President Biden- I haven’t had to have” a talk“with my kids because I am white


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
What a son of a bitch. What a son of a bitch. So many white men in this country are starving and they have shit. What a shit country …we have no good union jobs …. and to see that leading Democrats have the audacity to say that they haven’t had to have a talk with their kids about police brutality because they’re white….. That’s an insult to fellow Americans , our fellow family members our neighbors that are police officers.

President Biden got up in front of the whole country and he embarrassed our country.

To every older white man in this country …..if you think that you are somehow morally right to support BLM then you are robbing your children, you are robbing your grandchildren. You got to grow up in a country where a black man and a white man had an equal chance were they could get a job at the steel mill right out of high school. We don’t have that today… we don’t get to grow up in the country that you got to grow up in. It’s a bad country today no good union jobs no job protection no upward mobility for the working man. No wonder military recruitment numbers are low…. we have a lack of confidence in our government today because of the terrible things they say and how they divide us.

We have horrendous greedy politicians who ship a jobs overseas for they could sell products cheaper. To hell with them they are against America they are against Christianity. We need to make products here in America and sell them in America. We got all the resources we need we got the best resources in the world. There’s no more excuses. Those people who think it’s OK to ship products from overseas that are cheap have been brainwashed or willingly the enemies of America. This is why we don’t have good jobs in this country today

Praise God my friends… we’re living in a bad time in America but our country got through the Great Depression, we got through the world wars we will get through this if we stand united and we stand for equality. stay positive because we stay positive anything is possible. It’s gonna take a lot we got a believe in ourselves we need to hit a grand slam make this country more equal make this country a more equitable country for all that’s what we need to do.

When the Democrats go low we patriotic Americans go high.

What a son of a bitch. What a son of a bitch. So many white men in this country are starving and they have shit. What a shit country we have no good union jobs

President Biden got up in front of the whole country and he embarrassed our country. To Eddie older white man in this country if you think that you are somehow morally right or support BLM is a support President Biden you are robbing your children you are robbing your grandchildren. You got to grow up in a country where a black man and a white man had an equal chance were they could get a job at the steel mill right out of high school. We don’t have that today

We have horrendous greedy politicians who ship a jobs overseas for they could sell products cheaper. To hell with them they are against America they are against Christianity. We need to make products here in America and sell them in America. We got all the resources we need we got the best resources in the world. There’s no more excuses. Those people who think it’s OK to ship products from overseas that are cheap have been brainwashed or willingly the enemies of America. This is why we don’t have good jobs in this country today

Praise God my friends… we’re living in a bad time in America but our country got through the Great Depression, we got through the world wars we will get through this if we stand united and we stand for equality. stay positive because we stay positive anything is possible. It’s gonna take a lot we got a believe in ourselves we need to hit a grand slam make this country more equal make this country a more equitable country for all that’s what we need to do.

When the Democrats go low we patriotic Americans go high.

you were doing pretty good up until your first sentence where you went all racist and union on us,,,
Twice as many whites are killed by the police every year. This isn't a racial issue but one that everyone should be able to agree on that we need to deal with.

Democrats just lost the house because of this and I hope like hell they don't double down or my ssi is gone. :(
What a son of a bitch. What a son of a bitch. So many white men in this country are starving and they have shit. What a shit country …we have no good union jobs …. and to see that leading Democrats have the audacity to say that they haven’t had to have a talk with their kids about police brutality because they’re white….. That’s an insult to fellow Americans , our fellow family members our neighbors that are police officers.

President Biden got up in front of the whole country and he embarrassed our country.

To every older white man in this country …..if you think that you are somehow morally right to support BLM then you are robbing your children, you are robbing your grandchildren. You got to grow up in a country where a black man and a white man had an equal chance were they could get a job at the steel mill right out of high school. We don’t have that today… we don’t get to grow up in the country that you got to grow up in. It’s a bad country today no good union jobs no job protection no upward mobility for the working man. No wonder military recruitment numbers are low…. we have a lack of confidence in our government today because of the terrible things they say and how they divide us.

We have horrendous greedy politicians who ship a jobs overseas for they could sell products cheaper. To hell with them they are against America they are against Christianity. We need to make products here in America and sell them in America. We got all the resources we need we got the best resources in the world. There’s no more excuses. Those people who think it’s OK to ship products from overseas that are cheap have been brainwashed or willingly the enemies of America. This is why we don’t have good jobs in this country today

Praise God my friends… we’re living in a bad time in America but our country got through the Great Depression, we got through the world wars we will get through this if we stand united and we stand for equality. stay positive because we stay positive anything is possible. It’s gonna take a lot we got a believe in ourselves we need to hit a grand slam make this country more equal make this country a more equitable country for all that’s what we need to do.

