Politifact debunks claim that Trump paid millions in income taxes in 2016, 2017 and 2018

"There is no evidence of voter fraud."

Who allowed retards to do logic?
So, an anonymous source who can't produce a single document claims Trump paid no taxes, and Politi"fact" takes that as the gospel and thinks Trump needs to prove them wrong.

Once again they expose what leftist hacks they are.
The source is financial documents. aka tax records.

And, the IRS doesnt have the resources to investigate to this level.
So, your source is "financial documents? dudmuck


Let's see em.

Not my source.
Its new york times source, they reported on confidential tax documents.
It got Charlie Kirk's panties in a bunch, claiming NYT broken the law, which they didnt.
So, an anonymous source who can't produce a single document claims Trump paid no taxes, and Politi"fact" takes that as the gospel and thinks Trump needs to prove them wrong.

Once again they expose what leftist hacks they are.
The source is financial documents. aka tax records.

And, the IRS doesnt have the resources to investigate to this level.
So, your source is "financial documents? dudmuck


Let's see em.

Not my source.
Its new york times source, they reported on confidential tax documents.
It got Charlie Kirk's panties in a bunch, claiming NYT broken the law, which they didnt.
So it isn't your source who has no documents.

Tell us about your source. Does YOUR SOURCE have any documents?
Yes. We need a flat tax with no deductions or credits. EVERYONE pays the same rate on every dollar in income they earn.

Someone makes 10X someone else, they pay 10X the taxes. Treat everyone the exact same way. But I'm sure you won't like a plan that is "fair" by treating everyone the same, right?
So a Walmarter who earns 25K pays 25% or $6250.
And a CEO who earns $25 Mil pays 6.25 Mil.

Did you ever try plugging numbers into your crackpot theories?
Because the lower 1/3-1/2 will all be homeless and hungry, and the Economy and consumer spending will collapse, as those low incomers spend ALL their money to live will have no money to spend.
So, an anonymous source who can't produce a single document claims Trump paid no taxes, and Politi"fact" takes that as the gospel and thinks Trump needs to prove them wrong.

Once again they expose what leftist hacks they are.
The source is financial documents. aka tax records.

And, the IRS doesnt have the resources to investigate to this level.
So, your source is "financial documents? dudmuck


Let's see em.

Not my source.
Its new york times source, they reported on confidential tax documents.
It got Charlie Kirk's panties in a bunch, claiming NYT broken the law, which they didnt.
Gee, maybe the NY Slimes should get a visit from the FBI if they actually have those documents....

Yes. We need a flat tax with no deductions or credits. EVERYONE pays the same rate on every dollar in income they earn.

Someone makes 10X someone else, they pay 10X the taxes. Treat everyone the exact same way. But I'm sure you won't like a plan that is "fair" by treating everyone the same, right?
So a Walmarter who earns 25K pays 25% or $6250.
And a CEO who earns $25 Mil pays 6.25 Mil.

Did you ever try plugging numbers into your crackpot theories?
Because the lower 1/3-1/2 will all be homeless and hungry, and the Economy and consumer spending will collapse, as those low incomers spend ALL their money to live will have no money to spend.
I'll put you down for being against fairness.
There's a thread here in USMB (based on fake news from Facebook) spreading the income tax lie, by the way.
Trump likely has paid other types of taxes, but PolitiFact found no evidence he has paid millions in income taxes.

Here is the thing and until the IRS brings down some type of infraction I do not care if Trump paid taxes or not seeing he most likely made sure his accountants and lawyers found ways around him paying.

If it is discovered he did do tax evasion then punish him with the full extent of the law but until proven I just can not care about this one issue...

There are more better issues to attack him on...
Don’t you think we should have a tax system that doesn’t allow the very wealthy to avoid taxes like Trump does?

Sure, but we never will...

Fact is neither side want a fair system and because the system is not fair is not Trump fault seeing Congress passed these bills allowing those loopholes...
And you think those loopholes are going to ever go away with someone like Trump in office? Remember, it’s not just Congress that writes tax law, the president has a ton of input.

They will not go away if Biden get elected and Harris become President...

Also remember why the GOP get elected in is to do what they do and you may disagree with them but those voting for them want this system...
Yes. We need a flat tax with no deductions or credits. EVERYONE pays the same rate on every dollar in income they earn.

Someone makes 10X someone else, they pay 10X the taxes. Treat everyone the exact same way. But I'm sure you won't like a plan that is "fair" by treating everyone the same, right?
So a Walmarter who earns 25K pays 25% or $6250.
And a CEO who earns $25 Mil pays 6.25 Mil.

Did you ever try plugging numbers into your crackpot theories?
Because the lower 1/3-1/2 will all be homeless and hungry, and the Economy and consumer spending will collapse, as those low incomers spend ALL their money to live will have no money to spend.
I'll put you down for being against fairness.
Lol @ you thinking flat tax is fair.
Yes. We need a flat tax with no deductions or credits. EVERYONE pays the same rate on every dollar in income they earn.

Someone makes 10X someone else, they pay 10X the taxes. Treat everyone the exact same way. But I'm sure you won't like a plan that is "fair" by treating everyone the same, right?
So a Walmarter who earns 25K pays 25% or $6250.
And a CEO who earns $25 Mil pays 6.25 Mil.

