Progressivism fails the people and the planet once again

No. How about The Bay Area? SF and SJ. Shall we look at those?

They (elected officials in those cities, along with LA) have invited the homeless to their cities and then whine that they need help taking care of their guests.
Huh? My point is, it’s a bunk argument to say don’t spend money on the roads because there is a homeless problem. There are budgets for both.

California doesn't have money for either and now the financing for their "imaginary" high-speed railroad is under investigation.


U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Wow, 2.7 trillion GDP?! That’s impressive
Not nearly as “impressive” as the fact that they could have a $2 trillion GDP and still manage to accumulate $400 billion in debt, have the highest poverty in the U.S., and have the lowest quality of life.

That perfectly summarizes the astounding failure of left-wing policy. California is the (second or third?) largest state in the U.S. with unimaginable advantages (natural resource, ocean property, perfect weather for agriculture, etc.) and still the left can’t even figure out a way to have quality of life. But that’s what happens when one embraces communism, lawlessness, promiscuity, and substance abuse.
Huh? My point is, it’s a bunk argument to say don’t spend money on the roads because there is a homeless problem. There are budgets for both.

California doesn't have money for either and now the financing for their "imaginary" high-speed railroad is under investigation.


U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Wow, 2.7 trillion GDP?! That’s impressive
Not nearly as “impressive” as the fact that they could have a $2 trillion GDP and still manage to accumulate $400 billion in debt, have the highest poverty in the U.S., and have the lowest quality of life.

That perfectly summarizes the astounding failure of left-wing policy. California is the (second or third?) largest state in the U.S. with unimaginable advantages (natural resource, ocean property, perfect weather for agriculture, etc.) and still the left can’t even figure out a way to have quality of life. But that’s what happens when one embraces communism, lawlessness, promiscuity, and substance abuse.
Ive lived in 4 cities in California and have had a blast in each one. I will say though, Austin Texas beat them all. Cali was not bad at all though, amazing place
Ive lived in 4 cities in California and have had a blast in each one.
That’s not a credit to California - that’s a credit to you. Some people (such as JoeB) are absolutely miserable no matter where they go or what they do. You, on the other hand, are one of those people who just enjoys life. You’d be perfectly happy in Detroit or Cuba.
Ive lived in 4 cities in California and have had a blast in each one.
That’s not a credit to California - that’s a credit to you. Some people (such as JoeB) are absolutely miserable no matter where they go or what they do. You, on the other hand, are one of those people who just enjoys life. You’d be perfectly happy in Detroit or Cuba.
Haha, probably... life is too short to be miserable. I have my concerns with the high taxes and regulations that California has and I vote against it in many cases. However I don’t think Cali is a liberal oppressive shithole that people are fleeing from in mass numbers. That’s a false narrative

You make a good point though. WE are in control of our own happiness and if we find ourselves placing too much blame on others or on political ideology then we are avoiding taking personal responsibility over our own lives.
However I don’t think Cali is a liberal oppressive shithole that people are fleeing from in mass numbers. That’s a false narrative
It’s not though. All of the data proves it. Worst quality of life in the U.S. Most poverty in the U.S. Highest loss of tax revenues. Top three in net loss of residents.
However I don’t think Cali is a liberal oppressive shithole that people are fleeing from in mass numbers. That’s a false narrative
It’s not though. All of the data proves it. Worst quality of life in the U.S. Most poverty in the U.S. Highest loss of tax revenues. Top three in net loss of residents.
You can look at it that way. I could bring up dozens of positive things about Cali and the amzing things produced and that exist in this state. From technology to produce to entertainment. There are many things that can be improved but there are also many things that make it an extraordinary place
About 21% of the lower 48 covered in snow on April 20 according to the Weather channel. The cult of Global Warming might change the focus and call it "climate change" but it's damn sure that the freaking planet ain't warming. What we have to fear most is the Sun's quirky agenda. Are we in a fortunate time in geologic history to enjoy the peak of the global warming after the last Ice Age? You almost gotta laugh that lefties never enjoy a nice day in the spring unless they can turn it into a global extortion scheme.
You can look at it that way. I could bring up dozens of positive things about Cali and the amzing things produced and that exist in this state. From technology to produce to entertainment. There are many things that can be improved but there are also many things that make it an extraordinary place
Well I’m not denying that. Apple is incredible. Google is a powerhouse. But when you add up all of their extraordinary resources and advantages and then you examine what the net results are, it’s clear that progressive policy is killing California.

