Once again, Venezuela "Feeling the Bern" of socialism


Platinum Member
Jan 23, 2014
Central Ohio
There is one really good aspect of the left-wing in Venezuela. Unlike here in a America, where they implement socialism in incremental steps, resulting in the boiled frog syndrome, they at least dived into socialism head first. Thus we can see the results of all the idiotic stupid policies in one swoop.

Venezuela introduces two-day week to deal with energy crisis - BBC News

Hot off the BBC press.... it's just amazing. No matter how badly socialism destroys an entire nation, we here in the US still have people defending socialist ideas.

The government recently introduced a TWO DAY WORK WEEK. To save on power... because unlike their foolish capitalist north American neighbors, they have renewable green-energy from hydro-electric dams, which are now..... out of power.

Among the brilliant moves by the nearly broke government, to help their devastated country....

They moved forward clocks by 30 minutes, supposedly to reduce electricity use in the evening...
They told shopping centers to operate less, and generate their own power....

Now keep in mind, that out of all the countries throughout all of latin America, the one country.... the ONE country, that could burn oil to power the entire country, is Venezuela..... but instead.....


Shopping centers are trying to sell dresses by cell phone lights....... REALLY!?! You 'feel the bern' people really want this as your strategy?

But that would be fantastic, if that was the only socialist ideal that has failed....

Venezuelan healthcare in collapse as economy ails - BBC News

Inside his cramped room, on the 10th floor of the University Hospital of Caracas, his doctor, paediatric resident Joam Andrade, points to the cockroaches on the walls, and the sticky tape holding his oxygen tube together.

She writes in my notebook what she wants to prescribe, and cannot, because there is none in Venezuela: "Cladribine. 5-6 ampoules. 10mg."​

You tell me our health care system is so bad, and the government run health care would be so much better..... tell me you socialists, which American hospital do you find roaches on the walls, and the medical equipment held together by tape? Where do you find doctors prescribing pills that are nowhere in the whole country?

Hey, you think those patients would complain if they had the option to BUY good health care? Oh... but this "free" health care is so much better. Yeah, tell that to this doctor in Venezuela....

"We have gone from 450 open heart surgeries a year to 20. And from 1,200 cardiac catheterisations per year, it's now at most 300.
"I'm almost at the point where I have to say we need to close our department of cardiology, because it's not fair to make us just look at our patients, and see which way they are going to die."​

All they can do now, is just observe patients to see how they are going to die. Here in America, you get treated, and you might have to file bankruptcy. In Venezuela, you get to keep your house! And your car! And your GRAVE.

After 30% Hike, Venezuela's Minimum Wage Is Just $13 a Month

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced last night the fourth minimum wage hike this year as the South American country battles the highest inflation rate in the world. At the black market exchange rate, it’s still only about $13 a month.​

Wow... so they are jacking up the minimum wage over and over, and each time, inflation drives the value of the wage, right back down.

Venezuela’s currency has lost 87 percent of its value on the black market in the past year, according to data compiled by dolartoday.com, a website that tracks trading in street markets where Venezuelans go to skirt limits on foreign-exchange purchases. The economy shrank 10 percent this year, the biggest contraction worldwide, while inflation is 159 percent, the International Monetary Fund said this month.
WHAT?! They increased the minimum wage by 40 percent, and the economy shrank by 10% in one year, the largest fall of GDP in the ENTIRE WORLD?!? How can that be? I thought that those people would have more buying power, and with more middle class buyers, the economy would boom! Isn't that what the fight for $15 people say?

Siobhan Morden, head of Latin America strategy at Jefferies LLC, said Friday in a note to clients, adding that it now took more than 10 minimum monthly salaries to purchase a basket of basic consumer goods. “The social pressure for wage indexation will catalyst more aggressive minimum wage hikes that feeds back into higher inflation.”
Let me boil that down for you slow minded 'fight for $15' folks...... The number one cost in any product of any kind, is labor. More than anything else. When you jack up the cost of labor, that drives up the cost of goods, which devalues the money. Every time Venezuela has jacked up the minimum wage, the cost of products, goods and services, goes right up with it. As a result, people are less able to afford the things after they get the higher wage, than before they got the higher wage.

