Plutocracy or Democracy? YOU will decide in Nov. 2016!

After much consideration I have come the conclusion that the Koch's have done a great deal to fuel the debate about income inequality in this country by making themselves a clear example of it's corrosive effects on our voice as citizens. They should carry on and double down because it is hastening the day of reckoning, there must be one eventually because this is unsustainable.

Based upon what? Harry Reid's chronic pissing his pants over the Koch Brother's existence?
These fuckers are spending a billion dollars to influence our elections, that shit cannot be glossed over or ignored except by you apparently. These men have made themselves public figures and their actions warrant discussion. You deserve to live in a serfdom, the rest of us want our political voices back, if we ever had them in the first place.
After much consideration I have come the conclusion that the Koch's have done a great deal to fuel the debate about income inequality in this country by making themselves a clear example of it's corrosive effects on our voice as citizens. They should carry on and double down because it is hastening the day of reckoning, there must be one eventually because this is unsustainable.

Based upon what? Harry Reid's chronic pissing his pants over the Koch Brother's existence?
These fuckers are spending a billion dollars to influence our elections, that shit cannot be glossed over or ignored except by you apparently. These men have made themselves public figures and their actions warrant discussion. You deserve to live in a serfdom, the rest of us want our political voices back, if we ever had them in the first place.

You helped elect a guy that spent 1700 billion of OTHER PEOPLE's Money IN DEFICIT in just his FIRST YEAR IN OFFICE to undermine the economy you depend upon to EAT. THE SAME GUY SPENT 9000 billion in six years.

And you're worried about someone spending a billion of their own cash to support the people who share their ideas?

After much consideration I have come the conclusion that the Koch's have done a great deal to fuel the debate about income inequality in this country by making themselves a clear example of it's corrosive effects on our voice as citizens. They should carry on and double down because it is hastening the day of reckoning, there must be one eventually because this is unsustainable.

Based upon what? Harry Reid's chronic pissing his pants over the Koch Brother's existence?
These fuckers are spending a billion dollars to influence our elections, that shit cannot be glossed over or ignored except by you apparently. These men have made themselves public figures and their actions warrant discussion. You deserve to live in a serfdom, the rest of us want our political voices back, if we ever had them in the first place.

You helped elect a guy that spent 1700 billion of OTHER PEOPLE's Money IN DEFICIT in just his FIRST YEAR IN OFFICE to undermine the economy you depend upon to EAT. THE SAME GUY SPENT 9000 billion in six years.

And you're worried about someone spending a billion of their own cash to support the people who share their ideas?

Damned right I'm worried, this kind of election spending by individuals pushing their narrow personal interests is unprecedented in scope and effectiveness, democracy in America has never faced a challenge quite like this and I am frankly amazed at the I don't give a fuck attitude by conservatives. These men are trying to buy power, I can assure you it is not for the purpose of making anything about your life better.
Did Hitler and the Nazis stand for diversity, internationalization, multiculturalism, pacifism, racial equality, equal rights for homosexuals, abortion and just plain equality for all, which are all part of the leftist foundation? No, but Hitler and the Nazis did stand for the opposite. Ahh, those crazy Aryans.

None those things have anything to do with socialism. FDR didn't stand for any of them either.


Really. FDR was a racist.
And FDR was was anti-internationalism, anti-multiculturalism, anti-pacifism and equal equality?
Oh and he was a racist too?
That darn FDR, then why in world did he create Fair Employment Practice Committee? Why did he stop the Navy and Army from not allowing Blacks to serve and fight in WWII?
That damn racist!!!

FDR put blacks in separate units. He also didn't let them fight for much of the war. Most of them did menial support jobs like working in the kitchen.

Yeah, he was a great friend of the black man.

The Fair Employment Practice Committee was just a mechanism of socialist control over the economy. What do you think they're going to call it, the "Stalinist Organ to Control the Working Man?"
The Koch brothers’ political machine is expanding into new states and recruiting new donors as it seeks to shape the Republican Party — and its presidential field — headed into 2016, according to interviews with multiple sources, as well as confidential donor briefing documents obtained by POLITICO.

Read more: Secret Koch memo outlines plans for 2016 - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO

"Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest....

"The fundraising target is the latest indication that the industrialists at the center of the network, Charles and David Koch, intend to continue building an operation that could exceed the national political parties in size and scope to help advance their libertarian principles. The spending, unrivaled for an outside organization, represents more than double the nearly $400 million the Republican National Committee (RNC) raised and spent during the 2012 presidential election cycle."

