Presidential Trump needs to declare both martial and marshall law in the states that went to Biden


Gold Member
May 28, 2020
Declare martial law and have the military units that are loyal to President Trump and democracy carry out the new election. On the days leading up to the new election, we need to make it clear to the liberals what they are voting for to ensure we don't have a repeat in which Biden still receives the most votes. They need to realize that if they choose to act like children who insist on having a hissy-fit because they didn't get their way by voting for Biden, then they will be the cause of a civil war and/or a long-term martial law. As such, they need know that it's best for them to either not vote or to cast their vote for President Trump. I do worry that the libs are too selfish to do the right thing, though. They don't care that by voting for Biden they would be causing a civil war that will lead to the death of many Americans. They don't care about America or Americans, and they will happily do such horrible treasonous acts in support of their CCP masters.

Perhaps holding a second election isn't the best route because of these risk. Perhaps just instituting martial law in the Biden states and nullifying their electoral college votes all together.
Oh shit!!!! Is anyone else watching this???

I can't believe he actually did that !!! OMFG!!!!

Declare martial law and have the military units that are loyal to President Trump and democracy carry out the new election. On the days leading up to the new election, we need to make it clear to the liberals what they are voting for to ensure we don't have a repeat in which Biden still receives the most votes. They need to realize that if they choose to act like children who insist on having a hissy-fit because they didn't get their way by voting for Biden, then they will be the cause of a civil war and/or a long-term martial law. As such, they need know that it's best for them to either not vote or to cast their vote for President Trump. I do worry that the libs are too selfish to do the right thing, though. They don't care that by voting for Biden they would be causing a civil war that will lead to the death of many Americans. They don't care about America or Americans, and they will happily do such horrible treasonous acts in support of their CCP masters.

Perhaps holding a second election isn't the best route because of these risk. Perhaps just instituting martial law in the Biden states and nullifying their electoral college votes all together.
Nice fantasy. It’s not going to happen, you undemocratic, anti American sack of shit
First, yes I do get that the OP is satire. Though it's not far off from reality, given that the Trump cultists are calling for more extreme fascism than the OP. It's hard to satirize the Trump cult, because they're always worse than any satire you can dream up.

Back in reality, both FOX and Newsmax are publicly retracting their election fraud stories, to avoid getting sued into oblivion. Soon-to-be former AG Barr said "Not only no, but fukno" to any special counsels to investigate election fraud or Hunter Biden, because he doesn't want to end up in prison for corruption. And Trump thugs trying to seize the Oregon Statehouse were sent packing with pepper spray. The Trump cult keeps getting smaller and crazier.
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Declare martial law and have the military units that are loyal to President Trump and democracy carry out the new election. On the days leading up to the new election, we need to make it clear to the liberals what they are voting for to ensure we don't have a repeat in which Biden still receives the most votes. They need to realize that if they choose to act like children who insist on having a hissy-fit because they didn't get their way by voting for Biden, then they will be the cause of a civil war and/or a long-term martial law. As such, they need know that it's best for them to either not vote or to cast their vote for President Trump. I do worry that the libs are too selfish to do the right thing, though. They don't care that by voting for Biden they would be causing a civil war that will lead to the death of many Americans. They don't care about America or Americans, and they will happily do such horrible treasonous acts in support of their CCP masters.

Perhaps holding a second election isn't the best route because of these risk. Perhaps just instituting martial law in the Biden states and nullifying their electoral college votes all together.
Nice fantasy. It’s not going to happen, you undemocratic, anti American sack of shit

If you and the Democrat Party are supposed to be a representation of what America is supposed to be, then all I can say is "Death to America."
Declare martial law and have the military units that are loyal to President Trump and democracy carry out the new election. On the days leading up to the new election, we need to make it clear to the liberals what they are voting for to ensure we don't have a repeat in which Biden still receives the most votes. They need to realize that if they choose to act like children who insist on having a hissy-fit because they didn't get their way by voting for Biden, then they will be the cause of a civil war and/or a long-term martial law. As such, they need know that it's best for them to either not vote or to cast their vote for President Trump. I do worry that the libs are too selfish to do the right thing, though. They don't care that by voting for Biden they would be causing a civil war that will lead to the death of many Americans. They don't care about America or Americans, and they will happily do such horrible treasonous acts in support of their CCP masters.