Venezuela raises taxes on wealthy, big business

And here we are again, with raising taxes. Jacking up taxes on the rich and wealthy, to try and pay all their bills. Funny, it doesn't seem to work that well.

By the way, without posting individual links for each tax, I assume you are intelligent enough to look it up yourself.... the taxes in Venezuela are massive.

24% Social Security tax.
34% Income Tax on all earnings over just $76,000 a year.
55% Estate Tax.
12% Consumption Tax
0.75% Tax on fiscal transations. (Buying and selling stocks and bonds).
34% Corporate Tax

With all those taxes, and some I haven't posted here, shouldn't Venezuela be reaping massive income?

Venezuela Hits "Point of No Return" - 2016 Bankruptcy Is "Difficult To Avoid" According To Barclays | Zero Hedge

Barclays' Alejandro Arreaza notes, Venezuela has officially reached the "point of no return" and writes that "the economic emergency decree and any measures that the government could take at this point may be too late. After two years of inaction and the recent decline in oil prices, a credit event in 2016 is becoming increasingly difficult to avoid, in our view."
Whaaa?? Say it ain't so! How can this be? Where is all the money? Why can't the one country in all of latin America, with massive oil reserves, some of which haven't even been tapped yet..... The one country that has nationalized dozens of industries....

Factbox: Venezuela's nationalizations under Chavez

The country that has restricted imports, kicked out job stealing immigrants....


How can they possibly be heading for an economic collapse, and sovereign default???

Venezuelans leave 21st-century socialism for US, Spain | Americas | DW.COM | 29.10.2015

Because even the Venezuelans themselves, are leaving Venezuela. More than 1.3 MILLION people have fled the country.

According to a survey by the Andres Bello Catholic University in Caracas, 1.2-1.5 million Venezuelans now live outside the country. Ninety percent of that emigration has taken place in the past 15 years.

"Venezuela has gone from being a country of immigration to being one of emigration," said Tomas Paez, a sociologist at the University of Caracas. "President Nicolas Maduro's administration has done nothing to curb the exodus - quite the opposite: They are encouraging it."

Paez is the author of the book "The Voice of the Venezuelan Diaspora," which was published in July. He interviewed 900 emigrants in 41 countries for the study. He says he was most impressed by the swiftness of the mass exodus.

As if that were not enough: According to the Caracas-based polling institute Datanalisis, about 30 percent of Venezuela's 32 million residents are currently preparing documents for emigration. The institute says that 10 years ago that number was about 4 percent.
Out of 32 Million people, 5% of the entire population has left the country. That's INSANE.


You people..... stop being ignorant. Stop being foolish, and uninformed. LOOK AROUND. Not one time in all of human history, has socialism ever worked. Not once. Venezuela is now just another statistic in the casualties of socialist destruction.

They have tried EVERY SINGLE POLICY, that you left-wingers have been pushing in the US, and every single one of them has failed, and drastically.

Your ideology, is a FAILURE. It has always been a FAILURE. And always will be a FAILURE.
I love the way rightard dumb fucks ignore the social democracies of the west and insist on comparing their own feeding frenzy of a society to new world republics that have been destabilised by being aligned with US interests for decades.
I love the way rightard dumb fucks ignore the social democracies of the west and insist on comparing their own feeding frenzy of a society to new world republics that have been destabilised by being aligned with US interests for decades.

What are you talking about? Venezuela has been completely opposed to, and even hostile to US interest for decades.

Hugo Chavez nationalized US corporate property numerous times, the largest of which was Exxon. THe heck are you talking about? Once again, the left-wing proves not only partisan hostility, be complete and total ignorance of their own 'successes' elsewhere in the world.
Socialism turns to anarchy in Venezuela...

