Have You Ever Had A Ghostly Experience?


Platinum Member
May 28, 2019
Twenty years ago I had an experience with a ghost. I was the only person to experience it, even though there were five of us all in the same room, at the same time.

A friend of mine invited me to play cards at a ranch style house, owned by a friend of his from work. When I arrived there were about five of us. I'd never met any of them before, just the friend I already spoke of. The couple who owned the house were married. We were playing cards in the living room, on a card table, for about 30 minutes. The wife who lived there was watching TV with the volume down low.

Suddenly I heard a baby crying coming from the bedroom off the living, directly to my left. I already had three boys, and the youngest was three years old, so I'm intimately familiar with the sounds of a cranky baby crying as they wake up from a nap. So I casually told the owner of the house "Your baby's crying."

He looked at me wide wide eyes, "what?" I repeated, "your baby is crying." He looked odd and said "don't fuck with me." I said a little confused "I'm not, your baby is crying in that room right there" and pointed to it.

Now he started to freak me out, cuz he said they didn't have any children. and suddenly the baby stopped crying. He begged me not be be messing with him, and he looked at my friend and asked "did you tell him?" And my friend said he hadn't said anything to me.

I was really confused at this point. then the owner of the house told me that "the people who lived here before we bought the house had a baby die in that room." He asked me about what age I thought the baby was, that I had heard. I thought it sounded like maybe a few months at most. And that was the age of the baby that had died in that room.

I've never seen a ghost in my life, and this was the only time I had experienced anything like this.
Its a "phenomenon" that doesnt make sense to me. Why is he crying if he is dead? Are you saying that his incorporeal spirit is crying? That doesnt make sense either. Vocal cords have to vibrate in order to make sound, which cant be done without a physical form. Ghostly material doesnt vibrate.

Furthermore, arent babies supposed to like go to Heaven or something? Why is it hanging around with the new owner of the house? How did the baby ghost even find that house? Did it form right there the moment it died, if so, why didnt the parents hear it crying?
Its a "phenomenon" that doesnt make sense to me. Why is he crying if he is dead? Are you saying that his incorporeal spirit is crying? That doesnt make sense either. Vocal cords have to vibrate in order to make sound, which cant be done without a physical form. Ghostly material doesnt vibrate.

Furthermore, arent babies supposed to like go to Heaven or something? Why is it hanging around with the new owner of the house? How did the baby ghost even find that house? Did it form right there the moment it died, if so, why didnt the parents hear it crying?
I don't know. All I can say is I heard a little baby crying for about 10-15 seconds. The cry was completely normal, and was as clear as a bell. I even waited a few seconds before saying anything, but the owner of the house was talking to someone so I figured he hadn't heard his baby.
Twenty years ago I had an experience with a ghost. I was the only person to experience it, even though there were five of us all in the same room, at the same time.

A friend of mine invited me to play cards at a ranch style house, owned by a friend of his from work. When I arrived there were about five of us. I'd never met any of them before, just the friend I already spoke of. The couple who owned the house were married. We were playing cards in the living room, on a card table, for about 30 minutes. The wife who lived there was watching TV with the volume down low.

Suddenly I heard a baby crying coming from the bedroom off the living, directly to my left. I already had three boys, and the youngest was three years old, so I'm intimately familiar with the sounds of a cranky baby crying as they wake up from a nap. So I casually told the owner of the house "Your baby's crying."

He looked at me wide wide eyes, "what?" I repeated, "your baby is crying." He looked odd and said "don't fuck with me." I said a little confused "I'm not, your baby is crying in that room right there" and pointed to it.

Now he started to freak me out, cuz he said they didn't have any children. and suddenly the baby stopped crying. He begged me not be be messing with him, and he looked at my friend and asked "did you tell him?" And my friend said he hadn't said anything to me.

I was really confused at this point. then the owner of the house told me that "the people who lived here before we bought the house had a baby die in that room." He asked me about what age I thought the baby was, that I had heard. I thought it sounded like maybe a few months at most. And that was the age of the baby that had died in that room.

