Plenty of 'evidence', but none of it proves squat


Diamond Member
Mar 20, 2023
This is about the allegations that Joe Biden is corrupt.

Of course Joe has a cursory knowledge of his son's deals, and even if he didn't perfectly articulate that fact, that he does have a cursory knowledge, hell, hunter's deals are widely published, he's really saying he isn't aware of the details of his son's deals, nor is he a participant, nor does he receive any money from his son's deals. Naturally, Republicans will continue to exploit this miscommunication and try and blow it way out proportion in order to smear Biden.

They will refer to Hunter and his siblings as the "Biden Family" hoping the low educated will assume that includes Joe Biden, which, in fact, the evidence doesn't support it. Many on this forum will refer to Joe Biden as 'Bribed Biden', and engage in weasel words like 'every one knows he's corrupt' etc,, which is a pseudo debate trick, and all sorts of disingenuous cheap shot tactics, they will do this to smear Joe Biden in the hopes of improving Trump's chances of winning, to deflect attention away from his legal problems, and they will do all of these things except produce evidence that actually directly proves their accusations, which they don't really care about, especially since none hard evidence actually exists. And they don'te really care about corruption because Trump's administration was the most corrupt in history ( Mapping Corruption: The Interactive Exhibit ), but they do care if a democrat's son is easy to pick on such that they hope their smears will rub off on Joe in order to get a dictator loving sex abuser conman criminal back in office. (substantiation produced on request.

See, there's a difference between circumstantial evidence, and direct evidence that actually proves your allegation. There is plenty of former, but none of the latter. No prosecutor is going to indict a US president without a ton of the latter.

To wit:

What have you on the right produced as evidence? Let's take a look:

Not one financial document has Joe Biden as beneficiary or signatory.

Not one LLC lists Joe Biden as an officer in a Shell.

Not one LLC has been proven to be established for a corrupt purpose as none of the 10 or so legitimate reasons have been excluded.

Not one taped phone call implicates joe in any wrong doing.

Not one testimony against Joe is backed by hard evidence.

No testimony given by Joe's staff against him.

No testimony by Joe's sons and daughters are made against him

Every email and text presented do not have Joe Biden as a participant in the conversation and third party mentions of Joe is hearsay and some have been established as fake.

The chain of custody of the laptop is not clear cut, and has the potential for corruption.

IN short, the House Republicans and those in the Senate have failed to produce sufficient predication for a criminal investigation.

In fact, all of the evidence thus far produced, only proves that Hunter Biden did business abroad, that that business is not against the law, plus the fact that he generously shared his profits with other family members, but notably except his father. There might be a FARA violation but that is not proof of wrongdoing beyond that fact.

SARs are not proof of wrongdoing, says so right on the Gov website.

FBI FD-1023 reports are not evidence, they need to be corroborated, and none have been, to date.

That Yelena Baturina was not sanctioned is not a damning fact at all, as alleged, given that some 50 Russian/Ukrainian billionaires haven't been sanctioned, either, and she is merely one of many.

What I've been finding is that for every issue put forth by Republicans, regarding the Bidens, there is an innocent explanation. Oh, some things might look bad, but looking bad is not illegal.

All of the 'evidence' thus far is suggestive in nature, and not conclusive.

What you need to do is produce conclusive evidence, which would be required in order for a prosecutor wanting to indict a US President.

IN short, the hard truth is, you're just trying to deflect attention away from Trump's indictments. I know it must hurt to know your guy is a criminal, but, I suggest voting for someone who is a decent man, like Joe Biden.

But you guys on the right really don't care about corruption, since none of you are concerned that Jared Kushner earned a $125,000,000 blood money management fee off of a $2 billion dollar fund acquisition from the murderous Mohammed Bin Salman, a connection garnered via Jared leveraging his position as Senior WH Advisor and consummated the deal shortly after leaving office. You see, Hunter is a private citizen. You guys don't care about real corruption, you just care about getting your criminal president back in office so he can destroy the country because, you have to admit: Trump is a thrice indicted, sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention that he despises democracy and has betrayed America, and by these facts, is the worst president in history.

Find a decent man to run for the conservative ticket, like y'all used to do, once upon a time.
This is about the allegations that Joe Biden is corrupt.