Scenes From The Venezuela Apocalypse: "Countless Wounded" After 5,000 Loot Supermarket Looking For Food
5/13/2016 - Over the last several years we have documented with clockwork regularity Venezuela's collapse into failed state status, which was cemented several weeks ago when news hit that "Venezuela had officially run out of money to print new money." At that point the best one could do was merely to step back and watch as local society and civilization turned on itself, unleashing what would ultimately turn into Venezuela's own, sad apocalypse.
Last night we showed what Caracas, looks like this week:


As we wrote then these are simply hungry Venezuelans protesting that their children are dying from lack of food and medicine and that they do not have enough water or electricity. As AgainstCronyCapitalism added, this is a country with more oil than Saudi Arabia, and the government has stolen all the money and now they bottleneck peaceful protesters and threaten them with bombs (or haul them to prison and torture them). As pure desperation has set in, crime has becomes inevitable. A man accused of mugging people in the streets of Caracas was surrounded by a mob of onlookers, beaten and set on fire, who published a pixeled-out but still graphic video of the man burning as mob justice is now the supreme arbiter of who lives and who dies:

"Roberto Fuentes Bernal, 42, was reportedly caught trying to mug passersby in the Venezuelan capital, and before police arrived at the scene, the crowd took the law into their own hands." The video can be seen here. Now, in the latest shocking development, Venezuela saw a new wave of looting this week that resulted in at least two deaths, countless wounded, and millions of dollars in losses and damages. According to Panampost, on Wednesday morning, a crowd sacked the Maracay Wholesale Market in the central region of Venezuela. According to the testimonies of merchants, the endless food lines that Venezuelans have been enduring to do groceries could not be organized that day.


As time went by, desperate Venezuelans grew anxious over not being able to buy food. Then they started jumping over the gates and stormed the supermarket. "They took milk, pasta, flour, oil, and milk powder. There were 5,000 people" one witness told Venezuela outlet El Estímulo. People from across the entire state came to the supermarket because there were rumors that some products not found anywhere else would be sold there. As a result of the massive crowd, the authorities were unable to preserve the peace. "There were 250 people for each National Guard officer… lots of people and few soldiers. At least one officer was beat up because he tried to stop the crowd,” another source told El Estímulo. Other food dispensaries run by the government were also looted by the people. Far from the promised socialist paradise, as the massive group of people moved, an entrance gate collapsed under the weight of the crowd, leaving several wounded.

Socialism turns to anarchy in Venezuela...

Scenes From The Venezuela Apocalypse: "Countless Wounded" After 5,000 Loot Supermarket Looking For Food
5/13/2016 - Over the last several years we have documented with clockwork regularity Venezuela's collapse into failed state status, which was cemented several weeks ago when news hit that "Venezuela had officially run out of money to print new money." At that point the best one could do was merely to step back and watch as local society and civilization turned on itself, unleashing what would ultimately turn into Venezuela's own, sad apocalypse.
Last night we showed what Caracas, looks like this week:


As we wrote then these are simply hungry Venezuelans protesting that their children are dying from lack of food and medicine and that they do not have enough water or electricity. As AgainstCronyCapitalism added, this is a country with more oil than Saudi Arabia, and the government has stolen all the money and now they bottleneck peaceful protesters and threaten them with bombs (or haul them to prison and torture them). As pure desperation has set in, crime has becomes inevitable. A man accused of mugging people in the streets of Caracas was surrounded by a mob of onlookers, beaten and set on fire, who published a pixeled-out but still graphic video of the man burning as mob justice is now the supreme arbiter of who lives and who dies:

"Roberto Fuentes Bernal, 42, was reportedly caught trying to mug passersby in the Venezuelan capital, and before police arrived at the scene, the crowd took the law into their own hands." The video can be seen here. Now, in the latest shocking development, Venezuela saw a new wave of looting this week that resulted in at least two deaths, countless wounded, and millions of dollars in losses and damages. According to Panampost, on Wednesday morning, a crowd sacked the Maracay Wholesale Market in the central region of Venezuela. According to the testimonies of merchants, the endless food lines that Venezuelans have been enduring to do groceries could not be organized that day.


As time went by, desperate Venezuelans grew anxious over not being able to buy food. Then they started jumping over the gates and stormed the supermarket. "They took milk, pasta, flour, oil, and milk powder. There were 5,000 people" one witness told Venezuela outlet El Estímulo. People from across the entire state came to the supermarket because there were rumors that some products not found anywhere else would be sold there. As a result of the massive crowd, the authorities were unable to preserve the peace. "There were 250 people for each National Guard officer… lots of people and few soldiers. At least one officer was beat up because he tried to stop the crowd,” another source told El Estímulo. Other food dispensaries run by the government were also looted by the people. Far from the promised socialist paradise, as the massive group of people moved, an entrance gate collapsed under the weight of the crowd, leaving several wounded.


