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President Trump signs executive orders to lower drug prices.

Got proof? How do you know they aren't Trump agents, Boogaloo or Proud Boys?
That's stupid on an epic level. There are Marxists all over the country throwing fire bombs, setting things on
fire, trying to stab cops and Trump supporters. How would it benefit anyone to further implicate criminals who
are already on a daily basis engaged in arson and mayhem?

That's like dumping sand on the beach.
Obviously he is aiding he American people
Then why hasn't he signed it? When does it take effect? You really don't know anything about this, do you?
It has been signed and it is in effect now.
Ah, okay. Good. So now the lawsuits begin. Congress needs to act, in the end.
He did it by EO because Congress was unable to act, and now there is no need for Congress to act. As for lawsuits the Democrats are too busy sowing racial divisions among Americans to file frivolous lawsuits now. Go back to watching cartoons.
Good news if it works

I‘m just afraid Big Pharma will just tell him to go fuk himself.
maybe its time for the American people to tell big pharma to go fuck themselves....
Yeah ,who needs them to discover new cures for viruses etc etc
And we here in the US get to finance it buy paying more for it than any other country. WE'RE NUMBER ONE!!!!!!!
Not anymore. Thanks to President Trump, we will be paying Canadian prices. Good for Americans and bad for Democrats.
When that happens let us know.
It just happened. The EO is effective immediately.
Show us the prices, before and after vs. Canada and Mexico.
They are exactly the same as Canadians pay because the drugs are being purchased from Canadian pharmacies.
Who purchases them from Canadian pharmacies?
Isn't this kind of Government by EO exactly the kind of shit you said was un-Constitutional with Obama?
It's the kind of government in which the EO's serve the needs of the people not the needs of the politicians as Obama's did.

An Executive Order that accomplishes nothing and isn't enforceable doesn't serve the "needs of the people" in any way. It is entirely to serve Trump's need for re-election and nothing more.
lol Of course it's enforceable. Americans will buy their drugs from Canadian pharmacies and the government will not attempt to interdict these sales as they have in the past. I understand that you are upset because you want drug prices to be an issue for the Democrats and now it's not.
Why would we need to buy from Canada when the executive order states that US Pharma must sell for less here (US)?
Good news if it works

I‘m just afraid Big Pharma will just tell him to go fuk himself.
maybe its time for the American people to tell big pharma to go fuck themselves....
Yeah ,who needs them to discover new cures for viruses etc etc
And we here in the US get to finance it buy paying more for it than any other country. WE'RE NUMBER ONE!!!!!!!
Not anymore. Thanks to President Trump, we will be paying Canadian prices. Good for Americans and bad for Democrats.
When that happens let us know.
It just happened. The EO is effective immediately.
Show us the prices, before and after vs. Canada and Mexico.
They are exactly the same as Canadians pay because the drugs are being purchased from Canadian pharmacies.
Who purchases them from Canadian pharmacies?
You do.
Isn't this kind of Government by EO exactly the kind of shit you said was un-Constitutional with Obama?
It's the kind of government in which the EO's serve the needs of the people not the needs of the politicians as Obama's did.

An Executive Order that accomplishes nothing and isn't enforceable doesn't serve the "needs of the people" in any way. It is entirely to serve Trump's need for re-election and nothing more.
lol Of course it's enforceable. Americans will buy their drugs from Canadian pharmacies and the government will not attempt to interdict these sales as they have in the past. I understand that you are upset because you want drug prices to be an issue for the Democrats and now it's not.
Why would we need to buy from Canada when the executive order states that US Pharma must sell for less here (US)?
It doesn't.
Isn't this kind of Government by EO exactly the kind of shit you said was un-Constitutional with Obama?
It's the kind of government in which the EO's serve the needs of the people not the needs of the politicians as Obama's did.

