Planned Parenthood Scandal Proves that Liberals Like Elizabeth Warren Are Bullies : ZoNation Read mo

I bet he wouldn't like it if his wife was raped and became pregnant. .

Here is Tea Party Congressman and anti abortion activist

A Tennessee Republican is making headlines for voting in favor of a national abortion ban, even after pressuringthe women in his own life to have legal abortions.

Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN) publicly opposes abortion and has repeatedly run for office as a pro-life candidate. Last week, he was one of 242 House members to vote for a proposed 20-week abortion ban that has become one of the top priorities for the current GOP-controlled Congress.

An anti-abortion Republican casting a vote in favor of an abortion restriction is not typically newsworthy. However, DesJarlais’ positions on the subject are particularly controversial, thanks to evidence that emerged in 2012 that revealed he has advocated for at least three legal abortions in his personal life.

Why This Lawmaker Opposes Abortion For Everyone Except His Own Wife And Mistress ThinkProgress
Oh no, they think about it alright. They know they can not defend what these doctors of death are doing. They know it. So they have to create a paradigm which they can attack. SO, they can not defend the videos so they invent the paradigm that the videos must be edited to say what they say. It is compete BS, and they know it.
There are no Doctors going around forcing abortions on women...


But jerks like Rubio would force women to give birth to hopelessly malformed monsters. They would force those innocent lives to stay alive at the cost of hundreds of thousands. Sad, painful, short, miserable lives.

These ignorant idiots SAY that women have abortions as a form of birth control. They also SAY abortions are done by PP and other clinics. Neither is true.
You do realize that the video conservatives were showing about Planned Parenthood was edited, right? So, what questions do you have concerning the PP videos and abortion?

Would you prefer that fetal organs/parts/tissue just be discarded in a trash bin, or instead do what they are doing and helping people in so many ways?

You do realize that the video conservatives were showing about Planned Parenthood was edited, right? So, what questions do you have concerning the PP videos and abortion?

Would you prefer that fetal organs/parts/tissue just be discarded in a trash bin, or instead do what they are doing and helping people in so many ways?
How many times are you going to use 'the tapes were edited?' Have you watched the unedited versions?
Care to point out the differences?
What organs are being given to research?

He never watched any of the tapes that has already been established.

I know. They only repeat the same old rhetoric over and over without even thinking about it.

Oh no, they think about it alright. They know they can not defend what these doctors of death are doing. They know it. So they have to create a paradigm which they can attack. SO, they can not defend the videos so they invent the paradigm that the videos must be edited to say what they say. It is compete BS, and they know it.

Apparently you live in a bubble and don't care to understand the truth, as you claim. It is a known fact that the video was edited. They have been doing fetal parts/tissue donations for many's not something just discovered by conservatives. Abortion is legal, a woman who has an abortion can decide whether or not she wants to donate the parts/tissue, or not. They usually discard them if they are not donated. We don't have funerals for fetuses, so your feigned concern is very transparent.

Most conservatives don't like abortion, we get it....but to try and come up with some new means of attacking it by making up fake videos and broadcasting them as fact, to people like you, who can't think for themselves, is despicable. I have provided you with links to the facts....if they weren't true I'm sure that conservatives wouldn't hesitate to bring legal action against PP. They have failed in their attempt to discredit once again an organization that helps women with medical issues other than abortion, women who can't afford it on their own and you are truly ignorant if you want to believe what has already been debunked. I pity you and others like you, who vote against their own interests and are willing to sell out to a party that lies to them.

You do realize that the video conservatives were showing about Planned Parenthood was edited, right? So, what questions do you have concerning the PP videos and abortion?

Would you prefer that fetal organs/parts/tissue just be discarded in a trash bin, or instead do what they are doing and helping people in so many ways?

You do realize that the video conservatives were showing about Planned Parenthood was edited, right? So, what questions do you have concerning the PP videos and abortion?

Would you prefer that fetal organs/parts/tissue just be discarded in a trash bin, or instead do what they are doing and helping people in so many ways?
How many times are you going to use 'the tapes were edited?' Have you watched the unedited versions?
Care to point out the differences?
What organs are being given to research?

