Politically, I find most Liberals intolerant of other's viewpoints.

DrSmith why did you hack up my statements like that. You modified what i said in order to fit what you want to see, shameful. I'm trying to figure out how to punch your responses into their context properly before even bothering to respond.

WOW way to lie through your teeth to avoid admitting how hypocrtical you truly are.

What did I hack up and take out of context?? Be specific and substantiate your allegation or admit that you are nothing but a dishonest HACK.

The sad FACT is that I didn't take anything out of context and your post is nothing but a lame tactic so you can try to avoid responding as you attack me with baseless accusations. It is a typical tactic of a righty hack.

You modified and hacked my post to such an extent that when i try to quote your hackjob it doesn't work.

You totally removed the context in which I made some of my statements and left behind what you wanted to use as the other stuff destroyed your actual statements.

Your a hack.

I'd quote your post to show you but it doesn't work, here i'll show you what happens when i quote your hackjob.
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* * * *
Funny thing is that you talk about substituting guesswork * * * *

Sorry. That effort to quote drsmith ^ got interrupted by massive boredom.

drsmith, are you, by any chance, that really swishy character from Lost in Space who was always trying to get into young Billy Mumy's pants?

"Ohhhh noooo!"

DANGER, Wil Robinson! Danger! Danger!

LOL imagine that, after having your hypocrisy and dishonesty exposed your best tactic is the run away. LOL

BTW, not very original on the lame attempt at a personal attack. As if i haven't heard that a billion times over.

Except, of course, as you knew before you hit the submit button on your latest lie, I didn't have anything exposed because it was not I who was hypocritical and it was not I who was dishonest.

You even lie about that.

The question arises, if an assbite like you cannot stop lying (and it appears that you can't stop), and your fundamental dishonesty is well-established (and it is pretty much an absolute given at this juncture), then what value is there in you offering YOUR "observations" about anything?

I'll help you out with the correct answer: your endless lying and complete lack of any shred of credibility makes your every word valueless. Your continued posting is thus simply pointless. So, of course, you'll be back soon with some more useless drivel.
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Here is the post you responded to http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...rant-of-others-viewpoints-24.html#post1497020

And now read the quote of your response below to understand why i'm calling you a hack.

You made it very hard to respond with your quote style so i will write in dark red inside the quote

The left is hell of a lot more tolerant than the right. LOL

I was never commenting on the tolerance level of conservatives,

And that FACT exposes your bias and basic partisan hypocrisy. The rest of your BS is just that.

LOL really?? Isn't that part of what christianity preaches and aren't most conservatives supposed to be christian?

Based on your posts you attack the left because they are left of center and that is all the reason that you seem to need. Sure you try to throw in small and vague slams against the right to try and pretend that you are not a staunch righty in a lame attempt to give your opinions credibility but the content of your posts exposes you as a righty.

Did you even bother to think about how easily your own comments could be flipped? LOL So what ha the left said or done that will tell you how to live your life?

You get what you give and if you don't respect the opinions of those who disagree with you then why do you honestly expect to get something different in return?? Oh and thanks for attacking only the left once again and showing which side of the spectrum you clearly lie on.

Funny, but the content of your posts suggests different. Your posts almost always seem to slam only the left specifically where as your minor statements against the right, that are clearly made in attempt to give your opinions credibility, are almost always vague and nonspecific.

Sorry but it doesn't change the FACT that the majority on the right didn't feel that way when republicans were in charge. I tend to doubt anyone on the right who claims to espouse these beliefs NOW when so many of them held contradicting beliefs in the past.

Well at least you admit that you were whining and I would rather be specific. That way I don't have to come back a spell anything out later. BTW I find it quite telling that you cut out your whine. lol

Wow imagine that, a righty holding the left to a different standard than he would hold his own. tsk tsk. Face it your motivation for making this thread was to attack the left and then when peiople started calling you out for your hypocrisy and dishonesty you tried to dishoenstly claim that their comments were proof of your post.

