Pushing QAnon and Stolen Election Lies, Flynn Re-emerges


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Excellent read on the disgraced former national security adviser. And Trumpy Bear actually thought about bringing his pathetic ass back? :icon_rolleyes:

He was one of the most extreme voices in Mr. Trump’s 77-day push to overturn the election, a campaign that will be under scrutiny as the former president’s second impeachment trial gets underway next week. Mr. Flynn went so far as to suggest using the military to rerun the vote in crucial battleground states. At one point, Mr. Trump even floated the idea of bringing Mr. Flynn back into the administration, as chief of staff or possibly F.B.I. director, people familiar with the conversations told The New York Times.​
And now, safely pardoned and free to speak his mind, Mr. Flynn has emerged from the Trump presidency much as he entered it — as the angry outsider who pushes fringe ideas, talks of shadowy conspiracies and is positioning himself as a voice of a far right that, in the wake of the Capitol riot, appears newly, and violently, emboldened.​
Mr. Flynn’s dark view of Islam and eagerness to cultivate President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia have given way to an embrace of QAnon, the pro-Trump conspiracy theory, and a readiness to question the very fabric of American democracy. He has swapped a government job and an obsessive focus on “radical Islamic terrorism” for selling QAnon-branded T-shirts and a new media partnership with conspiracy theorists called Digital Soldiers.​
Yet his underlying message remains much the same as it was back in 2016, when he was leading chants of “lock her up” at Trump rallies: Washington’s establishment is irredeemably corrupt, and real Americans — that is, supporters of himself and Mr. Trump — are wise to it.​
“This country is awake,” he declared at the pro-Trump rally in Washington last month. “We will not stand for a lie.”​
It was the night before a mob attacked the Capitol, and the crowd on hand in Washington’s Freedom Plaza — some of whom would take part in the coming violence — left little doubt about where Mr. Flynn stood.​


Flynn wasn't "disgraced" at all. He is a highly decorated military officer than was Exonerated by the President of the United States himself.

Libs didn't like him because his son blew the lid off of the Pizzagate scandal- and the charges against Gen. Flynn were filed to distract attention.
Flynn wasn't "disgraced" at all. He is a highly decorated military officer than was Exonerated by the President of the United States himself.

Libs didn't like him because his son blew the lid off of the Pizzagate scandal- and the charges against Gen. Flynn were filed to distract attention.

There was no "Pizzagate Scandal" other than crazy people lied about a family pizza parlour in Washingon, DC, and another crazy person came in with a gun and shot up the place to end the child sexual abuse he had been told was going on there. Fortunately and miraculously no one was physically injured or killed, but PTSD is a real potential here.

The pizza parlour is now closed and a decent man who had world all of his life to build a respectable business has lost everything he worked for through no fault of his own. His staff and his customers were terrorized, and a decent but gullible man is in jail.

Recently, Gen. Flynn has proven in spades what the trial judge said about him at one of the many sentencing hearings: that Flynn is a traitor to the nation and the oath he took to uphold the Constitution, when he urged Donald Trump to declare Martial Law and seize control of the government. He should be court martialled for his part in the insurrection and stripped of his rank.

Flynn is a disgrace to the military and the rank which he holds and should be treated as such.
Flynn wasn't "disgraced" at all. He is a highly decorated military officer than was Exonerated by the President of the United States himself.

Libs didn't like him because his son blew the lid off of the Pizzagate scandal- and the charges against Gen. Flynn were filed to distract attention.

There was no "Pizzagate Scandal" other than crazy people lied about a family pizza parlour in Washingon, DC, and another crazy person came in with a gun and shot up the place to end the child sexual abuse he had been told was going on there. Fortunately and miraculously no one was physically injured or killed, but PTSD is a real potential here.

The pizza parlour is now closed and a decent man who had world all of his life to build a respectable business has lost everything he worked for through no fault of his own. His staff and his customers were terrorized, and a decent but gullible man is in jail.

Recently, Gen. Flynn has proven in spades what the trial judge said about him at one of the many sentencing hearings: that Flynn is a traitor to the nation and the oath he took to uphold the Constitution, when he urged Donald Trump to declare Martial Law and seize control of the government. He should be court martialled for his part in the insurrection and stripped of his rank.

Flynn is a disgrace to the military and the rank which he holds and should be treated as such.

The Pizza Gate scandal was NEVER investigated.

So we really don't know what happened or is happening.

It was covered up when it was discovered that Liberal Political Leaders may have been molesting kids using a pizzaria as a front.
Flynn wasn't "disgraced" at all. He is a highly decorated military officer than was Exonerated by the President of the United States himself.

Libs didn't like him because his son blew the lid off of the Pizzagate scandal- and the charges against Gen. Flynn were filed to distract attention.

There was no "Pizzagate Scandal" other than crazy people lied about a family pizza parlour in Washingon, DC, and another crazy person came in with a gun and shot up the place to end the child sexual abuse he had been told was going on there. Fortunately and miraculously no one was physically injured or killed, but PTSD is a real potential here.

The pizza parlour is now closed and a decent man who had world all of his life to build a respectable business has lost everything he worked for through no fault of his own. His staff and his customers were terrorized, and a decent but gullible man is in jail.

Recently, Gen. Flynn has proven in spades what the trial judge said about him at one of the many sentencing hearings: that Flynn is a traitor to the nation and the oath he took to uphold the Constitution, when he urged Donald Trump to declare Martial Law and seize control of the government. He should be court martialled for his part in the insurrection and stripped of his rank.

Flynn is a disgrace to the military and the rank which he holds and should be treated as such.

The Pizza Gate scandal was NEVER investigated.

So we really don't know what happened or is happening.

It was covered up when it was discovered that Liberal Political Leaders may have been molesting kids using a pizzaria as a front.



Flynn wasn't "disgraced" at all. He is a highly decorated military officer than was Exonerated by the President of the United States himself.

Libs didn't like him because his son blew the lid off of the Pizzagate scandal- and the charges against Gen. Flynn were filed to distract attention.
He's an admitted felon. Pizzagate was proven to be a wild assed conspiracy theory.
Flynn wasn't "disgraced" at all. He is a highly decorated military officer than was Exonerated by the President of the United States himself.

Libs didn't like him because his son blew the lid off of the Pizzagate scandal- and the charges against Gen. Flynn were filed to distract attention.
He's an admitted felon. Pizzagate was proven to be a wild assed conspiracy theory.
Actually the dems and the rest of the swamp repeatedly keep getting their hands caught in the cookie jar of pedophilia think Epstein and his underage hookers and the BIDENS sniffing little girls and being caught on film raping.

PIzzagate sounds like an CIA/FBI psych stunt meant to cover the real crimes by setting up people for giant whoppers creating disinformation and distrust when the original claims are heard. In the 1970s and other areas----the cia/fbi/communists played mind games..and what they found was that people were sexual perverts or could be made into sexual perverts could be both more easily controlled and more likely to keep and participate in other immoral criminal activity...hence why cults like jim jones, charlie manson etc are also involved in sexual control and pervasions of their own followers.
The Pizzagate allegations were serious, it should be investigated. Kudos to General Flynn.

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