I've never seen a ghost in my life, and this was the only time I had experienced anything like this.
only when I see joe biden and think hes the walking dead,,
Twenty years ago I had an experience with a ghost. I was the only person to experience it, even though there were five of us all in the same room, at the same time.

A friend of mine invited me to play cards at a ranch style house, owned by a friend of his from work. When I arrived there were about five of us. I'd never met any of them before, just the friend I already spoke of. The couple who owned the house were married. We were playing cards in the living room, on a card table, for about 30 minutes. The wife who lived there was watching TV with the volume down low.

Suddenly I heard a baby crying coming from the bedroom off the living, directly to my left. I already had three boys, and the youngest was three years old, so I'm intimately familiar with the sounds of a cranky baby crying as they wake up from a nap. So I casually told the owner of the house "Your baby's crying."

He looked at me wide wide eyes, "what?" I repeated, "your baby is crying." He looked odd and said "don't fuck with me." I said a little confused "I'm not, your baby is crying in that room right there" and pointed to it.

Now he started to freak me out, cuz he said they didn't have any children. and suddenly the baby stopped crying. He begged me not be be messing with him, and he looked at my friend and asked "did you tell him?" And my friend said he hadn't said anything to me.

I was really confused at this point. then the owner of the house told me that "the people who lived here before we bought the house had a baby die in that room." He asked me about what age I thought the baby was, that I had heard. I thought it sounded like maybe a few months at most. And that was the age of the baby that had died in that room.

I've never seen a ghost in my life, and this was the only time I had experienced anything like this.

I've never experienced a ghost, but some weird thing in the sky, like an arch that was lit up and there was one circular-ish cloud in the sky and the light went down to the cloud.

There were two other people in the car, and I said nothing about it.

But now, I don't even know if it actually happened. I remember it. Problem is, human's memories are weird. Now, I know you said you reacted to this at the time, so that might make things different, however brains are weird and people might hear things that aren't there, because the brain is playing tricks.
are you sure it wasnt the dog that farted??

they can sound the same,,
No. I had already raised three kids, and my youngest was just three years old at the time. I was intimately familiar with how a young baby sounds, and this was clear as a bell, and loud enough in volume to correspond to a baby's cry in that room off the living room. It was no more than 15 feet away. so this was not some faint, distant sounding cry, this was up close.
Myself and about ten other geologists were camped on Cedar Mesa at a place called Muley Point.

We all saw a pillar of light, very faint, about 3 feet tall, and maybe 8 inches in diameter floating off the edge of the 1200 foot cliff.

I originally thought it was someone from below flashing a light up but when I peered over the edge there was nothing.

So I said "hello Mr. Ghost I hope you enjoy our company".

We had our meal, talked shop around the campfire, then at bedtime we banked the fire and it sublimated away.

When we got back to Los Angeles I spoke to one of the Native American specialists and she told me there were around 1000 burial sites on the mesa.
RE: Have You Ever Had A Ghostly Experience?
westfall, et al.

ghosts → There is no definitive or factually based definition for such an apparition (AKA: "Ghost). Some knowledgeable people on the paranormal side of the house consider such reports (phantasm sightings) attributable to: "mind projections." The layman often associates such phantasms with that of the deceased.

Myself and about ten other geologists were camped on Cedar Mesa at a place called Muley Point.

We all saw a pillar of light, very faint, about 3 feet tall, and maybe 8 inches in diameter floating off the edge of the 1200 foot cliff.

I originally thought it was someone from below flashing a light up but when I peered over the edge there was nothing.

So I said "hello Mr. Ghost I hope you enjoy our company".

We had our meal, talked shop around the campfire, then at bedtime we banked the fire and it sublimated away.

When we got back to Los Angeles I spoke to one of the Native American specialists and she told me there were around 1000 burial sites on the mesa.

What is extremely interesting in this sighting is that (≈) ten (10) observers with an advanced scientific education made the same observation at the same time and place.