He never watched any of the tapes that has already been established.

I know. They only repeat the same old rhetoric over and over without even thinking about it.

Oh no, they think about it alright. They know they can not defend what these doctors of death are doing. They know it. So they have to create a paradigm which they can attack. SO, they can not defend the videos so they invent the paradigm that the videos must be edited to say what they say. It is compete BS, and they know it.

Apparently you live in a bubble and don't care to understand the truth, as you claim. It is a known fact that the video was edited. They have been doing fetal parts/tissue donations for many's not something just discovered by conservatives. Abortion is legal, a woman who has an abortion can decide whether or not she wants to donate the parts/tissue, or not. They usually discard them if they are not donated. We don't have funerals for fetuses, so your feigned concern is very transparent.

Most conservatives don't like abortion, we get it....but to try and come up with some new means of attacking it by making up fake videos and broadcasting them as fact, to people like you, who can't think for themselves, is despicable. I have provided you with links to the facts....if they weren't true I'm sure that conservatives wouldn't hesitate to bring legal action against PP. They have failed in their attempt to discredit once again an organization that helps women with medical issues other than abortion, women who can't afford it on their own and you are truly ignorant if you want to believe what has already been debunked. I pity you and others like you, who vote against their own interests and are willing to sell out to a party that lies to them.

You keep tossing out those verbal insults as your means of justification.
What organs are donated to research?
Again, I ask you what are the differences in the tapes?
What is wrong with people wanting to know the truth about PP?
Who pays their lobbyists?
it can easily be sucked out of her body with no remorse whatsoever.

Really? You seriously think that there is no sentiment attached to an abortion ever? How do you know that? Did you have one and not feel any remorse? You can't claim to know that every woman that has an abortion doesn't think about it seriously before coming to that decision. To think that you must be really cold and insensitive.
What is wrong with people wanting to know the truth about PP?
Who pays their lobbyists?

The truth about PP is known...they are a known quantity...they are subject audits by the seem to have ZERO curiosity or Questions about the people behind those attack videos...why is that ? are you not curious about who they are who pays for them etc ?
"Planned Parenthood Scandal Proves that Liberals Like Elizabeth Warren Are Bullies"

No, it proves most on the right are liars – Planned Parenthood violated no laws, the only 'scandal' is that of the lies contrived and propagated by the right.

If you in all good conscious can view the videos and feel that PP did absolutely noting wrong, then you are a very stoic human being; one who can look the other way whenever morality is lurking around the corner.

But you are viewing a video that has been edited. Do you believe that the bear in the movie "Ted" is real? Well, the video you watched was edited, if you don't know what that means, look it up.


You're being silly and rather stupid.

You are the one that is stupid. You claim to be pro-choice but then go and make comments about women not having any remorse as if you have been in every woman's mind that has ever had an abortion. You are not only stupid, you are pathetic and a liar, you are not pro-choice. Your only choice is that women be forced to have a baby even if it kills them and even if the baby is the result of a rape. You are the one that doesn't have a are just a melodramatic conservative attempting to appear caring.
Give it up already. Your own words brought you down.
In what reality not this one ?
In this world rationalizing is not a good thing.

You keep burying yourself. Please stop!
Really how?

At this point, I don't think you would understand. Proceed, please.
People who say stupid shit like that always make me laugh.

Do you have PBA?
Planned parenthood is a non-profit.

Planned parenthood did knowingly sell these body parts...

Then Planned Parenthood should lose their non-profit status.



Good tune, false comparison

I don't think so.

If they're turning around selling off organs they are a 'for' profit organization.



That is not true. If all you are getting is money to pay for the labor and necessary items to support the use of organs and tissue, you're not making money and if you are not making money, it's not for profit. Who do you think should pay for all of that? Taxpayers? If you needed a heart transplant, you feel that it should be done for you for free?
That's interesting, since conservatives claim they don't like free stuff.

Even buying equipment with proceeds from selling the organs makes them a 'for' profit organization.

That's called assets.

