Politically, I find most Liberals intolerant of other's viewpoints.

Glenn Beck has a book out called Arguing with Idiots..
This made me realize a couple of things..
1) Who writes a book about arguing with idiots?
2) Why am i reading a book about arguing with idiots?
But it made good points..
On the Contrary, the majority of liberals i speak to fit your discription perfectly. But conservatives are the same way just not as hypocritical. We all have our views, and no matter how many facts you can present or may be true, it's extremely hard to convert anyone in America to become a liberal or conservative. Good post though.

LOL You can't be serious?? The conservatives are the SAME but not the same (hypocritical)?? LOL So how do you seriously believe that the cons aren't hypocritical despite your statement that they are the "same way"??

The conservatives are far worse. Look at where they stood on the issue of transparency for instance. Under clinton the cons had the right to know everything, then under W they shifted to the administration has a right to keep things to themselves (executive privilege) and now that a dem is in office the cons are now demanding to know everything again.

Then there is the issue of be critical of a sitting president. Under clinton the cons attacked him every day, then under W the cons argued that to criticize a sitting president is un-American and unpatriotic and now the cons are engaging in the very same things that they once condemned because a dem is in the WH.

The cons change their standards and arguments based on political expediency and don't seem to care how much they contradict themselves and expose their hypocrisy.

and this is how one spells hypocrisy:

Fact Checking Obama on Transparency

American Issues Project: Fact Check: Is the Obama White House fighting for transparency in the health care debate? | Facebook (It's the American Issues Project)

From the Fact Check Desk: Is McCain's 'Transparency' Attack on President Obama Accurate? - Political Punch

PolitiFact | The Obameter: Obama's Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken

WOW imagine that. spam from right wing rags and blogs. LOL

Let's see first we have the nation, right wing rag with an article where author tries to smear obama for not providing enough transparency despite the fact that according to his own article there have been improvements. Fail on your part.

Then we have what appears to be a blog article that attempts to attack and smear obama. Please tell me that you have better.

Your next article is nothing but an OLD article from less than a month after obama took office and a losing candidate lashing out in sour grapes to try and attack a NEWLY elected president.

Then there is politifact that lists promises not kept as if it means anything based on the FACT that obama has only been in office for one year and 3 years left to fulfill any promises he made. So you or anyone for that matter assuming that these promises have not and will not be kept merely because they have not been kept to this point exposes your partisan leanings.

So do you have anything real or is this really all that you have to offer?

P.S. I seriously have to ask did you even read the articles before you posted the links and did pilgrim read them before he thanked you for them or was he merely agreeing with you because you pretended to present an argument counter to mine as you failed miserably to do so??
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You make the assumption that these people are liberals to begin with but the word liberal implies you are someone who believes in liberty but the fact that that they won't even defend your liberty to speak, your liberty to engage in trade, the liberty to pursue your own concious as you see fit, and etc etc etc. I find that the liberty that they do defend is a very narrow corridor of free actions that they allow you to do yet do not want to go out side this corridor whatsoever. In reality, you are free to engage in the freedoms they want you to but not in the ones you want to.
"You can tell a liberal, you just can't tell 'em much." Quote from a little boy on radio talk show, from the mouths of babes.

Kohlberg's Moral Stages

I'd be a bit wary of basing anything on the say-so of a child, after all they're still developing.

I think children offer a perspective that is fresh and occassionally very revealing, not politically correct, the just call it as they see it.
Conservatives and Liberals have very different outlooks on life. In fact liberals have a completely diffferent culture than conservatives. This leads to both sides arguing over subjects as their differing culture leads them to different opinions on the subject.

A big part of the liberal culture is the preaching of tolerance for others. Tolerance and respect for those around the world, tolerance and respect for minorities, tolerance for illegal immigrants, and so on.

However when it comes to dealing with the conservative culture liberals become very ethnocentric. The majority of liberals show very little, if any, respect for the conservative culture. Especially on message boards. In fact on message boards liberals are completely intolerant of conservative culture and values.