Of course Joe has a cursory knowledge of his son's deals, and even if he didn't perfectly articulate that fact, that he does have a cursory knowledge, hell, hunter's deals are widely published, he's really saying he isn't aware of the details of his son's deals, nor is he a participant, nor does he receive any money from his son's deals. Naturally, Republicans will continue to exploit this miscommunication and try and blow it way out proportion in order to smear Biden.

They will refer to Hunter and his siblings as the "Biden Family" hoping the low educated will assume that includes Joe Biden, which, in fact, the evidence doesn't support it. Many on this forum will refer to Joe Biden as 'Bribed Biden', and engage in weasel words like 'every one knows he's corrupt' etc,, which is a pseudo debate trick, and all sorts of disingenuous cheap shot tactics, they will do this to smear Joe Biden in the hopes of improving Trump's chances of winning, to deflect attention away from his legal problems, and they will do all of these things except produce evidence that actually directly proves their accusations, which they don't really care about, especially since none hard evidence actually exists. And they don'te really care about corruption because Trump's administration was the most corrupt in history ( Mapping Corruption: The Interactive Exhibit ), but they do care if a democrat's son is easy to pick on such that they hope their smears will rub off on Joe in order to get a dictator loving sex abuser conman criminal back in office. (substantiation produced on request.

See, there's a difference between circumstantial evidence, and direct evidence that actually proves your allegation. There is plenty of former, but none of the latter. No prosecutor is going to indict a US president without a ton of the latter.

To wit:

What have you on the right produced as evidence? Let's take a look:

Not one financial document has Joe Biden as beneficiary or signatory.

Not one LLC lists Joe Biden as an officer in a Shell.

Not one LLC has been proven to be established for a corrupt purpose as none of the 10 or so legitimate reasons have been excluded.

Not one taped phone call implicates joe in any wrong doing.

Not one testimony against Joe is backed by hard evidence.

No testimony given by Joe's staff against him.

No testimony by Joe's sons and daughters are made against him

Every email and text presented do not have Joe Biden as a participant in the conversation and third party mentions of Joe is hearsay and some have been established as fake.

The chain of custody of the laptop is not clear cut, and has the potential for corruption.

IN short, the House Republicans and those in the Senate have failed to produce sufficient predication for a criminal investigation.

In fact, all of the evidence thus far produced, only proves that Hunter Biden did business abroad, that that business is not against the law, plus the fact that he generously shared his profits with other family members, but notably except his father. There might be a FARA violation but that is not proof of wrongdoing beyond that fact.

SARs are not proof of wrongdoing, says so right on the Gov website.

FBI FD-1023 reports are not evidence, they need to be corroborated, and none have been, to date.

That Yelena Baturina was not sanctioned is not a damning fact at all, as alleged, given that some 50 Russian/Ukrainian billionaires haven't been sanctioned, either, and she is merely one of many.

What I've been finding is that for every issue put forth by Republicans, regarding the Bidens, there is an innocent explanation. Oh, some things might look bad, but looking bad is not illegal.

All of the 'evidence' thus far is suggestive in nature, and not conclusive.

What you need to do is produce conclusive evidence, which would be required in order for a prosecutor wanting to indict a US President.

IN short, the hard truth is, you're just trying to deflect attention away from Trump's indictments. I know it must hurt to know your guy is a criminal, but, I suggest voting for someone who is a decent man, like Joe Biden.

But you guys on the right really don't care about corruption, since none of you are concerned that Jared Kushner earned a $125,000,000 blood money management fee off of a $2 billion dollar fund acquisition from the murderous Mohammed Bin Salman, a connection garnered via Jared leveraging his position as Senior WH Advisor and consummated the deal shortly after leaving office. You see, Hunter is a private citizen. You guys don't care about real corruption, you just care about getting your criminal president back in office so he can destroy the country.
what is this the 3rd thread from you on the exact same topic??

You know he is corrupt. I know he is. Sue knows he is. Tom knows he is. Everything that has come out, points that way. He is immoral white trash that uses gullible morons like you to make himself rich.
The main problem with all this is, you and your ilk still defend him and will probably vote for him.
Everyone wants to bitch about how shitty our candidates are now, and then votes for them.
The American electorate blows my freaking mind.
This is about the allegations that Joe Biden is corrupt.

Of course Joe has a cursory knowledge of his son's deals, and even if he didn't perfectly articulate that fact, that he does have a cursory knowledge, hell, hunter's deals are widely published, he's really saying he isn't aware of the details of his son's deals, nor is he a participant, nor does he receive any money from his son's deals. Naturally, Republicans will continue to exploit this miscommunication and try and blow it way out proportion in order to smear Biden.