Perhaps holding a second election isn't the best route because of these risk. Perhaps just instituting martial law in the Biden states and nullifying their electoral college votes all together.
Nice fantasy. It’s not going to happen, you undemocratic, anti American sack of shit

This is the only way to protect our democracy and President Trump from activist voters who support Biden/CCP. Voting for Biden is prove that someone is unamerican and wants the CCP to take over our great country. That fact alone should disqualify them from being allowed to vote. This isn't up for debate or discussion. This message is for you. This message is for true patriots/americans who support President Trump and love American democracy. All true democracy loving patriots understand and agree that martial law must be instituted in Biden states, and that their votes from Nov 3rd need to be nullified. This is not up for debate or even a question at this point. This is what needs to happen and will happen. The question is if we should have the military hold another election in those states, or if that is too risky because it might end up with Biden receiving more votes again. This is something that cannot be allowed to happen, but sadly may happen because the liberals/CCP cannot accept the fact that they lost, and they will continue to selfishly vote in a way that will lead to civil war.

We need to either find a way to ensure the liberals know that they should not show up to vote, or we need to simply agree that another election isn't worth the risk. We should probably also start thinking about 2024 and beyond in these terms too. Are elections really worth the risk of getting the democrats/CCP back in power? This is something we need to think very hard about. It may be time for a new constitutional convention in which we rebuild our system so that it's less corruptible from threats inside and outside. This time we will keep the communists from taking over the writing our constitution like they did in the last one.
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Perhaps holding a second election isn't the best route because of these risk. Perhaps just instituting martial law in the Biden states and nullifying their electoral college votes all together.
The original Constitution called for a 3/5 representation in Democrat slaves states as a compromise, because the masters voted on behalf of their slaves in those states anyways, and the Second Amendment was intended for the security of free states only, not slave states where masters were entitled to keep and bear Arms on behalf of their slaves who were forbidden to possess and carry firearms.
I guess the OP doesn't know much about the military, or what democracy is. No, democracy isn't telling everyone they have to vote a certain way "or else", it's each person casting their vote for who they think would be the better leader for this country.

And no, there is no way in hell that the military would do what you suggest. Not only is it illegal, but there isn't a single member of the military that swears loyalty to the president (in this case Trump), but rather they swear their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the US against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. If anything, Trump is a domestic enemy of the Constitution, and the military should forcibly remove him after noon on Jan 20th, 2021 if he refuses to go.
Declare martial law and have the military units that are loyal to President Trump and democracy carry out the new election. On the days leading up to the new election, we need to make it clear to the liberals what they are voting for to ensure we don't have a repeat in which Biden still receives the most votes. They need to realize that if they choose to act like children who insist on having a hissy-fit because they didn't get their way by voting for Biden, then they will be the cause of a civil war and/or a long-term martial law. As such, they need know that it's best for them to either not vote or to cast their vote for President Trump. I do worry that the libs are too selfish to do the right thing, though. They don't care that by voting for Biden they would be causing a civil war that will lead to the death of many Americans. They don't care about America or Americans, and they will happily do such horrible treasonous acts in support of their CCP masters.

Perhaps holding a second election isn't the best route because of these risk. Perhaps just instituting martial law in the Biden states and nullifying their electoral college votes all together.
Nice fantasy. It’s not going to happen, you undemocratic, anti American sack of shit

This is the only way to protect our democracy and President Trump from activist voters who support Biden/CCP. Voting for Biden is prove that someone is unamerican and wants the CCP to take over our great country. That fact alone should disqualify them from being allowed to vote. This isn't up for debate or discussion. This message is for you. This message is for true patriots/americans who support President Trump and love American democracy. All true democracy loving patriots understand and agree that martial law must be instituted in Biden states, and that their votes from Nov 3rd need to be nullified. This is not up for debate or even a question at this point. This is what needs to happen and will happen. The question is if we should have the military hold another election in those states, or if that is too risky because it might end up with Biden receiving more votes again. This is something that cannot be allowed to happen, but sadly may happen because the liberals/CCP cannot accept the fact that they lost, and they will continue to selfishly vote in a way that will lead to civil war.

We need to either find a way to ensure the liberals know that they should not show up to vote, or we need to simply agree that another election isn't worth the risk.

Passing out job applications at the polling places would probably do the trick, if you don't want them to show up to vote. Or hand out free Bibles.
Declare martial law and have the military units that are loyal to President Trump and democracy carry out the new election. On the days leading up to the new election, we need to make it clear to the liberals what they are voting for to ensure we don't have a repeat in which Biden still receives the most votes. They need to realize that if they choose to act like children who insist on having a hissy-fit because they didn't get their way by voting for Biden, then they will be the cause of a civil war and/or a long-term martial law. As such, they need know that it's best for them to either not vote or to cast their vote for President Trump. I do worry that the libs are too selfish to do the right thing, though. They don't care that by voting for Biden they would be causing a civil war that will lead to the death of many Americans. They don't care about America or Americans, and they will happily do such horrible treasonous acts in support of their CCP masters.

Perhaps holding a second election isn't the best route because of these risk. Perhaps just instituting martial law in the Biden states and nullifying their electoral college votes all together.