This constantly makes me think of hypocracy. The liberals who do this remind me of the conservatives who preach family values then cheat on their wifes, hypocrites.

So liberals next time you get all wound up and ready to bash on some conservative for wanting guns, not wanting abortion, being against radicals in their white house, being wary of who the president surrounds themselves with, or their hate of government involvment in our lives and the taxes that comes along with it....remember it makes you sound like hypocrites to many fair minded individuals.

Another random thought of mine that i decided to post :redface:

How, exactly, am I supposed to tolerate your view, for example, that abortion should be outlawed? If in fact that's your view.
btw, your post was full of bullshit, but you already know that.

lol perfectly illustrating the op's point.

Same goes with your previous post labeling most cons are far right. :lol:
You clowns need to make up your minds.

Or, get your hive-like talking points straight. :lol:
Conservatives and Liberals have very different outlooks on life. In fact liberals have a completely diffferent culture than conservatives. This leads to both sides arguing over subjects as their differing culture leads them to different opinions on the subject.

A big part of the liberal culture is the preaching of tolerance for others. Tolerance and respect for those around the world, tolerance and respect for minorities, tolerance for illegal immigrants, and so on.

However when it comes to dealing with the conservative culture liberals become very ethnocentric. The majority of liberals show very little, if any, respect for the conservative culture. Especially on message boards. In fact on message boards liberals are completely intolerant of conservative culture and values.

This constantly makes me think of hypocracy. The liberals who do this remind me of the conservatives who preach family values then cheat on their wifes, hypocrites.

So liberals next time you get all wound up and ready to bash on some conservative for wanting guns, not wanting abortion, being against radicals in their white house, being wary of who the president surrounds themselves with, or their hate of government involvment in our lives and the taxes that comes along with it....remember it makes you sound like hypocrites to many fair minded individuals.

Another random thought of mine that i decided to post :redface:

i would keep your random bullshit to yourself...please show me the tolerant "neo cons" and i really thought you were above this partisan shit...did you say you were...

why is it the ones who say they are non partisan are the biggest fucking partisan hacks!

But the neo cons aren't the ones preaching tolerance then being intolerant, they are just intolerant in general.

again another liberal minded person showing their intolerance of a viewpoint different from their own....sorry bones i like you but calling my opinion bullshit kinda proves my point.

I'm predicting that you are going to have allot of libs falling all over themselves trying to prove your point for you. :lol:


They are so predictable.
This thread?

I agree. It is sad.

No, the viewpoints. Reverse them to about 6 years ago. Same bitching would be going on, just the sides would be switched:

This isn't what I see happening on tv. Just where is all of this "preaching" taking place? To me, it seems more like, "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY." Disagree with a _____ on any subject and they most often go into a rant about you being a ____, ____, ____, ____, and the list goes on and on. _____ are nothing more than bullies who cry when they can't get their way.

It's like MadLibs, except there's only 2 options to plug in.

Except that the we all know which side the media falls on.
Conservatives and Liberals have very different outlooks on life. In fact liberals have a completely diffferent culture than conservatives. This leads to both sides arguing over subjects as their differing culture leads them to different opinions on the subject.

A big part of the liberal culture is the preaching of tolerance for others. Tolerance and respect for those around the world, tolerance and respect for minorities, tolerance for illegal immigrants, and so on.

However when it comes to dealing with the conservative culture liberals become very ethnocentric. The majority of liberals show very little, if any, respect for the conservative culture. Especially on message boards. In fact on message boards liberals are completely intolerant of conservative culture and values.

This constantly makes me think of hypocracy. The liberals who do this remind me of the conservatives who preach family values then cheat on their wifes, hypocrites.

So liberals next time you get all wound up and ready to bash on some conservative for wanting guns, not wanting abortion, being against radicals in their white house, being wary of who the president surrounds themselves with, or their hate of government involvment in our lives and the taxes that comes along with it....remember it makes you sound like hypocrites to many fair minded individuals.