So again... Where does the money go paychecks or assets? Either way it's a for-profit organization.



If the only money your "business" is making is going toward don't have much of a business and you're not making a profit. For a conservative you should know a bit more about running a business, since you all are such capitalists.


You're the one saying that the money was going towards equipment.

You've provided no proof of such to dissuade me from believing that the money isn't being used to line the pockets of those involved in the sale of these organs.

However I might be persuaded that it's doing both. In which case the agency becomes a 'for' profit organization benefiting off the sale of free parts.

So it all just leads back to progressives wanting to make money off the plight of others.


Planned Parenthood doesn't do anything different than what is done when people donate their own organs. Republicans edited a video to push their sick agenda where they give a zygote more importance than a full grown woman.

Republican politicians have grabbed on to "anti-abortion" as their main issue because it is the only means that they can get votes from people that are well-intended but are not informed enough to know any better. They pander to their emotional state and have them so convinced that abortion is so evil that even if a woman is at risk for their life, they should not opt for an abortion.

Over-the-top outrage is the emotion of the day for Republicans as they respond to the latest misleading, heavily edited video attacking Planned Parenthood. The video shows Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, talking about voluntary fetal tissue donation and the reimbursements for the costs of doing that. It's being depicted as some lurid plot to sell bodies, but really it's ... organ donation. You know, like you can register to donate your own organs when you renew your driver's license?
Republicans outraged by organ and tissue donation ... if Planned Parenthood is involved

What is sick is when protecting the most innocent of society is call sick. What type of mind thinks such things? Sick minds.
Sick minds that would as soon rip a living baby from its mother's womb and sell it to the highest bidder than cuddle it in its arms. These people have no respect for life. If they can, grandma and grandpa will be on the chopping block to delay the total failure of obamacare.

People who talk like you do live in a bubble all their own. Prove that anyone is selling organs/body parts for profit or quit spewing your fairytales.

OMG what is wrong with you? They are getting paid to do the abortion and they are getting paid to rip the heart out of the unborn child that they just killed. Holy shit all they need do is take the beating heart and hold it above the crowd and they would be Incas.
Are you really devoid of any common sense? Of course a doctor is paid for his services. Do you know any doctor who is willing to operate for free? The fetus is already dead, an option chosen by the woman having the abortion and it is not a child. It costs money to maintain and protect the organs/parts/tissue until they are needed. Who do suppose should pay for it. And, it is not illegal. Uninformed people like you are being swayed by those who are only interested in political gain and you are a sucker for it. Also, you are so melodramatic, you should try out for the movies.

All this "break even" BS is just BS trying to hide the fact that they are killing unborn children and ripping their hearts out, and becoming millionaires in the process.
If that is what you want to believe, there is no one that can change that. But what proof do you have? An edited video? Come up with some real proof, which I suspect you have none, just your melodramatic attempt at being pious and caring.
These videos are not from idealist and noble activist...these are professional hard core hard bitten political operatives with a central command control of GOP politicians with an agenda to outlaw legal abortions........
There is no scandal at Planned Parenthood unless you count the invented one from the rightwing propaganda machine.

No scandal in auto parts stores.

No scandal in wrecking yards where CARS are parted out.

But, OK, there is no legal requirement that anyone respect the sanctity of the human body.


When I die I want them to strip me of any and all parts which can be of use...
So, you have a contract from the babies being shredded stating that they are okay with being killed and their parts used for the good of all?

Because your statement is about as fucking stupid as it gets.
What is wrong with people wanting to know the truth about PP?
Who pays their lobbyists?

The truth about PP is known...they are a known quantity...they are subject audits by the seem to have ZERO curiosity or Questions about the people behind those attack videos...why is that ? are you not curious about who they are who pays for them etc ?

PP pays for lobbyists. Why do you think that is?
I always want to listen to all sides of an argument, and I don't really blame the makers of the videos for what the PP people had to say. It was evident.
As I've said, I'm not trying to overturn Roe vs. Wade. I believe women should be responsible for their choices and decisions, but I also believe that the public should be aware of what goes on behind closed doors that concerns our tax dollars.
Planned Parenthood doesn't do anything different than what is done when people donate their own organs. Republicans edited a video to push their sick agenda where they give a zygote more importance than a full grown woman.

