
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
This needs to be thoroughly investigated. For those not familiar, the WikiLeaks dump provided volumes of bizarre emails to and from John Podesta with cryptic messages - often times referring to pizza and pizza toppings. Those in the underground world have come forward on the internet and indicated that those are terms used to "order" sex slaves - including children. It's time we expose all of this appalling corruption and criminal activity and tear it all down. Washington D.C. is a cesspool and we need to clean it all up.

this pizzagate scandal is a tremendous source of rage on top of a tremendously difficult case to prove. but this is the podesta problem, and it's going to haunt the democratic party for a long time because it's also tremendously difficult to disprove. the courts have to err on the side of innocent until proven guilty. the public opinion does not. the public opinion can just decide at will, and there's too many damned autists on the web who will never let it go. gamergate is just practice for pizzagate, and have you noticed how the le fake news is a common theme there? i just worry for the people of cincinnati, how will they react when they find out a three-way isn't really food, you know?
....... If stories like this pick up traction in this country, then this country can't be trusted to play any role in the future of the planet.
What do you mean by "this country"? Don't you mean "this government"? If America's Democracy has turned into Fascism then why not put the country right instead of destroying it?
....... If stories like this pick up traction in this country, then this country can't be trusted to play any role in the future of the planet.
What do you mean by "this country"? Don't you mean "this government"? If America's Democracy has turned into Fascism then why not put the country right instead of destroying it?
You should ask the Trumpster's. Not me. I still think this country will be fine. Probably barely anybody will care about this fake story.
Oh geez....Maybe the Trumpster's are right... and it's time to go ahead and sink this ship after all. If stories like this pick up traction in this country, then this country can't be trusted to play any role in the future of the planet. Gods help us.
There, there 'lil buddy....you'll be ok if the criminals are flushed out of the Dumbocrat Party :itsok:
If America's Democracy has turned into Fascism then why not put the country right instead of destroying it?
You should ask the Trumpster's. Not me.
Aren't you American? Don't you care about your country and your countrymen? I think you do.

In Europe, we have a multi-political party system. The idea is that everyone is represented and so all ideas are considered and weighed before any important issue are resolved. That's the theory, anyway. Usually it works. In the US you have only two parties (let's be honest) so why can't you cooperate? Trump has been elected, and according to your reply I suppose you would have wanted Hillary in the White House? She lost, but can't you support the ideas that you think will make your country proud? Are you really "up the creek" just because your candidate lost?

I still think this country will be fine.
Not without your feed-back, input, and help. What's the point of bouncing back and forth .... Democratic .... Republican ..... Democratic .... Republican ..... ? Great for ping-pong, but not a very good way to run a nation.

Probably barely anybody will care about this fake story.
Did you watch the video I posted? If so, why do you think it is a fake?
You should ask the Trumpster's. Not me. I still think this country will be fine. Probably barely anybody will care about this fake story.
Bwahahahahaha! Ever notice how every news story about the left is a "fake story" in the mind of TheOldFool? Wonder how much tinfoil this conspiracy theorist goes through in a day.

maybe the right question should ask why is it so easy for some people to believe it? if you're a politician and so many people just assume you're some kind of pervert, then how many does it take to insist until you are made a pervert? podesta just looks like whatever a pedophile looks like now. there's no going back.
maybe the right question should ask why is it so easy for some people to believe it? if you're a politician and so many people just assume you're some kind of pervert, then how many does it take to insist until you are made a pervert? podesta just looks like whatever a pedophile looks like now. there's no going back.
Another good question might be: why is it so easy for some people to reject it? In the face of some pretty bizarre stuff that deserves additional questions, why are some people so eager to dismiss all of it? :dunno:
maybe the right question should ask why is it so easy for some people to believe it? if you're a politician and so many people just assume you're some kind of pervert, then how many does it take to insist until you are made a pervert? podesta just looks like whatever a pedophile looks like now. there's no going back.
I don't think that it is "so easy for some people to believe it". Well yes, maybe the anti-Hillary sensationalists do. When you see or read a report you have to be critical. You have to point out the "obvious" unsubstantiated, unsupported bull shit. In the instance of political spokespersons it's much easier. You can tell when they are going to lie (or perpetuate a lie) when the intro starts out, "As I said last week and the week before, and as I've always said, and will continue to say ...." Here comes a lie! ... and when questioned on it further there is no explanation forthcoming. Only evasion. Caught! Watch some of U.S. spokespersons John Kirby and Jen Psaki statements and see what I mean. As regards this incident and particularly the video I attached you will find several things that might sound contrived or over extended beyond motivated insinuation, but if you watch it you will also see things that ring so very true - thus lending credibility to the things you were skeptical about initially.
maybe the right question should ask why is it so easy for some people to believe it? if you're a politician and so many people just assume you're some kind of pervert, then how many does it take to insist until you are made a pervert? podesta just looks like whatever a pedophile looks like now. there's no going back.
I don't think that it is "so easy for some people to believe it". Well yes, maybe the anti-Hillary sensationalists do. When you see or read a report you have to be critical. You have to point out the "obvious" unsubstantiated, unsupported bull shit. In the instance of political spokespersons it's much easier. You can tell when they are going to lie (or perpetuate a lie) when the intro starts out, "As I said last week and the week before, and as I've always said, and will continue to say ...." Here comes a lie! ... and when questioned on it further there is no explanation forthcoming. Only evasion. Caught! Watch some of U.S. spokespersons John Kirby and Jen Psaki statements and see what I mean. As regards this incident and particularly the video I attached you will find several things that might sound contrived or over extended beyond motivated insinuation, but if you watch it you will also see things that ring so very true - thus lending credibility to the things you were skeptical about initially.