They will refer to Hunter and his siblings as the "Biden Family" hoping the low educated will assume that includes Joe Biden, which, in fact, the evidence doesn't support it. Many on this forum will refer to Joe Biden as 'Bribed Biden', and engage in weasel words like 'every one knows he's corrupt' etc,, which is a pseudo debate trick, and all sorts of disingenuous cheap shot tactics, they will do this to smear Joe Biden in the hopes of improving Trump's chances of winning, to deflect attention away from his legal problems, and they will do all of these things except produce evidence that actually directly proves their accusations, which they don't really care about, especially since none hard evidence actually exists. And they don'te really care about corruption because Trump's administration was the most corrupt in history ( Mapping Corruption: The Interactive Exhibit ), but they do care if a democrat's son is easy to pick on such that they hope their smears will rub off on Joe in order to get a dictator loving sex abuser conman criminal back in office. (substantiation produced on request.

See, there's a difference between circumstantial evidence, and direct evidence that actually proves your allegation. There is plenty of former, but none of the latter. No prosecutor is going to indict a US president without a ton of the latter.

To wit:

What have you on the right produced as evidence? Let's take a look:

Not one financial document has Joe Biden as beneficiary or signatory.

Not one LLC lists Joe Biden as an officer in a Shell.

Not one LLC has been proven to be established for a corrupt purpose as none of the 10 or so legitimate reasons have been excluded.

Not one taped phone call implicates joe in any wrong doing.

Not one testimony against Joe is backed by hard evidence.

No testimony given by Joe's staff against him.

No testimony by Joe's sons and daughters are made against him

Every email and text presented do not have Joe Biden as a participant in the conversation and third party mentions of Joe is hearsay and some have been established as fake.

The chain of custody of the laptop is not clear cut, and has the potential for corruption.

IN short, the House Republicans and those in the Senate have failed to produce sufficient predication for a criminal investigation.

In fact, all of the evidence thus far produced, only proves that Hunter Biden did business abroad, that that business is not against the law, plus the fact that he generously shared his profits with other family members, but notably except his father. There might be a FARA violation but that is not proof of wrongdoing beyond that fact.

SARs are not proof of wrongdoing, says so right on the Gov website.

FBI FD-1023 reports are not evidence, they need to be corroborated, and none have been, to date.

That Yelena Baturina was not sanctioned is not a damning fact at all, as alleged, given that some 50 Russian/Ukrainian billionaires haven't been sanctioned, either, and she is merely one of many.

What I've been finding is that for every issue put forth by Republicans, regarding the Bidens, there is an innocent explanation. Oh, some things might look bad, but looking bad is not illegal.

All of the 'evidence' thus far is suggestive in nature, and not conclusive.

What you need to do is produce conclusive evidence, which would be required in order for a prosecutor wanting to indict a US President.

IN short, the hard truth is, you're just trying to deflect attention away from Trump's indictments. I know it must hurt to know your guy is a criminal, but, I suggest voting for someone who is a decent man, like Joe Biden.

But you guys on the right really don't care about corruption, since none of you are concerned that Jared Kushner earned a $125,000,000 blood money management fee off of a $2 billion dollar fund acquisition from the murderous Mohammed Bin Salman, a connection garnered via Jared leveraging his position as Senior WH Advisor and consummated the deal shortly after leaving office. You see, Hunter is a private citizen. You guys don't care about real corruption, you just care about getting your criminal president back in office so he can destroy the country because, you have to admit: Trump is a thrice indicted, sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention that he despises democracy and has betrayed America, and by these facts, is the worst president in history.

Find a decent man to run for the conservative ticket, like y'all used to do, once upon a time.
Meanwhile, Democrats make up their own charges against Trump. Democrats have denied election results for decades but it Trump does it, he is indicted for it.
This is about the allegations that Joe Biden is corrupt.

Of course Joe has a cursory knowledge of his son's deals, and even if he didn't perfectly articulate that fact, that he does have a cursory knowledge, hell, hunter's deals are widely published, he's really saying he isn't aware of the details of his son's deals, nor is he a participant, nor does he receive any money from his son's deals. Naturally, Republicans will continue to exploit this miscommunication and try and blow it way out proportion in order to smear Biden.

