Not that this changes anything: prove racism.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
Long and short of it, base it on facts. Not tortured drawn out allegations based on improvable junk, not just assertions or allegations like black pseudo intellectuals and comedians do. Scientific proof. Oh wait a minute, black intellectuals find that facts are racist...because they say so. that. America and white males didn't objectively land on the moon and create this HUGE technology base based on liberal socialist identify politics gender pronouns fantasies. Hardly.
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Long and short of it, base it on facts. Not tortured drawn out allegations based on provable facts, not just assertions or allegations like black pseudo intellectuals and comedians do. Scientific proof. Oh wait a minute, black intellectuals find that facts are racist...because they say so. that.

Humans are emotional. They get attacked by people who know that this is true, and they find humans easy to manipulate.
Long and short of it, base it on facts. Not tortured drawn out allegations based on provable facts, not just assertions or allegations like black pseudo intellectuals and comedians do. Scientific proof. Oh wait a minute, black intellectuals find that facts are racist...because they say so. that.

Humans are emotional. They get attacked by people who know that this is true, and they find humans easy to manipulate.
Only morons and Democrats(but i repeat myself) are emotional. Most thinking people, dont let emotions take over, which is why you see BLM/ANTIFA burning down minority businesses, because they "FEEL" that they can....
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We are humans...I am white and liberal and a Democrat. I left the democratic party when at quorum, leaders STOPPED us mentioning illegal aliens. Forbid it, because it "offended some people". Well, nevermind the harm they where causing, ignore the Vox Populi. Excuse me? Democrats sort of when down that road less traveled of appeasing anything or anyone to get votes. Save the unicorns, 12th dimensional sexuals from the purple beyond. I want the Democratic party back, not these grifters. They are NOT Democrats.
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We are humans...I am white and liberal and a Democrat. I left the democratic party when at quorum, leaders STOPPED us mentioning illegal aliens. Forbid it, because it "offended some people". Well, nevermind the harm they where causing, ignore the Vox Populi. Excuse me? Democrats sort of when down that road less traveled of appeasing anything or anyone to get votes. Save the unicorns, 12th dimensional sexuals from the purple beyond. I want the Democratic part back, not these grifters.
You want the Classical Liberals back?

What Is Classical Liberalism? | Ralph Raico
"Classical liberalism" is the term used to designate the ideology advocating private property, an unhampered market economy, the rule of law, constitutional guarantees of freedom of religion and of the press, and international peace based on free trade.

I am more of a libertarian/classical liberal(conservative) who believes that if you want to destroy your body, then i will not stop you, but if you do something to someone else bad, then you should be done to you what you did to that person.
Example - The 9/11 conspirators, should be put in an airplane and taken up to the height of the twin towers, and forced to jump out of the plane without a parachute or be burned to death..Those were the options given to the innocent victims, same goes to the assholes...

Oh and the Democrat party has always been full of bad people. They just hid their immorality to make them look better, today they display their immoral attitudes front and center.
Long and short of it, base it on facts. Not tortured drawn out allegations based on improvable junk, not just assertions or allegations like black pseudo intellectuals and comedians do. Scientific proof. Oh wait a minute, black intellectuals find that facts are racist...because they say so. that. America and white males didn't objectively land on the moon and create this HUGE technology base based on liberal socialist identify politics gender pronouns fantasies. Hardly.
It may have slipped your mind, but you have already started 10000000000000 threads EXACTLY like this. Are you waiting for another thought to arrive in the mail?
Long and short of it, base it on facts. Not tortured drawn out allegations based on improvable junk, not just assertions or allegations like black pseudo intellectuals and comedians do. Scientific proof. Oh wait a minute, black intellectuals find that facts are racist...because they say so. that. America and white males didn't objectively land on the moon and create this HUGE technology base based on liberal socialist identify politics gender pronouns fantasies. Hardly.
You've been shown plenty. So shut the fuck up.
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You've been shown plenty. So shut the fuck up.
I was worried after you didn't show up spouting your usual hysterical bullshit, I was hoping you weren't murdered by one of your dark melanin skinned brothers.

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