When the Democrats go low we patriotic Americans go high.

Whatcha gonna DO about it?
What a son of a bitch. What a son of a bitch. So many white men in this country are starving and they have shit. What a shit country …we have no good union jobs …. and to see that leading Democrats have the audacity to say that they haven’t had to have a talk with their kids about police brutality because they’re white….. That’s an insult to fellow Americans , our fellow family members our neighbors that are police officers.

President Biden got up in front of the whole country and he embarrassed our country.

To every older white man in this country …..if you think that you are somehow morally right to support BLM then you are robbing your children, you are robbing your grandchildren. You got to grow up in a country where a black man and a white man had an equal chance were they could get a job at the steel mill right out of high school. We don’t have that today… we don’t get to grow up in the country that you got to grow up in. It’s a bad country today no good union jobs no job protection no upward mobility for the working man. No wonder military recruitment numbers are low…. we have a lack of confidence in our government today because of the terrible things they say and how they divide us.

We have horrendous greedy politicians who ship a jobs overseas for they could sell products cheaper. To hell with them they are against America they are against Christianity. We need to make products here in America and sell them in America. We got all the resources we need we got the best resources in the world. There’s no more excuses. Those people who think it’s OK to ship products from overseas that are cheap have been brainwashed or willingly the enemies of America. This is why we don’t have good jobs in this country today

Praise God my friends… we’re living in a bad time in America but our country got through the Great Depression, we got through the world wars we will get through this if we stand united and we stand for equality. stay positive because we stay positive anything is possible. It’s gonna take a lot we got a believe in ourselves we need to hit a grand slam make this country more equal make this country a more equitable country for all that’s what we need to do.

When the Democrats go low we patriotic Americans go high.

I heard that POS say that line about the talk. I don't know. I grew up in a middle class white military family and when we got to driving age, my folks had "the talk" with me. It consisted of "If you get pulled over, you address the officer as sir. Yes sir, no sir. If you are asked for drivers license and registration, you comply. No questions asked." My dad went so far as to tell us to get out of the car and meet the officer half way (This has been modified to "Stay in your car with your hands on the wheel" over the years). I have followed those instructions with every encounter that I've had with law enforcement over the course of my life and I've always gotten in-kind reciprocal treatment. They also told me. "If you find yourself in jail--Don't call me to go your bail." Sadly, as a young man, I found myself in jail on one occasion and I followed their instructions. LOL.
What a son of a bitch. What a son of a bitch. So many white men in this country are starving and they have shit. What a shit country …we have no good union jobs …. and to see that leading Democrats have the audacity to say that they haven’t had to have a talk with their kids about police brutality because they’re white….. That’s an insult to fellow Americans , our fellow family members our neighbors that are police officers.

President Biden got up in front of the whole country and he embarrassed our country.

To every older white man in this country …..if you think that you are somehow morally right to support BLM then you are robbing your children, you are robbing your grandchildren. You got to grow up in a country where a black man and a white man had an equal chance were they could get a job at the steel mill right out of high school. We don’t have that today… we don’t get to grow up in the country that you got to grow up in. It’s a bad country today no good union jobs no job protection no upward mobility for the working man. No wonder military recruitment numbers are low…. we have a lack of confidence in our government today because of the terrible things they say and how they divide us.

We have horrendous greedy politicians who ship a jobs overseas for they could sell products cheaper. To hell with them they are against America they are against Christianity. We need to make products here in America and sell them in America. We got all the resources we need we got the best resources in the world. There’s no more excuses. Those people who think it’s OK to ship products from overseas that are cheap have been brainwashed or willingly the enemies of America. This is why we don’t have good jobs in this country today

Praise God my friends… we’re living in a bad time in America but our country got through the Great Depression, we got through the world wars we will get through this if we stand united and we stand for equality. stay positive because we stay positive anything is possible. It’s gonna take a lot we got a believe in ourselves we need to hit a grand slam make this country more equal make this country a more equitable country for all that’s what we need to do.

When the Democrats go low we patriotic Americans go high.

Broken record broken record broken record broken record broken record broken record broken record
Funny....My Dad gave me the talk.
Be respectful,keep your hands on the wheel and answer with yes or no sir.