An Executive Order that accomplishes nothing and isn't enforceable doesn't serve the "needs of the people" in any way. It is entirely to serve Trump's need for re-election and nothing more.
lol Of course it's enforceable. Americans will buy their drugs from Canadian pharmacies and the government will not attempt to interdict these sales as they have in the past. I understand that you are upset because you want drug prices to be an issue for the Democrats and now it's not.
Why would we need to buy from Canada when the executive order states that US Pharma must sell for less here (US)?
Because it ain’t going to happen

Drug companies will just laugh
Mexico is cheaper
Again, everytime I think you have posted the stupidest post possible you post again and prove me wrong. As the Canadian pharmacies see their sales increasing because of US purchases they will increase their orders for more drugs from the drug companies. It must be hard for you to go through life with no integrity and no brains.

Every time YOU post, I cannot believe you difficult it is for you to grasp that THERE IS A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE AMERICAN DRUG COMPANIES AND THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT that provides us with lower cost drugs. That CONTRACT specifies quantities which meet OUR requirements, but it does not give an excess capacity to export. We cannot just "order more" because our contract doesn't allow it.

IF DONALD TRUMP WANTS TO LOWER AMERICAN PRICES, LET THE GREAT DEALMAKER NEGOTIATE THEM FOR YOU. I mean if a "girly man" like Trudeau can do, it should be a piece of cake for a the world's greatest negotiator.
Obviously he is aiding he American people
Then why hasn't he signed it? When does it take effect? You really don't know anything about this, do you?
It has been signed and it is in effect now.
Ah, okay. Good. So now the lawsuits begin. Congress needs to act, in the end.
He did it by EO because Congress was unable to act, and now there is no need for Congress to act. As for lawsuits the Democrats are too busy sowing racial divisions among Americans to file frivolous lawsuits now. Go back to watching cartoons.

The EO is illegal and unenforceable. Trump signed EO's because the drug companies told him to go fuck himself. Trump has no power to force drug companies to do anything. This is just another Trumpian scam to fool voters into thinking he's doing something.

If Trump was a real leader, he would have negotiated a real deal with the drug companies, instead of trying to bully them into it. He is the Great Negotiator after all. If Trudeau can do it so easily, what's stopping Trump from negotiating a similar deal. Every other first world country has done something similar except the USA.
The EO is illegal and unenforceable.

If reducing excessive drug prices was as easy as signing executive orders, it would have been done decades ago

Drug companies are not afraid of a lame duck president
Good news if it works

I‘m just afraid Big Pharma will just tell him to go fuk himself.
maybe its time for the American people to tell big pharma to go fuck themselves....
Yeah ,who needs them to discover new cures for viruses etc etc
And we here in the US get to finance it buy paying more for it than any other country. WE'RE NUMBER ONE!!!!!!!
Not anymore. Thanks to President Trump, we will be paying Canadian prices. Good for Americans and bad for Democrats.
When that happens let us know.
It just happened. The EO is effective immediately.
Show us the prices, before and after vs. Canada and Mexico.
They are exactly the same as Canadians pay because the drugs are being purchased from Canadian pharmacies.
Who purchases them from Canadian pharmacies?
You do.
Walgreens is Canadian?
Again, everytime I think you have posted the stupidest post possible you post again and prove me wrong. As the Canadian pharmacies see their sales increasing because of US purchases they will increase their orders for more drugs from the drug companies. It must be hard for you to go through life with no integrity and no brains.

Every time YOU post, I cannot believe you difficult it is for you to grasp that THERE IS A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE AMERICAN DRUG COMPANIES AND THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT that provides us with lower cost drugs. That CONTRACT specifies quantities which meet OUR requirements, but it does not give an excess capacity to export. We cannot just "order more" because our contract doesn't allow it.

IF DONALD TRUMP WANTS TO LOWER AMERICAN PRICES, LET THE GREAT DEALMAKER NEGOTIATE THEM FOR YOU. I mean if a "girly man" like Trudeau can do, it should be a piece of cake for a the world's greatest negotiator.
Single payer.
This is big and welcome news.
He signed 3 out of 4 EO's, one that will significantly reduce the cost of insulin for diabetics (I'm not one).
The 4th order that he did not sign, would put the price of drugs for U.S. consumers at the same price that Pharma charges another country 'the least for'. He has given U.S. Pharma 30 days to meet with him on this, or the 4th EO gets signed!
I expect our drug prices to significantly get reduced while other countries will have to, in all fairness, pay more for.
Our President is actually doing what George W. and Obama promised, but never did!

