Question.Can Anyone Name A State That Will Vote To Give Up Thier Leagal Firearms?

Which is every gun owner according to some and if you deny this then you deny reality.

Look, there is a faction in America that want this country government to repeal the Second Amendment and adopt gun laws like Norway, and usually they are the same individual that studied some liberal arts major and believe society owes them something.

So let not pretend there is no movement on the fringe left to abolish the Second Amendment but I am realistic and know the left lack the votes in the Senate and the States to repeal that Amendment so this discussion is moot.

There is no credible effort to do that. There is no possibility that will happen. You are more childish than a kid worrying about a monster under the bed.

Wow, I just said it is impossible and here you come with your typical response!

So you deny the fact that there are fringers wanting to repeal the Second Amendment?

If so then you are either lying or just playing stupid!

Also the Florida school shooting along with the Club shooting could have been prevented but were not, so use the damn laws on the books and stop asking for more!

The truth is you are the kind that would prefer to rip the Constitution up when it does not fit your agenda in life, so let me write that!

Also it is the ignorance of those like you that believe Mass shootings and gun violence is out of control when I have a better chance of dying because those like you do not obey traffic laws than being killed by some mass shooter.

So let cut the nonsense and also go fuck yourself for your comment because I am not the one wanting more laws that will not do jack shit except give you the false sense of security!

There are fringers who claim the earth is flat, and that the moon landing didn't happen. That is no reason to believe we are in danger of the history books and science books will be changed to reflect their beliefs. Some fringers don't want any guns. That is no reason to believe we are in danger of having our guns confiscated. Quit looking under your bed for the dreaded GUN GRABBERS. They aren't real.

The Germans in the 1920s didn't think so either when they registered their the 1930s when those registration lists were used to ban and confiscate guns...and their owners were sent to gas chambers, it was a little late to say "I told you so."

You bet. Give me a call when you see gas chambers being built.

We already had concentration camps.....ask the Japanese, German and Italian Americans the democrats put into those camps if you are correct....
Don't assume anything with an anti gunner...they lie...they lie about every aspect of the gun debate.......
They do, but I am trying to talk sense to this one.

I tried to talk sense to gun grabbers for a long time.....they don't care about the truth, the facts or the reality.......they hate guns....Period. But if you are engaging this gun grabber to improve your arguments, collect more facts, statistics and stories...? Then that is good......I use them for that now....
No...the water is not muddy at all......

This is not muddy....

It's muddy in the sense that we don't know whether the right to arms is protected against the States under the 14th Amendment, and whether the 2nd is still considered a ban on Congressional authority over arms. Heller confuses the fuck out of those issues because it is a DC case, not a case against a State. Subsequent cases may have clarified, but I am not up to speed on them. If you know, please provide a link.

Scalia should have done the right thing and declared the 2nd a ban on Congress and a reservation of power to the States, but to do so would have declared all federal gun laws unconstitutional. He was afraid to do it.
Don't assume anything with an anti gunner...they lie...they lie about every aspect of the gun debate.......
They do, but I am trying to talk sense to this one.

Don't confuse 2guy. He doesn't know what sense is.

Tell us, oh Wise One.....did the Germans of the 1920s know that in 20 years their government would murder 20 million innocent men, women and children in gas chambers?
I bet if they had the internet and twitter more Jews would have gotten away.
Don't assume anything with an anti gunner...they lie...they lie about every aspect of the gun debate.......
They do, but I am trying to talk sense to this one.

Don't confuse 2guy. He doesn't know what sense is.

Tell us, oh Wise One.....did the Germans of the 1920s know that in 20 years their government would murder 20 million innocent men, women and children in gas chambers?

This isn't Germany in the 20s Boo Boo.
Don't assume anything with an anti gunner...they lie...they lie about every aspect of the gun debate.......
They do, but I am trying to talk sense to this one.

Don't confuse 2guy. He doesn't know what sense is.

Tell us, oh Wise One.....did the Germans of the 1920s know that in 20 years their government would murder 20 million innocent men, women and children in gas chambers?

This isn't Germany in the 20s Boo Boo.

That is what the Germans said too......we trust our government....we will happily register our guns......20 years later.....12 million innocent men, women and children a country that had modern Universities, the rule of law, a functioning political system, courts......all of it......
That is what the Germans said too......we trust our government....we will happily register our guns......20 years later.....12 million innocent men, women and children a country that had modern Universities, the rule of law, a functioning political system, courts......all of it......
It's a mistake to think that it can't/won't happen here.
Don't assume anything with an anti gunner...they lie...they lie about every aspect of the gun debate.......
They do, but I am trying to talk sense to this one.

Don't confuse 2guy. He doesn't know what sense is.

Tell us, oh Wise One.....did the Germans of the 1920s know that in 20 years their government would murder 20 million innocent men, women and children in gas chambers?

This isn't Germany in the 20s Boo Boo.

That is what the Germans said too......we trust our government....we will happily register our guns......20 years later.....12 million innocent men, women and children a country that had modern Universities, the rule of law, a functioning political system, courts......all of it......

SHUP Boo Boo.
That is what the Germans said too......we trust our government....we will happily register our guns......20 years later.....12 million innocent men, women and children a country that had modern Universities, the rule of law, a functioning political system, courts......all of it......
It's a mistake to think that it can't/won't happen here.

Exactly........ which is why the fight for the AR-15 civilian rifle is so important.....they just don't know it...
Although Blue States in general vote for Democrats no matter how it affects the economy of thier state.But overall,lets say most households have guns for protection reasons.And now we have Liberals asking us to vote to take away thier guns.So are there any red or purple states out there who will gladly vote to give up thier guns? :hellno:

Maybe California, Washington State or Oregon...or all of them.

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