Full article here: Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

IMO, this effort by members of the 0.01% is nothing less than a bloodless coup, and if it succeeds it will put the last nail into the coffin of Democracy in America. No longer can it be denied that we are a Plutocracy, and that every man, woman and child will be at the mercy of this new Aristocracy, and governed by elected officials on every level of government owned by an Oligarchy of the power elite.
Do you think hills political views are not bought and paid for?
After much consideration I have come the conclusion that the Koch's have done a great deal to fuel the debate about income inequality in this country by making themselves a clear example of it's corrosive effects on our voice as citizens. They should carry on and double down because it is hastening the day of reckoning, there must be one eventually because this is unsustainable.

Based upon what? Harry Reid's chronic pissing his pants over the Koch Brother's existence?
These fuckers are spending a billion dollars to influence our elections, that shit cannot be glossed over or ignored except by you apparently. These men have made themselves public figures and their actions warrant discussion. You deserve to live in a serfdom, the rest of us want our political voices back, if we ever had them in the first place.

You helped elect a guy that spent 1700 billion of OTHER PEOPLE's Money IN DEFICIT in just his FIRST YEAR IN OFFICE to undermine the economy you depend upon to EAT. THE SAME GUY SPENT 9000 billion in six years.

And you're worried about someone spending a billion of their own cash to support the people who share their ideas?

Damned right I'm worried, this kind of election spending by individuals pushing their narrow personal interests is unprecedented in scope and effectiveness, democracy in America has never faced a challenge quite like this and I am frankly amazed at the I don't give a fuck attitude by conservatives. These men are trying to buy power, I can assure you it is not for the purpose of making anything about your life better.
"I am frankly amazed at the I don't give a fuck attitude by conservatives."

Because most conservatives support the narrow personal interests of the likes of the Koch brothers, who share the same reactionary agenda hostile to diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.
The Koch brothers’ political machine is expanding into new states and recruiting new donors as it seeks to shape the Republican Party — and its presidential field — headed into 2016, according to interviews with multiple sources, as well as confidential donor briefing documents obtained by POLITICO.

Read more: Secret Koch memo outlines plans for 2016 - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO

"Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest....

"The fundraising target is the latest indication that the industrialists at the center of the network, Charles and David Koch, intend to continue building an operation that could exceed the national political parties in size and scope to help advance their libertarian principles. The spending, unrivaled for an outside organization, represents more than double the nearly $400 million the Republican National Committee (RNC) raised and spent during the 2012 presidential election cycle."

Full article here: Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

IMO, this effort by members of the 0.01% is nothing less than a bloodless coup, and if it succeeds it will put the last nail into the coffin of Democracy in America. No longer can it be denied that we are a Plutocracy, and that every man, woman and child will be at the mercy of this new Aristocracy, and governed by elected officials on every level of government owned by an Oligarchy of the power elite.

Oh goodie!
After much consideration I have come the conclusion that the Koch's have done a great deal to fuel the debate about income inequality in this country by making themselves a clear example of it's corrosive effects on our voice as citizens. They should carry on and double down because it is hastening the day of reckoning, there must be one eventually because this is unsustainable.

Based upon what? Harry Reid's chronic pissing his pants over the Koch Brother's existence?
These fuckers are spending a billion dollars to influence our elections, that shit cannot be glossed over or ignored except by you apparently. These men have made themselves public figures and their actions warrant discussion. You deserve to live in a serfdom, the rest of us want our political voices back, if we ever had them in the first place.

You helped elect a guy that spent 1700 billion of OTHER PEOPLE's Money IN DEFICIT in just his FIRST YEAR IN OFFICE to undermine the economy you depend upon to EAT. THE SAME GUY SPENT 9000 billion in six years.

And you're worried about someone spending a billion of their own cash to support the people who share their ideas?

Damned right I'm worried, this kind of election spending by individuals pushing their narrow personal interests is unprecedented in scope and effectiveness, democracy in America has never faced a challenge quite like this and I am frankly amazed at the I don't give a fuck attitude by conservatives. These men are trying to buy power, I can assure you it is not for the purpose of making anything about your life better.
"I am frankly amazed at the I don't give a fuck attitude by conservatives."

