Rep Jim Jordan Explains Another Example of Dems WEAPONIZING Govt Against The People

Not a Monkeys Uncle

Diamond Member
Jan 25, 2022
Rep Jim Jordan Explains Another Example of Dems WEAPONIZING Govt Against The People

Rep Jim Jordan: "this is just one more example of how they weaponize the government against the American people”

OP: Thread after thread demonstrates the utter fascism that Democrats have embraced. I guess the liberals here will not admit it until they wind up in a gulag for some minor thing

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Rep Jim Jordan Explains Another Example of Dems WEAPONIZING Govt Against The People

Rep Jim Jordan: "this is just one more example of how they weaponize the government against the American people”

OP: Thread aft6er thread demonstrates the utter fascism that Democrats have embraced. I guess the liberals here will not admit it until they wind up in a gulag for some minor thing

Where are these gulags you experienced?
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Fox News' Mark Levin noted that suspects in the January 6 attack on the Capitol are being treated worse than "terrorists" who are detained at Guantanamo Bay, and the charges against them have not been made public.

Speaking on his Life, Liberty & Levin show on Saturday night, the host asked what is happening to the hundreds of suspects, adding that "we don't have secret trials" in the United States.

"What are we hearing, we're hearing that we have more FBI resources applied to this than to anything else, that people are being rounded up all over the country and being charged in some cases with misdemeanors," Levin said.

"We have SWAT teams that are being used to collect people and bring them back to Washington. We're hearing that they're in some of the worst jails, and that some of them are being put in solitary confinement, where they only have an hour where they can go outside if that, that they're being fed poor food, that they're being treated like they're terrorists at Guantanamo Bay, where the would be treated actually better."

Levin correctly argued that the protest was not an insurrection, and that the former president could not have incited it—refuting the allegation over which Trump was impeached.

He also questioned why the Department of Justice has not publicly released the "hours and hours and hours" of video footage it has obtained as part of the investigation, as well why Capitol Police have not identified the officer who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt that day.

"She wasn't carrying a weapon. She was killed, a veteran of 14 years, a Trump supporter. We don't get any of the facts who shot her and why she was shot," Levin said.

"Biden wants you to believe that this is part of a white supremacy movement, neo-Nazis and Klansmen," Levin said. "It's not true. But if it is true, tell us who exactly are the neo-Nazis and the Klansmen.
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In the name of the Capitol “insurrection,” the editor of Forbes, Randall Lane, announced that Forbes media was “holding those who lied for Trump accountable” in what he called “a truth reckoning”:
“Hire any of Trump’s (press secretaries),” Lane warned, “and Forbes will assume that everything your company or firm talks about is a lie.”
What the left is doing is announcing — and enforcing — that conservatives “do not belong” in our society. The parallels to 1933 are precise. And most good Americans are keeping silent, just as did most Germans. Though they do not risk being beaten up, are Americans in 2021 as afraid of the American left as Germans in 1933 were of the German fascists? We’re about to find out.

So unlike the Germans in the 1930s... we have no place to go as the Germans that fled came to the USA.

What country can we flee to?
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Pavlich: Democrats' weaponization of the DOJ is back

In 2009, a national, grassroots movement known as the Tea Party emerged in cities across the country to combat then-President Obama’s radical spending agenda and government takeover of American health care. Bureaucrats at the IRS and Department of Justice quickly took notice and got to work to stop it. After all, with midterm elections right around the corner, Obama’s political agenda was at stake.

“This was not an accident. This is a willful act of intimidation to discourage a point of view. What the government did to our little group in Wetumpka, Alabama is un-American,” Wetumpka Tea Party President Becky Gerritson testified at a June 2013 congressional hearing. “The demands for information in the questionnaire shocked me as someone who loves liberty and the First Amendment. I was asked to hand over my donor list including the amounts that they gave and the dates in which they gave them.”

“We knew we were being targeted because fellow Tea Party organizers across this nation were getting the same types of letters and questionnaires,” she continued.

While IRS officials in Washington, D.C., claimed the targeting was an isolated, rogue operation in an Ohio office, documents showed the IRS was asked by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Rep. Elijiah Cummings (D-Md.) to “look into” the groups.