So NOW you are talking about the left as a whole. LOL This kind of BS from posers like you is why some on the left have adopted some of the tactics of the right. The left is held to a higher standard by the right and then when the right finds themselves in the same position the left was in they seem to have no qualms going so far beneath the same standard that they held the left to. Then posers like you chime in to try and guilt the left in behaving themselves as they are being browbeaten by the hypocritical right.

LOL sure you did. And so did every other republican who tried to seperate themselves from the embarassment of bush RIGHT before the election. LOL Oh and i just love the hypocritical jab about intolerance from the HYPOCRITE who posted this "more liberal lies and hypocracy" LOL Maybe you should straighten your own house before you go worrying about someone elses? LOL

LOL Please do try to keep such inane moronic and hypocritical thoughts to yourself in the future. Thanks.

Sorry i can't do that, it seems my random thoughts, while bringing a lot of heat against me, tend to spark lively threads

Maybe, just maybe if your posts didn't expose as a dishonest hack who pretends to be a moderate as he lashes out at the left then you might not get so much heat? LOL

You should also go back and read some of my responses....somewhere after the 100th post....a lot of your confusion about me would have been cleared up for you ;).

I have no confusion about you. You are a poser who pretends to be a moderate in a lame attempt to give some sort of validity to his attacks against the left. LOL Based on all of your posts that I have read, that about sums you up.[/QUOTE]
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DrSmith why did you hack up my statements like that. You modified what i said in order to fit what you want to see, shameful. I'm trying to figure out how to punch your responses into their context properly before even bothering to respond.

WOW way to lie through your teeth to avoid admitting how hypocrtical you truly are.

What did I hack up and take out of context?? Be specific and substantiate your allegation or admit that you are nothing but a dishonest HACK.

The sad FACT is that I didn't take anything out of context and your post is nothing but a lame tactic so you can try to avoid responding as you attack me with baseless accusations. It is a typical tactic of a righty hack.

You modified and hacked my post to such an extent that when i try to quote your hackjob it doesn't work.

You totally removed the context in which I made some of my statements and left behind what you wanted to use as the other stuff destroyed your actual statements.

Your a hack.

I'd quote your post to show you but it doesn't work, here i'll show you what happens when i quote your hackjob.

LOL. Nice, you make an allegation and then when asked to back it up you can't.

That makes you the hack.

So keep running, it's very entertaining to watch you righties scurry away like roaches when the light is turned on. LOL
Sorry. That effort to quote drsmith ^ got interrupted by massive boredom.

drsmith, are you, by any chance, that really swishy character from Lost in Space who was always trying to get into young Billy Mumy's pants?

"Ohhhh noooo!"

DANGER, Wil Robinson! Danger! Danger!

LOL imagine that, after having your hypocrisy and dishonesty exposed your best tactic is the run away. LOL

BTW, not very original on the lame attempt at a personal attack. As if i haven't heard that a billion times over.

Except, of course, as you knew before you hit the submit button on your latest lie, I didn't have anything exposed because it was not I who was hypocritical and it was not I who was dishonest.

You even lie about that.

The thing is that I did not lie. Did you happen miss the FACT that you attacked him for "guesswork" as you engaged in your own "guesswork" about him?? That makes you a HYPOCRITE. then you LIED about that as you tried to claim that you didn't attack him or engage in "guesswork." Spin all you want to it won't change that FACT.

The question arises, if an assbite like you cannot stop lying (and it appears that you can't stop), and your fundamental dishonesty is well-established (and it is pretty much an absolute given at this juncture), then what value is there in you offering YOUR "observations" about anything?

LOL I am not the one that can't be honest. That is YOU.

I'll help you out with the correct answer: your endless lying and complete lack of any shred of credibility makes your every word valueless. Your continued posting is thus simply pointless. So, of course, you'll be back soon with some more uselss drivel.

