POLL: Who is worse: Biden or Putin?

Who is worse?

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No one expects any different from PUtin---usually we have as stronger leader to deter the Russias from being to bad----but nope we got Fuck up Biden and the whole world has gone to shit.
It is so bad around the world it has affected your ability to use proper
On what basis do you make that claim?

All of my, ancestors, as far back as great grandparents, were naturally-born Americans, and I have at least two ancestral lines that are known to have been here since the 1600s.

My allegiance is to this country, and not to any other.

Are you calling me “Russian” because I recognize the criminal infesting the white house, and sitting at the head of the corrupt government of my own country, as a greater threat to my country and to my own interest than a tyrant on the other side of the world?
If one must have a government that is corrupt then having a domestic one is preferable over a foreign adversary in control, what you fail to realize is both parties are corrupt but you only see it on one side because you are myopic.
Why don't you guys run a strong leader who's not an asshole?
aka One who will not call your side out for your LIES.

Like the Lying Media.........All of them lying to the public.........Using pictures from Italy and saying they are from New York Covid.


And even not for life, when his 8 years is done, he passes on the baton to who HE wants to be president and that's it. I'm starting to appreciate our 2 party system. Yin and Yang. Russia has no Yin.
What the Trump cult never stops to think about is Putin answered to NO ONE in launching his invasion, this is PUTIN's WAR and no one else's. There was no consulting with other politicians before starting the war. They want to give this SAME power to Trump.
Remember all the corona deaths are because of the way he handled the pandemic. He lied, then mocked wearing masks and social distancing.

He wouldn't have stopped Putin from doing what he's going today. How?

The other Lie. As they attacked anyone who didn't OBEY THE GOV'T NARRATIVE.

Thank you for making another point on WHY BIDEN IS WORSE THAN PUTIN.

BIDEN LIED.............AMERICANS DIED..............

What the Trump cult never stops to think about is Putin answered to NO ONE in launching his invasion, this is PUTIN's WAR and no one else's. There was no consulting with other politicians before starting the war. They want to give this SAME power to Trump.
As long as it's their guy who takes over, they don't mind.

Me, I'd rather have Republicans than a one party liberal country. That would be nice if people voted that way but that wouldn't do away with Republicans, it would just change them so they weren't such trickle down greedy fuckers.
I stated MY EXACT FEELING ABOUT PUTIN.........I said he's my enemy. but BIDEN IS WORSE THAN HIM.


Go cry to someone who cares............Respect of your enemy is actually recommended in TRAINING FOR WAR IDIOT.

Biden's policy has hurt us far more than PUTIN........And Biden ATTACKING GAS HAS GIVEN PUTIN MOUNTAINS OF MONEY.

Does that make BIDEN A RUSSIAN AGENT? By DNC standards yes it does
How about the Russian sourced misinformation the right have been spreading...

Can you show where Biden attacked Gas?

Oil Production is up from when he got elected... Why weren't you giving out about Trump asking for Oil Production being lowered in April 2020?


Gas Production is higher than Trump's


Trump was the one that saw the drop... Not Biden... Where is your consistency?

So this is the usual complaint from the right, why aren't ye fixing our mistakes fast enough.. same complaint we got for Obama, even though we are going to obstruct every move you make why aren't you fixing things fast enough...
How about the Russian sourced misinformation the right have been spreading...

Can you show where Biden attacked Gas?

Oil Production is up from when he got elected... Why weren't you giving out about Trump asking for Oil Production being lowered in April 2020?


Gas Production is higher than Trump's

View attachment 611915

Trump was the one that saw the drop... Not Biden... Where is your consistency?

So this is the usual complaint from the right, why aren't ye fixing our mistakes fast enough.. same complaint we got for Obama, even though we are going to obstruct every move you make why aren't you fixing things fast enough...
I already showed it. His executive orders attacked it. I showed a video of it. But of course you just sit and spin and LIE that he hasn't caused gas to go up.

Same as under Obama..............Prices through the roof. And it hurts every American.

BUT IT HELPS PUTIN..............BIDEN'S POLICY FUNDED THE WAR.........and every American sees it anytime they BUY ANYTHING.

Most straightforward question ever.

Please vote and comment.

Putin didn’t throw 2 million new beaners in the laps of Americans
Putin didn’t force me to wear a retarded face diaper
Putin didn’t shove an experimental vaccine down my throat
Putin doesn’t refer to 65% of our population as “white supremacists”
Putin doesn’t push and support racist policy in America
Putin doesn’t hire American taxpayer funded people for their skin color and vagina
Putin’s energy policy doesn’t have me spending $5-$6 per gallon

Biden is far worse….this is a no-brainer for any sane American.
Oh-oh, we're at the point in the thread where the right is scraping the bottom of the barrel with memes and racism.

Or is that where they start? Hard to tell sometimes.

Trump effectively left the with the equipment...

Biden didn't have enough troops in the country to get them back.

By the way, could explain how you get that equipment back? I know we said it was a gift but we want it back now... I don't care that you want to use it to fight the Taliban with it and we were fighting together...
Oh, don't try and apply to leave either because you fuck off about that too...

Dude, actually look what happened and you can see Biden's choices were limited to:
  • Stay and fight, escalate the war to at least 50,000 boots on the ground
  • Leave and know that weaponry will be disabled and some won't because it belongs to Afghan Army
Why aren't you holding Trump accountable for
  • Releasing 5000 Taliban fighters
  • Setting a crazy withdrawal timeline
  • Reducing Afghan friendly applications as refugee to a trickle
  • Leaving Biden with just 2,500 troops in Afghanistan with at least 20,000 US citizens and multiples of that Afghans who helped US forces and fought beside them
Truth is Biden decided to get out and cut the losses. Trump left him with loose or loose big... The right might think that is funny and you screwed Biden, you didn't, you screwed the Afghans who fought with US soldiers (when do you think the next time someone will trust US soldiers again?)
Oh-oh, we're at the point in the thread where the right is scraping the bottom of the barrel with memes and racism.

Or is that where they start? Hard to tell sometimes.
aka We have enough evidence of your EVIL DEEDS to THRASH YOU.

Many times I've challenged the Op to a duel on VIOLENCE between the parties...............he HAS ALWAYS REFUSED............Even with the new JANUARY 6TH HYPED INSURRECTION.........I would wipe the floor with him. This is another BS thread that attempts to shift blame FROM THE FAILURE OF THE DNC and Biden to the other side WHO DON'T SET POLICY.

Your side is the LIARS CLUB.

Just stand back and let 'em go, and all kinds of interesting things can happen.
aka..............Bring it MAC.............lmao

Want to try a violence comparison from your side..................COWARD.

Putin didn't do all this shit to me...............YOUR MONEY LAUNDERER DID IT..........

Pointing out that YOU SUCK............doesn't make me RUSSIAN...........I'd have had troops on the border fucking with his ass over this......When asked by PUTIN why they are on the border of UKRAINE...........I'd say they are PEACE KEEPERS.........on TAINING.

When asked why there are 100,000 of them.............I'd say the others are late...........

You don't deal with a Bully by being a PACIFIST............or handing money to them on an airport in Iran......

aka We have enough evidence of your EVIL DEEDS to THRASH YOU.

Many times I've challenged the Op to a duel on VIOLENCE between the parties...............he HAS ALWAYS REFUSED............Even with the new JANUARY 6TH HYPED INSURRECTION.........I would wipe the floor with him. This is another BS thread that attempts to shift blame FROM THE FAILURE OF THE DNC and Biden to the other side WHO DON'T SET POLICY.

Your side is the LIARS CLUB.

You can't even stay on topic.

Baby steps.

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