Planned Parenthood Scandal Proves that Liberals Like Elizabeth Warren Are Bullies : ZoNation Read mo

Yes, I realize there are different stages of development of a baby inside the mother's womb.
Good, it didn't sound like you did in your previous post.

Is Dr. Carson making decisions for women?
I don't brought his name up and said he had operated on a fetus. What was that supposed to mean?

I'm pro-choice, but I have questions concerning the PP videos and abortion procedures. Any thing wrong with my concern?
First, are you watching the fake, edited video put out by conservatives, or the real unedited video? There is nothing wrong with your concern as long as you aren't concerned over something that isn't even true. Taking body parts is a gruesome ordeal.....just like cutting into someone's body to operate on someone's heart...I don't think I could watch it, but thank goodness we have doctors that know what they are doing and are not squishy about it. If you are feeling squishy about watching fetal parts being removed, then don't watch it.

Women should be able to make their own decisions, but at the same time, they need to acknowledge that they are deciding to stop a heart from beating for whatever reason.
It is really naive to think that every woman that has an abortion doesn't spend some time thinking about it before she decides to have it done, but just decides one day "I think I'll have an abortion". I would venture to say that it is a very hard decision and that they are fully aware of what they are doing.
Oh no, they think about it alright. They know they can not defend what these doctors of death are doing. They know it. So they have to create a paradigm which they can attack. SO, they can not defend the videos so they invent the paradigm that the videos must be edited to say what they say. It is compete BS, and they know it.
There are no Doctors going around forcing abortions on women...
Marco Rubio Thinks Rape Victims Who Become Pregnant Should Be Forced To Give Birth
Marco Rubio supports government enforced childbirth for rape and incest victi

Here is what he is saying:

I think both of those instances [rape and incest] are horrifying, and fortunately, they’re extremely rare. It happens, and any time it happens, it’s horrifying, it’s a tragedy. But I personally and honestly and deeply believe that all human life is worthy of protection, irrespective of the circumstances in which that human life was created. I personally believe that you do not correct one tragedy with another.

I can't wait to vote for him.
Oh no, they think about it alright. They know they can not defend what these doctors of death are doing. They know it. So they have to create a paradigm which they can attack. SO, they can not defend the videos so they invent the paradigm that the videos must be edited to say what they say. It is compete BS, and they know it.
There are no Doctors going around forcing abortions on women...

You are correct, it is forced on the unborn child.
Marco Rubio Thinks Rape Victims Who Become Pregnant Should Be Forced To Give Birth
Marco Rubio supports government enforced childbirth for rape and incest victi

Here is what he is saying:

I think both of those instances [rape and incest] are horrifying, and fortunately, they’re extremely rare. It happens, and any time it happens, it’s horrifying, it’s a tragedy. But I personally and honestly and deeply believe that all human life is worthy of protection, irrespective of the circumstances in which that human life was created. I personally believe that you do not correct one tragedy with another.

I can't wait to vote for him.

You do not correct one tragedy with another except for bombing Iran.....phony...if a rapist impregnates someone that woman should be able to get rid of the invader ....
Oh no, they think about it alright. They know they can not defend what these doctors of death are doing. They know it. So they have to create a paradigm which they can attack. SO, they can not defend the videos so they invent the paradigm that the videos must be edited to say what they say. It is compete BS, and they know it.
There are no Doctors going around forcing abortions on women...

You are correct, it is forced on the unborn child.
The US military has enforced death on plenty of innocents and you love least if a woman is making a life and death decision you can trust her ...not so cheap politician bastards............
Yes, I realize there are different stages of development of a baby inside the mother's womb.
Good, it didn't sound like you did in your previous post.

Is Dr. Carson making decisions for women?
I don't brought his name up and said he had operated on a fetus. What was that supposed to mean?

I'm pro-choice, but I have questions concerning the PP videos and abortion procedures. Any thing wrong with my concern?
First, are you watching the fake, edited video put out by conservatives, or the real unedited video? There is nothing wrong with your concern as long as you aren't concerned over something that isn't even true. Taking body parts is a gruesome ordeal.....just like cutting into someone's body to operate on someone's heart...I don't think I could watch it, but thank goodness we have doctors that know what they are doing and are not squishy about it. If you are feeling squishy about watching fetal parts being removed, then don't watch it.

