Religious nut pauses campaign to run the free world in order to consider a problem that doesnt exi

You're the one pissing and moaning. I'm the one laughing at you are your inability to grasp simple concepts.

Like fish in a barrel.
Oddly, you said the same thing about gay marriage. You thought all those silly last minute laws that were passed would stop that. It didn't work then, and this won't work now. You lost again. Get used to it.
Oddly, I never made that case. The oddity is between your ears. in a barrel.

You say you didn't oppose gay marriage? They would have revoked your nut job card if that was true.
Like I said in a barrel. You said "You thought all those silly last minute laws that were passed would stop that." Which I never said. Now you pretend I claimed I didn't oppose gay marriage.

See, in those few words it proves what a dishonest retard you are. Bingo!

If you say so,but you still lost.
You are a loser, loser. He says so and it is true. Libtards hate truth and normality. Anything weird and makes no sense seems libtards love.
Oddly, you said the same thing about gay marriage. You thought all those silly last minute laws that were passed would stop that. It didn't work then, and this won't work now. You lost again. Get used to it.
Oddly, I never made that case. The oddity is between your ears. in a barrel.

You say you didn't oppose gay marriage? They would have revoked your nut job card if that was true.
Like I said in a barrel. You said "You thought all those silly last minute laws that were passed would stop that." Which I never said. Now you pretend I claimed I didn't oppose gay marriage.

See, in those few words it proves what a dishonest retard you are. Bingo!

If you say so,but you still lost.
You are a loser, loser. He says so and it is true. Libtards hate truth and normality. Anything weird and makes no sense seems libtards love.
Perfect example of the arrogance common to most on the right – neither you nor any other conservative is in any position to determine what is ‘normal,’ ‘weird,’ or ‘makes no sense.’

Liberals celebrate and embrace change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty, something most on the right fear.

And one of the more idiotic, reprehensible manifestations of conservativism is this North Carolina ‘law’ based on fear, ignorance, and hate.
Hmmmm, you obviously have an open mind on the issue. Pretty soon degenerates like yourself will be extinct.

Natural selection dictates otherwise.

No matter how our society may degrade itself to cater to perverts and degenerates, it is sane, heterosexuals who will do the vast majority of procreating and passing on their traits to future generations. Homosexuals, trannies, and similar degenerates will never be more than a fringe element of society.

I agree that homosexuals and transsexuals will never be more than a tiny percentage of the population, but that is no reason to deny them the same rights we all deserve.
Oddly, you said the same thing about gay marriage. You thought all those silly last minute laws that were passed would stop that. It didn't work then, and this won't work now. You lost again. Get used to it.
Oddly, I never made that case. The oddity is between your ears. in a barrel.

You say you didn't oppose gay marriage? They would have revoked your nut job card if that was true.
Like I said in a barrel. You said "You thought all those silly last minute laws that were passed would stop that." Which I never said. Now you pretend I claimed I didn't oppose gay marriage.

See, in those few words it proves what a dishonest retard you are. Bingo!

If you say so,but you still lost.
You are a loser, loser. He says so and it is true. Libtards hate truth and normality. Anything weird and makes no sense seems libtards love.

Don't hold back. Tell me what you REALLY think. Just wait a minute while I get some popcorn and Iced tea.
Oddly, I never made that case. The oddity is between your ears. in a barrel.

You say you didn't oppose gay marriage? They would have revoked your nut job card if that was true.
Like I said in a barrel. You said "You thought all those silly last minute laws that were passed would stop that." Which I never said. Now you pretend I claimed I didn't oppose gay marriage.

See, in those few words it proves what a dishonest retard you are. Bingo!

If you say so,but you still lost.
You are a loser, loser. He says so and it is true. Libtards hate truth and normality. Anything weird and makes no sense seems libtards love.

Don't hold back. Tell me what you REALLY think. Just wait a minute while I get some popcorn and Iced tea.
I have found that this type tend to spew all their info in the first post and then back it up with abuse of some sort.
Oddly, I never made that case. The oddity is between your ears. in a barrel.

You say you didn't oppose gay marriage? They would have revoked your nut job card if that was true.
Like I said in a barrel. You said "You thought all those silly last minute laws that were passed would stop that." Which I never said. Now you pretend I claimed I didn't oppose gay marriage.

See, in those few words it proves what a dishonest retard you are. Bingo!

If you say so,but you still lost.
You are a loser, loser. He says so and it is true. Libtards hate truth and normality. Anything weird and makes no sense seems libtards love.
Perfect example of the arrogance common to most on the right – neither you nor any other conservative is in any position to determine what is ‘normal,’ ‘weird,’ or ‘makes no sense.’

Liberals celebrate and embrace change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty, something most on the right fear.

And one of the more idiotic, reprehensible manifestations of conservativism is this North Carolina ‘law’ based on fear, ignorance, and hate.
Wrong again jailhouse.
I agree that homosexuals and transsexuals will never be more than a tiny percentage of the population, but that is no reason to deny them the same rights we all deserve.

The “right” to intrude into the opposite sex's restrooms, locker rooms, dressing facilities, and such, are not among “…the same rights we all deserve.” As a reasonably sane, straight, middle-aged man, I certainly do not claim to deserve or otherwise be entitled to access to women's dressing and restroom facilities. There's no reason why a creepy perverted male who pretends to be a woman should be any more entitled to that “right” than I am.
I agree that homosexuals and transsexuals will never be more than a tiny percentage of the population, but that is no reason to deny them the same rights we all deserve.

