My Job at an Abortion Clinic

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I was a 22 year old grad student in a certain American college town. I needed to earn some money so I took a job at the local PP abortion clinic, which me and my buds jokingly called “Pussy Pounders” and other funny shit. I did their books for them, wrote grant requests, and showed the pregos information videos explaining to them why abortion is so much better for them than actual child birth. It paid great, and it was indoors. It is cold as hell up there in the winter!!

I also had ulterior motives in taking this job. See, I was quite the ladies man back then. I was BDOC (Big Dick on Campus). I had caused 3 black dudes to commit suicide because they saw my huge hawg leg by accident and then become despondently depressed by their acute feelings of inadequacy. After that the school forbid me from exposing my rod to anymore black dudes. They told me I needed to keep my “privilege” in check. I was put on DEI probation.

The thing is that like to fuck without a rubber. Most of the time it is not a problem because these horny coed bitches like to fuck. But sometimes you run into these crazy chicks who lie about being on the pill, or lie about their ovulation, or otherwise manipulate some wang into their cooch. I mean, who is going to thoroughly question a bitch who is ready to go when all the blood is rushing out of your brain and into your johnson?

I had gotten a couple of these bitches knocked up in the past couple of months. It was no biggie, really. I just drove them down to the PP clinic, dropped $280.00 on each one, and then BANG!!! No more problems. I actually drove them both down there at the same time. The PP people gave me a 10% discount for volume!

This sort of thing happens from time to time. I have even had a couple chicks try to trap me by saying they wanted to keep the babies. See, they knew I had a bright future and thought they could set themselves as a stay at home mommy, where they could get fat and ruin my fucking life. No way!!! I usually ended up paying these bitches off with cash or coke so they would agree to get the abortions. That whole “immediate gratification” thing plaguing our youth really worked to my advantage.

So I figured I would apply for a job at the local PP abortion mill. I walked in and Dr. Killmeister happened to be up front. He said, “Well hey there, Rod!!! You bring me some more of your whores to scrape?” I told him I needed work. He told me they had an immediate opening. I told him my background and he hired me on the spot.

He said he would pay me $50,000.00 yearly. I was blown away!! That’s great dough for a college kid like me!! I thanked him profusely. He explained that they get a lot of tax money from the Democrat run government, which they turn around and send back to them in the form of campaign contributions in a money laundering scam. He said they get a nice cut, but they also skim the take. “Besides, you are my best customer. Without your business, Rod, I would have to lay off half my staff. I just need you to keep on crushing that pussy!”

I also managed to negotiate a 20% discount on all my abortions going forward, which Dr. Killmeister was more than happy to do. “Fuck, Rod, I am still making bank even with that discount. Oh, and you know Kayla, the receptionist? I’m fucking her!! Thanks to you, Rod, I tool Kayla up to a cabin in the mountains last weekend and tore that pussy up!!!” We high fived and I started working that day!

I did a little bit of everything during my tenure at the PP clinic. I even personally performed a handful of abortions!! See, Dr. Killmeister started drinking in the office at around noon or shortly thereafter. In fact, he was such a bad drunk, that his hands shook if he went too long without alcohol. So every now and then, when he was not really up to performing an abortion, he would come get me.

The first time this happened I was really freaked out. I am not a doctor!! But Dr. Killmeister walked me through it. I got cleaned up and put on scrubs. When I walked into the surgery room the chick was already knocked out and her legs were in stirrups. Dr. Killmeister was leaned up against the wall so he would not fall down, in a state of near blackout drunk, usually drinking whiskey out of a fifth bottle.

If the doctor was not too drunk, sometimes he would pull back the sheets to expose the unconscious chicks body parts and we would take selfies with her. But then it was down to business. Unfortunately, the extent of my instruction was, “Rod, take those forceps and shove it up that bitch’s cooter. Now, feel for something hard, like a walnut or acorn. Once you get it in the forceps, crush the shit out of it, then pull it out.”

