Judge to Democrat, Kwame Kilpatrick: I'm not changing my mind; pay your $1.5M restitution tab


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
Judge to Kilpatrick: I'm not changing my mind; pay your $1.5M restitution tab

The persistent Kwame Kilpatrick has struck out with a judge who says she's not swayed by his pleas for help: U.S. District Judge Nancy Edmunds, who Monday refused to erase the ex-Detroit mayor's $1.52-million restitution tab.

And it's not for lack of trying on Kilpatrick's part.

The imprisoned ex-mayor has repeatedly argued that he shouldn't have to pay any restitution to Detroit because — he claims — he committed no crimes. He also claims to have only 96 cents in his prison bank account.

Four weeks ago, Edmunds ordered Kilpatrick to pay $1.52 million for crimes a jury concluded harmed the city of Detroit, including extortion, bribery and fraud. Kilpatrick asked Edmunds to reconsider, arguing there's no proof he bribed anyone or rigged any contracts.

Edmunds said no, concluding Kilpatrick hasn't made any arguments that he hasn't made before.

"Defendant merely re-hashes the same arguments he made before," Edmunds wrote in a filing Monday. "A motion for reconsideration is not a vehicle to re-hash old arguments."

Given Kilpatrick's financial status and his present condition — he's in prison for another 20 years — the city is not likely to see the money for a long time, if ever.

Kilpatrick is serving a 28-year prison sentence in Oklahoma for his 2013 corruption conviction and won't be eligible for release until 2037. He will be 67.

It was Edmunds who handed down the stiff sentence, one of the largest in U.S. history for public corruption.

Add to that, the ex-mayor still owes an additional $852,000 in restitution to the city of Detroit stemming from the text message scandal that triggered his eventual downfall. His last payment was made in 2013 — the year of his federal racketeering conviction.

Kilpatrick was convicted of running a racket through City Hall, committing extortion, bribery and fraud through a series of pay-to-play schemes that prosecutors say enriched him and his friends.

Kilpatrick was originally ordered to pay $4.5 million in restitution, but he challenged the amount, claiming there was no proof he used his job as mayor to enrich himself and friends to the tune of $4.5 million...

...Kilpatrick has unsuccessfully appealed his conviction through the courts. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear his appeal, but he is still fighting for his freedom...

In the words of another Democrat, Clay Davis: Sheeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittt.
Fucking corrupt liberals.

Detroit has been raped by corruption....as has Illinois.

4 Illinois governors have gone to prison for corruption!! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

If you criticize corrupt liberals, you are a racist misogynist homophobic Islamaphobe.

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