The “right” to intrude into the opposite sex's restrooms, locker rooms, dressing facilities, and such, are not among “…the same rights we all deserve.” As a reasonably sane, straight, middle-aged man, I certainly do not claim to deserve or otherwise be entitled to access to women's dressing and restroom facilities. There's no reason why a creepy perverted male who pretends to be a woman should be any more entitled to that “right” than I am.

I agree that a creepy perverted male who pretends to be a woman should not be entitled to enter a women's restroom. However, a trans person who has committed to living their life as a woman is entitled to live their life as they see fit. Pedophiles, or any other kind of sexual predator deserve the strongest punishment available. Those are not the people we are talking about.
You've got a problem with that comment ?
No. I have a problem with the context. Its a problem that doesnt exist.

Well it wasn't a problem, until suddenly out of nowhere the LGBT community made it one.
You guys now want to be able to waltz into any rest room you like based not on your anatomy, but based on who you 'feel' you are.
I bet you blame the Jews for the Holocaust too.

of course ---if there were no jews there would be no need for AUSCHWITZ
I agree that homosexuals and transsexuals will never be more than a tiny percentage of the population, but that is no reason to deny them the same rights we all deserve.

The “right” to intrude into the opposite sex's restrooms, locker rooms, dressing facilities, and such, are not among “…the same rights we all deserve.” As a reasonably sane, straight, middle-aged man, I certainly do not claim to deserve or otherwise be entitled to access to women's dressing and restroom facilities. There's no reason why a creepy perverted male who pretends to be a woman should be any more entitled to that “right” than I am.

I agree that a creepy perverted male who pretends to be a woman should not be entitled to enter a women's restroom. However, a trans person who has committed to living their life as a woman is entitled to live their life as they see fit. Pedophiles, or any other kind of sexual predator deserve the strongest punishment available. Those are not the people we are talking about.
Of course there is no evidence that there is a problem at all.
I agree that a creepy perverted male who pretends to be a woman should not be entitled to enter a women's restroom. However, a trans person who has committed to living their life as a woman is entitled to live their life as they see fit. Pedophiles, or any other kind of sexual predator deserve the strongest punishment available. Those are not the people we are talking about.

All the perverted wrong-wing lies in the world cannot change nor hide the simple truth which is that your “trans person who has committed to living their life as a woman” is nothing more than a sick pervert, who has no damn business being in the same restrooms, showers, dressing facilities,and such, as our wives, daughters, sisters, and other female loved ones.

And people like you, who take the side of these sick freaks against that of women and girls are not much better than they are.
I agree that a creepy perverted male who pretends to be a woman should not be entitled to enter a women's restroom. However, a trans person who has committed to living their life as a woman is entitled to live their life as they see fit. Pedophiles, or any other kind of sexual predator deserve the strongest punishment available. Those are not the people we are talking about.

All the perverted wrong-wing lies in the world cannot change nor hide the simple truth which is that your “trans person who has committed to living their life as a woman” is nothing more than a sick pervert, who has no damn business being in the same restrooms, showers, dressing facilities,and such, as our wives, daughters, sisters, and other female loved ones.

And people like you, who take the side of these sick freaks against that of women and girls are not much better than they are.
Bob,you are the sick pervert.Why dont you join the rest of us in the C21st ? Its a better place mate.
I agree that a creepy perverted male who pretends to be a woman should not be entitled to enter a women's restroom. However, a trans person who has committed to living their life as a woman is entitled to live their life as they see fit. Pedophiles, or any other kind of sexual predator deserve the strongest punishment available. Those are not the people we are talking about.

All the perverted wrong-wing lies in the world cannot change nor hide the simple truth which is that your “trans person who has committed to living their life as a woman” is nothing more than a sick pervert, who has no damn business being in the same restrooms, showers, dressing facilities,and such, as our wives, daughters, sisters, and other female loved ones.

And people like you, who take the side of these sick freaks against that of women and girls are not much better than they are.

Sorry, but I'm more inclined to believe the experts in the fields of psychiatry, and psychology over some anonymous RWNJ. Show me your credentials in the field of study, and you might have a little bit of credibility.
Sorry, but I'm more inclined to believe the experts in the fields of psychiatry, and psychology over some anonymous RWNJ. Show me your credentials in the field of study, and you might have a little bit of credibility.

I don't need your ersatz “experts in the fields of psychiatry, and psychology” to tell me about the differences between boys and girls, between men and women; and I certainly don't need to give any credence to those who tell me that what is plain and obvious, and common sense and common decency, is somehow wrong.

If you take those phony “experts” as a more credible source regarding these differences, than what you can plainly and clearly observe yourself, then you are a gullible fool.
I agree that homosexuals and transsexuals will never be more than a tiny percentage of the population, but that is no reason to deny them the same rights we all deserve.

The “right” to intrude into the opposite sex's restrooms, locker rooms, dressing facilities, and such, are not among “…the same rights we all deserve.” As a reasonably sane, straight, middle-aged man, I certainly do not claim to deserve or otherwise be entitled to access to women's dressing and restroom facilities. There's no reason why a creepy perverted male who pretends to be a woman should be any more entitled to that “right” than I am.

I agree that a creepy perverted male who pretends to be a woman should not be entitled to enter a women's restroom. However, a trans person who has committed to living their life as a woman is entitled to live their life as they see fit. Pedophiles, or any other kind of sexual predator deserve the strongest punishment available. Those are not the people we are talking about.

We have equality. If a man who claims to imagine himself a woman is admitted to female facilities, it is discrimination to prohibit all men no matter what they think. Not to mention that some men may just lie about it.

I have known many Transsexuals. With most of them the question never comes up. They are very obviously women. I have never once had a trans friend get so much as a raised eyebrow.

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