They will refer to Hunter and his siblings as the "Biden Family" hoping the low educated will assume that includes Joe Biden, which, in fact, the evidence doesn't support it. Many on this forum will refer to Joe Biden as 'Bribed Biden', and engage in weasel words like 'every one knows he's corrupt' etc,, which is a pseudo debate trick, and all sorts of disingenuous cheap shot tactics, they will do this to smear Joe Biden in the hopes of improving Trump's chances of winning, to deflect attention away from his legal problems, and they will do all of these things except produce evidence that actually directly proves their accusations, which they don't really care about, especially since none hard evidence actually exists. And they don'te really care about corruption because Trump's administration was the most corrupt in history ( Mapping Corruption: The Interactive Exhibit ), but they do care if a democrat's son is easy to pick on such that they hope their smears will rub off on Joe in order to get a dictator loving sex abuser conman criminal back in office. (substantiation produced on request.

See, there's a difference between circumstantial evidence, and direct evidence that actually proves your allegation. There is plenty of former, but none of the latter. No prosecutor is going to indict a US president without a ton of the latter.

To wit:

What have you on the right produced as evidence? Let's take a look:

Not one financial document has Joe Biden as beneficiary or signatory.

Not one LLC lists Joe Biden as an officer in a Shell.

Not one LLC has been proven to be established for a corrupt purpose as none of the 10 or so legitimate reasons have been excluded.

Not one taped phone call implicates joe in any wrong doing.

Not one testimony against Joe is backed by hard evidence.

No testimony given by Joe's staff against him.

No testimony by Joe's sons and daughters are made against him

Every email and text presented do not have Joe Biden as a participant in the conversation and third party mentions of Joe is hearsay and some have been established as fake.

The chain of custody of the laptop is not clear cut, and has the potential for corruption.

IN short, the House Republicans and those in the Senate have failed to produce sufficient predication for a criminal investigation.

In fact, all of the evidence thus far produced, only proves that Hunter Biden did business abroad, that that business is not against the law, plus the fact that he generously shared his profits with other family members, but notably except his father. There might be a FARA violation but that is not proof of wrongdoing beyond that fact.

SARs are not proof of wrongdoing, says so right on the Gov website.

FBI FD-1023 reports are not evidence, they need to be corroborated, and none have been, to date.

That Yelena Baturina was not sanctioned is not a damning fact at all, as alleged, given that some 50 Russian/Ukrainian billionaires haven't been sanctioned, either, and she is merely one of many.

What I've been finding is that for every issue put forth by Republicans, regarding the Bidens, there is an innocent explanation. Oh, some things might look bad, but looking bad is not illegal.

All of the 'evidence' thus far is suggestive in nature, and not conclusive.

What you need to do is produce conclusive evidence, which would be required in order for a prosecutor wanting to indict a US President.

IN short, the hard truth is, you're just trying to deflect attention away from Trump's indictments. I know it must hurt to know your guy is a criminal, but, I suggest voting for someone who is a decent man, like Joe Biden.

But you guys on the right really don't care about corruption, since none of you are concerned that Jared Kushner earned a $125,000,000 blood money management fee off of a $2 billion dollar fund acquisition from the murderous Mohammed Bin Salman, a connection garnered via Jared leveraging his position as Senior WH Advisor and consummated the deal shortly after leaving office. You see, Hunter is a private citizen. You guys don't care about real corruption, you just care about getting your criminal president back in office so he can destroy the country because, you have to admit: Trump is a thrice indicted, sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention that he despises democracy and has betrayed America, and by these facts, is the worst president in history.

Find a decent man to run for the conservative ticket, like y'all used to do, once upon a time.
This isn't about Joe Biden -- of all freakin' people -- being evil, or a crook, or corrupt.

It's about their earthly deity being in legal hot water, and their attempts to somehow equate the two of them to dilute his problems.
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This is about the allegations that Joe Biden is corrupt.

Of course Joe has a cursory knowledge of his son's deals, and even if he didn't perfectly articulate that fact, that he does have a cursory knowledge, hell, hunter's deals are widely published, he's really saying he isn't aware of the details of his son's deals, nor is he a participant, nor does he receive any money from his son's deals. Naturally, Republicans will continue to exploit this miscommunication and try and blow it way out proportion in order to smear Biden.