I'll ask you the same thing I asked pilgrim before he ran away. Can you prove your allegation that I am lying?? I showed where and how you were both HYPOCRITICAL and LYING and all you can seem to do is make baseless and dishonest allegations as you run away.
Here is the post you responded to http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...rant-of-others-viewpoints-24.html#post1497020

And now read the quote of your response below to understand why i'm calling you a hack.

You made it very hard to respond with your quote style so i will write in dark red inside the quote

And that FACT exposes your bias and basic partisan hypocrisy. The rest of your BS is just that.

LOL really?? Isn't that part of what christianity preaches and aren't most conservatives supposed to be christian?

Based on your posts you attack the left because they are left of center and that is all the reason that you seem to need. Sure you try to throw in small and vague slams against the right to try and pretend that you are not a staunch righty in a lame attempt to give your opinions credibility but the content of your posts exposes you as a righty.

Did you even bother to think about how easily your own comments could be flipped? LOL So what ha the left said or done that will tell you how to live your life?

You get what you give and if you don't respect the opinions of those who disagree with you then why do you honestly expect to get something different in return?? Oh and thanks for attacking only the left once again and showing which side of the spectrum you clearly lie on.

Funny, but the content of your posts suggests different. Your posts almost always seem to slam only the left specifically where as your minor statements against the right, that are clearly made in attempt to give your opinions credibility, are almost always vague and nonspecific.

Sorry but it doesn't change the FACT that the majority on the right didn't feel that way when republicans were in charge. I tend to doubt anyone on the right who claims to espouse these beliefs NOW when so many of them held contradicting beliefs in the past.

Well at least you admit that you were whining and I would rather be specific. That way I don't have to come back a spell anything out later. BTW I find it quite telling that you cut out your whine. lol

Wow imagine that, a righty holding the left to a different standard than he would hold his own. tsk tsk. Face it your motivation for making this thread was to attack the left and then when peiople started calling you out for your hypocrisy and dishonesty you tried to dishoenstly claim that their comments were proof of your post.

So NOW you are talking about the left as a whole. LOL This kind of BS from posers like you is why some on the left have adopted some of the tactics of the right. The left is held to a higher standard by the right and then when the right finds themselves in the same position the left was in they seem to have no qualms going so far beneath the same standard that they held the left to. Then posers like you chime in to try and guilt the left in behaving themselves as they are being browbeaten by the hypocritical right.

LOL sure you did. And so did every other republican who tried to seperate themselves from the embarassment of bush RIGHT before the election. LOL Oh and i just love the hypocritical jab about intolerance from the HYPOCRITE who posted this "more liberal lies and hypocracy" LOL Maybe you should straighten your own house before you go worrying about someone elses? LOL

LOL Please do try to keep such inane moronic and hypocritical thoughts to yourself in the future. Thanks.

Sorry i can't do that, it seems my random thoughts, while bringing a lot of heat against me, tend to spark lively threads

Maybe, just maybe if your posts didn't expose as a dishonest hack who pretends to be a moderate as he lashes out at the left then you might not get so much heat? LOL

You should also go back and read some of my responses....somewhere after the 100th post....a lot of your confusion about me would have been cleared up for you ;).

I have no confusion about you. You are a poser who pretends to be a moderate in a lame attempt to give some sort of validity to his attacks against the left. LOL Based on all of your posts that I have read, that about sums you up.

You know I find it funny that I am new to this board and know how to use it better than you.
So how about those specifics??
What did I take out of context??
Where is your proof??
You cutting and pasting the whole post doesn't prove anything. Prove when and where I took anything that you said out of context.
If you can't provide proof then, as the honest moderate that you pretend to be, I will expect you to have the integrity to admit that you were wrong and apologize.
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Gays do not embody the values of the scouts. Why would someone want to hire a CEO that disagreed with your companies values and wanted to replace those values with the competitions' values? No one said they are monsters (that is a game libs play to pretend they don't understand logic).

compare the treatment of religious people practicing their freedom of speech in a gay neighborhood: the gays were a lot less "tolerant" of the religious, they attacked, like those they accuse of being intolerant. It is sad.

