Politically, I find most Liberals intolerant of other's viewpoints.

Devnell inspired me to find this old thread with his new thread which shows his liberal intolerance toward those conservatives who dont support Obama's every plan and how he thinks this opposition to euro-socialist policies is Un-American.

I may have to take back my apology from the other thread now too :lol:

Have you even bothered to read some of the posts from some of your so called fellow "Conservatives" on here as of late?

I know they are just as bad dogbert, I know :(.

Sorry Dev just inspired the bump up....i will let the thread die again :)
Devnell inspired me to find this old thread with his new thread which shows his liberal intolerance toward those conservatives who dont support Obama's every plan and how he thinks this opposition to euro-socialist policies is Un-American.

I may have to take back my apology from the other thread now too :lol:

Have you even bothered to read some of the posts from some of your so called fellow "Conservatives" on here as of late?

Oh oh!

What did I say now?

"You can tell a liberal, you just can't tell 'em much." Quote from a little boy on radio talk show, from the mouths of babes.
Devnell inspired me to find this old thread with his new thread which shows his liberal intolerance toward those conservatives who dont support Obama's every plan and how he thinks this opposition to euro-socialist policies is Un-American.

I may have to take back my apology from the other thread now too :lol:

Imagine that, you come back to a thread that you cut and ran from after making a false accusation against me and I called you out for your dishonesty. So are you going to admit that you were wrong or are you still running away from doing so?

Here is a link to me proving you WRONG in the another thread where you tried to avoid admitting that you were wrong.

Glenn Beck has a book out called Arguing with Idiots..
This made me realize a couple of things..
1) Who writes a book about arguing with idiots?
2) Why am i reading a book about arguing with idiots?
But it made good points..
On the Contrary, the majority of liberals i speak to fit your discription perfectly. But conservatives are the same way just not as hypocritical. We all have our views, and no matter how many facts you can present or may be true, it's extremely hard to convert anyone in America to become a liberal or conservative. Good post though.
Glenn Beck has a book out called Arguing with Idiots..
This made me realize a couple of things..
1) Who writes a book about arguing with idiots?
2) Why am i reading a book about arguing with idiots?
But it made good points..
On the Contrary, the majority of liberals i speak to fit your discription perfectly. But conservatives are the same way just not as hypocritical. We all have our views, and no matter how many facts you can present or may be true, it's extremely hard to convert anyone in America to become a liberal or conservative. Good post though.

OH yeah a lot of conservative online people are the same way indeed and that can be annoying too. I just get more upset at the liberals who do it as I always viewed liberals as the ones who were more accepting and open to people with differing views than their own (more accepting in relation to conservatives).
lord knows all it takes is a cool method of conveyance to necessitate validation!



Speaking of Glen Beck and acceptable bias...
Glenn Beck has a book out called Arguing with Idiots..
This made me realize a couple of things..
1) Who writes a book about arguing with idiots?
2) Why am i reading a book about arguing with idiots?
But it made good points..
On the Contrary, the majority of liberals i speak to fit your discription perfectly. But conservatives are the same way just not as hypocritical. We all have our views, and no matter how many facts you can present or may be true, it's extremely hard to convert anyone in America to become a liberal or conservative. Good post though.

LOL You can't be serious?? The conservatives are the SAME but not the same (hypocritical)?? LOL So how do you seriously believe that the cons aren't hypocritical despite your statement that they are the "same way"??

The conservatives are far worse. Look at where they stood on the issue of transparency for instance. Under clinton the cons had the right to know everything, then under W they shifted to the administration has a right to keep things to themselves (executive privilege) and now that a dem is in office the cons are now demanding to know everything again.

Then there is the issue of be critical of a sitting president. Under clinton the cons attacked him every day, then under W the cons argued that to criticize a sitting president is un-American and unpatriotic and now the cons are engaging in the very same things that they once condemned because a dem is in the WH.

The cons change their standards and arguments based on political expediency and don't seem to care how much they contradict themselves and expose their hypocrisy.
all it is is a matter of a "my shit don't stink" mentality.

plain and simple.
Glenn Beck has a book out called Arguing with Idiots..
This made me realize a couple of things..
1) Who writes a book about arguing with idiots?
2) Why am i reading a book about arguing with idiots?
But it made good points..
On the Contrary, the majority of liberals i speak to fit your discription perfectly. But conservatives are the same way just not as hypocritical. We all have our views, and no matter how many facts you can present or may be true, it's extremely hard to convert anyone in America to become a liberal or conservative. Good post though.

I have trouble with 'Conservatives' that say, "I'm right because God or Reagan said so..."

I have trouble with Liberals more often that say something to the effect, "Because you are too stupid to understand..."