Did you ever try plugging numbers into your crackpot theories?
Because the lower 1/3-1/2 will all be homeless and hungry, and the Economy and consumer spending will collapse, as those low incomers spend ALL their money to live will have no money to spend.
I'll put you down for being against fairness.
Lol @ you thinking flat tax is fair.
Treating everyone the exact same way is the definition of fair, Dummy.
Trump is exactly the kind of cost conscious person I want in charge of my money. I'm tired of the last 60 years of Presidents who just throw money at every problem, who let our international partners get away with paying half of what they owe, who let our trading partners screw us and who get us into treaties where we pay every other countries share. I don't want some dope who will pay more than they owe on their income tax. Those type of people will bankrupt this country quick. Give me the smart businessman who won't throw my money away. Give me Trumpy.
There's a thread here in USMB (based on fake news from Facebook) spreading the income tax lie, by the way.
Trump likely has paid other types of taxes, but PolitiFact found no evidence he has paid millions in income taxes.

Here is the thing and until the IRS brings down some type of infraction I do not care if Trump paid taxes or not seeing he most likely made sure his accountants and lawyers found ways around him paying.

If it is discovered he did do tax evasion then punish him with the full extent of the law but until proven I just can not care about this one issue...

There are more better issues to attack him on...
Don’t you think we should have a tax system that doesn’t allow the very wealthy to avoid taxes like Trump does?
Yes. We need a flat tax with no deductions or credits. EVERYONE pays the same rate on every dollar in income they earn.

Someone makes 10X someone else, they pay 10X the taxes. Treat everyone the exact same way. But I'm sure you won't like a plan that is "fair" by treating everyone the same, right?
Are you OK with allowing a standard deduction of say $25,000 before the flat tax is applied? Everyone - including the fabulously wealthy - would get the same deduction.

I estimate 10% of my work time was tax related ... and I was a property developer.

Of course it would devastate the tax-prep industry forcing lots of accountants and attorneys to do something productive but hey, most filers could do their tax return on a post card. Squeezing that wasted time out of our lives would allow for more productive endeavors.

There's a thread here in USMB (based on fake news from Facebook) spreading the income tax lie, by the way.
Trump likely has paid other types of taxes, but PolitiFact found no evidence he has paid millions in income taxes.

If Politi"fact" had any credibility, they would say that nobody has seen Trump's tax returns, including us, so we can't make a ruling on anything regarding what he paid.

But they have ZERO credibility, so you get these hack "rulings".
In fact they did admit it but with a stipulation. Raise your hand if you believe anything the NYTimes publishes about Trump:

From Politifact:
The New York Time released a multi-part investigation of Trump’s taxes beginning Sept. 27, based on "decades of personal and corporate tax records" for the president" that were provided by unnamed sources, according to the Times. The newspaper said it is not making the records public in order to protect those who provided them.

If Trump paid no taxes. He must have done do LEGALLY or the IRS would have done something about it.
It's the job of the IRS to find underpaid taxes and no registered accountant would risk his career signing - and they do sign - a fraudulent return.

This entire subject is strictly another NYTimes political hack job.

From Politifact (emphasis mine):
The New York Time released a multi-part investigation of Trump’s taxes beginning Sept. 27, based on "decades of personal and corporate tax records" for the president" that were provided by unnamed sources, according to the Times. The newspaper said it is not making the records public in order to protect those who provided them.

Trump is exactly the kind of cost conscious person I want in charge of my money. I'm tired of the last 60 years of Presidents who just throw money at every problem, who let our international partners get away with paying half of what they owe, who let our trading partners screw us and who get us into treaties where we pay every other countries share. I don't want some dope who will pay more than they owe on their income tax. Those type of people will bankrupt this country quick. Give me the smart businessman who won't throw my money away. Give me Trumpy.
Trump isn't so good at keeping costs down as he is at making other people pay for it.

As president, the "other people" aren't our allies, China, Mexico or anyone else. It's future generations of Americans. As one of those people who will be paying for Trump's BS for decades, I think I've seen enough.
So, an anonymous source who can't produce a single document claims Trump paid no taxes, and Politi"fact" takes that as the gospel and thinks Trump needs to prove them wrong.

Once again they expose what leftist hacks they are.
The source is financial documents. aka tax records.

And, the IRS doesnt have the resources to investigate to this level.
So, your source is "financial documents? dudmuck


Let's see em.

Not my source.
Its new york times source, they reported on confidential tax documents.
It got Charlie Kirk's panties in a bunch, claiming NYT broken the law, which they didnt.
Gee, maybe the NY Slimes should get a visit from the FBI if they actually have those documents....

Bartnicki v. Vopper

So, an anonymous source who can't produce a single document claims Trump paid no taxes, and Politi"fact" takes that as the gospel and thinks Trump needs to prove them wrong.

Once again they expose what leftist hacks they are.
The source is financial documents. aka tax records.

And, the IRS doesnt have the resources to investigate to this level.
So, your source is "financial documents? dudmuck


Let's see em.

Not my source.
Its new york times source, they reported on confidential tax documents.
It got Charlie Kirk's panties in a bunch, claiming NYT broken the law, which they didnt.
Gee, maybe the NY Slimes should get a visit from the FBI if they actually have those documents....

Bartnicki v. Vopper

So publishing DNC emails was legal as well?
There's a thread here in USMB (based on fake news from Facebook) spreading the income tax lie, by the way.
Trump likely has paid other types of taxes, but PolitiFact found no evidence he has paid millions in income taxes.

I find it very interesting that people who scream about the "47%" that Romney told them about yet have absolutely no problem with filthy rich people paying zero in federal income taxes.

The conservatives on this board seem to believe that the filthy rich have a right to not pay federal income taxes but Is outraged with a person who is barely getting by on the 7.25 federal minimum wage who doesn't pay any taxes or very little taxes.

The priorities of conservatives in this nation are all messed up.

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