• The eye is a bioelectric sensor (photosensitive). It detects electromagnetic energy in the visible light range of 780 nanometers up to 390 nanometers. This range is above the ultraviolet band and below the infrared band. The point being, that if you can see it, there is energy either radiating or reflecting off the suspicious sighting. That means it should be detectable by conventional scientific means.​
• Test for a distinction between a "projection" from that of an "energy eminator." IF the observer(s) turns away from sighting, and turns back and re-acquires the suspicious sighting, THEN that is the first level indicator that suggest further inquiries are required.​
• Interrogation and Reply: "So I said "hello Mr. Ghost I hope you enjoy our company.". Was there a response?​

Another interesting implied association is in connection with the location. Is there an undefined location of the sighting and that of the interred (and entombed)? This leads the investigator to the inevitable question of "proximity."

What is it that you think you detected?

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Most Respectfully,
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RE: Have You Ever Had A Ghostly Experience?
westfall, et al.

ghosts → There is no definitive or factually based definition for such an apparition (AKA: "Ghost). Some knowledgeable people on the paranormal side of the house consider such reports (phantasm sightings) attributable to: "mind projections." The layman often associates such phantasms with that of the deceased.


What is extremely interesting in this sighting is that (≈) ten (10) observers with an advanced scientific education made the same observation at the same time and place.


• The eye is a bioelectric sensor (photosensitive). It detects electromagnetic energy in the visible light range of 780 nanometers up to 390 nanometers. This range is above the ultraviolet band and below the infrared band. The point being, that if you can see it, there is energy either radiating or reflecting off the suspicious sighting. That means it should be detectable by conventional scientific means.​
• Test for a distinction between a "projection" from that of an "energy eminator." IF the observer(s) turns away from sighting, and turns back and re-acquires the suspicious sighting, THEN that is the first level indicator that suggest further inquiries are required.​
• Interrogation and Reply: "So I said "hello Mr. Ghost I hope you enjoy our company.". Was there a response?​

Another interesting implied association is in connection with the location. Is there an undefined location of the sighting and that of the interred (and entombed)? This leads the investigator to the inevitable question of "proximity."

What is it that you think you detected?

.. ..

Most Respectfully,
I have no clue. I merely reported what we all witnessed. I am personally an agnostic. I see no evidence for, or against, an almighty.

In my years there have been two instances where something occurred, that I can't explain.

The first is this one, the second was a friend was driving us along a dirt mountain road up above Solvang California. Visibility was limited due to cloud cover, sagebrush, and the fact it was around 10pm at night.

As we continued on the road my danger sense started to grow but I said nothing. Then, my friend slammed on the brakes, looked at me and said "I just got a feeling of dread that if we go around that corner, we will die."

I told him I was feeling the exact same thing, so we very carefully turned around and went back the way we had come.

Added hours to our drive, but we both sensed extreme danger.

There was nothing reported in the news over the next few weeks, but we both felt that it was the absolute correct thing to do.

In my case it was a physical pressure all over my body saying don't go any further.

In his case it was a visualization.

Either way, we both experienced it independently.

I have no idea what it was, but I am glad we listened to that inner voice.
RE: Have You Ever Had A Ghostly Experience?
SUBTOPIC: Ghost and some Association in Reality
※→ westfall, et al.

The idea of a "ghost" is not evidence of an association to any particular spiritual belief system
("First Cause," the "Creator," the "Ultimate Intelligent Power of the Universe," or some kind of "Supreme Being").

I merely reported what we all witnessed.

It is a significant report (
important) when analyzed. This is especially true when it comes in from a cluster (a group of scientists).

I am personally an agnostic. I see no evidence for, or against, an almighty.

Yes, this is a reserved perspective awaiting more information before taking an informed position. It is not an uncommon position to assume. "The more I learn, the more I learn what I do not know." (
An Aristotelian idea.)

The laws of the universe, as understood today, do not rule out the formation of such an apparition. After all, with the introduction of "Dark Matter" and "Dark Energy" many more things come into the realm of possibility.


.. ..

Most Respectfully,

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