Another random thought of mine that i decided to post :redface:

To quote you, "A big part of the liberal culture is the preaching of tolerance for others." This isn't what I see happening on tv. Just where is all of this "preaching" taking place? To me, it seems more like, "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY." Disagree with a liberal on any subject and they most often go into a rant about you being a racist, indifferent, a liar, a Nazi, and the list goes on and on. Liberals are nothing more than bullies who cry when they can't get their way. They place the blame for everything that is wrong in their world on anybody else they think they can get the smell to stick to. It's always somebody elses fault. I'm interested in hearing who the liberals are going to blame for the sorry state our country is going to be LEFT in when this crop of dumbasses looses power in Congress and the White House in the next couple of elections.

The liberals I grew up with and the ones who educated me in college did not speak of being a bully. They taught me to be tolerant of others views and to get past ethnocentrism.

I just find it sad that many liberals, especially those online, have lost their way. I used to respect them a lot more than i have come to over the last 6 months. They have dissapointed me greatly with their behavior since obama became president. Its like you said they are now being bullies, namecalling, and just acting intolerant to those whom they disagree with.

It is frustrating to me.

Really it has become much, much worse sinse 2000. It seems to be an exponentially increasing intolerance.

But guess what? After the last 8 years of bullshit from the left, their intolerance has rubbed off on me too.

I just don't have the time of day for their intolerant, hypocritical, anti-American views and policies and I don't really care what they think at all.
Conservatives and Liberals have very different outlooks on life. In fact liberals have a completely diffferent culture than conservatives. This leads to both sides arguing over subjects as their differing culture leads them to different opinions on the subject.

A big part of the liberal culture is the preaching of tolerance for others. Tolerance and respect for those around the world, tolerance and respect for minorities, tolerance for illegal immigrants, and so on.

However when it comes to dealing with the conservative culture liberals become very ethnocentric. The majority of liberals show very little, if any, respect for the conservative culture. Especially on message boards. In fact on message boards liberals are completely intolerant of conservative culture and values.

This constantly makes me think of hypocracy. The liberals who do this remind me of the conservatives who preach family values then cheat on their wifes, hypocrites.

So liberals next time you get all wound up and ready to bash on some conservative for wanting guns, not wanting abortion, being against radicals in their white house, being wary of who the president surrounds themselves with, or their hate of government involvment in our lives and the taxes that comes along with it....remember it makes you sound like hypocrites to many fair minded individuals.

Another random thought of mine that i decided to post :redface:

How, exactly, am I supposed to tolerate your view, for example, that abortion should be outlawed? If in fact that's your view.

thats not my view. I am against abortion and the death penalty but will accept both in rare circumstances.

However, if that was my view, you dont have to accept it but you also dont have to demean and insult those who do hold that viewpoint. Which is what my gripe was in the first place, liberals being intolerant of non-liberal viewpoints. You(the general you) can disagree without being intolerant and disrespectful. I have see you (specific you) be disagreeable without being disrespectful so i know you don't fit into the description of my OP.
Conservatives and Liberals have very different outlooks on life. In fact liberals have a completely diffferent culture than conservatives. This leads to both sides arguing over subjects as their differing culture leads them to different opinions on the subject.

A big part of the liberal culture is the preaching of tolerance for others. Tolerance and respect for those around the world, tolerance and respect for minorities, tolerance for illegal immigrants, and so on.

However when it comes to dealing with the conservative culture liberals become very ethnocentric. The majority of liberals show very little, if any, respect for the conservative culture. Especially on message boards. In fact on message boards liberals are completely intolerant of conservative culture and values.

This constantly makes me think of hypocracy. The liberals who do this remind me of the conservatives who preach family values then cheat on their wifes, hypocrites.

So liberals next time you get all wound up and ready to bash on some conservative for wanting guns, not wanting abortion, being against radicals in their white house, being wary of who the president surrounds themselves with, or their hate of government involvment in our lives and the taxes that comes along with it....remember it makes you sound like hypocrites to many fair minded individuals.

Another random thought of mine that i decided to post :redface:

How, exactly, am I supposed to tolerate your view, for example, that abortion should be outlawed? If in fact that's your view.

thats not my view. I am against abortion and the death penalty but will accept both in rare circumstances.