And once again..... who is suffering? The rich and wealthy? OH no... They left Venezuela a long time ago. It's the poor and impoverished that are starving.

Socialism is always hailed at a way to keep the rich and wealthy in check.... in reality, it only harms the poor. The rich can leave.

Thanks for your post. Excellent.
Socialism turns to anarchy in Venezuela...

Scenes From The Venezuela Apocalypse: "Countless Wounded" After 5,000 Loot Supermarket Looking For Food
5/13/2016 - Over the last several years we have documented with clockwork regularity Venezuela's collapse into failed state status, which was cemented several weeks ago when news hit that "Venezuela had officially run out of money to print new money." At that point the best one could do was merely to step back and watch as local society and civilization turned on itself, unleashing what would ultimately turn into Venezuela's own, sad apocalypse.
Last night we showed what Caracas, looks like this week:


As we wrote then these are simply hungry Venezuelans protesting that their children are dying from lack of food and medicine and that they do not have enough water or electricity. As AgainstCronyCapitalism added, this is a country with more oil than Saudi Arabia, and the government has stolen all the money and now they bottleneck peaceful protesters and threaten them with bombs (or haul them to prison and torture them). As pure desperation has set in, crime has becomes inevitable. A man accused of mugging people in the streets of Caracas was surrounded by a mob of onlookers, beaten and set on fire, who published a pixeled-out but still graphic video of the man burning as mob justice is now the supreme arbiter of who lives and who dies:

"Roberto Fuentes Bernal, 42, was reportedly caught trying to mug passersby in the Venezuelan capital, and before police arrived at the scene, the crowd took the law into their own hands." The video can be seen here. Now, in the latest shocking development, Venezuela saw a new wave of looting this week that resulted in at least two deaths, countless wounded, and millions of dollars in losses and damages. According to Panampost, on Wednesday morning, a crowd sacked the Maracay Wholesale Market in the central region of Venezuela. According to the testimonies of merchants, the endless food lines that Venezuelans have been enduring to do groceries could not be organized that day.


As time went by, desperate Venezuelans grew anxious over not being able to buy food. Then they started jumping over the gates and stormed the supermarket. "They took milk, pasta, flour, oil, and milk powder. There were 5,000 people" one witness told Venezuela outlet El Estímulo. People from across the entire state came to the supermarket because there were rumors that some products not found anywhere else would be sold there. As a result of the massive crowd, the authorities were unable to preserve the peace. "There were 250 people for each National Guard officer… lots of people and few soldiers. At least one officer was beat up because he tried to stop the crowd,” another source told El Estímulo. Other food dispensaries run by the government were also looted by the people. Far from the promised socialist paradise, as the massive group of people moved, an entrance gate collapsed under the weight of the crowd, leaving several wounded.


Yup, and this is another socialist country with empty shelves


Ops, shit, sorry, this is capitalist Greece...

People who have never left their comfort bubble, commenting on the events around the world,
entertaining for sure.... :lmao:
Socialism turns to anarchy in Venezuela...

Scenes From The Venezuela Apocalypse: "Countless Wounded" After 5,000 Loot Supermarket Looking For Food
5/13/2016 - Over the last several years we have documented with clockwork regularity Venezuela's collapse into failed state status, which was cemented several weeks ago when news hit that "Venezuela had officially run out of money to print new money." At that point the best one could do was merely to step back and watch as local society and civilization turned on itself, unleashing what would ultimately turn into Venezuela's own, sad apocalypse.
Last night we showed what Caracas, looks like this week:


As we wrote then these are simply hungry Venezuelans protesting that their children are dying from lack of food and medicine and that they do not have enough water or electricity. As AgainstCronyCapitalism added, this is a country with more oil than Saudi Arabia, and the government has stolen all the money and now they bottleneck peaceful protesters and threaten them with bombs (or haul them to prison and torture them). As pure desperation has set in, crime has becomes inevitable. A man accused of mugging people in the streets of Caracas was surrounded by a mob of onlookers, beaten and set on fire, who published a pixeled-out but still graphic video of the man burning as mob justice is now the supreme arbiter of who lives and who dies:

"Roberto Fuentes Bernal, 42, was reportedly caught trying to mug passersby in the Venezuelan capital, and before police arrived at the scene, the crowd took the law into their own hands." The video can be seen here. Now, in the latest shocking development, Venezuela saw a new wave of looting this week that resulted in at least two deaths, countless wounded, and millions of dollars in losses and damages. According to Panampost, on Wednesday morning, a crowd sacked the Maracay Wholesale Market in the central region of Venezuela. According to the testimonies of merchants, the endless food lines that Venezuelans have been enduring to do groceries could not be organized that day.