The only way your post makes sense is if gays all had the same values, they don't so it's just idiotic.

You can find bigotry against gays from Christians without too much effort

Although if you REALLY want to play hardball, why then are they allowing in Muslims? Look how they treat Christians in Islamic countries, it EASILY trumps any stupid case of gay intolerance you care to throw at me.

P.S. If they're a private organization (and a bigoted one at that), why in all holy hell should they be given ANY public funding for free? It seems very un-capitalist to be in favor of subsidies.

Whats the problem with exposing a Muslim to sound, sustainable Christian, American values? It's not like they're sexual predators who sexuality is by design self extinguishing... and as such is dependent upon influencing, cajoling, tempting... OKA: recruiting the uninitiated into the abyss of their devient obsession...

And for the record... do you see the irony that you are perpetrating through advancing these intolerant, strongly held opinions relevant to religion, ethnicity and so on; given that such are all common traits of bigotry?

If not, be so advised...



Way to miss the point. He uses 'some gays are intolerant' as a weak excuse for allowing bigotry and I'm pointing out rightly that there are more intolerant Muslims out there then there are intolerant gays.

Also gays are not predatory, that is just unsupported tripe.
Do you know who Max Cleland is? If you don't, let me clue you in.

Max Cleland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Whether or not Cleland lost his seat because of the ad is debatable, but the fact that Republicans felt comfortable enough that they could produce a disgusting ad that analogized a triple-amputee decorated war hero with supporting Saddam Hussein pretty much is all you need to know about the environment back then.

One of Max's guys called me and asked if I would be supporting Max. I told him that I would not support any politician that when I contacted him, to tell him how I would like MY representative to vote on a bill, was sent a letter telling me how I should think. Max's guy told me, yeah, I have heard that before. It had nothing to do with him being a vet, it had to do with him not representing the voters.

BS, the right questioned his patriotism and tried to claim that he would stop bush from keeping us safe. Some even tried to discredit him and spin how he lost his limbs and tried to blame him. They smeared him over the airways constantly so don't even pretend that it had to do with him not representing the voters.

Just like a lib. I tell you an event that happened personally to me, and you go off, saying that it was inconsequential. People will say whatever they want about whoever they want, but when it comes down to choosing a leader, that is based on personal knowledge (either first hand or reports). Max started telling the people in office that "he" knew better how to deal with issues than his voters. His voters, voted accordingly.

Being a vet doesn't get you any special treatment in this country. It is hard enough to get the gov to live up to the obligations they made to troops when they joined.

The only time I hear the dems "celebrate" a vet is when the vet repeats the lib mantra. The libs (some) are the ones that are demonstrating at vet's funerals, yelling at the grieving family that it serves their lost loved one right. They are the ones that will film mutilated US soldiers close up and personal in the last minutes of their lives. They are the same ones that will not photo the bodies found in mass graves with numerous drill holes in their heads, or the women that muslim extremists disemboweled and threw on the street to die, or the mutilation of dead soldiers by muslim extremists.

They are the same ones that will attack our military for the methods they use to keep us safe, and then cry when one of their own does something stupid (like go into an area they were told is extremely dangerous), and gets hurt. I feel, in my humble opinion, that dems/libs act like a bunch of whiney brats, that need a good spanking and to be told NO, once in a while.

Life doesn't come with a guarantee that everyone will do things your way. If you don't want someone telling you how to live your life, don't vote the gov control to run someone else's (eventually, it will come back on you).
One of Max's guys called me and asked if I would be supporting Max. I told him that I would not support any politician that when I contacted him, to tell him how I would like MY representative to vote on a bill, was sent a letter telling me how I should think. Max's guy told me, yeah, I have heard that before. It had nothing to do with him being a vet, it had to do with him not representing the voters.