American propaganda media never gave this the attention it deserved when Trump announced it yesterday.

And yes. It is a big deal!!!

His drug EO's are of no value whatsoever. He has no legal authority to do ANY of it. But here you are cheering this dog and pony show, like Trump has actually done something.

The drug companies will tell him to go fuck himself, and Canada will bar the shipments, because Americans will take all of the drugs from Canada and we'll be left with none for our own people, but you'll still be here talking about this great thing he's done.

The Trump cult has to be the most gullible people on the face of the earth.
Canada will make a fortune off of us sickos. Cheer up.

Typical American. Only concerned with how much money we can make without looking at the downside, because for Americans, as long as it's profitable, there is no down side.

With 10 times our population, Americans will buy up all of our stocks of insulin, and EPI pens, and other drugs that Americans overpay for, leaving Canada with nothing for our own people.

Canada doesn't import massive amounts of drugs to sell to people from outside Canada. Drug companies allocate enough stocks for our own people, but not enough that we can export drugs to other countries they deal with. We get enough for our own people, not enough to supply you.

I would like to point out to you that insulin was invented by two Canadian doctors - Banting and Best, who TOOK NO ROYALTIES FROM THEIR PATENTS and donated their formula to the world so that all diabetics could have access to it. The American companies that retail insulin at ridiculous prices had no developmental costs, no royalties to pay, and are just gouging you because they know they can.

More TDS from the nut job up north. If your country is as noble as you claim, then Canada will keep enough for their citizens. Why are you so over dramatic?
Isn't this kind of Government by EO exactly the kind of shit you said was un-Constitutional with Obama?
It's the kind of government in which the EO's serve the needs of the people not the needs of the politicians as Obama's did.

An Executive Order that accomplishes nothing and isn't enforceable doesn't serve the "needs of the people" in any way. It is entirely to serve Trump's need for re-election and nothing more.
lol Of course it's enforceable. Americans will buy their drugs from Canadian pharmacies and the government will not attempt to interdict these sales as they have in the past. I understand that you are upset because you want drug prices to be an issue for the Democrats and now it's not.

I'm upset because I'm a CANADIAN who is worried about my family and friends being unable to get the insulin and the EPI pens they need. I need an EPI pen. Two of my best friends and my sister are diabetic. My sister has already had problems getting hydrochloride, because Trump bought up all of the world's supply of the drug and is now just sitting on it.


No, it seems to be about your dumb TDS. Who said Canada has to sell all of their drugs to Canada? Won't your government stand up to protect you? Seems that you are worried your government doesn't give a shit about their white people. We already know you don't give a shit about your indigenous people.
This is big and welcome news.
He signed 3 out of 4 EO's, one that will significantly reduce the cost of insulin for diabetics (I'm not one).
The 4th order that he did not sign, would put the price of drugs for U.S. consumers at the same price that Pharma charges another country 'the least for'. He has given U.S. Pharma 30 days to meet with him on this, or the 4th EO gets signed!
I expect our drug prices to significantly get reduced while other countries will have to, in all fairness, pay more for.
Our President is actually doing what George W. and Obama promised, but never did!

American propaganda media never gave this the attention it deserved when Trump announced it yesterday.

And yes. It is a big deal!!!

His drug EO's are of no value whatsoever. He has no legal authority to do ANY of it. But here you are cheering this dog and pony show, like Trump has actually done something.

The drug companies will tell him to go fuck himself, and Canada will bar the shipments, because Americans will take all of the drugs from Canada and we'll be left with none for our own people, but you'll still be here talking about this great thing he's done.

The Trump cult has to be the most gullible people on the face of the earth.
Trump is a wannabe fascist
How is it fascist to allow the consumer MORE choice?

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