They will refer to Hunter and his siblings as the "Biden Family" hoping the low educated will assume that includes Joe Biden, which, in fact, the evidence doesn't support it. Many on this forum will refer to Joe Biden as 'Bribed Biden', and engage in weasel words like 'every one knows he's corrupt' etc,, which is a pseudo debate trick, and all sorts of disingenuous cheap shot tactics, they will do this to smear Joe Biden in the hopes of improving Trump's chances of winning, to deflect attention away from his legal problems, and they will do all of these things except produce evidence that actually directly proves their accusations, which they don't really care about, especially since none hard evidence actually exists. And they don'te really care about corruption because Trump's administration was the most corrupt in history ( Mapping Corruption: The Interactive Exhibit ), but they do care if a democrat's son is easy to pick on such that they hope their smears will rub off on Joe in order to get a dictator loving sex abuser conman criminal back in office. (substantiation produced on request.

See, there's a difference between circumstantial evidence, and direct evidence that actually proves your allegation. There is plenty of former, but none of the latter. No prosecutor is going to indict a US president without a ton of the latter.

To wit:

What have you on the right produced as evidence? Let's take a look:

Not one financial document has Joe Biden as beneficiary or signatory.

Not one LLC lists Joe Biden as an officer in a Shell.

Not one LLC has been proven to be established for a corrupt purpose as none of the 10 or so legitimate reasons have been excluded.

Not one taped phone call implicates joe in any wrong doing.

Not one testimony against Joe is backed by hard evidence.

No testimony given by Joe's staff against him.

No testimony by Joe's sons and daughters are made against him

Every email and text presented do not have Joe Biden as a participant in the conversation and third party mentions of Joe is hearsay and some have been established as fake.

The chain of custody of the laptop is not clear cut, and has the potential for corruption.

IN short, the House Republicans and those in the Senate have failed to produce sufficient predication for a criminal investigation.

In fact, all of the evidence thus far produced, only proves that Hunter Biden did business abroad, that that business is not against the law, plus the fact that he generously shared his profits with other family members, but notably except his father. There might be a FARA violation but that is not proof of wrongdoing beyond that fact.

SARs are not proof of wrongdoing, says so right on the Gov website.

FBI FD-1023 reports are not evidence, they need to be corroborated, and none have been, to date.

That Yelena Baturina was not sanctioned is not a damning fact at all, as alleged, given that some 50 Russian/Ukrainian billionaires haven't been sanctioned, either, and she is merely one of many.

What I've been finding is that for every issue put forth by Republicans, regarding the Bidens, there is an innocent explanation. Oh, some things might look bad, but looking bad is not illegal.

All of the 'evidence' thus far is suggestive in nature, and not conclusive.

What you need to do is produce conclusive evidence, which would be required in order for a prosecutor wanting to indict a US President.

IN short, the hard truth is, you're just trying to deflect attention away from Trump's indictments. I know it must hurt to know your guy is a criminal, but, I suggest voting for someone who is a decent man, like Joe Biden.

But you guys on the right really don't care about corruption, since none of you are concerned that Jared Kushner earned a $125,000,000 blood money management fee off of a $2 billion dollar fund acquisition from the murderous Mohammed Bin Salman, a connection garnered via Jared leveraging his position as Senior WH Advisor and consummated the deal shortly after leaving office. You see, Hunter is a private citizen. You guys don't care about real corruption, you just care about getting your criminal president back in office so he can destroy the country because, you have to admit: Trump is a thrice indicted, sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention that he despises democracy and has betrayed America, and by these facts, is the worst president in history.

Find a decent man to run for the conservative ticket, like y'all used to do, once upon a time.
Evidence frequently leads to proof but is not always proof. It’s a strong indicator generally that frequently become fact proof
Lib loons disregard definitions when does not conform to their wishes or feelings
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I really believe that the Democrats and Republicans are corrupt, Biden and Trump are corrupt and the two parties work for the pleasure of the rich.
It proves plenty.

Joe can be impeached for a ton of things.

Afghan withdrawl

Why? He has the authority.

Quid pro quo with Ukraine

Sanctioned by our government.

Telling social media who to ban

Requests are not illegal.

10% to the big guy

Who is the big guy?

Show this big guy got money or was even aware of this.

The unsecure border
The borders been unsecure for decades.