BS, the right questioned his patriotism and tried to claim that he would stop bush from keeping us safe. Some even tried to discredit him and spin how he lost his limbs and tried to blame him. They smeared him over the airways constantly so don't even pretend that it had to do with him not representing the voters.

The libs (some) are the ones that are demonstrating at vet's funerals, yelling at the grieving family that it serves their lost loved one right.

You think the Westborough Baptist Church is liberal?
I'll give you a chance to keep it honest this time drsmiith1072. Go ahead and punch your responses back into the post you were responding to without hacking it apart. If you want you can change color/bold of what I orginally said in its context then match your response to that part with the same color/bolding. That way you keep what I originally state in its context making your response legit instead of a hakcery.

Conservatives and Liberals have very different outlooks on life. In fact liberals have a completely different culture than conservatives. This leads to both sides arguing over subjects as their differing culture leads them to different opinions on the subject.

A big part of the liberal culture is the preaching of tolerance for others. Tolerance and respect for those around the world, tolerance and respect for minorities, tolerance for illegal immigrants, and so on.

The left is hell of a lot more tolerant than the right. LOL

I was never commenting on the tolerance level of conservatives, if you listen to rush Limbaugh ever you will see many conservatives are just as guilty of the same political intolerance. However one of the republicans main mantras isn't tolerance, so the hypocrisy is not so glaring and annoying to me as it is with the liberals

This bs reminds me of a country music song that I heard a while back, not sure about the performer but the basic gist of it was that he didn't want people telling them how to live his life while he preached his morality at other people and was trying to tell others how to live. This is the same as most other disagreements with righties. They have different standards for themselves than they try to hold others to.

Well how's that for Irony. Think about your statement and how EASILY it could be flipped over. I don't want either side telling me how to live. I can make that decision for myself and I don't need any govt, repub or democrat to demean my opinion of subjects.

I'm not asking liberals or conservatives to agree with me, i am asking for the respect of my different opinions and my diversity of thought. I don't want to be told I'm immoral or ignorant by the left if i don't want HR3200 to be the needed health care reform we end up getting

of your own party??

I don't have a party. If you had to pick a party based on my voting history i would actually be a democrat. I have voted for democrats roughly 70% of the time in my voting history. Shows how little you understand where I'm coming from, which is my fault for not elaborating.

I still believe as i always have that dissent is patriotic but that will not stop me from pointing out how many more conservatives their are out there now who have started to claim this since the day they were voted into the minority and a democrat was elected president. Before that the majority of those on the right labeled those who dared to disagree with W as being traitors, un-American and unpatriotic.

I too believe dissent is patriotic and the republicans pissed me off badly when they chastised liberals over their protests due to Iraq. I had issues with the Iraq war, was i unamerican...i think not. HOWEVER, now i have democrats calling me unpatriotic because i don't totally support all of obama's plans. Both sides suck ass on this point, sorry

WOW do you wants some cheese with that WHINE. LOL You whine like a spoiled child about these things and yet it would seemed that the majority of those you are trying to defend wouldn't hesitate for a second when they felt that they have a chance to attack the left concerning the above issues, among others.

That was the rant part of the post :lol: yeah yeah i was whining...you could have posted this instead :eusa_boohoo:

You know, it's funny but it seems that you believe that the liberals are better people than the conservatives. That the left should always take the high road no matter how low dishonest, hypocritical and partisan the right becomes. LOL

Wow you did understand where i was coming from. I grew up with liberals, went to liberal college, and i hold a high amount of respect for the open mindedness of true liberals. Hence part of my motivation in making this thread. To see liberals act they way they have over the last several years is saddening to me.

Like I said the left can disagree, but they are very very very disrespectful to people who hold different views than them. This is not being a liberal in my opinion, it is something else. I am used to the right treating me like this when i disagree, but from the left its fairly new and those who do it should really look back at themselves for a minute

hate government involvement?? Funny how that one was left in the ditch when W was president and now that a dem is president it's been brought back out again. LOL Oh well it's nothing but more conservative HYPOCRISY.

