From China, With Love


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
From China, With Love

From China, With Love - American Thinker
21 Dec 2020 ~~ By Rick Fuentes

In an incautious moment during a November 28 panel presentation in Shanghai, Professor Di Dongsheng, Vice Dean of the School of International Relations at Renmin University, the school for children of the party elite, officially spilled the beans that the China Communist Party (CCP) controls people at the top of the American government.
Dongsheng’s remarks were delivered with nationalistic pride. He mused over the narcissism endemic to Western aristocracy and the ease to which they are brought under the spell of the People’s Republic.
At first, Dongsheng’s depiction of the ease of conscripting prominent Americans and institutions to work against the interests of their own country astonished his young audience. They soon relaxed, chortling and applauding as the professor related his own triumphs as a CCP operative in recruiting new and useful American “friends.” America’s blue bloods fell easily to China’s leveraging of insatiable Western appetites for power, influence, and money.
Sexspionage, graft, and influence peddling may once again put the CCP inside the Oval Office. Conspiring with Wall Street, media, and Hollywood to bring about a Trump defeat, along with the strong possibility that Joe Biden wet his beak on his son’s China dealings, China now appears on a solid footing to achieve global dominance in the next four years.

I viewed that tape on the Tucker Carlson and it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. The Chi-Coms have been infiltrating the USA and elsewhere on the globe for decades masquerading as all sorts of ‘legal’ persons when in fact they are not only Chi-Com spies but soldiers as well. The US may have about 300,000 Chinese here alone. I’m not saying all Chinese are part of the Chi-Com state of mind but there a large portion that are. Stay vigilant.
The CCP SMOKING GUN Tucker Carlson Shared, FULL VIDEO! - YouTube


This fraudulent and rigged election must be overturned. If not, America will become no more than another province of China. China has worked hard to place their Manchurian Candidate in the White House. Their influence is already deep in the Senate and House. Spies have been embedded in the halls of Congress for years. Our 1st Amendment rights are being chipped away by censoring our news, restricting our responses, and limiting the right to exercise our religious beliefs or peacefully assemble. This is a turning point for America. Stand up for our Republic, or bend your knees to Communist.
From China, With Love

From China, With Love - American Thinker
21 Dec 2020 ~~ By Rick Fuentes

In an incautious moment during a November 28 panel presentation in Shanghai, Professor Di Dongsheng, Vice Dean of the School of International Relations at Renmin University, the school for children of the party elite, officially spilled the beans that the China Communist Party (CCP) controls people at the top of the American government.
Dongsheng’s remarks were delivered with nationalistic pride. He mused over the narcissism endemic to Western aristocracy and the ease to which they are brought under the spell of the People’s Republic.
At first, Dongsheng’s depiction of the ease of conscripting prominent Americans and institutions to work against the interests of their own country astonished his young audience. They soon relaxed, chortling and applauding as the professor related his own triumphs as a CCP operative in recruiting new and useful American “friends.” America’s blue bloods fell easily to China’s leveraging of insatiable Western appetites for power, influence, and money.
Sexspionage, graft, and influence peddling may once again put the CCP inside the Oval Office. Conspiring with Wall Street, media, and Hollywood to bring about a Trump defeat, along with the strong possibility that Joe Biden wet his beak on his son’s China dealings, China now appears on a solid footing to achieve global dominance in the next four years.

I viewed that tape on the Tucker Carlson and it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. The Chi-Coms have been infiltrating the USA and elsewhere on the globe for decades masquerading as all sorts of ‘legal’ persons when in fact they are not only Chi-Com spies but soldiers as well. The US may have about 300,000 Chinese here alone. I’m not saying all Chinese are part of the Chi-Com state of mind but there a large portion that are. Stay vigilant.

This fraudulent and rigged election must be overturned. If not, America will become no more than another province of China. China has worked hard to place their Manchurian Candidate in the White House. Their influence is already deep in the Senate and House. Spies have been embedded in the halls of Congress for years. Our 1st Amendment rights are being chipped away by censoring our news, restricting our responses, and limiting the right to exercise our religious beliefs or peacefully assemble. This is a turning point for America. Stand up for our Republic, or bend your knees to Communist.

