Poverty food

With pork specifically I buy a large tenderloin and a picnic roast. The picnic roast gets cooked in a slow cooker then I divide it up into freezer bags for different uses. The tenderloin gets cut into chops with at least part for a small roast or stew.
Just finished making pork chop soup. It was delicious!

Pork Chop Soup

I stretch out my food quite a bit by making soups and stews.
cheap easy to make. Ina pinch Spam makes good seasoning meat.
With pork specifically I buy a large tenderloin and a picnic roast. The picnic roast gets cooked in a slow cooker then I divide it up into freezer bags for different uses. The tenderloin gets cut into chops with at least part for a small roast or stew.
Just finished making pork chop soup. It was delicious!

Pork Chop Soup

I stretch out my food quite a bit by making soups and stews.

Smoked Pork Loin makes good Pulled Pork Sandwiches




With pork specifically I buy a large tenderloin and a picnic roast. The picnic roast gets cooked in a slow cooker then I divide it up into freezer bags for different uses. The tenderloin gets cut into chops with at least part for a small roast or stew.
Just finished making pork chop soup. It was delicious!

Pork Chop Soup

I stretch out my food quite a bit by making soups and stews.
Yep... I bought a Full Pork Loin on sale for $9.34. (For those who don't know, a pork loin is not a pork tenderloin. A loin is 5 times larger than a typical tenderloin.
Anyway - that baby will feed Bonzi and I at least 4 times.
In the freezer we also have a chuck roast and a 7 lb. Pork Shoulder.

Whole chickens are also great.
I boiled one Sunday, and with that of course means I have a couple quarts of broth.
We ate chicken and rice soup Sunday, Monday night I made taco salad with part of it... and had enough left over to make two chicken salad sandwiches for lunch.
Yep... I bought a Full Pork Loin on sale for $9.34. (For those who don't know, a pork loin is not a pork tenderloin. A loin is 5 times larger than a typical tenderloin.
Anyway - that baby will feed Bonzi and I at least 4 times.
In the freezer we also have a chuck roast and a 7 lb. Pork Shoulder.

Whole chickens are also great.
I boiled one Sunday, and with that of course means I have a couple quarts of broth.
We ate chicken and rice soup Sunday, Monday night I made taco salad with part of it... and had enough left over to make two chicken salad sandwiches for lunch.
Beef briskets are great, multiple meals including steaks. Yup, you read it correctly, steaks........

How-To: Turn a Whole Beef Brisket into 7 full meals and save a ton of money

You can make any cut of beef super tender with salt or some form of marinade.
How much do y'all charge for roadkill? Does that come with a side?

I saw a deer on the road today that would have been great dog food, but hubby said he is not in the mood to clean it now. So the poor deer died for nothing, and our dogs may starve if times get hard.
squirrels are dam good eating dude....my dad used to crack the heads open and suck out the brains....groudhog is good too lots of fat on those critters. all you need is a 22 calibre rifle and a good squirrel dog and you eat good every freaking day....plus hunting is great exercise

You must be from S.Carolina, like hubby? He would tell his mom he was hungry, and she told him to go get a bird, clean it and she would cook it, she had 7 kids so don't see where she found the time to cook one bird.
With pork specifically I buy a large tenderloin and a picnic roast. The picnic roast gets cooked in a slow cooker then I divide it up into freezer bags for different uses. The tenderloin gets cut into chops with at least part for a small roast or stew.
Just finished making pork chop soup. It was delicious!

Pork Chop Soup

I stretch out my food quite a bit by making soups and stews.

If you like the picnic roast (aka pork shoulder), it makes excellent ground meat. It has the perfect amount of fat. The ground pork can become meatballs, spaghetti sauce, tacos, etc.
I saw a deer on the road today that would have been great dog food, but hubby said he is not in the mood to clean it now. So the poor deer died for nothing, and our dogs may starve if times get hard.

I sure hope things don't get that bad for you.
I sure hope things don't get that bad for you.

Thank you and me too. We have extra bag of dog food but if he was younger that deer would be in the freezer or canned for the dogs.
People in America have not had to suffer since the Great Depression so most don't know what its like to be hungry.
I'm trying to teach my kids and grandkids how grow a little food but only one listens. She is also blessed with lots of energy like me. Good thing since she is raising her 4 grandkids, the 4 y.o. is the hard one. He is wired.
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