Proof of Modern Racism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015

The exchange begins at 1:22:44

IMO? The guy posing the question is just a dumb, inexperienced kid.

That is the POV of his IN-Group, that is implicit bias. The minority Out-groups can have just as damaging implicit biases.

I think your problem is taking this belief, and then using it as a fallacy of composition, IOW, making the assumption that this is how all TPUSA folks feel, or all conservative, all Republicans, or all white folks feel. Hell, if you watch the exchange, you can see, it is an erroneous belief that shocks most of the folks there.

Dumb thread premise. (Although, I do admit, there are quite a few knuckle heads on this forum that would probably go for such an hair-brained scheme.)

(The idiot that asked this question is not even aware that the people most responsible for putting in the back breaking labor of building this nation in the 18th & 19th century were primarily the descendants of; first, the Africans, next the Irish, and of course, the Chinese.)

The exchange begins at 1:22:44


Why wouldnt you use a real story about racism? There are about a million videos of violent racism, yet you post this non story? What is wrong with you?

Here is real modern racism.

If I want modern racism


Why wouldnt you use a real story about racism? There are about a million videos of violent racism, yet you post this non story? What is wrong with you?

Here is real modern racism.

If I want modern racism

Have you noticed how tame white racism is compared to black racism? Your examples are always about some white person saying a naughty word, even though a million examples of horrific attacks and murders being committed by black racists exist. Why do you go after the softest racism while ignoring violent REAL racism? Ill tell you why, its because you cant find white people committing legit acts of racism.
If the mere thought of conservatives does not bring racism to mind then you are abnormal.

What brings racism to mind is the 1860s, 1950s and 1960s. That's what I think about.

When I think of racism, I think of the slave holding states run by democrats in the antebellum period. When I think of racism, I think of white folks have their own bathrooms, and water fountains and schools. When I think of racism, I think of lynchings and castration of black males. When I think of racism I think of black people not being allowed into stores because of their skin color. When I think of racism I think of crooked politicians in 1964 who tried to filibuster the Civil Rights Act. THAT is what I think of when I think of racism. Not conservatives. Get your head out of your ass, the air is much fresher outside of your rectum.
If I want modern racism

how many blacks do you hire to racially attack you? Jussie Smollett hired two.
What brings racism to mind is the 1860s, 1950s and 1960s. That's what I think about.

When I think of racism, I think of the slave holding states run by democrats in the antebellum period. When I think of racism, I think of white folks have their own bathrooms, and water fountains and schools. When I think of racism, I think of lynchings and castration of black males. When I think of racism I think of black people not being allowed into stores because of their skin color. When I think of racism I think of crooked politicians in 1964 who tried to filibuster the Civil Rights Act. THAT is what I think of when I think of racism. Not conservatives. Get your head out of your ass, the air is much fresher outside of your rectum.
It is sad that you don't think of racism when you hear or see a republican. To be obsessed like you are is not good. Some fresh air would be good for you.
It is sad that you don't think of racism when you hear or see a republican. To be obsessed like you are is not good. Some fresh air would be good for you.

Okay, so to be a republican is racist? That is lumping millions of people into a category they don't belong in.

Instead of you acknowledging the racism I mentioned above, you just accuse me of being racist. And how am I obsessed?
Okay, so to be a republican is racist? That is lumping millions of people into a category they don't belong in.

Instead of you acknowledging the racism I mentioned above, you just accuse me of being racist. And how am I obsessed?
To be republican in life one must be racist to take the charter of conservatism to heart. Take the following into consideration.
An old wise Indian once said,” you white folks came here and took all that was ours never asking for permission.
Now you white folks guard your borders against all intruders. It is like you are afraid they will do to you what you did to us.
The fear you exude is a mark on your character and ethics.
So instead of being a trusting being, in and of the goodness of the human spirit, you find it hard to trust because you know yourself to be untrustworthy.
To be republican in life one must be racist to take the charter of conservatism to heart. Take the following into consideration.
An old wise Indian once said,” you white folks came here and took all that was ours never asking for permission.
Now you white folks guard your borders against all intruders. It is like you are afraid they will do to you what you did to us.
The fear you exude is a mark on your character and ethics.
So instead of being a trusting being, in and of the goodness of the human spirit, you find it hard to trust because you know yourself to be untrustworthy.

I believe the correct term would be Native American, or Indigenous leader.

So the white man stole that tribes land. My question is, who's land was it before that tribe stole it from another tribe? And whose land was it when the tribe before them stole it from another tribe? The world has been in conquest since the dawn of man, fighting over land. Nothing new, nothing racist. It stems from the basic human initiative to advance.
The actual proof is that racism (racial discrimination) is basically dead. While many non-Blacks in our society think ill of Blacks, they have learned to leave them alone. Blacks will fail on their own; there is no need to "hold them down."

Look for cases of employers turning down an applicant because s/he is Black. Doesn't happen. Schools rejecting students because they are Black. People being convicted of crimes and going to jail because they are Black. Employees being denied promotions because they are Black.

Doesn't happen. In fact, the reality is just the opposite. Employers hire sub-standard applicants because they are Black, schools accept sub-standard applicants, Blacks go to jail in greater numbers, but their records are much worse. Marginal employees are promoted despite no rational justification.

So Black proponents (Leftists) have invented a new form of racism. They variously call it "endemic," "systemic," or "intrinsic." These forms of "racism" are so subtle that they can only be demonstrated by pointing out statistics that are FULLY JUSTIFIED BY THE INFERIORITY OF THE BLACKS impacted. Blacks reject the core of our culture, disdain education, reject common courtesies and make horrible life decisions, all of which can easily be demonstrated, and the fact that they do not succeed is attributed to RACISM? GImmeafukkinbreak.

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