Racism II


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
"University of Connecticut professor Jack Dovidio, who has researched racism for more than 30 years, estimates up to 80 percent of white Americans have racist feelings they may not even recognize.

"We've reached a point that racism is like a virus that has mutated into a new form that we don't recognize," Dovidio said.

He added that 21st-century racism is different from that of the past.

"Contemporary racism is not conscious, and it is not accompanied by dislike, so it gets expressed in indirect, subtle ways," he said.

That "stealth" discrimination reveals itself in many different situations."

Poll: Most Americans see lingering racism -- in others - CNN.com
Are You Racist? Interesting New Poll Asks "Are You Racist?" and Reveals Glaring Contradictions

Racism I here: Tim Wise: Of National Lies and Racial America

troubling comparison. I think John White should be exonerated.
Racism is a part of everyone and is not a disease. It had a very constructive purpose in the day when a stranger would wander in from the jungle who might carry a disease that could wipe out a tribe. I don't imagine it had to happen very often to get the message across that strangers bring bad things with them, so just kill them before they get too close. Now I'm sure there are those that would prefer to believe that it is merely a learned behaviour but there have been too many studies that have demonstrated how many learned behaviours mysteriously manage to become instinctual behaviours over generations. We have seen it in animals why should it be any different for us.
That doesn't excuse it. It just means it's not something we shouldn't have to feel guilty and dirty about if we discover remanents of it in us. It's just something we need to confront and overcome, which we can, because we're supposed to be intelligent.

troubling comparison. I think John White should be exonerated.

Umm did these two cases both take place in the same jurisdiction? It seems that jurisdiction may play more into this than racism. There were two different DA's, two different state laws that defined justifiable homicide and manslaughter, it isn't really a fair comparison. Btw just based upon surface facts, I believe both should receive some type of punishment.
This bullshit premise is right up there with all people have sexual urges towards the same sex. What a crock of shit!

This kind of fuckin shit is all about PROPAGATING hatred.

I guess you all hate yourself for being white now dont you
Racism is a part of everyone and is not a disease. It had a very constructive purpose in the day when a stranger would wander in from the jungle who might carry a disease that could wipe out a tribe. I don't imagine it had to happen very often to get the message across that strangers bring bad things with them, so just kill them before they get too close. Now I'm sure there are those that would prefer to believe that it is merely a learned behaviour but there have been too many studies that have demonstrated how many learned behaviours mysteriously manage to become instinctual behaviours over generations. We have seen it in animals why should it be any different for us.
That doesn't excuse it. It just means it's not something we shouldn't have to feel guilty and dirty about if we discover remanents of it in us. It's just something we need to confront and overcome, which we can, because we're supposed to be intelligent.

I agree that "racism" has roots in nature, but why should we "confront and overcome" it any more than the urge to eat or have sex? All these things can have negative consequences if they get out of control, but at base, they're healthy approaches to life on earth.
Good youtube video on what racism really is and a good break down of it. Kind of old, but very much relevant.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkOsFr6R3uw]YouTube - Na'im Akbar on FTP-Part1B: Racism... A Mental Disorder[/ame]
"University of Connecticut professor Jack Dovidio, who has researched racism for more than 30 years, estimates up to 80 percent of white Americans have racist feelings they may not even recognize.

"We've reached a point that racism is like a virus that has mutated into a new form that we don't recognize," Dovidio said.

He added that 21st-century racism is different from that of the past.

"Contemporary racism is not conscious, and it is not accompanied by dislike, so it gets expressed in indirect, subtle ways," he said.

That "stealth" discrimination reveals itself in many different situations."
Connecticut professor Jack Dovidioseems to be promoting his racism and/or greed for research funding.

I remember reading that blacks committed over 37,000 hate crimes against whites in 2006, while whites committed less than 700 hate crimes against blacks. Blacks only make up about 12% of the population in the US.
"University of Connecticut professor Jack Dovidio, who has researched racism for more than 30 years, estimates up to 80 percent of white Americans have racist feelings they may not even recognize.

"We've reached a point that racism is like a virus that has mutated into a new form that we don't recognize," Dovidio said.

He added that 21st-century racism is different from that of the past.

"Contemporary racism is not conscious, and it is not accompanied by dislike, so it gets expressed in indirect, subtle ways," he said.

That "stealth" discrimination reveals itself in many different situations."

Poll: Most Americans see lingering racism -- in others - CNN.com
Are You Racist? Interesting New Poll Asks "Are You Racist?" and Reveals Glaring Contradictions

Racism I here: Tim Wise: Of National Lies and Racial America

What percentage of blacks, Hispanics, asians, africans, arabs, persians, europeans et al have racist feelings they may not recognize?

So this guy has been paid to study something for more than 30 years and what a shock ... he justifies his paycheck.

I have studied racism for over 30 years and I think he's full of it.:lol:
Racism as its popularly used today, is just a term used to make the natural human act of building perceptions of our environment, based on always incomplete information, seem like some dire and sinister plot.
Its not just white people who wont go into a ghetto liquor store at 2 am on a Saturday. It isn't just black people who wont go into a rebel flag waving biker bar on a Friday night.
We all play a game of odds in life to keep us safe. Thats why virtually everyone reading this is more likely to pet a stray Golden Retriever than a stray Pit Bulldog. Not a very fair assessment for the friendly Pit Bulls, or the vicious Golden Retrievers for that matter. Its simply a playing of the odds based on information gathered through life experience. Nothing that a tail wagging Pit Bull or a teeth snarling Golden Retriever couldn't easily remedy in a hurry. Only a fool would abandon this discriminating feature of the human thought process to avoid being viewed as an offender of Pit Bulls.
So a factually higher per capita crime rate among blacks, makes it inevitable and even logical that the law abiding black will experience offense and inconvenience at times. Just like the savvy but honest jewish businessman will experience insults questioning his ethics. Or the really rich white man likely to go unnappreciated for his generous charity giving and community service.
Everybody in some way gets innacurately percieved on the fly. Some more than others in given situations. You can either go through life being a teeth snarler or a tail wagger. Only one of them allows others to positively adjust their perceptions of just who you actually are.
Racism is a bit harsh, xenophobia might be better term with less stigma attached.:cool:

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