Because most conservatives support the narrow personal interests of the likes of the Koch brothers, who share the same reactionary agenda hostile to diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

The Koch's share the same broad political interests as myself: freedom. Every dollar they spend fighting Stalinist worms like you is a dollar well spent. I cheer them for doing God's work.

If there is any group hostile to individual liberty and dissent, it's turds like you, the GAYstapo and the rest of the libturd cult.

"Diversity" can go to hell.
After much consideration I have come the conclusion that the Koch's have done a great deal to fuel the debate about income inequality in this country by making themselves a clear example of it's corrosive effects on our voice as citizens. They should carry on and double down because it is hastening the day of reckoning, there must be one eventually because this is unsustainable.

Based upon what? Harry Reid's chronic pissing his pants over the Koch Brother's existence?
These fuckers are spending a billion dollars to influence our elections, that shit cannot be glossed over or ignored except by you apparently. These men have made themselves public figures and their actions warrant discussion. You deserve to live in a serfdom, the rest of us want our political voices back, if we ever had them in the first place.

You helped elect a guy that spent 1700 billion of OTHER PEOPLE's Money IN DEFICIT in just his FIRST YEAR IN OFFICE to undermine the economy you depend upon to EAT. THE SAME GUY SPENT 9000 billion in six years.

And you're worried about someone spending a billion of their own cash to support the people who share their ideas?

Damned right I'm worried, this kind of election spending by individuals pushing their narrow personal interests is unprecedented in scope and effectiveness, democracy in America has never faced a challenge quite like this and I am frankly amazed at the I don't give a fuck attitude by conservatives. These men are trying to buy power, I can assure you it is not for the purpose of making anything about your life better.
"I am frankly amazed at the I don't give a fuck attitude by conservatives."

Because most conservatives support the narrow personal interests of the likes of the Koch brothers, who share the same reactionary agenda hostile to diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.
That's just the levers they use, they are really just after an end to taxation and regulation on business, environment and labor, I feel the social agenda is just the bullshit hook to pull in the dumb asses and gullible to fight for them while they stay and the background and desperately try to act like private citizens.
Based upon what? Harry Reid's chronic pissing his pants over the Koch Brother's existence?
These fuckers are spending a billion dollars to influence our elections, that shit cannot be glossed over or ignored except by you apparently. These men have made themselves public figures and their actions warrant discussion. You deserve to live in a serfdom, the rest of us want our political voices back, if we ever had them in the first place.

You helped elect a guy that spent 1700 billion of OTHER PEOPLE's Money IN DEFICIT in just his FIRST YEAR IN OFFICE to undermine the economy you depend upon to EAT. THE SAME GUY SPENT 9000 billion in six years.

And you're worried about someone spending a billion of their own cash to support the people who share their ideas?

Damned right I'm worried, this kind of election spending by individuals pushing their narrow personal interests is unprecedented in scope and effectiveness, democracy in America has never faced a challenge quite like this and I am frankly amazed at the I don't give a fuck attitude by conservatives. These men are trying to buy power, I can assure you it is not for the purpose of making anything about your life better.
"I am frankly amazed at the I don't give a fuck attitude by conservatives."

Because most conservatives support the narrow personal interests of the likes of the Koch brothers, who share the same reactionary agenda hostile to diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

The Koch's share the same broad political interests as myself: freedom. Every dollar they spend fighting Stalinist worms like you is a dollar well spent. I cheer them for doing God's work.

If there is any group hostile to individual liberty and dissent, it's turds like you, the GAYstapo and the rest of the libturd cult.

"Diversity" can go to hell.
If they're doing God's work, it's this God.

1 Samuel 15:3

"Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.'"
Last edited:
I want Scott Walker or Rand Paul to win in 2016, just for the shitlib tears alone. There was an epic meltdown on social media by leftists faggots in Britain when the Conservatives won an outright majority this week in the UK elections. I think the American Left will be even more unhinged in their reactions than their leftist cousins across the pond if this forum is any indication.
After much consideration I have come the conclusion that the Koch's have done a great deal to fuel the debate about income inequality in this country by making themselves a clear example of it's corrosive effects on our voice as citizens. They should carry on and double down because it is hastening the day of reckoning, there must be one eventually because this is unsustainable.