that's reasonable, but how to prove or disprove anything? if you go to the court as a jury and the court instructs you, part of that instruction is to trust your gut instincts, to trust your own intuition and life experience, and follow that wisdom when going through all the evidence. if the news media is all propaganda and the politicians are pathological liars, and they continue on like that for years and years and years?

maybe the right question should ask why is it so easy for some people to believe it? if you're a politician and so many people just assume you're some kind of pervert, then how many does it take to insist until you are made a pervert? podesta just looks like whatever a pedophile looks like now. there's no going back.
Another good question might be: why is it so easy for some people to reject it? In the face of some pretty bizarre stuff that deserves additional questions, why are some people so eager to dismiss all of it? :dunno:

because it looks like these perverts are doing things at a pace and in numbers that are just too mind boggling, consuming one child after another like a drug, it's far fetched to anyone who can't fathom it happening even more than once. also, little code words in emails... there needs to be eyewitness testimony or something more concrete, otherwise who is to say what means what anymore after every possible connotations and denotations have been exhausted?
This needs to be thoroughly investigated. For those not familiar, the WikiLeaks dump provided volumes of bizarre emails to and from John Podesta with cryptic messages - often times referring to pizza and pizza toppings. Those in the underground world have come forward on the internet and indicated that those are terms used to "order" sex slaves - including children. It's time we expose all of this appalling corruption and criminal activity and tear it all down. Washington D.C. is a cesspool and we need to clean it all up.

Or MAYBE... he was just fuckin' hungry?

Talk about bizarre; guy talks about pizza and certain folks minds immediately go to sex slave trafficking. :wtf:
that's reasonable, but how to prove or disprove anything? if you go to the court as a jury and the court instructs you, part of that instruction is to trust your gut instincts, to trust your own intuition and life experience, and follow that wisdom when going through all the evidence. if the news media is all propaganda and the politicians are pathological liars, and they continue on like that for years and years and years?

because it looks like these perverts are doing things at a pace and in numbers that are just too mind boggling, consuming one child after another like a drug, it's far fetched to anyone who can't fathom it happening even more than once. also, little code words in emails... there needs to be eyewitness testimony or something more concrete, otherwise who is to say what means what anymore after every possible connotations and denotations have been exhausted?
I agree with you completely. But thankfully we are not sitting on a jury. We don't need to pronounce the verdict or the sentencing. All we have to do is decide whether or not we'll be voting for these people …. and the information we have (in this case) is adequate enough to make that decision.

What sort of person would collect child sadism in any form? Is it purely academic interest? If that's all it is would we want that person in a position of power anyway? If we got caught with child porn on our hard disk do you think we'd be given the benefit of the doubt?

Of course we might ask if any of the report is true. Were those really his paintings? His headless sculpture hanging from the ceiling of his own house?

We don't have to prove or disprove anything other than the confidence they instil in us as voters and supporters. We “know” what Wikileaks has divulged. That's enough, without connecting all of the dots to see how much MORE dirt we can find.
Talk about bizarre; guy talks about pizza and certain folks minds immediately go to sex slave trafficking.
Immediately? Is that your deduction from watching the video? That is sort of the key, isn't it. Whether conclusions were "jumped to" or if they were reached by an open mind and earnest research.
Talk about bizarre; guy talks about pizza and certain folks minds immediately go to sex slave trafficking.
Immediately? Is that your deduction from watching the video? That is sort of the key, isn't it. Whether conclusions were "jumped to" or if they were reached by an open mind and earnest research.
Hyperbole... more than likely not immediate, I suspect it took them a couple of hours to figure out how to make the leap from the innocuous email references to pizza by political opponents to sex slave trafficking, after all Infowars has such a long track record of rational and objective "journalism". :rolleyes:
Hyperbole... more than likely not immediate, I suspect it took them a couple of hours to figure out how to make the leap from the innocuous email references to pizza by political opponents to sex slave trafficking, after all Infowars has such a long track record of rational and objective "journalism". :rolleyes:
Infowars? Well! That guy Jones irritates the hell out of me. I refuse to watch anything he does. That young English guy is OK though.

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