Women should be able to make their own decisions, but at the same time, they need to acknowledge that they are deciding to stop a heart from beating for whatever reason.
It is really naive to think that every woman that has an abortion doesn't spend some time thinking about it before she decides to have it done, but just decides one day "I think I'll have an abortion". I would venture to say that it is a very hard decision and that they are fully aware of what they are doing.

Just because you choose to speak as someone of authority, doesn't mean everyone should sit at your feet, listen intently, and embrace your words as gospel.
Some women make the decision to have an abortion without thinking about it beyond the point that the pregnancy is an inconvenience for them. Not a difficult decision at all to proceed.
I'm quite capable of watching and listening to a video to discern the truth as it was presented. I don't need you or anyone else to provide their own personal recap for me.
What I, as well as millions of others, gleaned from the videos should not upset you if you believe your truth.
Once that fetus is born the "culture of life " crowd says screw you parasite no food stamp no health care no nothing....mighty Christian of em...
I'm pro-choice, but I have questions concerning the PP videos and abortion p

You do realize that the video conservatives were showing about Planned Parenthood was edited, right? So, what questions do you have concerning the PP videos and abortion?

Would you prefer that fetal organs/parts/tissue just be discarded in a trash bin, or instead do what they are doing and helping people in so many ways?

I'm pro-choice, but I have questions concerning the PP videos and abortion p

You do realize that the video conservatives were showing about Planned Parenthood was edited, right? So, what questions do you have concerning the PP videos and abortion?

Would you prefer that fetal organs/parts/tissue just be discarded in a trash bin, or instead do what they are doing and helping people in so many ways?
How many times are you going to use 'the tapes were edited?' Have you watched the unedited versions?
Care to point out the differences?
What organs are being given to research?

He never watched any of the tapes that has already been established.

I know. They only repeat the same old rhetoric over and over without even thinking about it.

Oh no, they think about it alright. They know they can not defend what these doctors of death are doing. They know it. So they have to create a paradigm which they can attack. SO, they can not defend the videos so they invent the paradigm that the videos must be edited to say what they say. It is compete BS, and they know it.

Apparently you live in a bubble and don't care to understand the truth, as you claim. It is a known fact that the video was edited. They have been doing fetal parts/tissue donations for many's not something just discovered by conservatives. Abortion is legal, a woman who has an abortion can decide whether or not she wants to donate the parts/tissue, or not. They usually discard them if they are not donated. We don't have funerals for fetuses, so your feigned concern is very transparent.

Most conservatives don't like abortion, we get it....but to try and come up with some new means of attacking it by making up fake videos and broadcasting them as fact, to people like you, who can't think for themselves, is despicable. I have provided you with links to the facts....if they weren't true I'm sure that conservatives wouldn't hesitate to bring legal action against PP. They have failed in their attempt to discredit once again an organization that helps women with medical issues other than abortion, women who can't afford it on their own and you are truly ignorant if you want to believe what has already been debunked. I pity you and others like you, who vote against their own interests and are willing to sell out to a party that lies to them.
Marco Rubio Thinks Rape Victims Who Become Pregnant Should Be Forced To Give Birth
Marco Rubio supports government enforced childbirth for rape and incest victi

I bet he wouldn't like it if his wife was raped and became pregnant. Santorum didn't hesitate to let his wife have an abortion when her life was at he's all anti-abortion....hmmmm. It's always wrong when it is someone else, but justified when it comes to their own.

Santorum’s views are unapologetically black-and-white. He advocates that any doctor performing an abortion under any circumstances should be criminally charged.
Even for rape. Even for incest. Even for saving the mother’s life. None of them justify abortion in Rick Santorum’s world.
Unless it happens to be Rick Santorum’s wife, and she might have died if not for her 20-week-old fetus being “partial birth” aborted. That’s different. Because, you know, that’s JUSTIFIED. Unlike all those other mothers.

Santorum s wife s abortion was different you see.
Yammers the woman who has no clue to its meaning.

Give it up already. Your own words brought you down.
In what reality not this one ?
In this world rationalizing is not a good thing.

You keep burying yourself. Please stop!
Really how?

At this point, I don't think you would understand. Proceed, please.
People who say stupid shit like that always make me laugh.
Yes, I realize there are different stages of development of a baby inside the mother's womb.
Good, it didn't sound like you did in your previous post.