Hey i was bitching during bush too. I was at anti spending protests against bush. I went to anti-patriot act protests also. Please try and keep an open mind when dealing with people and don't be so intolerant when someone like me posts and opinion that doesn't fit your viewpoints.

Another random thought of mine that i decided to post :redface:

LOL Please do try to keep such inane moronic and hypocritical thoughts to yourself in the future. Thanks.

Sorry i can't do that, it seems my random thoughts, while bringing a lot of heat against me, tend to spark lively threads
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One of Max's guys called me and asked if I would be supporting Max. I told him that I would not support any politician that when I contacted him, to tell him how I would like MY representative to vote on a bill, was sent a letter telling me how I should think. Max's guy told me, yeah, I have heard that before. It had nothing to do with him being a vet, it had to do with him not representing the voters.

BS, the right questioned his patriotism and tried to claim that he would stop bush from keeping us safe. Some even tried to discredit him and spin how he lost his limbs and tried to blame him. They smeared him over the airways constantly so don't even pretend that it had to do with him not representing the voters.

Just like a lib. I tell you an event that happened personally to me, and you go off, saying that it was inconsequential. People will say whatever they want about whoever they want, but when it comes down to choosing a leader, that is based on personal knowledge (either first hand or reports). Max started telling the people in office that "he" knew better how to deal with issues than his voters. His voters, voted accordingly.

Poor deluded righty. LOL your spin and comepletey unsubstantiated claims do nothing to counter how he was attacked by the right but thanks for playing.

Being a vet doesn't get you any special treatment in this country. It is hard enough to get the gov to live up to the obligations they made to troops when they joined.

Really?? Then why were all of the righties so upset over a leftwing groups attack on general "betrayus" as that tried to use the fact that he was in the armed service as they propped him up with it??

The only time I hear the dems "celebrate" a vet is when the vet repeats the lib mantra.

WOW that sounds an awful lot like righties who denegrate any vet who disagrees with them while they try to prop up any and all who agree with them and put them on a pedestal. I seem to remember all of the right wing pundits and their listeners proping up the swift boaters based on their service while they tore down another vet despite his service.

The libs (some) are the ones that are demonstrating at vet's funerals, yelling at the grieving family that it serves their lost loved one right. They are the ones that will film mutilated US soldiers close up and personal in the last minutes of their lives. They are the same ones that will not photo the bodies found in mass graves with numerous drill holes in their heads, or the women that muslim extremists disemboweled and threw on the street to die, or the mutilation of dead soldiers by muslim extremists.

Nice BS but if you claim that being a vet isn't reason for being propped up and placed on a pedestal then what is the purpose of this line of discussion other than to try and prop someone up for their service?

They are the same ones that will attack our military for the methods they use to keep us safe,

Nice OPINION but I happen to believe if we don't apply a higher standard to our own actions then how can the US as a country HONESTLY try to justify going after the "evil doers" if we are engaging in similar evils?

and then cry when one of their own does something stupid (like go into an area they were told is extremely dangerous), and gets hurt. I feel, in my humble opinion, that dems/libs act like a bunch of whiney brats, that need a good spanking and to be told NO, once in a while.

LOL it seems that you are the one whining and crying. LOL

Life doesn't come with a guarantee that everyone will do things your way. If you don't want someone telling you how to live your life, don't vote the gov control to run someone else's (eventually, it will come back on you).

Nice stretch from point a to b there but what does that have to do with anything? LOL
I'll give you a chance to keep it honest this time drsmiith1072. Go ahead and punch your responses back into the post you were responding to without hacking it apart. If you want you can change color/bold of what I orginally said in its context then match your response to that part with the same color/bolding. That way you keep what I originally state in its context making your response legit instead of a hakcery.

Conservatives and Liberals have very different outlooks on life. In fact liberals have a completely different culture than conservatives. This leads to both sides arguing over subjects as their differing culture leads them to different opinions on the subject.