I said the same to my son when he started driving. And when he became a gun owner I asked him what he would do if pulled over having a gun in his car.
I don't remember getting the talk from my parents, but I never got in trouble and showing respect to authority seems common sense.
Whatcha gonna DO about it?
Well I already beat a wheelchair. I beat a spinal cord injury…. Doctor said I might not be able to walk again..but I did … I could do anything I put my mind to …. so can you and everyone in this thread and everyone in this country.. Maybe I should run for political office. Work hard. Vote for candidates who believe in equality among man. Which is not what President Biden does ….he doesn’t believe in equality.

We can ask all of the men in this country white or black ….what Democrats are putting more money in your pocket.? What Democrats are making you and your family feel proud and safe in this country.? Look at the issues with crime.

When you have a sitting president and leading Democrats and yes Republicans also who are out there getting on camera, keep in mind these are multi millionaires these are Black people these are white people who have millions of dollars. They’re on television telling I saw that the police are racist. They’re saying that it’s different for Black people to grow up in this country compared to white people. Meanwhile there’s millions of white people who ain’t got shit. They got a pot to piss in brother. And the struggle between poor whites and poor blacks is the same thing.

Maybe I’ll work with others start a massive strike at Walmart. We got a lot of bad jobs in this country…

What American politicians are going to keep jobs in this country. What American politicians will strive for racial equality. What Americans will take leadership roles that we can vote for who will use the resources that we are not tapping into an hour old country. Like all of the oil we can get to
Biden is just perpetuating the anti-Police anti-White narrative that was started by Obama. That was the "transformation" Obama wanted and brother did he ever get it. This country is unrecognizable from where we were before 2008.
I want to believe President Obama is a good man. But some of the things that he and Michelle Obama have said was is a concern to me.

I felt that the division in this country started around 2018 or 2019 but perhaps I’m wrong about that.

IMO though we have a leader who is out there saying the wrong things. My position is that American leaders should not be saying that white people had a bad or Black people have a bad here’s the fact you know it I know it we all see homeless white people and homeless Black people in America.
you were doing pretty good up until your first sentence where you went all racist and union on us,,,
That’s the problem brother. You got bad people who have got you to call people racist was no evidence. You need to find a black man or white man saying for example ….they refuse to hire somebody based on their skin color or they’re only going to hire somebody based on their skin color …that’s racism And that is what we’re getting from many Democrats and also the Republicans that support them.

Let’s get better jobs in this country for poor blacks and poor whites.

President Biden is a millionaire ..he should be saying “I don’t have to have a talk with my children now about what it’s like to grow up poor” I believe President Biden has said he grew up in a poor or middle-class family so he should talk about how he was able to rise up the ranks. He should not be dividing us on race not with millions of poor or impoverished white people in this country

The president should say being poor isn’t the end of the world there’s hope at the end of the tunnel …by rising up and fighting and working hard to have a better life. That’s leader ship
What a son of a bitch. What a son of a bitch. So many white men in this country are starving and they have shit. What a shit country …we have no good union jobs …. and to see that leading Democrats have the audacity to say that they haven’t had to have a talk with their kids about police brutality because they’re white….. That’s an insult to fellow Americans , our fellow family members our neighbors that are police officers.

President Biden got up in front of the whole country and he embarrassed our country.

To every older white man in this country …..if you think that you are somehow morally right to support BLM then you are robbing your children, you are robbing your grandchildren. You got to grow up in a country where a black man and a white man had an equal chance were they could get a job at the steel mill right out of high school. We don’t have that today… we don’t get to grow up in the country that you got to grow up in. It’s a bad country today no good union jobs no job protection no upward mobility for the working man. No wonder military recruitment numbers are low…. we have a lack of confidence in our government today because of the terrible things they say and how they divide us.

We have horrendous greedy politicians who ship a jobs overseas for they could sell products cheaper. To hell with them they are against America they are against Christianity. We need to make products here in America and sell them in America. We got all the resources we need we got the best resources in the world. There’s no more excuses. Those people who think it’s OK to ship products from overseas that are cheap have been brainwashed or willingly the enemies of America. This is why we don’t have good jobs in this country today

Praise God my friends… we’re living in a bad time in America but our country got through the Great Depression, we got through the world wars we will get through this if we stand united and we stand for equality. stay positive because we stay positive anything is possible. It’s gonna take a lot we got a believe in ourselves we need to hit a grand slam make this country more equal make this country a more equitable country for all that’s what we need to do.