As time went by, desperate Venezuelans grew anxious over not being able to buy food. Then they started jumping over the gates and stormed the supermarket. "They took milk, pasta, flour, oil, and milk powder. There were 5,000 people" one witness told Venezuela outlet El Estímulo. People from across the entire state came to the supermarket because there were rumors that some products not found anywhere else would be sold there. As a result of the massive crowd, the authorities were unable to preserve the peace. "There were 250 people for each National Guard officer… lots of people and few soldiers. At least one officer was beat up because he tried to stop the crowd,” another source told El Estímulo. Other food dispensaries run by the government were also looted by the people. Far from the promised socialist paradise, as the massive group of people moved, an entrance gate collapsed under the weight of the crowd, leaving several wounded.


Yup, and this is another socialist country with empty shelves


Ops, shit, sorry, this is capitalist Greece...

People who have never left their comfort bubble, commenting on the events around the world,
entertaining for sure.... :lmao:

Link please.
Socialism turns to anarchy in Venezuela...

Scenes From The Venezuela Apocalypse: "Countless Wounded" After 5,000 Loot Supermarket Looking For Food
5/13/2016 - Over the last several years we have documented with clockwork regularity Venezuela's collapse into failed state status, which was cemented several weeks ago when news hit that "Venezuela had officially run out of money to print new money." At that point the best one could do was merely to step back and watch as local society and civilization turned on itself, unleashing what would ultimately turn into Venezuela's own, sad apocalypse.
Last night we showed what Caracas, looks like this week:


As we wrote then these are simply hungry Venezuelans protesting that their children are dying from lack of food and medicine and that they do not have enough water or electricity. As AgainstCronyCapitalism added, this is a country with more oil than Saudi Arabia, and the government has stolen all the money and now they bottleneck peaceful protesters and threaten them with bombs (or haul them to prison and torture them). As pure desperation has set in, crime has becomes inevitable. A man accused of mugging people in the streets of Caracas was surrounded by a mob of onlookers, beaten and set on fire, who published a pixeled-out but still graphic video of the man burning as mob justice is now the supreme arbiter of who lives and who dies:

"Roberto Fuentes Bernal, 42, was reportedly caught trying to mug passersby in the Venezuelan capital, and before police arrived at the scene, the crowd took the law into their own hands." The video can be seen here. Now, in the latest shocking development, Venezuela saw a new wave of looting this week that resulted in at least two deaths, countless wounded, and millions of dollars in losses and damages. According to Panampost, on Wednesday morning, a crowd sacked the Maracay Wholesale Market in the central region of Venezuela. According to the testimonies of merchants, the endless food lines that Venezuelans have been enduring to do groceries could not be organized that day.


As time went by, desperate Venezuelans grew anxious over not being able to buy food. Then they started jumping over the gates and stormed the supermarket. "They took milk, pasta, flour, oil, and milk powder. There were 5,000 people" one witness told Venezuela outlet El Estímulo. People from across the entire state came to the supermarket because there were rumors that some products not found anywhere else would be sold there. As a result of the massive crowd, the authorities were unable to preserve the peace. "There were 250 people for each National Guard officer… lots of people and few soldiers. At least one officer was beat up because he tried to stop the crowd,” another source told El Estímulo. Other food dispensaries run by the government were also looted by the people. Far from the promised socialist paradise, as the massive group of people moved, an entrance gate collapsed under the weight of the crowd, leaving several wounded.


Yup, and this is another socialist country with empty shelves


Ops, shit, sorry, this is capitalist Greece...

People who have never left their comfort bubble, commenting on the events around the world,
entertaining for sure.... :lmao:

Link please.

And you were the one using the word "ignorance" just couple posts ago?