Is Dr. Carson making decisions for women?
I don't brought his name up and said he had operated on a fetus. What was that supposed to mean?

I'm pro-choice, but I have questions concerning the PP videos and abortion procedures. Any thing wrong with my concern?
First, are you watching the fake, edited video put out by conservatives, or the real unedited video? There is nothing wrong with your concern as long as you aren't concerned over something that isn't even true. Taking body parts is a gruesome ordeal.....just like cutting into someone's body to operate on someone's heart...I don't think I could watch it, but thank goodness we have doctors that know what they are doing and are not squishy about it. If you are feeling squishy about watching fetal parts being removed, then don't watch it.

Women should be able to make their own decisions, but at the same time, they need to acknowledge that they are deciding to stop a heart from beating for whatever reason.
It is really naive to think that every woman that has an abortion doesn't spend some time thinking about it before she decides to have it done, but just decides one day "I think I'll have an abortion". I would venture to say that it is a very hard decision and that they are fully aware of what they are doing.

Those who have never faced this decision have no idea what they're talking about.
Planned Parenthood doesn't do anything different than what is done when people donate their own organs. Republicans edited a video to push their sick agenda where they give a zygote more importance than a full grown woman.

Republican politicians have grabbed on to "anti-abortion" as their main issue because it is the only means that they can get votes from people that are well-intended but are not informed enough to know any better. They pander to their emotional state and have them so convinced that abortion is so evil that even if a woman is at risk for their life, they should not opt for an abortion.

Over-the-top outrage is the emotion of the day for Republicans as they respond to the latest misleading, heavily edited video attacking Planned Parenthood. The video shows Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, talking about voluntary fetal tissue donation and the reimbursements for the costs of doing that. It's being depicted as some lurid plot to sell bodies, but really it's ... organ donation. You know, like you can register to donate your own organs when you renew your driver's license?
Republicans outraged by organ and tissue donation ... if Planned Parenthood is involved

Planned parenthood is a non-profit.

Planned parenthood did knowingly sell these body parts...

Then Planned Parenthood should lose their non-profit status.



Good tune, false comparison

I don't think so.

If they're turning around selling off organs they are a 'for' profit organization.



That is not true. If all you are getting is money to pay for the labor and necessary items to support the use of organs and tissue, you're not making money and if you are not making money, it's not for profit. Who do you think should pay for all of that? Taxpayers? If you needed a heart transplant, you feel that it should be done for you for free?
That's interesting, since conservatives claim they don't like free stuff.

Even buying equipment with proceeds from selling the organs makes them a 'for' profit organization.

That's called assets.

So again... Where does the money go paychecks or assets? Either way it's a for-profit organization.



If the only money your "business" is making is going toward don't have much of a business and you're not making a profit. For a conservative you should know a bit more about running a business, since you all are such capitalists.
Wrong again.

As fact of law an embryo/fetus is not a 'baby.'

No one is advocating 'killing a baby.'

Abortion is not 'killing a baby.'

You only make yourself look ridiculous with these lies.

Can you site the specific language where the dictionary definition of a fetus is changed by law? If not killing a baby then what exactly is being killed?

  1. an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.
    synonyms: embryo, unborn baby/child
    "an ultrasonic photo of the fetus"

noun fe·tus \ˈfē-təs\
: a human being or animal in the later stages of development before it is born

Fetus definition - MedicineNet - Health and Medical Information Produced by Doctors

An unborn offspring, from the embryo stage (the end of the eighth week after conception, when the major structures have formed) until birth
Unborn is the operative word

So ... if anyone says the operative word, unborn, you are okay with stopping the heartbeat?
You don't understand.

The issue isn't what anyone believes to be 'OK,' the issue is government is prohibited from compelling citizens to conform to a particular belief or perception through force of law.

You believe abortion is 'wrong,' which means you shouldn't have an abortion, and that it's incumbent upon you to find a way to end the practice that comports with the Constitution and its case law, where 'banning' abortion isn't an option.

Oh that is just a bunch of unmitigated BS. Gay marriage is now force upon us all. Don't bake a cake pay a hefty fine. The government is ALWAYS forcing people to do things they don't want to do. ALWAYS.
What is your plan to end abortion that comports with the Constitution and its case law.

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