If California operated under pure conservative policy, they would have 0 debt, the highest quality of living in the world, the lowest poverty in the world, and a very low crime rate.
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You can look at it that way. I could bring up dozens of positive things about Cali and the amzing things produced and that exist in this state. From technology to produce to entertainment. There are many things that can be improved but there are also many things that make it an extraordinary place
Well I’m not denying that. Apple is incredible. Google is a powerhouse. But when you add up all of their extraordinary resources and advantages and then you examine what the net results are, it’s clear that progressive policy is killing California.

If California operated under pure conservative policy, they would have 0 debt, the highest quality of living in the world, the lowest poverty in the world, and a very low crime rate.
The highest poverty in California is in Inland counties, generally not in the more liberal cities.
UN says Alabama has worst poverty. hookworms.
You can look at it that way. I could bring up dozens of positive things about Cali and the amzing things produced and that exist in this state. From technology to produce to entertainment. There are many things that can be improved but there are also many things that make it an extraordinary place
Well I’m not denying that. Apple is incredible. Google is a powerhouse. But when you add up all of their extraordinary resources and advantages and then you examine what the net results are, it’s clear that progressive policy is killing California.

If California operated under pure conservative policy, they would have 0 debt, the highest quality of living in the world, the lowest poverty in the world, and a very low crime rate.
Perhaps, but Cali might not have had the successes that it has achieved if it was under conservative policy. Perhaps a healthy contrast of liberal and progressive thought in the same arena is a good thing
Perhaps, but Cali might not have had the successes that it has achieved if it was under conservative policy. Perhaps a healthy contrast of liberal and progressive thought in the same arena is a good thing
How? Apple was “conceived” under pure capitalism. They did not receive government loans. They had their own idea, built their product in a garage, and took off from there. Same with Walt Disney and Disneyland.

I would love for someone to explain to me how stripping liberty, imposing regulations, and taking money from people/companies somehow “helps” achieve success.
The highest poverty in California is in Inland counties, generally not in the more liberal cities.
That is simply not true. Homelessness in San Francisco (the ultimate progressive bastion) has reached a point of crisis. The “inland counties” only struggle because the state of California hammers them with taxes and regulations. Those farming communities would be flourishing if not for the catastrophic left-wing policies.
UN says Alabama has worst poverty. hookworms.
Oh, would that be the same UN with a radical left-wing agenda? Or the same UN that not only engaged in the exploitation and sex trafficking of women in war torn nations, but who also then covered it all up and ensured that their people were never held accountable? That UN? Yeah - forgive me if I don’t take their anti-American reports seriously.
Perhaps, but Cali might not have had the successes that it has achieved if it was under conservative policy. Perhaps a healthy contrast of liberal and progressive thought in the same arena is a good thing
How? Apple was “conceived” under pure capitalism. They did not receive government loans. They had their own idea, built their product in a garage, and took off from there. Same with Walt Disney and Disneyland.

I would love for someone to explain to me how stripping liberty, imposing regulations, and taking money from people/companies somehow “helps” achieve success.
None of those things help achieve success but it was a rhetorical question so that’s a given.

We live in a republic where each state can vote for the ideology they desire and businesses can operate in which ever area and environment they choose. So please point to the conservative area that has proven to be a better breading ground for business than California.

The majority of states and cities that produce the most are blue. Texas, is conservative and is a great state which is attracting businesses and there are productive cities there but it is largely based on oil and still doesn’t out produce the blue states. I just don’t see a shining example of strict conservatism that breeds industry. I’d think if that was apparent then we would have a much stronger balance of red cities as top producers in this country.