Biden is an installed Communist Chinese puppet. Not my President.
In an incautious moment during a November 28 panel presentation in Shanghai, Professor Di Dongsheng, Vice Dean of the School of International Relations at Renmin University, the school for children of the party elite, officially spilled the beans that the China Communist Party (CCP) controls people at the top of the American government.
I don't doubt it for a minute.
From China, With Love

From China, With Love - American Thinker
21 Dec 2020 ~~ By Rick Fuentes

In an incautious moment during a November 28 panel presentation in Shanghai, Professor Di Dongsheng, Vice Dean of the School of International Relations at Renmin University, the school for children of the party elite, officially spilled the beans that the China Communist Party (CCP) controls people at the top of the American government.
Dongsheng’s remarks were delivered with nationalistic pride. He mused over the narcissism endemic to Western aristocracy and the ease to which they are brought under the spell of the People’s Republic.
At first, Dongsheng’s depiction of the ease of conscripting prominent Americans and institutions to work against the interests of their own country astonished his young audience. They soon relaxed, chortling and applauding as the professor related his own triumphs as a CCP operative in recruiting new and useful American “friends.” America’s blue bloods fell easily to China’s leveraging of insatiable Western appetites for power, influence, and money.
Sexspionage, graft, and influence peddling may once again put the CCP inside the Oval Office. Conspiring with Wall Street, media, and Hollywood to bring about a Trump defeat, along with the strong possibility that Joe Biden wet his beak on his son’s China dealings, China now appears on a solid footing to achieve global dominance in the next four years.

I viewed that tape on the Tucker Carlson and it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. The Chi-Coms have been infiltrating the USA and elsewhere on the globe for decades masquerading as all sorts of ‘legal’ persons when in fact they are not only Chi-Com spies but soldiers as well. The US may have about 300,000 Chinese here alone. I’m not saying all Chinese are part of the Chi-Com state of mind but there a large portion that are. Stay vigilant.

This fraudulent and rigged election must be overturned. If not, America will become no more than another province of China. China has worked hard to place their Manchurian Candidate in the White House. Their influence is already deep in the Senate and House. Spies have been embedded in the halls of Congress for years. Our 1st Amendment rights are being chipped away by censoring our news, restricting our responses, and limiting the right to exercise our religious beliefs or peacefully assemble. This is a turning point for America. Stand up for our Republic, or bend your knees to Communist.
The most damning paragraph in the article, imo...

The minute Biden walks into the Oval Office, America will take a back seat to China. If past is prologue, there is reason to believe that Biden family investigations involving China will be shelved. If necessary, pardons may be issued to family and friends against whom evidence has already been brought. The Durham report and any other investigations into the Machiavellian escapades of 2016 will end up in the dustbin, branded by a compliant media as delusions from the Trump era. Wall Street will be licking its chops as trade barriers and tariffs are dropped with Beijing. Millions of deaths later, China will get a free pass on culpability for the spread of COVID, perhaps even adulation over its domestic handling of the pandemic and economic recovery.

Everything youve posted in OP, combined with China having the worlds largest banks,
and after watching the video, this is very concerning.
I dont care to entertain the thought of China having more power to influence the federal reserve, wall street and manipulate currencies.
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From China, With Love

From China, With Love - American Thinker
21 Dec 2020 ~~ By Rick Fuentes

In an incautious moment during a November 28 panel presentation in Shanghai, Professor Di Dongsheng, Vice Dean of the School of International Relations at Renmin University, the school for children of the party elite, officially spilled the beans that the China Communist Party (CCP) controls people at the top of the American government.
Dongsheng’s remarks were delivered with nationalistic pride. He mused over the narcissism endemic to Western aristocracy and the ease to which they are brought under the spell of the People’s Republic.
At first, Dongsheng’s depiction of the ease of conscripting prominent Americans and institutions to work against the interests of their own country astonished his young audience. They soon relaxed, chortling and applauding as the professor related his own triumphs as a CCP operative in recruiting new and useful American “friends.” America’s blue bloods fell easily to China’s leveraging of insatiable Western appetites for power, influence, and money.
Sexspionage, graft, and influence peddling may once again put the CCP inside the Oval Office. Conspiring with Wall Street, media, and Hollywood to bring about a Trump defeat, along with the strong possibility that Joe Biden wet his beak on his son’s China dealings, China now appears on a solid footing to achieve global dominance in the next four years.

I viewed that tape on the Tucker Carlson and it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. The Chi-Coms have been infiltrating the USA and elsewhere on the globe for decades masquerading as all sorts of ‘legal’ persons when in fact they are not only Chi-Com spies but soldiers as well. The US may have about 300,000 Chinese here alone. I’m not saying all Chinese are part of the Chi-Com state of mind but there a large portion that are. Stay vigilant.

This fraudulent and rigged election must be overturned. If not, America will become no more than another province of China. China has worked hard to place their Manchurian Candidate in the White House. Their influence is already deep in the Senate and House. Spies have been embedded in the halls of Congress for years. Our 1st Amendment rights are being chipped away by censoring our news, restricting our responses, and limiting the right to exercise our religious beliefs or peacefully assemble. This is a turning point for America. Stand up for our Republic, or bend your knees to Communist.

Yes, the government of China is very, very, very bad.

But let's be careful not to assume that all Chinese Americans either favor China's stance or are even spies.

This kind of thinking was responsible for depriving 100,000 Japanese Americans here in California (many of whom were born here) of their liberty when they were taken away to detention camps.
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