Let me google that for you
I love the way rightard dumb fucks ignore the social democracies of the west and insist on comparing their own feeding frenzy of a society to new world republics that have been destabilised by being aligned with US interests for decades.

Another far left drone that does not understand that socialism is a failure..
Capitalist Greece...dont make me laugh

We are not talking about SYRIZA Greece...

Empty shelves in Greece was not because Greece was a capitalist country,
nor because it turned into a semi socialist at some point.

You gotta understand the reasons why governments fail to provide their people a good future.
Sander's brand of 'Nordic Socialism' is nothing at all even remotely similar to 'Chavez Venezuela Socialism'.

Why do you make straw man arguments like that?
I love the way rightard dumb fucks ignore the social democracies of the west and insist on comparing their own feeding frenzy of a society to new world republics that have been destabilised by being aligned with US interests for decades.

Another far left drone that does not understand that socialism is a failure..

If what they have in Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark and Finland is a failure, then I want me some failure for this country too, dude.
Capitalist Greece...dont make me laugh

We are not talking about SYRIZA Greece...

Empty shelves in Greece was not because Greece was a capitalist country,
nor because it turned into a semi socialist at some point.

You gotta understand the reasons why governments fail to provide their people a good future.

That's why I wanted the link, so I could see the specific story you were looking at, to figure out how you could possibly claim that Greece was "capitalist" or that Capitalism caused empty shelves.

Greece is the direct result of socialism. Borrowing and spending, and socialist projects. Running socialist policies like their pension system, which people warned about for decades. I've read articles dating back to the 1990s, before they even joined the Eurozone, where people were warning that the system was not sustainable.

And even the empty shelves in Greece, are not due to some economic policy.

They are due to the referendum. Greece just rejected the conditions of bailout from the EU again. The EU may simply dump Greece, and boot them from the EU. If that happens, prices on all imported goods will instantly jump.

It's comparable to people buying up gas or food before a hurricane hits the coast.

There is no economic policy directly causing a shortage of food in Greece. People are just buying up everything they can in preparation for disaster. There is no 'shortage' at all. Stores are not having any problems finding suppliers of food stuffs, currently.

In Venezuela.... totally different. There is in fact a direct shortage. The problem isn't people buying everything. The problem is there is nothing to buy. The socialized system of collective farms, has destroyed food production, and turned Venezuela from being an exporter of food across south America, to being a food importer. And due to import regulations, and socialist trade controls, stores can't import that much food.

Venezuela is starving to death, because their bad policies have destroyed production. Their communes haven't produced the utopia food production that they planned (which is moronic since Stalin tried the something, and it failed there too. No one learns anything from history).

Greece, is in trouble, because they have ruined their economy, and refuse to do what is required to get bailed out of their mistakes. So they are screwing themselves. And the people know it. That's why they are stock piling food, and clearing out stores.
I've already posted a thread about Venezuela earlier this.

Venezuela instituted a lot of bad and ran up the debt under Chavez. Then Maduro took over and instituted even more bad policies!!

What happened there is like some idiots just took over the economy and government and just created decrees based on what they did not like.

All they did was make the problems worst each time they came out with a decree!

Easy was to renounce the decrees--at least before they were facing widespread civil unrest and the likely overthrow of the government.
Sander's brand of 'Nordic Socialism' is nothing at all even remotely similar to 'Chavez Venezuela Socialism'.

Why do you make straw man arguments like that?

Sanders isn't pushing Nordic Socialism.

In Switzerland....
Top marginal tax rate... 11.5%. Ours? 40%.
Corporate tax rate... 8.5%. Ours? 35%
Banks are less regulated in Switzerland, compared to the US.
Import tariffs are 0% in Switzerland, compared to 1.5% in the US.
Property rights in Switzerland are some of the most highly enforced in the world. Higher than the US.

On the Economic Freedom index, Switzerland is ranked 4th in the world, compared to the US 11th.

They are more capitalist, than we are.

When you say Bernie supports the Nordic model, you prove it. You should me where he demanded less regulation, lower taxes, lower income taxes, lower tariffs, more free trade, and more enforcement of private property rights.

Then I'll buy your "Bernie supports the Nordic model". Until then, you people don't know what the Nordic model is.

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