However, if that was my view, you dont have to accept it but you also dont have to demean and insult those who do hold that viewpoint. Which is what my gripe was in the first place, liberals being intolerant of non-liberal viewpoints. You(the general you) can disagree without being intolerant and disrespectful. I have see you (specific you) be disagreeable without being disrespectful so i know you don't fit into the description of my OP.

Is your implication that generally, on message boards, there's a distinction in that conservatives ARE tolerant and respectful of positions held by liberals such as pro-choice, pro gun control, pro gay marriage, pro gays in the military, anti-death penalty, anti Iraq war, etc.?
How, exactly, am I supposed to tolerate your view, for example, that abortion should be outlawed? If in fact that's your view.

thats not my view. I am against abortion and the death penalty but will accept both in rare circumstances.

However, if that was my view, you dont have to accept it but you also dont have to demean and insult those who do hold that viewpoint. Which is what my gripe was in the first place, liberals being intolerant of non-liberal viewpoints. You(the general you) can disagree without being intolerant and disrespectful. I have see you (specific you) be disagreeable without being disrespectful so i know you don't fit into the description of my OP.

Is your implication that generally, on message boards, there's a distinction in that conservatives ARE tolerant and respectful of positions held by liberals such as pro-choice, pro gun control, pro gay marriage, pro gays in the military, anti-death penalty, anti Iraq war, etc.?

No way, conservatives are just as bad as liberals with the intolerance toward views they disagree with. Its just one of the core values of liberalism is the tolerance for those different than yourself, which is what i was bothered about at the time of this post.
thats not my view. I am against abortion and the death penalty but will accept both in rare circumstances.

However, if that was my view, you dont have to accept it but you also dont have to demean and insult those who do hold that viewpoint. Which is what my gripe was in the first place, liberals being intolerant of non-liberal viewpoints. You(the general you) can disagree without being intolerant and disrespectful. I have see you (specific you) be disagreeable without being disrespectful so i know you don't fit into the description of my OP.

Is your implication that generally, on message boards, there's a distinction in that conservatives ARE tolerant and respectful of positions held by liberals such as pro-choice, pro gun control, pro gay marriage, pro gays in the military, anti-death penalty, anti Iraq war, etc.?

No way, conservatives are just as bad as liberals with the intolerance toward views they disagree with. Its just one of the core values of liberalism is the tolerance for those different than yourself, which is what i was bothered about at the time of this post.

It's difficult to be tolerant if you're tolerant of intolerance.
It's difficult to be tolerant if you're tolerant of intolerance.

If I may interject here NYC, one thing that always strikes me (and I am not accusing you of this) is that it seems to me that liberals expect me to be tolerant of their beliefs, but absolutely refuse to return the favor. I don't see that from the right in that as intolerant as they are, they don't expect me to tolerate anyone either.

With liberals, if I don't submit to their beliefs on abortion, gay marriage or the redistribution of wealth, then I am lower than Satan. With conservatives if I don't agree with them then... well, I don't agree with them. Some of the moronic conservatives will stoop to calling names like "pinhead", but most will converse about the subject in pleasant tones. I simply disagree with them and that is all there is to it.

That is not to say that all "liberals" behave like that, but it does seem more prevalent from liberals than conservatives IMHO.

Conservatives and Liberals have very different outlooks on life. In fact liberals have a completely diffferent culture than conservatives. This leads to both sides arguing over subjects as their differing culture leads them to different opinions on the subject.

A big part of the liberal culture is the preaching of tolerance for others. Tolerance and respect for those around the world, tolerance and respect for minorities, tolerance for illegal immigrants, and so on.

However when it comes to dealing with the conservative culture liberals become very ethnocentric. The majority of liberals show very little, if any, respect for the conservative culture. Especially on message boards. In fact on message boards liberals are completely intolerant of conservative culture and values.

This constantly makes me think of hypocracy. The liberals who do this remind me of the conservatives who preach family values then cheat on their wifes, hypocrites.