I like your username :banana:
Declare martial law and have the military units that are loyal to President Trump and democracy carry out the new election. On the days leading up to the new election, we need to make it clear to the liberals what they are voting for to ensure we don't have a repeat in which Biden still receives the most votes. They need to realize that if they choose to act like children who insist on having a hissy-fit because they didn't get their way by voting for Biden, then they will be the cause of a civil war and/or a long-term martial law. As such, they need know that it's best for them to either not vote or to cast their vote for President Trump. I do worry that the libs are too selfish to do the right thing, though. They don't care that by voting for Biden they would be causing a civil war that will lead to the death of many Americans. They don't care about America or Americans, and they will happily do such horrible treasonous acts in support of their CCP masters.

Perhaps holding a second election isn't the best route because of these risk. Perhaps just instituting martial law in the Biden states and nullifying their electoral college votes all together.
Declare martial law and have the military units that are loyal to President Trump and democracy carry out the new election. On the days leading up to the new election, we need to make it clear to the liberals what they are voting for to ensure we don't have a repeat in which Biden still receives the most votes. They need to realize that if they choose to act like children who insist on having a hissy-fit because they didn't get their way by voting for Biden, then they will be the cause of a civil war and/or a long-term martial law. As such, they need know that it's best for them to either not vote or to cast their vote for President Trump. I do worry that the libs are too selfish to do the right thing, though. They don't care that by voting for Biden they would be causing a civil war that will lead to the death of many Americans. They don't care about America or Americans, and they will happily do such horrible treasonous acts in support of their CCP masters.

Perhaps holding a second election isn't the best route because of these risk. Perhaps just instituting martial law in the Biden states and nullifying their electoral college votes all together.

Declare martial law and have the military units that are loyal to President Trump and democracy carry out the new election. On the days leading up to the new election, we need to make it clear to the liberals what they are voting for to ensure we don't have a repeat in which Biden still receives the most votes. They need to realize that if they choose to act like children who insist on having a hissy-fit because they didn't get their way by voting for Biden, then they will be the cause of a civil war and/or a long-term martial law. As such, they need know that it's best for them to either not vote or to cast their vote for President Trump. I do worry that the libs are too selfish to do the right thing, though. They don't care that by voting for Biden they would be causing a civil war that will lead to the death of many Americans. They don't care about America or Americans, and they will happily do such horrible treasonous acts in support of their CCP masters.

Perhaps holding a second election isn't the best route because of these risk. Perhaps just instituting martial law in the Biden states and nullifying their electoral college votes all together.
Nice fantasy. It’s not going to happen, you undemocratic, anti American sack of shit

If you and the Democrat Party are supposed to be a representation of what America is supposed to be, then all I can say is "Death to America."
Riiight. What’s stopping you?
Declare martial law and have the military units that are loyal to President Trump and democracy carry out the new election. On the days leading up to the new election, we need to make it clear to the liberals what they are voting for to ensure we don't have a repeat in which Biden still receives the most votes. They need to realize that if they choose to act like children who insist on having a hissy-fit because they didn't get their way by voting for Biden, then they will be the cause of a civil war and/or a long-term martial law. As such, they need know that it's best for them to either not vote or to cast their vote for President Trump. I do worry that the libs are too selfish to do the right thing, though. They don't care that by voting for Biden they would be causing a civil war that will lead to the death of many Americans. They don't care about America or Americans, and they will happily do such horrible treasonous acts in support of their CCP masters.

Perhaps holding a second election isn't the best route because of these risk. Perhaps just instituting martial law in the Biden states and nullifying their electoral college votes all together.
Nice fantasy. It’s not going to happen, you undemocratic, anti American sack of shit

This is the only way to protect our democracy and President Trump from activist voters who support Biden/CCP. Voting for Biden is prove that someone is unamerican and wants the CCP to take over our great country. That fact alone should disqualify them from being allowed to vote. This isn't up for debate or discussion. This message is for you. This message is for true patriots/americans who support President Trump and love American democracy. All true democracy loving patriots understand and agree that martial law must be instituted in Biden states, and that their votes from Nov 3rd need to be nullified. This is not up for debate or even a question at this point. This is what needs to happen and will happen. The question is if we should have the military hold another election in those states, or if that is too risky because it might end up with Biden receiving more votes again. This is something that cannot be allowed to happen, but sadly may happen because the liberals/CCP cannot accept the fact that they lost, and they will continue to selfishly vote in a way that will lead to civil war.

We need to either find a way to ensure the liberals know that they should not show up to vote, or we need to simply agree that another election isn't worth the risk. We should probably also start thinking about 2024 and beyond in these terms too. Are elections really worth the risk of getting the democrats/CCP back in power? This is something we need to think very hard about. It may be time for a new constitutional convention in which we rebuild our system so that it's less corruptible from threats inside and outside. This time we will keep the communists from taking over the writing our constitution like they did in the last one.
I can practically hear your Russian accent

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