Recycling to survive


Sep 23, 2008
My dad has seen a lot of senior citizens and people who have been laid-off having to recycle scrap metal and aluminum cans just to be able to survive. They need the recycling money to be able to make it. It's great that these people are recycling but it shouldn't be because it's the only way for them to survive.

I can tell you in two words why they're struggling. George Bush. Bush caused this recession and people all over the country are feeling the pain because of it. Bush has been unsuccessful at ending this recession and I doubt that John McCain can be successful at ending it either. I decided to vote early and I voted for all democrats.
Yeah the Dems are gonna' help you by raising taxes. They say that you'll get a tax cut now but you seem to forget that Bubba made the same promise 16 years ago and remember what happened then?
I don't know why your post reminded me of this but it does so here it comes:

I worked with this guy who used to joke that if he ever got stuck on a deserted island that all he needed was one can of corn and he'd never go hungry.

Think about it.

Then throw up. :D
It was caused by Bush. And Clinton. And especially Greenspan. And also all the politicians like Chris Dodd and Barney Frank who thought that pushing Fannie/Freddie to make so many bad loans was a swell idea.
Bush raised taxes more than any president in American history.

Deficit spending is an invisible tax.
It was caused by Bush. And Clinton. And especially Greenspan. And also all the politicians like Chris Dodd and Barney Frank who thought that pushing Fannie/Freddie to make so many bad loans was a swell idea.

Wow, amazing, someone who actually gives Clinton some blame.
Clinton has gotten lots of blame, but is mostly in the past and outdone by Bush.

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