Based upon what? Harry Reid's chronic pissing his pants over the Koch Brother's existence?
These fuckers are spending a billion dollars to influence our elections, that shit cannot be glossed over or ignored except by you apparently. These men have made themselves public figures and their actions warrant discussion. You deserve to live in a serfdom, the rest of us want our political voices back, if we ever had them in the first place.
The Koch brothers are to blame for income inequality in this country? Last I checked, Income inequality has continued unabated under the Obama administration. Is he controlled by the Kochtopus as well?
The Koch brothers’ political machine is expanding into new states and recruiting new donors as it seeks to shape the Republican Party — and its presidential field — headed into 2016, according to interviews with multiple sources, as well as confidential donor briefing documents obtained by POLITICO.

Read more: Secret Koch memo outlines plans for 2016 - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO

"Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest....

"The fundraising target is the latest indication that the industrialists at the center of the network, Charles and David Koch, intend to continue building an operation that could exceed the national political parties in size and scope to help advance their libertarian principles. The spending, unrivaled for an outside organization, represents more than double the nearly $400 million the Republican National Committee (RNC) raised and spent during the 2012 presidential election cycle."

Full article here: Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

IMO, this effort by members of the 0.01% is nothing less than a bloodless coup, and if it succeeds it will put the last nail into the coffin of Democracy in America. No longer can it be denied that we are a Plutocracy, and that every man, woman and child will be at the mercy of this new Aristocracy, and governed by elected officials on every level of government owned by an Oligarchy of the power elite.
whats real scary is that their libertarian goal is to eviscerate environmental restrictions on polluters (themselves and other extraction industry types)
Based upon what? Harry Reid's chronic pissing his pants over the Koch Brother's existence?
These fuckers are spending a billion dollars to influence our elections, that shit cannot be glossed over or ignored except by you apparently. These men have made themselves public figures and their actions warrant discussion. You deserve to live in a serfdom, the rest of us want our political voices back, if we ever had them in the first place.

You helped elect a guy that spent 1700 billion of OTHER PEOPLE's Money IN DEFICIT in just his FIRST YEAR IN OFFICE to undermine the economy you depend upon to EAT. THE SAME GUY SPENT 9000 billion in six years.

And you're worried about someone spending a billion of their own cash to support the people who share their ideas?

Damned right I'm worried, this kind of election spending by individuals pushing their narrow personal interests is unprecedented in scope and effectiveness, democracy in America has never faced a challenge quite like this and I am frankly amazed at the I don't give a fuck attitude by conservatives. These men are trying to buy power, I can assure you it is not for the purpose of making anything about your life better.
"I am frankly amazed at the I don't give a fuck attitude by conservatives."

Because most conservatives support the narrow personal interests of the likes of the Koch brothers, who share the same reactionary agenda hostile to diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.
That's just the levers they use, they are really just after an end to taxation and regulation on business, environment and labor, I feel the social agenda is just the bullshit hook to pull in the dumb asses and gullible to fight for them while they stay and the background and desperately try to act like private citizens.

It's all good!
Nice liberal paranoia thread.

How many jobs have YOU created?

Your willful ignorance is noted.
The Koch brothers’ political machine is expanding into new states and recruiting new donors as it seeks to shape the Republican Party — and its presidential field — headed into 2016, according to interviews with multiple sources, as well as confidential donor briefing documents obtained by POLITICO.

Read more: Secret Koch memo outlines plans for 2016 - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO

"Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest....

"The fundraising target is the latest indication that the industrialists at the center of the network, Charles and David Koch, intend to continue building an operation that could exceed the national political parties in size and scope to help advance their libertarian principles. The spending, unrivaled for an outside organization, represents more than double the nearly $400 million the Republican National Committee (RNC) raised and spent during the 2012 presidential election cycle."

Full article here: Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

IMO, this effort by members of the 0.01% is nothing less than a bloodless coup, and if it succeeds it will put the last nail into the coffin of Democracy in America. No longer can it be denied that we are a Plutocracy, and that every man, woman and child will be at the mercy of this new Aristocracy, and governed by elected officials on every level of government owned by an Oligarchy of the power elite.

Considering we have had the same people in power for the last 40 years it would appear to me that this is more of a plutcracy than a democracy. We are being governed by the same group of people.

I disagree, the meme that the Democrats and Republicans are one and the same is no longer true, if it ever was. What is true is money = power, and five members of the US Supreme Court made Money = Free Speech, changing forever the concept that we are a nation of the people, by the people or for the people.

We, the 99% of Americans, are facing a new enemy, a domestic one intent on getting and keeping power for generations. The machinations of the Koch Brothers are threatening a system of government by the people which worked - not always well - for over two centuries.