We were supposed to dispose of the remains according to certain guidelines, but Dr. Killmeister usually flushed them down the toilet or took them home for his dogs. I remember this one time when the toilet overflowed and I had to snake out the clog. Jesus Christ!!! What a mess!!

It soon became clear that the PP clinic was a real train wreck, and totally out of control. But even weirder was the patients. They were mostly repeat clients. For example, there was this one leftist militant chick named “Vagina Spam” who had green hair and considered herself a pre-op tranny who was going to become a gay guy who felt he was really a woman in a man’s body. This bitch was crazy! She would get pregnant on purpose just so she could abort it. She did this like 17 times while I was there. She was a professional abortion getter.

Most of the patients were poor black girls. This struck me as sad; as if there was some sort of deep cultural flaw in the black community that was going untreated. Dr. Killmeister just said that I should pay no attention to this, that if they did not get rid of all those black babies then crime would become unbearable one day. I mean, I guess he was right. But the whole thing just seemed so sick and perverse!

The final straw finally came for me when Dr. Killmeister started performing late term abortions. On day he was so fucking shit-faced that I had to go perform the procedure. Of course, nobody told me it was a late termer. Jesus fucking Christ!!! It turned out that I performed the procedure on a fully functional, totally viable baby!! However, the baby was still alive when I got it out of the mother.

The mother regained consciousness early, crying out that she wanted her now mutilated baby. Dr. Killmeister started telling me to kill it. “It will never have the same quality of life as you and me, Rod, not after you just crushed its skull and stabbed its heart!” The nurse was no fucking help. She turned and ran out of the room. I pulled out my phone to call 911. Dr, Killmeister implored me to stop. “Rod!! No!! We will lose … ALL THIS!!! I only get 20 more payments on my Maserati, Rod!!!” The mother was in hysterics.

I looked at the doctor and said, “Man, fuck this shit! I did not sign up to be killing babies, you sick fuck!” Then I turned and walked out. I approached the reception area where both the nurse and receptionist looked at me with wide, tear-filled eyes. I thought, “fuck ‘em, I am out of here”, and walked right past them without saying a word.

Unfortunately, I did fuck one of them – Kayla. She spoke to me as I was about to walk out the door. “Rod!! Wait!!”, she shouted. I stopped and turned to face her. It was at this time she told me that she was pregnant and that I was the father. At first, I protested, saying that it could just as likely be Dr. Killmeister’s baby. She said, “No, the doctor shoots blanks. I never have to use birth control with him because of that.” Of course, she told me that she had been on birth control for years.

I did not even want to address the fact that this bitch lied to me about taking the pill. I did not have the energy. I just said, “OK, go to surgery room Number 2 and wait for me”. Kayla did as she was told. I had to perform one last unauthorized and illegal abortion before I left.

On the plus side, I now know how to perform abortions. With Biden’s inflation out of control, the cost of an abortion has shot to the moon. But I don’t have to worry about that because I am a DIY-er now. I even have buddies who bring their girlfriends and wives over to my house for abortions. They drop a little scratch for, you know, a tribute, and I do some scraping! Afterward we usually get a pizza and some beer.

tl;dr: I work my way through school performing abortions, then get grossed out by a late term abortion.
I was a 22 year old grad student in a certain American college town. I needed to earn some money so I took a job at the local PP abortion clinic, which me and my buds jokingly called “Pussy Pounders” and other funny shit. I did their books for them, wrote grant requests, and showed the pregos information videos explaining to them why abortion is so much better for them than actual child birth. It paid great, and it was indoors. It is cold as hell up there in the winter!!

I also had ulterior motives in taking this job. See, I was quite the ladies man back then. I was BDOC (Big Dick on Campus). I had caused 3 black dudes to commit suicide because they saw my huge hawg leg by accident and then become despondently depressed by their acute feelings of inadequacy. After that the school forbid me from exposing my rod to anymore black dudes. They told me I needed to keep my “privilege” in check. I was put on DEI probation.
You're getting back to testing the waters on your dislike for women, with personal physical fantasies. But you're at least still not taking a chance on trying to make the stories believable

See, I was quite the ladies man back then.

