Remember when the NFL did not allow Avery Williamson to wear cleats honoring 911...


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Avery Williamson wanted to wear cleats honoring the 15 year anniversary of 911.

He was threatened with fines....



Don't worry. The liberals supported the NFL banning that freedom of expression.

Especially the espn types who did not say a word about this. Boy, they sure care about freedom of speech don't they?
The NFL didn't start having the players come out and stand for the national anthem until 2009, and it was done as a marketing ploy to make the NFL look more "patriotic" and sell them to the American people.
The NFL didn't start having the players come out and stand for the national anthem until 2009, and it was done as a marketing ploy to make the NFL look more "patriotic" and sell them to the American people.
Have any other irrelevant things to say? Like how you toast pop tarts or something?
The NFL didn't start having the players come out and stand for the national anthem until 2009, and it was done as a marketing ploy to make the NFL look more "patriotic" and sell them to the American people.
Have any other irrelevant things to say? Like how you toast pop tarts or something?

I'm just saying that having the players stand for the anthem is a recent development and it was done as a marketing ploy. Anyone ever think that maybe some of those players didn't want to have to come out and stand for the anthem?

Maybe that is where the genesis of the protest actually is.
The NFL didn't start having the players come out and stand for the national anthem until 2009, and it was done as a marketing ploy to make the NFL look more "patriotic" and sell them to the American people.

And they got busted for it, and sent some $723,000 back to the government --- because it was taxpayer pimp money.

Oh but we don't dare call that out.
Avery Williamson wanted to wear cleats honoring the 15 year anniversary of 911.

He was threatened with fines....



Don't worry. The liberals supported the NFL banning that freedom of expression.

Especially the espn types who did not say a word about this. Boy, they sure care about freedom of speech don't they?

Because the NFLs strict uniform policy .

You seriously think the NFL is a liberal organization? Lol.
Avery Williamson wanted to wear cleats honoring the 15 year anniversary of 911.

He was threatened with fines....



Don't worry. The liberals supported the NFL banning that freedom of expression.

Especially the espn types who did not say a word about this. Boy, they sure care about freedom of speech don't they?

That's because it actually IS in the NFL rule book --- unlike this bullshit idea of 'standing for the national anthem' --- that they can't wear political or message gear, or convey personal messages. Not even positive constructive ones.

What's your point here?
This is a great example of right wing propaganda . Implying it was the political message that offended the NFL. Which is a lie .
Avery Williamson wanted to wear cleats honoring the 15 year anniversary of 911.

He was threatened with fines....



Don't worry. The liberals supported the NFL banning that freedom of expression.

Especially the espn types who did not say a word about this. Boy, they sure care about freedom of speech don't they?

That's because it actually IS in the NFL rule book --- unlike this bullshit idea of 'standing for the national anthem' --- that they can't wear political or message gear, or convey personal messages. Not even positive constructive ones.

What's your point here?
Oh so if the owners put it in the rules like Trump suggested, then you would be OK with that?

I thought you guys were about freedom of speech. Oh riiiiight. It is only if the speech denegrates America.

Of course any speech that supports the country you hate.....Well now it is all about some righteous NFL rule.

Are you saying you want the NFL to make a rule like Trump is suggesting?

Let's watch the liberal two step dance.
The NFL didn't start having the players come out and stand for the national anthem until 2009, and it was done as a marketing ploy to make the NFL look more "patriotic" and sell them to the American people.
Have any other irrelevant things to say? Like how you toast pop tarts or something?

I'm just saying that having the players stand for the anthem is a recent development and it was done as a marketing ploy. Anyone ever think that maybe some of those players didn't want to have to come out and stand for the anthem?

Maybe that is where the genesis of the protest actually is.

Then if they want to go back to that, great!

Why don't you get right on that? That way the DoD will never do another fly-over or supply color guards for the games.
Avery Williamson wanted to wear cleats honoring the 15 year anniversary of 911.

He was threatened with fines....



Don't worry. The liberals supported the NFL banning that freedom of expression.

Especially the espn types who did not say a word about this. Boy, they sure care about freedom of speech don't they?

yup the NFL is very selective in which speech they tolerate

they refused to let the cowboys honor the five dead cops

killed protecting BLM while they protested against the cops

you can better spend your money elsewhere
Avery Williamson wanted to wear cleats honoring the 15 year anniversary of 911.

He was threatened with fines....



Don't worry. The liberals supported the NFL banning that freedom of expression.

Especially the espn types who did not say a word about this. Boy, they sure care about freedom of speech don't they?

yup the NFL is very selective in which speech they tolerate

they refused to let the cowboys honor the five dead cops

killed protecting BLM while they protested against the cops

you can better spend your money elsewhere

Ah, the old False Dichotomy fallacy, yet again. "Not allowing A means B, where A and B comprise everthing".

Guess what Sparkles --- the NFL bans any kind of extraneous messages on players' gear. Part of the concept of "uniform". That has to apply to any message whether positive or negative, even breast cancer.

That doesn't mean the NFL is in favor of breast cancer and thinks there should be more of it, DUMBASS.

Guess what else, Sprinkles.

---- NONE of this current topic relates to what anybody's wearing.
Avery Williamson wanted to wear cleats honoring the 15 year anniversary of 911.

He was threatened with fines....



Don't worry. The liberals supported the NFL banning that freedom of expression.

Especially the espn types who did not say a word about this. Boy, they sure care about freedom of speech don't they?

That's because it actually IS in the NFL rule book --- unlike this bullshit idea of 'standing for the national anthem' --- that they can't wear political or message gear, or convey personal messages. Not even positive constructive ones.

What's your point here?
Oh so if the owners put it in the rules like Trump suggested, then you would be OK with that?

I thought you guys were about freedom of speech. Oh riiiiight. It is only if the speech denegrates America.

Of course any speech that supports the country you hate.....Well now it is all about some righteous NFL rule.

Are you saying you want the NFL to make a rule like Trump is suggesting?

Let's watch the liberal two step dance.

Already addressed. I'm telling you why your false comparison IS a false comparison. Uniform regs are in the rules. National anthem is not. Simple.

If the NFL followed Orange-a-tan's suit, then they'd simply BOTH be wrong. And they'd never get away with it anyway. I know you fascist types looooooooove to dictate how your dancing puppets gyrate but unfortunately there's this thing called "free will". It's what created this country and wrote its Constitution. If you can't handle that start taking lessons in Korean.

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