So liberals next time you get all wound up and ready to bash on some conservative for wanting guns, not wanting abortion, being against radicals in their white house, being wary of who the president surrounds themselves with, or their hate of government involvment in our lives and the taxes that comes along with it....remember it makes you sound like hypocrites to many fair minded individuals.

Another random thought of mine that i decided to post :redface:

Hey Pilgrim

You know that Liberalism is a collection of dispate political ideas, and not a culture.

Greenies, Progressives, unionists and socialists are not the same. But they tend to group together because regulation is part of their political ideology.
To quote you, "A big part of the liberal culture is the preaching of tolerance for others." This isn't what I see happening on tv. Just where is all of this "preaching" taking place? To me, it seems more like, "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY." Disagree with a liberal on any subject and they most often go into a rant about you being a racist, indifferent, a liar, a Nazi, and the list goes on and on. Liberals are nothing more than bullies who cry when they can't get their way. They place the blame for everything that is wrong in their world on anybody else they think they can get the smell to stick to. It's always somebody elses fault. I'm interested in hearing who the liberals are going to blame for the sorry state our country is going to be LEFT in when this crop of dumbasses looses power in Congress and the White House in the next couple of elections.

The liberals I grew up with and the ones who educated me in college did not speak of being a bully. They taught me to be tolerant of others views and to get past ethnocentrism.

I just find it sad that many liberals, especially those online, have lost their way. I used to respect them a lot more than i have come to over the last 6 months. They have dissapointed me greatly with their behavior since obama became president. Its like you said they are now being bullies, namecalling, and just acting intolerant to those whom they disagree with.

It is frustrating to me.

Really it has become much, much worse sinse 2000. It seems to be an exponentially increasing intolerance.

But guess what? After the last 8 years of bullshit from the left, their intolerance has rubbed off on me too.

I just don't have the time of day for their intolerant, hypocritical, anti-American views and policies and I don't really care what they think at all.

Folks notice the irony of him decrying some lefty for calling their opinions bullshit yet here he is making blanket statements about the left and name calling.

The hypocrisy is freaking amazing, really.
Is your implication that generally, on message boards, there's a distinction in that conservatives ARE tolerant and respectful of positions held by liberals such as pro-choice, pro gun control, pro gay marriage, pro gays in the military, anti-death penalty, anti Iraq war, etc.?

No way, conservatives are just as bad as liberals with the intolerance toward views they disagree with. Its just one of the core values of liberalism is the tolerance for those different than yourself, which is what i was bothered about at the time of this post.

It's difficult to be tolerant if you're tolerant of intolerance.

indeed :lol:
Conservatives and Liberals have very different outlooks on life. In fact liberals have a completely diffferent culture than conservatives. This leads to both sides arguing over subjects as their differing culture leads them to different opinions on the subject.

A big part of the liberal culture is the preaching of tolerance for others. Tolerance and respect for those around the world, tolerance and respect for minorities, tolerance for illegal immigrants, and so on.

However when it comes to dealing with the conservative culture liberals become very ethnocentric. The majority of liberals show very little, if any, respect for the conservative culture. Especially on message boards. In fact on message boards liberals are completely intolerant of conservative culture and values.

This constantly makes me think of hypocracy. The liberals who do this remind me of the conservatives who preach family values then cheat on their wifes, hypocrites.

So liberals next time you get all wound up and ready to bash on some conservative for wanting guns, not wanting abortion, being against radicals in their white house, being wary of who the president surrounds themselves with, or their hate of government involvment in our lives and the taxes that comes along with it....remember it makes you sound like hypocrites to many fair minded individuals.

Another random thought of mine that i decided to post :redface:

Hey Pilgrim

You know that Liberalism is a collection of dispate political ideas, and not a culture.

Greenies, Progressives, unionists and socialists are not the same. But they tend to group together because regulation is part of their political ideology.

It has become a religion.

That is why we have the term "political correctness". And in some circles, you will see that term Capitalized
Politically, I find most conservatives are a danger to the country.

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