Religious nut pauses campaign to run the free world in order to consider a problem that doesnt exi

Good for Cruz. He is right, men shouldn't pee next to my daughter. Real men wouldn't even think about it.
Real men arent thinking about it. Only religious nuts who want to bring in back door discrimination laws.
I'm an athiest and this is wrong. So your accusation that this is exclusively an issue because of religion is wrong.
I agree that homosexuals and transsexuals will never be more than a tiny percentage of the population, but that is no reason to deny them the same rights we all deserve.

The “right” to intrude into the opposite sex's restrooms, locker rooms, dressing facilities, and such, are not among “…the same rights we all deserve.” As a reasonably sane, straight, middle-aged man, I certainly do not claim to deserve or otherwise be entitled to access to women's dressing and restroom facilities. There's no reason why a creepy perverted male who pretends to be a woman should be any more entitled to that “right” than I am.

I agree that a creepy perverted male who pretends to be a woman should not be entitled to enter a women's restroom. However, a trans person who has committed to living their life as a woman is entitled to live their life as they see fit. Pedophiles, or any other kind of sexual predator deserve the strongest punishment available. Those are not the people we are talking about.

We have equality. If a man who claims to imagine himself a woman is admitted to female facilities, it is discrimination to prohibit all men no matter what they think. Not to mention that some men may just lie about it.

I have known many Transsexuals. With most of them the question never comes up. They are very obviously women. I have never once had a trans friend get so much as a raised eyebrow.

So you've known many transsexuals who were obviously women. At what point did it become obvious? At the point of surgical reassignment? Were they less obviously a woman before then? I assume the use of the word obvious precludes genital inspection.
If you don't believe in genders then don't have one. But we'll laugh at your dumb ass anyway.

Laugh all you want. This particular decision has already been made, and you lost. You just have a hard time accepting it.
Says who? How did you get so full of shit anyway? I'm pointing out the hypocrisy, "the law is the law so deal with it. Unless we disagree with it."

You are inconsistent so you are the one in error.

No hypocrisy here. So they passed a dumb law. Do you really think it won't be struck down? I expect right wing nuts will continue passing laws like this for a while, and they will all be struck down until you finally just give up and move on to something else, but you feel the need to try anyway. Go for it. Knock yourself out, but we both know how it will turn out in the end.
It's not valid if the law is struck down by liberals with no conservative joining them. This only show the Court is too political thanks to liberal presidents who pick justices who only will enforce liberal bullshit and call it constitutional. Maybe it's time we require 9-0 rulings to override state laws.

If the court strikes it down, it's struck down. You don't have to like it.
It isn't constitutional if only one side votes for it.
I agree that homosexuals and transsexuals will never be more than a tiny percentage of the population, but that is no reason to deny them the same rights we all deserve.

The “right” to intrude into the opposite sex's restrooms, locker rooms, dressing facilities, and such, are not among “…the same rights we all deserve.” As a reasonably sane, straight, middle-aged man, I certainly do not claim to deserve or otherwise be entitled to access to women's dressing and restroom facilities. There's no reason why a creepy perverted male who pretends to be a woman should be any more entitled to that “right” than I am.

I agree that a creepy perverted male who pretends to be a woman should not be entitled to enter a women's restroom. However, a trans person who has committed to living their life as a woman is entitled to live their life as they see fit. Pedophiles, or any other kind of sexual predator deserve the strongest punishment available. Those are not the people we are talking about.

We have equality. If a man who claims to imagine himself a woman is admitted to female facilities, it is discrimination to prohibit all men no matter what they think. Not to mention that some men may just lie about it.

I have known many Transsexuals. With most of them the question never comes up. They are very obviously women. I have never once had a trans friend get so much as a raised eyebrow.

So you've known many transsexuals who were obviously women. At what point did it become obvious? At the point of surgical reassignment? Were they less obviously a woman before then? I assume the use of the word obvious precludes genital inspection.
. Anybody thinking someone can change their sex is a science denier and dumbass to boot.
Oddly, I never made that case. The oddity is between your ears. in a barrel.

You say you didn't oppose gay marriage? They would have revoked your nut job card if that was true.
Like I said in a barrel. You said "You thought all those silly last minute laws that were passed would stop that." Which I never said. Now you pretend I claimed I didn't oppose gay marriage.

See, in those few words it proves what a dishonest retard you are. Bingo!

If you say so,but you still lost.
You are a loser, loser. He says so and it is true. Libtards hate truth and normality. Anything weird and makes no sense seems libtards love.
Perfect example of the arrogance common to most on the right – neither you nor any other conservative is in any position to determine what is ‘normal,’ ‘weird,’ or ‘makes no sense.’

Liberals celebrate and embrace change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty, something most on the right fear.

