Re-Evaluating Newt..

I got some of the story wrong. So did you, and you continue to do so, with your comments about the nature of the harassment.

No, guy, I haven't gotten one thing wrong. I was around when it happened and read every bit of info available on it.... I watched the hearings as they happened.

She gave her reasons for transferring to EEOC.

And they were silly. They made not a lick of sense, ESPECIALLY in the context that the Reagan Administration was looking to shut down EEOC and get the government out of that line of work.

You do not seem to grasp that she was pursuing a particular line of work, and seem to believe that she could have worked for some other EEOC.

Her whole career at EEOC was two years. She didn't have to work there. She had the credentials to work in a lot of places. She eventualy ended up in Academia, because all those people are useless.

Actually, she was kind of the Peter Principle. One of the lame excuses she gave for not coming forward at the time was that she wasn't sure if it was harrassment or not. Really? Seriously? This is YOUR LINE OF WORK!

There are many harassed women who don't tell what happened to all of their coworkers. You wonder why? Look at your own line of attack on her, and your creepy defense of offenders.

Or maybe I see both sides of the story. I worked with this woman who was a drunk and a tramp who slept with almost every guy in the office. She even put the moves on me, except that I don't take advantage of women when they are drunk. She had a whole boatload of psychological problems. I think she was even a lesbian for a while. Lost track of her after that.

(and incidently, not that I was hostile to her as much as I felt sorry for her.)

Well, she accused our boss of sexual harrassment and the poor guy almost got fired. Over a BS conversation over which celebrity they both thought was sexy. What was she really mad about? He actually asked her to do her job.

What I find amazing is that if there is a need for sexual harrassment laws, it is not for women like Hill who have doctorate in law and can get any job they apply themselves to. It's for people like Paula Jones, who consider a 20K a year job a blessing.

But guess who the liberals villified for speaking up.
And duly noted, SAT, you have not given me one good reason why she would transfer departments with a man she hated....

Other than she saw him as a ticket to bigger things. That makes her kind of contemptable, really. Especially stabbing him in the back after riding it all that way.

It reminds me of the story of the scorpion and the frog. The frog agrees to swim the Scorpion across the stream on the theory it won't sting him and drown. But the scorpion stings the frog anyway, because "it's my nature."
I guess she was smarter than you when it comes to whether or not EEOC was going to be shut down. You thought it would actually get shut down, she knew better.

Yes, she worked there two years. So you're attacking her for taking the job, and then for not staying long enough with Thomas. :twitch:

Actually, she was kind of the Peter Principle. One of the lame excuses she gave for not coming forward at the time was that she wasn't sure if it was harrassment or not. Really? Seriously? This is YOUR LINE OF WORK!

Yes, seriously. She wasn't sure if she could prevail in a case. Women, and men, get harassed, and don't win, or their careers are ruined as a result.
By far the best debater and most informed candidate and could easily kick Obama's ass in a debate...

Turned Clinton from a deficit spending President in a fortunate economy to a budget surplus and Democrat pro-sexual harassment hero..

Soo.. what's your beef with this Guy...?

No beef with, but I got beef with the electorate, for not being smart enough to elect him.
I guess she was smarter than you when it comes to whether or not EEOC was going to be shut down. You thought it would actually get shut down, she knew better.

Yes, she worked there two years. So you're attacking her for taking the job, and then for not staying long enough with Thomas. :twitch:

Well, if you are going to shovel shit, don't complain about the smell. She made a decision- work with a guy she didn't like to advance herself. She shouldn't be WHINING that she didn't like him.

of course, the sucking up didn't stop there. She maintained a relationship with him for years afterwards, until stabbing him in the back had an advantage.

Actually, she was kind of the Peter Principle. One of the lame excuses she gave for not coming forward at the time was that she wasn't sure if it was harrassment or not. Really? Seriously? This is YOUR LINE OF WORK!

Yes, seriously. She wasn't sure if she could prevail in a case. Women, and men, get harassed, and don't win, or their careers are ruined as a result.

