Poll: Gingrich strongest republican candidate to defeat obama

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

A new McClatchy-Marist Poll released today shows Newt is in a virtual tie (47% to 45%) with President Obama in a head to head matchup, the strongest of any of the Republican candidates. Gingrich is also beating Obama 47% to 41% among independent voters.

Poll: Gingrich Strongest Republican Candidate to Defeat Obama | Newt Gingrich 2012

Independents choose Newt over Obama despite the cries of the left leaning USMB posters. LOL

Go Newt go.......
This makes me very happy :) Liberals are running around completely unhinged scared to DEATH of Newt.. can you imagine that debate??!!
As someone who is basing their support on more than "who is most likely to beat Obama", I'd like to say... who cares? Even for those of you who are voting "Not Obama", the election is a year away and the results of this poll are going to change even more frequently than leaders of the GOP nomination race.
Can you imagine what those numbers would look like after a debate...one with no teleprompters?!
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As someone who is basing their support on more than "who is most likely to beat Obama", I'd like to say... who cares? Even for those of you who are voting "Not Obama", the election is a year away and the results of this poll are going to change even more frequently than leaders of the GOP nomination race.

Your more than welcome to return to any other nonsensical conversation about shit that we have no influence on. I prefer the topics of the day and this falls under that category.
Like I said, I think it will come down to Newt and Paul... I simply trust Paul more than Newt.

I don't. Not since you've stated you hope he runs a 3rd party and brings down the republicans.. not you and not him.. you both suck.

A new McClatchy-Marist Poll released today shows Newt is in a virtual tie (47% to 45%) with President Obama in a head to head matchup, the strongest of any of the Republican candidates. Gingrich is also beating Obama 47% to 41% among independent voters.

Poll: Gingrich Strongest Republican Candidate to Defeat Obama | Newt Gingrich 2012

Independents choose Newt over Obama despite the cries of the left leaning USMB posters. LOL

Go Newt go.......

Cain still gets my primary vote, but I would be more than happy to vote Gingrich in the general if he makes it.
This makes me very happy :) Liberals are running around completely unhinged scared to DEATH of Newt.. can you imagine that debate??!!

Yes, it will be alot like 2008 where Obama will not debate unless it's in a friendly venue and the moderators lob soft questions at him while at the same time try to make an ass of the GOP candidate. Same shit, different year.
This makes me very happy :) Liberals are running around completely unhinged scared to DEATH of Newt.. can you imagine that debate??!!

Yes, it will be alot like 2008 where Obama will not debate unless it's in a friendly venue and the moderators lob soft questions at him while at the same time try to make an ass of the GOP candidate. Same shit, different year.

Newt's too smart for that con job.. that's why he's already called for a Lincoln-Douglas style debate format. The question is, "Is Barry too coward to accept?"
This makes me very happy :) Liberals are running around completely unhinged scared to DEATH of Newt.. can you imagine that debate??!!

Please elect Newt. I have no fear of Newt; none at all. I am begging you...vote for Newt.

Huntsman scares the dickens out of me in terms of my being an Obama supporter. In terms of being an American, Huntsman is likely the best of the GOP lot in terms of being a President.

But PLEASE elect Newt. Bring it on!
Like I said, I think it will come down to Newt and Paul... I simply trust Paul more than Newt.

I don't. Not since you've stated you hope he runs a 3rd party and brings down the republicans.. not you and not him.. you both suck.

Yea.. that was a shitty thing to say.. WTF kind of a conservative thinks like that?

Newt is about the only other person I would support on that stage, I have said that many times.

What kind of conservative would say they would vote third party and hope the Republicans collapse again if they nominate another bullshit liberal big spender? Gee I dono, a conservative one?

Willo would vote Obama if he ran as a Republican, so who gives a fuck what he thinks. Don't believe me, look at the list of people he has supported, what policies (spending, military, social) were any different than Obama... That's right, they are the same.
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This makes me very happy :) Liberals are running around completely unhinged scared to DEATH of Newt.. can you imagine that debate??!!

"Liberals are running around completely unhinged scared to DEATH of ....." (fill in the blank)

- Sarah Palin
- Mitch Romney
- Michele Bachmann
- Rick Perry
- Herman Cain
- Newt Gingrich

The 2012 Republican/Tea Party presidential campaign has already produced a steady stream of "blanks!"
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An exemplar of moral hypocrisy among his other numerous failures. You republicans need to outsource your presidential choices, maybe you'll find someone you like.
This makes me very happy :) Liberals are running around completely unhinged scared to DEATH of Newt.. can you imagine that debate??!!

"Liberals are running around completely unhinged scared to DEATH of ....." (fill in the blank)

- Sarah Palin
- Mitch Romney
- Michele Bachmann
- Rick Perry
- Herman Cain
- Newt Gingrich

The 2012 Republican/Tea Party presidential campaign already has a long history of producing "blanks!"

Yup. One of the reasons I like Paul is because he is the opposite of the slogan of making “Liberals run scared!” Ron Paul actually pulls huge amounts of independents and even liberals… Paul would grow the party by not running as a divider.

Again, I like Newt, he is far from perfect at this point but I have time to learn more. I like that Newt at least gives a balanced budget in his platform but when he says he will save 700billion through 1 trillion by not paying crooks, I think A) that’s a huge margin of error or “guess work” in numbers, 300 billion… It’s not a balanced budget and of course I want to know what the fuck it means to “not pay crooks…”

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