When Congress addresses it, get back to me.
Evidence frequently lead to proof but is not always proof. It’s a strong indicator generally that frequently become fact proof
Lib loons disregard definitions when does not conform to their wishes or feelings
YES but if you just keep throwing shit against the wall waiting to see what will stick, those who hate Biden will buy most of it,
But too many of us are getting sick of this over kill, trying to topple our government from within. And turn this into party only politics.
Many care more about our country's future, More than political party loyalty.
This is about the allegations that Joe Biden is corrupt.

Of course Joe has a cursory knowledge of his son's deals, and even if he didn't perfectly articulate that fact, that he does have a cursory knowledge, hell, hunter's deals are widely published, he's really saying he isn't aware of the details of his son's deals, nor is he a participant, nor does he receive any money from his son's deals. Naturally, Republicans will continue to exploit this miscommunication and try and blow it way out proportion in order to smear Biden.

They will refer to Hunter and his siblings as the "Biden Family" hoping the low educated will assume that includes Joe Biden, which, in fact, the evidence doesn't support it. Many on this forum will refer to Joe Biden as 'Bribed Biden', and engage in weasel words like 'every one knows he's corrupt' etc,, which is a pseudo debate trick, and all sorts of disingenuous cheap shot tactics, they will do this to smear Joe Biden in the hopes of improving Trump's chances of winning, to deflect attention away from his legal problems, and they will do all of these things except produce evidence that actually directly proves their accusations, which they don't really care about, especially since none hard evidence actually exists. And they don'te really care about corruption because Trump's administration was the most corrupt in history ( Mapping Corruption: The Interactive Exhibit ), but they do care if a democrat's son is easy to pick on such that they hope their smears will rub off on Joe in order to get a dictator loving sex abuser conman criminal back in office. (substantiation produced on request.

See, there's a difference between circumstantial evidence, and direct evidence that actually proves your allegation. There is plenty of former, but none of the latter. No prosecutor is going to indict a US president without a ton of the latter.

To wit:

What have you on the right produced as evidence? Let's take a look:

Not one financial document has Joe Biden as beneficiary or signatory.

Not one LLC lists Joe Biden as an officer in a Shell.

Not one LLC has been proven to be established for a corrupt purpose as none of the 10 or so legitimate reasons have been excluded.

Not one taped phone call implicates joe in any wrong doing.

Not one testimony against Joe is backed by hard evidence.

No testimony given by Joe's staff against him.

No testimony by Joe's sons and daughters are made against him

Every email and text presented do not have Joe Biden as a participant in the conversation and third party mentions of Joe is hearsay and some have been established as fake.

The chain of custody of the laptop is not clear cut, and has the potential for corruption.

IN short, the House Republicans and those in the Senate have failed to produce sufficient predication for a criminal investigation.

In fact, all of the evidence thus far produced, only proves that Hunter Biden did business abroad, that that business is not against the law, plus the fact that he generously shared his profits with other family members, but notably except his father. There might be a FARA violation but that is not proof of wrongdoing beyond that fact.

SARs are not proof of wrongdoing, says so right on the Gov website.

FBI FD-1023 reports are not evidence, they need to be corroborated, and none have been, to date.

That Yelena Baturina was not sanctioned is not a damning fact at all, as alleged, given that some 50 Russian/Ukrainian billionaires haven't been sanctioned, either, and she is merely one of many.

What I've been finding is that for every issue put forth by Republicans, regarding the Bidens, there is an innocent explanation. Oh, some things might look bad, but looking bad is not illegal.

All of the 'evidence' thus far is suggestive in nature, and not conclusive.

What you need to do is produce conclusive evidence, which would be required in order for a prosecutor wanting to indict a US President.

IN short, the hard truth is, you're just trying to deflect attention away from Trump's indictments. I know it must hurt to know your guy is a criminal, but, I suggest voting for someone who is a decent man, like Joe Biden.

But you guys on the right really don't care about corruption, since none of you are concerned that Jared Kushner earned a $125,000,000 blood money management fee off of a $2 billion dollar fund acquisition from the murderous Mohammed Bin Salman, a connection garnered via Jared leveraging his position as Senior WH Advisor and consummated the deal shortly after leaving office. You see, Hunter is a private citizen. You guys don't care about real corruption, you just care about getting your criminal president back in office so he can destroy the country because, you have to admit: Trump is a thrice indicted, sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention that he despises democracy and has betrayed America, and by these facts, is the worst president in history.