When the Democrats go low we patriotic Americans go high.

What do you expect from an OLD, rich, self-serving, elitist millionaire who - like tbe majority of Democrats - has no comprehension of how the 'smelly, unwashed, unclean, Wal Mart-shoppng, deplorable Middle/Lower class masses' live / think?!
Funny....My Dad gave me the talk.
Be respectful,keep your hands on the wheel and answer with yes or no sir.
I think all parents white and black tell kids put your hands on the wheel if a cop pulls you over. My dad told that to me. It’s a general thing …but we got these insane politicians who keep trying to divide us by race that is how they keep down poor people. They want poor black and poor whites to be at each other.. so they don’t realize what’s going on in this country how bad things are.
I heard that POS say that line about the talk. I don't know. I grew up in a middle class white military family and when we got to driving age, my folks had "the talk" with me. It consisted of "If you get pulled over, you address the officer as sir. Yes sir, no sir. If you are asked for drivers license and registration, you comply. No questions asked." My dad went so far as to tell us to get out of the car and meet the officer half way (This has been modified to "Stay in your car with your hands on the wheel" over the years). I have followed those instructions with every encounter that I've had with law enforcement over the course of my life and I've always gotten in-kind reciprocal treatment. They also told me. "If you find yourself in jail--Don't call me to go your bail." Sadly, as a young man, I found myself in jail on one occasion and I followed their instructions. LOL.
I did not grow up in a military family. But my dad work at a factory I grew up in a middle-class white household and I was told the same thing too if a cop pulls You over you say yes sir or no sir and put your hands on the wheel. Yeah we got a president who is spinning a racial story on this it’s not good. What about the black police officers and white police officers who are our family who are our neighbors who are friends.

It’s also really unfortunate that you have men with hundreds of millions of dollars like LeBron James going on TV saying you” know I have to have a talk with my kid about cops” Stephen Curry is saying the same things and yet he’s the same guy who is blocking middle-class people from living somewhat close to him but not really even that close to him. That’s right one of the stars of the NBA living in a mansion worth tens of millions of dollars has the audacity to try to block a middle class living complex being built in his area. It is just ridiculous. Thankfully there are still good men in the NBA and other sports that are out there doing the right things

Lol when I was younger I got pulled over by a cop with a bong in the car had to go to jail for a night. I’m glad I didn’t mouth off to the officer too much or who knows what could’ve happened. Back then the marijuana laws were pretty strict frankly maybe we should have them be strict again today I could help people out.. it was Back in my weed smoking days. I’ve grown up since then…. I actually saw that police officer who by the way was a black cop and I saw him at the St. Patrick’s Day parade about a year after the arrest and I shook his hand and I thanked him.

When you’re pulled over by a police officer you comply. Some people in America don’t think they have to do that that’s a problem we have leading Democrats and rich millionaire athletes telling Americans to disrespect the police.
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Looks like he skipped a lot of talks with his children. As did his father.


I want to believe President Obama is a good man. But some of the things that he and Michelle Obama have said was is a concern to me.

I felt that the division in this country started around 2018 or 2019 but perhaps I’m wrong about that.

IMO though we have a leader who is out there saying the wrong things. My position is that American leaders should not be saying that white people had a bad or Black people have a bad here’s the fact you know it I know it we all see homeless white people and homeless Black people in America.
It seems pretty clear to me and many others that Obama was the greatest con man in Presidential history. He portrayed himself as the great uniter who was going to 'calm the seas'. As soon as he entered office he began wading into Black White police conflicts and making them into national issues. He essentially founded Black Lives Matter giving it Presidential recognition. It grew in power with each prominent cop killing and exploded into a global power with George Floyd. He is most definitely NOT a good person and most definitely hates America.
I think all parents white and black tell kids put your hands on the wheel if a cop pulls you over. My dad told that to me. It’s a general thing …but we got these insane politicians who keep trying to divide us by race that is how they keep down poor people. They want poor black and poor whites to be at each other.. so they don’t realize what’s going on in this country how bad things are.

I disagree.
While I lived a privileged life up until the age of 11 it ended when my parents divorced.
I went bad for awhile before I went back to what my father taught when I was young.
I decided I liked living a virtuous life better than being a near do well.
My father was the trainer for the Houston Rockets so racism was not put up with in my home life.
I learned about racism on my own and it sucks to say it was well founded.

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