A big part of the liberal culture is the preaching of tolerance for others. Tolerance and respect for those around the world, tolerance and respect for minorities, tolerance for illegal immigrants, and so on.

The left is hell of a lot more tolerant than the right. LOL

I was never commenting on the tolerance level of conservatives, if you listen to rush Limbaugh ever you will see many conservatives are just as guilty of the same political intolerance. However one of the republicans main mantras isn't tolerance, so the hypocrisy is not so glaring and annoying to me as it is with the liberals

This bs reminds me of a country music song that I heard a while back, not sure about the performer but the basic gist of it was that he didn't want people telling them how to live his life while he preached his morality at other people and was trying to tell others how to live. This is the same as most other disagreements with righties. They have different standards for themselves than they try to hold others to.

Well how's that for Irony. Think about your statement and how EASILY it could be flipped over. I don't want either side telling me how to live. I can make that decision for myself and I don't need any govt, repub or democrat to demean my opinion of subjects.

I'm not asking liberals or conservatives to agree with me, i am asking for the respect of my different opinions and my diversity of thought. I don't want to be told I'm immoral or ignorant by the left if i don't want HR3200 to be the needed health care reform we end up getting

of your own party??

I don't have a party. If you had to pick a party based on my voting history i would actually be a democrat. I have voted for democrats roughly 70% of the time in my voting history. Shows how little you understand where I'm coming from, which is my fault for not elaborating.

I still believe as i always have that dissent is patriotic but that will not stop me from pointing out how many more conservatives their are out there now who have started to claim this since the day they were voted into the minority and a democrat was elected president. Before that the majority of those on the right labeled those who dared to disagree with W as being traitors, un-American and unpatriotic.

I too believe dissent is patriotic and the republicans pissed me off badly when they chastised liberals over their protests due to Iraq. I had issues with the Iraq war, was i unamerican...i think not. HOWEVER, now i have democrats calling me unpatriotic because i don't totally support all of obama's plans. Both sides suck ass on this point, sorry

WOW do you wants some cheese with that WHINE. LOL You whine like a spoiled child about these things and yet it would seemed that the majority of those you are trying to defend wouldn't hesitate for a second when they felt that they have a chance to attack the left concerning the above issues, among others.

That was the rant part of the post :lol: yeah yeah i was whining...you could have posted this instead :eusa_boohoo:

You know, it's funny but it seems that you believe that the liberals are better people than the conservatives. That the left should always take the high road no matter how low dishonest, hypocritical and partisan the right becomes. LOL

Wow you did understand where i was coming from. I grew up with liberals, went to liberal college, and i hold a high amount of respect for the open mindedness of true liberals. Hence part of my motivation in making this thread. To see liberals act they way they have over the last several years is saddening to me.

Like I said the left can disagree, but they are very very very disrespectful to people who hold different views than them. This is not being a liberal in my opinion, it is something else. I am used to the right treating me like this when i disagree, but from the left its fairly new and those who do it should really look back at themselves for a minute

hate government involvement?? Funny how that one was left in the ditch when W was president and now that a dem is president it's been brought back out again. LOL Oh well it's nothing but more conservative HYPOCRISY.

Hey i was bitching during bush too. I was at anti spending protests against bush. I went to anti-patriot act protests also. Please try and keep an open mind when dealing with people and don't be so intolerant when someone like me posts and opinion that doesn't fit your viewpoints.

Another random thought of mine that i decided to post :redface:

LOL Please do try to keep such inane moronic and hypocritical thoughts to yourself in the future. Thanks.

Sorry i can't do that, it seems my random thoughts, while bringing a lot of heat against me, tend to spark lively threads

LOL I am the only one out of the two of that is being honest. You made an accuastion against me that you can't back up and that is a FACT.

You were asked to perform a very simple task to back up your claim and that was to show me SPECIFICALLY when and where I took anything that you said out of context and you failed to do so.

