REMARKABLE: AP - 'Hillary the real 'VICTIM' in Weiner Case / Sentencing


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Yes, the AP has managed to find a way to make HILLARY CLINTON the 'VICTIM' in the Anthony Weiner case and conviction!

Forget about the 15yo girl who was the victim of Weiner's criminal sexting and pedophilia.

Forget about Huma Abedin, Weiner's wife who he betrayed ... again.

Forget that the only reason Hillary was even seriously mentioned in this case was because the personal laptop that sat upon Weiner's naked junk as he committed his criminal acts of pedophilia and sexting illegally contained thousands of Hillary Clinton classified e-mails that were in violation of the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, jeopardizing this nation's national security by being on an un-official, un-approved, un-secured, un-encrypted personal laptop.

NO....HILLARY is the VICTIM in this Weiner Trial / Scandal / Conviction.... so says the AP.

AP Take on Weiner Sentence: Hillary the Real Victim - Breitbart

"As the Associated Press (AP) wire reported live from the New York City federal courtroom in which Anthony Weiner was sentenced to 21 months in prison Monday, defeated presidential candidate Hillary Clinton featured prominently in their coverage.

The six-year salacious scandal that saw Weiner, the former Democratic congressman from New York, disgraced, departed from office, decisively defeated in the New York City mayoral election, and finally a defendant in a sex crimes trial

When the sexual deviance-drenched saga reached its seeming conclusion Monday with
Weiner due to report to federal prison this November, the AP referred to it as the “sexting scandal that some blame for Hillary Clinton’s presidential loss” and “a case that may have cost Hillary Clinton’s [sic] the presidency.”

The investigation into Hillary’s private email server, which she set up in violation of state department policy and which many saw as potentially criminal, was thrust back onto center stage of the 2016 presidential election in October when the unrelated investigation of Weiner’s criminal “sexting” with a 15-year-old girl turned up thousands of Clinton emails on his devices."

Poor, poor Hillary. How could Ant'ny Weiner do this to HER!?

"Hillary and her surrogates later used the FBI announcement of the fact her emails showed up on the computer of a man under investigation for asking a 15-year-old to undress and masturbate for him on webcam as one of the many explanations, along with “Russia” and “misogyny,” for her shocking loss to Donald Trump. Clinton eventually went so far as to claim, “If the election were on October 27 [the day before Comey announced the Weiner emails], I’d be your president.”

I am sure this bullshit has it's own section in Hillary's 'This Is Who I Am Blaming For My Losing The 2016 Election' book.

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Jesus Christ.......POOR VICTIM HILLARY.


The Democratic party propaganda ministry strikes again, and by that I mean the lying dishonest liberal run media and press.

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