Find a decent man to run for the conservative ticket, like y'all used to do, once upon a time.
This is about the allegations that Joe Biden is corrupt.

Of course Joe has a cursory knowledge of his son's deals, and even if he didn't perfectly articulate that fact, that he does have a cursory knowledge, hell, hunter's deals are widely published, he's really saying he isn't aware of the details of his son's deals, nor is he a participant, nor does he receive any money from his son's deals. Naturally, Republicans will continue to exploit this miscommunication and try and blow it way out proportion in order to smear Biden.

They will refer to Hunter and his siblings as the "Biden Family" hoping the low educated will assume that includes Joe Biden, which, in fact, the evidence doesn't support it. Many on this forum will refer to Joe Biden as 'Bribed Biden', and engage in weasel words like 'every one knows he's corrupt' etc,, which is a pseudo debate trick, and all sorts of disingenuous cheap shot tactics, they will do this to smear Joe Biden in the hopes of improving Trump's chances of winning, to deflect attention away from his legal problems, and they will do all of these things except produce evidence that actually directly proves their accusations, which they don't really care about, especially since none hard evidence actually exists. And they don'te really care about corruption because Trump's administration was the most corrupt in history ( Mapping Corruption: The Interactive Exhibit ), but they do care if a democrat's son is easy to pick on such that they hope their smears will rub off on Joe in order to get a dictator loving sex abuser conman criminal back in office. (substantiation produced on request.

See, there's a difference between circumstantial evidence, and direct evidence that actually proves your allegation. There is plenty of former, but none of the latter. No prosecutor is going to indict a US president without a ton of the latter.

To wit:

What have you on the right produced as evidence? Let's take a look:

Not one financial document has Joe Biden as beneficiary or signatory.

Not one LLC lists Joe Biden as an officer in a Shell.

Not one LLC has been proven to be established for a corrupt purpose as none of the 10 or so legitimate reasons have been excluded.

Not one taped phone call implicates joe in any wrong doing.

Not one testimony against Joe is backed by hard evidence.

No testimony given by Joe's staff against him.

No testimony by Joe's sons and daughters are made against him

Every email and text presented do not have Joe Biden as a participant in the conversation and third party mentions of Joe is hearsay and some have been established as fake.

The chain of custody of the laptop is not clear cut, and has the potential for corruption.

IN short, the House Republicans and those in the Senate have failed to produce sufficient predication for a criminal investigation.

In fact, all of the evidence thus far produced, only proves that Hunter Biden did business abroad, that that business is not against the law, plus the fact that he generously shared his profits with other family members, but notably except his father. There might be a FARA violation but that is not proof of wrongdoing beyond that fact.

SARs are not proof of wrongdoing, says so right on the Gov website.

FBI FD-1023 reports are not evidence, they need to be corroborated, and none have been, to date.

That Yelena Baturina was not sanctioned is not a damning fact at all, as alleged, given that some 50 Russian/Ukrainian billionaires haven't been sanctioned, either, and she is merely one of many.

What I've been finding is that for every issue put forth by Republicans, regarding the Bidens, there is an innocent explanation. Oh, some things might look bad, but looking bad is not illegal.

All of the 'evidence' thus far is suggestive in nature, and not conclusive.

What you need to do is produce conclusive evidence, which would be required in order for a prosecutor wanting to indict a US President.

IN short, the hard truth is, you're just trying to deflect attention away from Trump's indictments. I know it must hurt to know your guy is a criminal, but, I suggest voting for someone who is a decent man, like Joe Biden.

But you guys on the right really don't care about corruption, since none of you are concerned that Jared Kushner earned a $125,000,000 blood money management fee off of a $2 billion dollar fund acquisition from the murderous Mohammed Bin Salman, a connection garnered via Jared leveraging his position as Senior WH Advisor and consummated the deal shortly after leaving office. You see, Hunter is a private citizen. You guys don't care about real corruption, you just care about getting your criminal president back in office so he can destroy the country because, you have to admit: Trump is a thrice indicted, sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention that he despises democracy and has betrayed America, and by these facts, is the worst president in history.

Find a decent man to run for the conservative ticket, like y'all used to do, once upon a time.
What is up with the data dump? Are you telling me you can't be more succinct? There is no smoking gun tying Joe to his son. But there is a smoking gun tying Jared Kushner to Trump in receiving over $2 billion dollars from MBS that you fuckers never talk about!

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