Right on cue, IRS official Lois Lerner had a series of meetings with DOJ officials about how to criminally prosecute conservative groups with a goal of making them an example. Groups applying for tax-exempt status with the words “tea party” or “patriot” in their titles were singled out for extra scrutiny.

“One IRS prosecution would make an impact and they wouldn’t feel so comfortable doing the stuff,” Lerner said in a 2013 email. In another email, Lerner said the “Tea Party Matter [is] very dangerous.”

It was obvious the IRS was attempting to quash political dissent. Lerner eventually admitted the targeting was wrong, retired and then the IRS “lost” thousands of her emails.

Fast-forward to 2016, and politically motivated FBI agents, who regularly exchanged text messages about their disdain for former President Trump, used a fake dossier commissioned and paid for by the Clinton campaign to go after Hillary Clinton’s presidential political opponent.

While the FBI maintains the fake document wasn’t used to obtain FISA warrants against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, bad information was. Years later and after significant damage, a FISA judge berated the bureau and ruled two warrants were illegal. Former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith falsified information on FISA applications in order to get them approved.

“This manufactured scandal and associated lies caused me to adopt the lifestyle of an international fugitive for years,” Page said during a court hearing about the illegal surveillance. “I often have felt as if I had been left with no life at all. Each member of my family was severely impacted.”

Now that Democrats are back in charge at DOJ, the political weaponization of the agency has returned and concerned parents are the target.

After President Biden received a letter from the National School Boards Association (NSBA) requesting DOJ treat parents as domestic terrorists, with an assist from the Patriot Act, Attorney General Merrick Garland coincidently released an official memo warning the FBI would be monitoring school board meetings. During recent congressional testimony, Garland admitted the letter from NSBA, not an independent investigation or evidence of “threats,” was used for the DOJ memo.

After heavy criticism and outrage, with many school boards disavowing the letter, the NSBA backtracked and issued an apology.

“There was no justification for some of the language included in the letter. We should have had a better process in place to allow for consultation on a communication of this significance,” the NSBA wrote in a follow up letter. “The voices of parents should and must continue to be heard when it comes to decisions about their children’s education, health and safety.”

As of this writing, Garland hasn’t withdrawn the DOJ memo issuing federal law enforcement scrutiny to local meetings. NSBA President Viola Garcia has been appointed by Education Secretary Miguel Cardona to the National Assessment Governing Board, where she will give guidance on education policy. She is the author of the original letter calling for DOJ to go after parents.
CUNTSERVATIVES weaponizing the government and getting people killed.

And yet another senseless murder compliments of the Cuntservative RIGHT.
These Trump supporters and Christians MUST BE STOPPED. They are brutal, savage dogs loose on society.
When will they finally be put down so life can return to normal???

Pennsylvania Uber driver and mother of four pleads for her life before being shot in head, suspect arrested​

'I'm begging you,' the mother told the passenger nearly two days before her body was discovered
Where are these gulags you experienced?
New England and the Northeast in general have been turned into one giant gulag over the course of my lifetime.

Those of us who are not Leftist shills have been entombed here by the political class and it’s Leftist adherents in both parties.
The democrook party is the Khmer Rouge of the US.

We need a Pinochet.

Otherwise millions of people will be exterminated at an industrial level.

In 2009, a national, grassroots movement known as the Tea Party emerged in cities across the country to combat then-President Obama’s radical spending agenda and government takeover of American health care.
A number of lies to unpack there. Let's be clear about the movement's origins. It came about as a backlash to the need for enormous deficit spending in the wake of the near depression Obama inherited from Shrub. Saying it was a radical spending agenda when it was the basic Keynesian playbook Repubs and Dems had always applied to economic crises is just manifestly false. As for the Tea Party, once it got going it was funded behind the scenes by folks like the Koch's and was motivated as much as anything else by racial animus towards Obama. I recall those disgusting witch doctor signs at Tea Party rallies. A foreshadowing of the white nationalism that would come to the fore when the Bigot-in-Chief was elected in 2016. Finally, I'm surprised even a nitwit like yourself would go back to using one of the most blatant lies about the ACA, that is was a government takeover of healthcare. That one is right up there with death panels in its deceit.
You are a credit to your family I am sure

I'm a worthless, frail, ankle grabbing helpless Cuntservative. JUST LIKE YOU !!
We are expert "Mouth runners" but too cowardly to ever actually do anything meaningful.

The expert weighs in also......
Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

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