That means that either you are a complete moron and can't perform that simple task or you are a LIAR and a HACK and know that you can't so you just keep parroting the same lame unsubstantiated allegation. So which is it?? LOL
Ten days ago, before Obama's speech and before all this race-card calling started, wrote on the second page of this thread...

Every opposition idea or action that liberals differ will be labeled with one of the following:

Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Imperialist, Bigoted, Intolerant...

Now, after the speech, Van Jones, Acorn tapes, bus beating, Wilson's "you lie" comment, liberals pulled #1 rule from they playbook: Race card.

They activated everyone, from liberal media talking heads, to former president, to administration officials, to congressman: Make it about race on all fronts!

Radical liberal wing noticed that it's not going as planned. They cant debate in the arena of ideas, so they have to label the opposition as racist, bigots, homophobes, religious nutjobs, tree hating, poor people hating, intolerant...

Watch this interview with Hank Johnson (D-GA): Joe Wilson's Comments Will Lead To "White Hoods"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UJaeLjCvH4]YouTube - Rep Hank Johnson: Joe Wilson's Comments Will Lead To "White Hoods"[/ame]
Ame®icano;1524322 said:
Ten days ago, before Obama's speech and before all this race-card calling started, wrote on the second page of this thread...

Every opposition idea or action that liberals differ will be labeled with one of the following:

Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Imperialist, Bigoted, Intolerant...

Now, after the speech, Van Jones, Acorn tapes, bus beating, Wilson's "you lie" comment, liberals pulled #1 rule from they playbook: Race card.

They activated everyone, from liberal media talking heads, to former president, to administration officials, to congressman: Make it about race on all fronts!

Radical liberal wing noticed that it's not going as planned. They cant debate in the arena of ideas, so they have to label the opposition as racist, bigots, homophobes, religious nutjobs, tree hating, poor people hating, intolerant...

Watch this interview with Hank Johnson (D-GA): Joe Wilson's Comments Will Lead To "White Hoods"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UJaeLjCvH4]YouTube - Rep Hank Johnson: Joe Wilson's Comments Will Lead To "White Hoods"[/ame]

Yes, some idiots are doing that.
Well, nobody said the House doesn't have some stupid-ass members.

Look at Michele Bachmann, she's a stark raving lunatic.
Ame®icano;1524322 said:
Ten days ago, before Obama's speech and before all this race-card calling started, wrote on the second page of this thread...

Every opposition idea or action that liberals differ will be labeled with one of the following:

Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Imperialist, Bigoted, Intolerant...

Now, after the speech, Van Jones, Acorn tapes, bus beating, Wilson's "you lie" comment, liberals pulled #1 rule from they playbook: Race card.

They activated everyone, from liberal media talking heads, to former president, to administration officials, to congressman: Make it about race on all fronts!

Radical liberal wing noticed that it's not going as planned. They cant debate in the arena of ideas, so they have to label the opposition as racist, bigots, homophobes, religious nutjobs, tree hating, poor people hating, intolerant...

Watch this interview with Hank Johnson (D-GA): Joe Wilson's Comments Will Lead To "White Hoods"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UJaeLjCvH4]YouTube - Rep Hank Johnson: Joe Wilson's Comments Will Lead To "White Hoods"[/ame]

You are the unoffical forum fortune teller, you called that one.
Devnell inspired me to find this old thread with his new thread which shows his liberal intolerance toward those conservatives who dont support Obama's every plan and how he thinks this opposition to euro-socialist policies is Un-American.

I may have to take back my apology from the other thread now too :lol:
Devnell inspired me to find this old thread with his new thread which shows his liberal intolerance toward those conservatives who dont support Obama's every plan and how he thinks this opposition to euro-socialist policies is Un-American.

I may have to take back my apology from the other thread now too :lol:

Have you even bothered to read some of the posts from some of your so called fellow "Conservatives" on here as of late?

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