Or maybe they can do the breathetakingly rational thing of FINDING SOMEWHERE ELSE TO WORK!!!!

Which is what most people do when they hate their jobs.

I attack her for being a lying, backstabbing sack of shit, which is what she was.
Myself, I'd rather have a coldhearted bastard who can fix our problems than a nice, likable person who sympathizes with them.
Gingrich is indeed a coldhearted bastard but he couldn’t care less about our problems, and has neither the desire nor ability to ‘fix’ them.

A lot of interesting posts... but... what about Newt..?

Newt is moot.

Would it shock you to know that the opinion of someone whose head is so far up Obama's ass you should be checking his colon for polyps means even less on this subject than it does on any other?
Joe, she didn't complain. She got subpoenaed. Then she told the truth.

When I pointed this out before, you diverted to an attack on Joe Biden.
Joe, she didn't complain. She got subpoenaed. Then she told the truth.

When I pointed this out before, you diverted to an attack on Joe Biden.

She got supeaoned after she made some slanderous accusations under what she thought would be anominity. "Dont' tell anyone about this, but Clarance picks his nose!"

Which means she was happy to slander him as long as it wouldn't get back to her. I mean, she might need another letter of recommendation or something.

Let's get real, here, guy. This wasn't about poor Anita Hill. This was about Abortion. If Clarance Thomas was for the right to suck a fetus into a sink, Anita would have been describes as "what you get when you drag a $100 bill through a trailer park".

Oh, wait. that's how they described Paula Jones.
You do realize that the above is happening only in your head, right, Joe? The motivations and the conservations and the accusations-you're taking a crumb here and there and making up your own personal movie.

Every time I point out that she didn't sue, she didn't come out of the woodwork, she didn't ask for this, you start diverting from that point.
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You do realize that the above is happening only in your head, right, Joe? The motivations and the conservations and the accusations-you're taking a crumb here and there and making up your own personal movie.

Every time I point out that she didn't sue, she didn't come out of the woodwork, she didn't ask for this, you start diverting from that point.

She didn't sue because her case was laughable. And when she came out of the woodwork, Arlen Spector tore her a new one, as well he should have.

And then the FemiNazis attacked the poor man, despite the fact he had sided with them for decades.

YOu realize that there's a reason why most modern women say "Feminist" with an air of contempt now, right?

end of the day, her story didn't add up. Nobody continues to work with bosses they hate when they have other options, unless they have ulterior motives.

How about this scenario. She quits her job in 1982, and goes public as to why. THEN she has crediblity.
Wow they go way back .
btw Bush had 28 Czars not approved by the senate just 4 less than Obama. Yep Obama is another Bush.

Funny that I do not recall all this abolish Czars talk when Bush was president?

I think Czars should be abolished no matter what party is in control. They have no use and just use up more tax payers dollars. Look at the guy who is our job czar . The GE president who sent a bunch of jobs to China, real good choice Obama :doubt:
Oh heck with you Guys ... carry on...sheesh...:lol:

Okay, we should go back to talking about Newt.

I think my statement of last night was the bottem line.

You can't hold the banner of family values when you treat your own family shabbily.

You can't claim to be a leader when your followers turn on you again and again.

Newt is a smart man of great ideas, but personally he's flawed.

He also doesn't have enough money to mount a serious campaign.

The only ones who do are Perry and Romney.
She didn't sue because her case was laughable. And when she came out of the woodwork, Arlen Spector tore her a new one, as well he should have.

And then the FemiNazis attacked the poor man, despite the fact he had sided with them for decades.

YOu realize that there's a reason why most modern women say "Feminist" with an air of contempt now, right?

end of the day, her story didn't add up. Nobody continues to work with bosses they hate when they have other options, unless they have ulterior motives.

Again, this is happening in your head. "Most modern women" don't say feminist with an air of contempt, and Hill is not exactly evoked on a daily basis.