I can fight about God or Reagan... :lol:
Glenn Beck has a book out called Arguing with Idiots..
This made me realize a couple of things..
1) Who writes a book about arguing with idiots?
2) Why am i reading a book about arguing with idiots?
But it made good points..
On the Contrary, the majority of liberals i speak to fit your discription perfectly. But conservatives are the same way just not as hypocritical. We all have our views, and no matter how many facts you can present or may be true, it's extremely hard to convert anyone in America to become a liberal or conservative. Good post though.

LOL You can't be serious?? The conservatives are the SAME but not the same (hypocritical)?? LOL So how do you seriously believe that the cons aren't hypocritical despite your statement that they are the "same way"??

The conservatives are far worse. Look at where they stood on the issue of transparency for instance. Under clinton the cons had the right to know everything, then under W they shifted to the administration has a right to keep things to themselves (executive privilege) and now that a dem is in office the cons are now demanding to know everything again.

Then there is the issue of be critical of a sitting president. Under clinton the cons attacked him every day, then under W the cons argued that to criticize a sitting president is un-American and unpatriotic and now the cons are engaging in the very same things that they once condemned because a dem is in the WH.

The cons change their standards and arguments based on political expediency and don't seem to care how much they contradict themselves and expose their hypocrisy.

and this is how one spells hypocrisy:

Fact Checking Obama on Transparency

American Issues Project: Fact Check: Is the Obama White House fighting for transparency in the health care debate? | Facebook (It's the American Issues Project)

From the Fact Check Desk: Is McCain's 'Transparency' Attack on President Obama Accurate? - Political Punch

PolitiFact | The Obameter: Obama's Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken
Glenn Beck has a book out called Arguing with Idiots..
This made me realize a couple of things..
1) Who writes a book about arguing with idiots?
2) Why am i reading a book about arguing with idiots?
But it made good points..
On the Contrary, the majority of liberals i speak to fit your discription perfectly. But conservatives are the same way just not as hypocritical. We all have our views, and no matter how many facts you can present or may be true, it's extremely hard to convert anyone in America to become a liberal or conservative. Good post though.

LOL You can't be serious?? The conservatives are the SAME but not the same (hypocritical)?? LOL So how do you seriously believe that the cons aren't hypocritical despite your statement that they are the "same way"??

The conservatives are far worse. Look at where they stood on the issue of transparency for instance. Under clinton the cons had the right to know everything, then under W they shifted to the administration has a right to keep things to themselves (executive privilege) and now that a dem is in office the cons are now demanding to know everything again.

Then there is the issue of be critical of a sitting president. Under clinton the cons attacked him every day, then under W the cons argued that to criticize a sitting president is un-American and unpatriotic and now the cons are engaging in the very same things that they once condemned because a dem is in the WH.

The cons change their standards and arguments based on political expediency and don't seem to care how much they contradict themselves and expose their hypocrisy.

and this is how one spells hypocrisy:

Fact Checking Obama on Transparency

American Issues Project: Fact Check: Is the Obama White House fighting for transparency in the health care debate? | Facebook (It's the American Issues Project)

From the Fact Check Desk: Is McCain's 'Transparency' Attack on President Obama Accurate? - Political Punch

PolitiFact | The Obameter: Obama's Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken

Those were interesting links, thanks
LOL You can't be serious?? The conservatives are the SAME but not the same (hypocritical)?? LOL So how do you seriously believe that the cons aren't hypocritical despite your statement that they are the "same way"??

The conservatives are far worse. Look at where they stood on the issue of transparency for instance. Under clinton the cons had the right to know everything, then under W they shifted to the administration has a right to keep things to themselves (executive privilege) and now that a dem is in office the cons are now demanding to know everything again.

Then there is the issue of be critical of a sitting president. Under clinton the cons attacked him every day, then under W the cons argued that to criticize a sitting president is un-American and unpatriotic and now the cons are engaging in the very same things that they once condemned because a dem is in the WH.

The cons change their standards and arguments based on political expediency and don't seem to care how much they contradict themselves and expose their hypocrisy.

and this is how one spells hypocrisy:

Fact Checking Obama on Transparency

American Issues Project: Fact Check: Is the Obama White House fighting for transparency in the health care debate? | Facebook (It's the American Issues Project)

From the Fact Check Desk: Is McCain's 'Transparency' Attack on President Obama Accurate? - Political Punch

PolitiFact | The Obameter: Obama's Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken

Those were interesting links, thanks

You're quite welcome. Of course, those that should read, won't. ;)
They are intolerant as they see that as an equivalent to views based on ration defensible ideas they can explain.

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