My hope with this thread is to get people thinking, and considering other outcomes than the one they hear from demagogues and charlatans, and the willfully ignorant who parrot the propaganda of those who seek power.
You're hope with this thread is to "get people thinking" yet you think rich dems are different than rich gopers.

You are one ignorant motherfucker

Gee, never been called that since i retired, you an take the punk out of the cage, but not the reason the punk was put in the cage.

That said, there is a great difference between Gates, Sores and Buffet - they earned their wealth, the brother's Koch inherited theirs, and their daddy's political extremism too.
There is no difference jackass. Money is money & corruption is corruption regardless of party affiliation.

You ARE a stupid MOTHERFUCKER as well as the weakest link....goodbye
O RLLY? there is no diff between earned & inherited money? :rolleyes-41: I also see you're also on your weekly meltdown as well. Wry Catcher owns you. Good times.
Nice liberal paranoia thread.

How many jobs have YOU created?

Your willful ignorance is noted.
Considering we have had the same people in power for the last 40 years it would appear to me that this is more of a plutcracy than a democracy. We are being governed by the same group of people.

I disagree, the meme that the Democrats and Republicans are one and the same is no longer true, if it ever was. What is true is money = power, and five members of the US Supreme Court made Money = Free Speech, changing forever the concept that we are a nation of the people, by the people or for the people.

We, the 99% of Americans, are facing a new enemy, a domestic one intent on getting and keeping power for generations. The machinations of the Koch Brothers are threatening a system of government by the people which worked - not always well - for over two centuries.

My hope with this thread is to get people thinking, and considering other outcomes than the one they hear from demagogues and charlatans, and the willfully ignorant who parrot the propaganda of those who seek power.
You're hope with this thread is to "get people thinking" yet you think rich dems are different than rich gopers.

You are one ignorant motherfucker

Gee, never been called that since i retired, you an take the punk out of the cage, but not the reason the punk was put in the cage.

That said, there is a great difference between Gates, Sores and Buffet - they earned their wealth, the brother's Koch inherited theirs, and their daddy's political extremism too.
There is no difference jackass. Money is money & corruption is corruption regardless of party affiliation.

You ARE a stupid MOTHERFUCKER as well as the weakest link....goodbye
O RLLY? there is no diff between earned & inherited money? :rolleyes-41: I also see you're also on your weekly meltdown as well. Wry Catcher owns you. Good times.

It all spends the same, dork.
After much consideration I have come the conclusion that the Koch's have done a great deal to fuel the debate about income inequality in this country by making themselves a clear example of it's corrosive effects on our voice as citizens. They should carry on and double down because it is hastening the day of reckoning, there must be one eventually because this is unsustainable.

Based upon what? Harry Reid's chronic pissing his pants over the Koch Brother's existence?
These fuckers are spending a billion dollars to influence our elections, that shit cannot be glossed over or ignored except by you apparently. These men have made themselves public figures and their actions warrant discussion. You deserve to live in a serfdom, the rest of us want our political voices back, if we ever had them in the first place.
The Koch brothers are to blame for income inequality in this country? Last I checked, Income inequality has continued unabated under the Obama administration. Is he controlled by the Kochtopus as well?
Reading comprehension fail.
I want Scott Walker or Rand Paul to win in 2016, just for the shitlib tears alone. There was an epic meltdown on social media by leftists faggots in Britain when the Conservatives won an outright majority this week in the UK elections. I think the American Left will be even more unhinged in their reactions than their leftist cousins across the pond if this forum is any indication.
You teabaggers have reduced elections to the real life equivalent of posting Goatze on a message board. Just pissing people off is a sorry excuse to be involved in politics.
I want Scott Walker or Rand Paul to win in 2016, just for the shitlib tears alone. There was an epic meltdown on social media by leftists faggots in Britain when the Conservatives won an outright majority this week in the UK elections. I think the American Left will be even more unhinged in their reactions than their leftist cousins across the pond if this forum is any indication.
You teabaggers have reduced elections to the real life equivalent of posting Goatze on a message board. Just pissing people off is a sorry excuse to be involved in politics.

I thought that Abbot pussy was going to break down and cry. You know one big reason he lost? He said he wanted to prosecute people for "Islamophobia." That's most of the non Muslims in the country he wanted to prosecute. What a fucking moron!

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