She was about to be subpoenaed. You're attacking her for "coming out of the woodwork", when she was in fact testifying before the Senate, something she clearly didn't want to do and didn't stand to gain a monetary reward for doing.

At the end of the day, the first women who sued their employers over sexual harassment had worked for the same bosses for years. You are seeing this through a political lens only.
Back to my boy, Newt. I LOVE hearing him talk in these debates. He makes the other candidates sound like a bunch of kids squabbling over the last Popsicle. Check out the way Newt discussed Herman Cain's 999 plan. He started by commending and complimenting Cain, and then raised objections to the plan without ONCE denigrating Cain, or even sounding like he was denigrating the plan. He sounds so statesmanlike.

I've been following his website postings about the legislation he would propose as President. It's really good, and quite innovative in places. And I like his plan for his first Executive Order as President to be abolishing all "czars" in the federal government.

You like intelligence and a President who speaks in full sentences? We agree.

But.....then you say you like the plan to abolish czars. Don't you know that this is just a piece of grandstanding nonsense?

You like intelligence and good speaking? I hadn't noticed, given your election of Barack Oteleprompter.

What I know about abolishing the czars is that they're Unconstitutional and have no business having power in our federal government, and thus, I know that it's an excellent idea to return that power to the people duly elected or appointed in accordance with law.

But as I mentioned earlier, I realize that laws are just suggestions to be ignored at will to leftists, so I don't expect you to understand why they're so important to the rest of us.

Terri Schiavo.
Again, this is happening in your head. "Most modern women" don't say feminist with an air of contempt, and Hill is not exactly evoked on a daily basis.

She was about to be subpoenaed. You're attacking her for "coming out of the woodwork", when she was in fact testifying before the Senate, something she clearly didn't want to do and didn't stand to gain a monetary reward for doing.

At the end of the day, the first women who sued their employers over sexual harassment had worked for the same bosses for years. You are seeing this through a political lens only.

Actually, I go by what most women tell me today. Feminism has become a joke. Fat ugly lesbians who hate men and think abortion is nifty, dog earing their copy of "A Handmaid's Tale" by Margerat Atwood. Pathetic.

Okay, if she didnt' want to talk to the Senate, how about saying, "I don't want to talk to you. My relationship with Judge Thomas is between me and him and none of your fucking business." By the way, this is EXACTLY what Monica Lewinsky did, at least initially.

She didn't do that. She stabbed a guy she used for years when it was advantageous for her to do so. That makes her kind of contemptable. If she hated him, quit and don't whine about it. That's what I've done when I've hated my boss. It's most sensible people do.

Instead, she went up, told a story that didn't hold up to scrutiny, and Biden and the Senate CONFIRMED Justice Thomas despite her treachery and lies.
Actually, I go by what most women tell me today. Feminism has become a joke. Fat ugly lesbians who hate men and think abortion is nifty, dog earing their copy of "A Handmaid's Tale" by Margerat Atwood. Pathetic.

Yes, that is a pathetic explanation of feminism. Good call.

Okay, if she didnt' want to talk to the Senate, how about saying, "I don't want to talk to you. My relationship with Judge Thomas is between me and him and none of your fucking business." By the way, this is EXACTLY what Monica Lewinsky did, at least initially.

She didn't do that. She stabbed a guy she used for years when it was advantageous for her to do so. That makes her kind of contemptable. If she hated him, quit and don't whine about it. That's what I've done when I've hated my boss. It's most sensible people do.

Instead, she went up, told a story that didn't hold up to scrutiny, and Biden and the Senate CONFIRMED Justice Thomas despite her treachery and lies.

You really might want to look up the word "subpoena". :lol:

You claim in the same post on the one hand that she should have refused to testify, and then say that Lewinsky testified-demonstrating that you know your attack is baseless. You don't refuse to come before the Senate.

Hill clearly did not want to testify. She did not sue for monetary gain. She went on with her life. The story did hold up to scrutiny. You just don't like what she had to say.

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