And one of the more idiotic, reprehensible manifestations of conservativism is this North Carolina ‘law’ based on fear, ignorance, and hate.
You are a dumbshit who don't know real Liberty if it bit you in the ass. Any man going into a restroom any female in my family is in will have the fucking shit kicked out of him.
Laugh all you want. This particular decision has already been made, and you lost. You just have a hard time accepting it.
Says who? How did you get so full of shit anyway? I'm pointing out the hypocrisy, "the law is the law so deal with it. Unless we disagree with it."

You are inconsistent so you are the one in error.

No hypocrisy here. So they passed a dumb law. Do you really think it won't be struck down? I expect right wing nuts will continue passing laws like this for a while, and they will all be struck down until you finally just give up and move on to something else, but you feel the need to try anyway. Go for it. Knock yourself out, but we both know how it will turn out in the end.
It's not valid if the law is struck down by liberals with no conservative joining them. This only show the Court is too political thanks to liberal presidents who pick justices who only will enforce liberal bullshit and call it constitutional. Maybe it's time we require 9-0 rulings to override state laws.

If the court strikes it down, it's struck down. You don't have to like it.
It isn't constitutional if only one side votes for it.

You know that's nuts, right? If the court slaps something down, it's slapped down.
Something to keep the simple minded on the right busy. You'd think by now the wingnuts would wake up and see what fools they have been. A non-issue to debate as the fox laughs.
Its beyond parody.
Create a problem that doesnt exist.pass laws against it and add in a load of other stuff that you have an issue with.
I believe that there are no laws banning witches from teaching kids. That will be next. How have we coped till now ?
It didn't exist until some mentally deranged faggot lib created it. Retards.

^^^ Here's the problem ^^^

Dumb ass RWNJs don't know what any of the terms actually mean and just make it up as they go along.

They also believe that molesters will put on dresses, wigs and makeup to "pass".

Funniest of all is that they believe molesters will think "oh darn, I'm not allowed in there so I can't molest anyone today".

You know who worries me are the damn RWNJs hiding in the bathrooms, peeking at other people's genitals.
That's more than creepy. Its dangerous and its sick.
Something to keep the simple minded on the right busy. You'd think by now the wingnuts would wake up and see what fools they have been. A non-issue to debate as the fox laughs.
Its beyond parody.
Create a problem that doesnt exist.pass laws against it and add in a load of other stuff that you have an issue with.
I believe that there are no laws banning witches from teaching kids. That will be next. How have we coped till now ?
It didn't exist until some mentally deranged faggot lib created it. Retards.

^^^ Here's the problem ^^^

Dumb ass RWNJs don't know what any of the terms actually mean and just make it up as they go along.

They also believe that molesters will put on dresses, wigs and makeup to "pass".

Funniest of all is that they believe molesters will think "oh darn, I'm not allowed in there so I can't molest anyone today".

You know who worries me are the damn RWNJs hiding in the bathrooms, peeking at other people's genitals.
That's more than creepy. Its dangerous and its sick.
^^^^^here is a perfect example of a retarded lib not knowing what she/it is talking about. Stfu scumbag.
Something to keep the simple minded on the right busy. You'd think by now the wingnuts would wake up and see what fools they have been. A non-issue to debate as the fox laughs.
Its beyond parody.
Create a problem that doesnt exist.pass laws against it and add in a load of other stuff that you have an issue with.
I believe that there are no laws banning witches from teaching kids. That will be next. How have we coped till now ?
It didn't exist until some mentally deranged faggot lib created it. Retards.

^^^ Here's the problem ^^^

Dumb ass RWNJs don't know what any of the terms actually mean and just make it up as they go along.

They also believe that molesters will put on dresses, wigs and makeup to "pass".

Funniest of all is that they believe molesters will think "oh darn, I'm not allowed in there so I can't molest anyone today".

You know who worries me are the damn RWNJs hiding in the bathrooms, peeking at other people's genitals.
That's more than creepy. Its dangerous and its sick.
The best part is that they hang around all day waiting for a possible target. The truth is that their would be easier pickings at their own family parties. Madness.
Something to keep the simple minded on the right busy. You'd think by now the wingnuts would wake up and see what fools they have been. A non-issue to debate as the fox laughs.
Its beyond parody.
Create a problem that doesnt exist.pass laws against it and add in a load of other stuff that you have an issue with.
I believe that there are no laws banning witches from teaching kids. That will be next. How have we coped till now ?
It didn't exist until some mentally deranged faggot lib created it. Retards.

^^^ Here's the problem ^^^

Dumb ass RWNJs don't know what any of the terms actually mean and just make it up as they go along.

They also believe that molesters will put on dresses, wigs and makeup to "pass".

Funniest of all is that they believe molesters will think "oh darn, I'm not allowed in there so I can't molest anyone today".

You know who worries me are the damn RWNJs hiding in the bathrooms, peeking at other people's genitals.
That's more than creepy. Its dangerous and its sick.
The best part is that they hang around all day waiting for a possible target. The truth is that their would be easier pickings at their own family parties. Madness.
The best part is you scum libtards prove us right.

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