My position is that a healthy balance of liberalism and conservatism is the best formula.
So please point to the conservative area that has proven to be a better breading ground for business than California.
Literally every conservative state. That is why California has higher poverty than every conservative state and a lower quality of life than every conservative state.
So please point to the conservative area that has proven to be a better breading ground for business than California.
Literally every conservative state. That is why California has higher poverty than every conservative state and a lower quality of life than every conservative state.
Those metrics aren’t what I was asking about. How about economic output, productivity, and innovation?
So please point to the conservative area that has proven to be a better breading ground for business than California.
Literally every conservative state. That is why California has higher poverty than every conservative state and a lower quality of life than every conservative state.
Those metrics aren’t what I was asking about. How about economic output, productivity, and innovation?
I hate to break this to you - but "economic output, productivity, innovation, etc." are all metrics. If I'm not allowed to site metrics, how in the heck can I prove it?!? :eusa_doh:

And economic output isn't exactly the most fair metric to site. California is massive and has unbelievable natural resources (oil, weather for agriculture, the largest coast of any state in the U.S. for ports, a fishing industry, etc.). That guarantees a certain economic output that a tiny state like Rhode Island simply cannot match.

A better metric is the net result (income vs. spending), quality of life, poverty, economic freedom index, etc.
So please point to the conservative area that has proven to be a better breading ground for business than California.
Literally every conservative state. That is why California has higher poverty than every conservative state and a lower quality of life than every conservative state.
Those metrics aren’t what I was asking about. How about economic output, productivity, and innovation?
I hate to break this to you - but "economic output, productivity, innovation, etc." are all metrics. If I'm not allowed to site metrics, how in the heck can I prove it?!? :eusa_doh:

And economic output isn't exactly the most fair metric to site. California is massive and has unbelievable natural resources (oil, weather for agriculture, the largest coast of any state in the U.S. for ports, a fishing industry, etc.). That guarantees a certain economic output that a tiny state like Rhode Island simply cannot match.

A better metric is the net result (income vs. spending), quality of life, poverty, economic freedom index, etc.
They are all metrics and they are all worthy of discussion. I’m not saying that quality of life and poverty are insignificant, I’m just saying there are more elements involved and we should just cherry pick the negative.

Oregon, Texas, Florida and plenty of other states have coastline and oil and resources. All have had the opportunity to institute liberal or conservative policies, so it is a fair discussion to discuss and compare blue vs red states amoungst a variety of metrics

The most and least productive cities in the U.S.
This is the type of extreme absurdity that could only come from the left. The company themselves admits that the product only results in a 10° to 15° cooler surface temperature. And statistics show that the pavement will reach temperatures of 150°. So at best, you’re only going to reduce pavement temperatures to 135° (still scorching) at a staggering cost of $40,000 per mile.
Dark-colored or black asphalt absorbs between 80% and 95% of the sun's rays, heating up LA's streets up to 150 degrees F. The light-coated streets, on the other hand, reflect much more of the sun's rays and are an average of 10 to 15 degrees F cooler than regular asphalt streets.

While the coatings last for seven years, they are expensive, costing about $40,000 per mile.
Now, pavement that never sees direct sun due to shade provided by trees is considerably cooler than 10° - 15°. Trees provide that shade at a cost less than $40,000 per mile and they last exponentially longer than 7 years. Plus, they have the added ecological benefit of giving off oxygen and providing shelter for wildlife. Finally, when their “life” is over, they can be used for heating or paper.

Los Angeles is spending $40,000 per mile to paint streets white — and it could have a surprising ripple effect on the city
What about all the chemical fumes that will be introduced in the air? The chemical residue? Yes, liberals are going to destroy the environment trying to save it. Lol, liberals destroy everything they touch. Oh and another thing, white reflects light. More fatal car wrecks, because you can't see where you are going. They are going to kill themselves out.

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