reason I like him...the only thing I am concerned with with Cruz is he hasn't been a governor......that usually helps....but as a local commentator pointed out he has an outstanding non political that helps compared to "community orgainizing".....

Oh...and Walker passed Concealed Carry in Wisconsin.....again, after dealing with anti gun attacks about blood in the streets....

all true. Walker didn't just defeat the union and democrats. he beat them down and out of millions of dollars...which was so sweet justice....and they've been gunning for him ever since. And Cruz does have an impressive resume. I could see a Walker/Cruz ticket. I think that would be ass kicking.
Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. A Christian and a Jeffersonian libertarian. We still have a pining for our revolutionary principles, however meager, and these two can remind us of them.

Yeah...Ted Cruz, Scott Walker and Rand Paul.......strong candidates.....

What about Carla Fiorini.....what do you guys think of her......I don't know much about her......
Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. A Christian and a Jeffersonian libertarian. We still have a pining for our revolutionary principles, however meager, and these two can remind us of them.

Yeah...Ted Cruz, Scott Walker and Rand Paul.......strong candidates.....

What about Carla Fiorini.....what do you guys think of her......I don't know much about her......

I heard her speaking the other day. I am very impressed with her. she might be a good vice President..... or President who knows
As much as I'd like to support this person or that, I know the reality of our situation.

most of the media will lie about the gop and lie in support of the dnc. Nothing important will be considered important and the most useless non-sense will be headliners.

just look at obamas re-election

I agree...that is one of the reasons our only chance will be with a proven fighter...someone who doesn't fold under media pressure and who can turn the fight back on the democrat candidate.....

I fear Rubio, and Bush are not fighters of that nature...

as Dan Proft said on his radio show...the Republicans need more street fighters and fewer cake eaters.....the democrats are all street fighters and take no prisoners.....

They will force open sealed divorce records....and do absolutely anything to get elected....
At the moment Walker is looking like the candidate who could do the best job of cleaning up Obama's Augean stable. He'd also need veto-proof congressional majorities for most things to "stick" but he seems, of all the proposed candidates, best able to convince a few Democrats to see that they should, on occasion, think of America rather than exclusively of The Democrat Party.

Still, I don't think the present list of presidential wannabes is anywhere near complete and, who knows, there may even be a "darkie" in the woodpile!

Apparently we have a new filter - has net neutrality political correctness manifest itself this quickly?
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I remember when McCain's people attacked their supporter...a radio host who opened an event for McCain...the radio guy said Barak Hussein Obama....and the campaign staffers told him to stop using Hussein.......I knew...well, long before that really, that McCain didn't have what it took to deal with the democrats...dittos Dole and Romney.....
I have to say this is a nice break from dealing with the other side....
I have to say this is a nice break from dealing with the other side....

yes it is. how sad we have to ask them to stay away in order to have a CIVIL debate. but that's what it's come to
Does anyone think Chris Christie should even try? After he helped obama during Romney's run I won't vote for him......

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