Republican politicians have grabbed on to "anti-abortion" as their main issue because it is the only means that they can get votes from people that are well-intended but are not informed enough to know any better. They pander to their emotional state and have them so convinced that abortion is so evil that even if a woman is at risk for their life, they should not opt for an abortion.

Over-the-top outrage is the emotion of the day for Republicans as they respond to the latest misleading, heavily edited video attacking Planned Parenthood. The video shows Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, talking about voluntary fetal tissue donation and the reimbursements for the costs of doing that. It's being depicted as some lurid plot to sell bodies, but really it's ... organ donation. You know, like you can register to donate your own organs when you renew your driver's license?
Republicans outraged by organ and tissue donation ... if Planned Parenthood is involved

What is sick is when protecting the most innocent of society is call sick. What type of mind thinks such things? Sick minds.
Sick minds that would as soon rip a living baby from its mother's womb and sell it to the highest bidder than cuddle it in its arms. These people have no respect for life. If they can, grandma and grandpa will be on the chopping block to delay the total failure of obamacare.

The same people that think that breaking even is different then making a profit. The doctor takes 10 minutes to rip the heart out of the unborn child they just killed and they make 100 dollars, not bad, quite the profit.

There, you said it. ^^^ The doctor is making a profit, not Planned Parenthood. And so you think that the doctors should do it for free? Why don't you answer my questions? Too hard for you or are they just revealing what you already know but continue to lie?
So, you have a contract from the babies being shredded stating that they are okay with being killed and their parts used for the good of all?

Do you have a contract from the fetuses saying they don't want to be aborted? Your logic is totally moronic.
What is wrong with people wanting to know the truth about PP?
Who pays their lobbyists?

The truth about PP is known...they are a known quantity...they are subject audits by the seem to have ZERO curiosity or Questions about the people behind those attack videos...why is that ? are you not curious about who they are who pays for them etc ?

PP pays for lobbyists. Why do you think that is?
I always want to listen to all sides of an argument, and I don't really blame the makers of the videos for what the PP people had to say. It was evident.
As I've said, I'm not trying to overturn Roe vs. Wade. I believe women should be responsible for their choices and decisions, but I also believe that the public should be aware of what goes on behind closed doors that concerns our tax dollars.
PP pays for lobbyist and what does that mean to you..." of course they do ....I suppose none of the anti abortion organizations use lobbyist..because PP gets public funds they are subject to being audited by Government accountants ....these are efforts by hard core political operatives on behalf of shadowy people to ban legal abortions...
"Planned Parenthood Scandal Proves that Liberals Like Elizabeth Warren Are Bullies"

No, it proves most on the right are liars – Planned Parenthood violated no laws, the only 'scandal' is that of the lies contrived and propagated by the right.

If you in all good conscious can view the videos and feel that PP did absolutely noting wrong, then you are a very stoic human being; one who can look the other way whenever morality is lurking around the corner.

But you are viewing a video that has been edited. Do you believe that the bear in the movie "Ted" is real? Well, the video you watched was edited, if you don't know what that means, look it up.


You're being silly and rather stupid.

You are the one that is stupid. You claim to be pro-choice but then go and make comments about women not having any remorse as if you have been in every woman's mind that has ever had an abortion. You are not only stupid, you are pathetic and a liar, you are not pro-choice. Your only choice is that women be forced to have a baby even if it kills them and even if the baby is the result of a rape. You are the one that doesn't have a are just a melodramatic conservative attempting to appear caring.

You need to calm down and stop calling people stupid.
I have a former friend, who confided to me that she's had 4 abortions to-date because her boyfriend doesn't want children, and she was afraid he would leave her if she didn't, I her words, get rid of the ....
I've not said anything about forcing a woman to have a baby. I'm questioning the intentions of PP, which is my pejorative.
And by the way, I'm not a Republican, and I do care about people as evidenced by my personal actions.

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