See, you include that with the string of untrue fantasies, which causes us to think that you were completely unattractive to the ladies.
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You're getting back to testing the waters on your dislike for women, with personal physical fantasies. But you're at least still not taking a chance on trying to make the stories believable

See, you include that with the string of untrue fantasies, which causes us to think that you were completely unattractive to the ladies.
Why don't you regale us with some of YOUR fantasies of sucking dick and eating ass, Dom Don? LOL!
I was a 22 year old grad student in a certain American college town. I needed to earn some money so I took a job at the local PP abortion clinic, which me and my buds jokingly called “Pussy Pounders” and other funny shit. I did their books for them, wrote grant requests, and showed the pregos information videos explaining to them why abortion is so much better for them than actual child birth. It paid great, and it was indoors. It is cold as hell up there in the winter!!

I also had ulterior motives in taking this job. See, I was quite the ladies man back then. I was BDOC (Big Dick on Campus). I had caused 3 black dudes to commit suicide because they saw my huge hawg leg by accident and then become despondently depressed by their acute feelings of inadequacy. After that the school forbid me from exposing my rod to anymore black dudes. They told me I needed to keep my “privilege” in check. I was put on DEI probation.

The thing is that like to fuck without a rubber. Most of the time it is not a problem because these horny coed bitches like to fuck. But sometimes you run into these crazy chicks who lie about being on the pill, or lie about their ovulation, or otherwise manipulate some wang into their cooch. I mean, who is going to thoroughly question a bitch who is ready to go when all the blood is rushing out of your brain and into your johnson?

I had gotten a couple of these bitches knocked up in the past couple of months. It was no biggie, really. I just drove them down to the PP clinic, dropped $280.00 on each one, and then BANG!!! No more problems. I actually drove them both down there at the same time. The PP people gave me a 10% discount for volume!

This sort of thing happens from time to time. I have even had a couple chicks try to trap me by saying they wanted to keep the babies. See, they knew I had a bright future and thought they could set themselves as a stay at home mommy, where they could get fat and ruin my fucking life. No way!!! I usually ended up paying these bitches off with cash or coke so they would agree to get the abortions. That whole “immediate gratification” thing plaguing our youth really worked to my advantage.

So I figured I would apply for a job at the local PP abortion mill. I walked in and Dr. Killmeister happened to be up front. He said, “Well hey there, Rod!!! You bring me some more of your whores to scrape?” I told him I needed work. He told me they had an immediate opening. I told him my background and he hired me on the spot.

He said he would pay me $50,000.00 yearly. I was blown away!! That’s great dough for a college kid like me!! I thanked him profusely. He explained that they get a lot of tax money from the Democrat run government, which they turn around and send back to them in the form of campaign contributions in a money laundering scam. He said they get a nice cut, but they also skim the take. “Besides, you are my best customer. Without your business, Rod, I would have to lay off half my staff. I just need you to keep on crushing that pussy!”

I also managed to negotiate a 20% discount on all my abortions going forward, which Dr. Killmeister was more than happy to do. “Fuck, Rod, I am still making bank even with that discount. Oh, and you know Kayla, the receptionist? I’m fucking her!! Thanks to you, Rod, I tool Kayla up to a cabin in the mountains last weekend and tore that pussy up!!!” We high fived and I started working that day!

I did a little bit of everything during my tenure at the PP clinic. I even personally performed a handful of abortions!! See, Dr. Killmeister started drinking in the office at around noon or shortly thereafter. In fact, he was such a bad drunk, that his hands shook if he went too long without alcohol. So every now and then, when he was not really up to performing an abortion, he would come get me.

The first time this happened I was really freaked out. I am not a doctor!! But Dr. Killmeister walked me through it. I got cleaned up and put on scrubs. When I walked into the surgery room the chick was already knocked out and her legs were in stirrups. Dr. Killmeister was leaned up against the wall so he would not fall down, in a state of near blackout drunk, usually drinking whiskey out of a fifth bottle.

If the doctor was not too drunk, sometimes he would pull back the sheets to expose the unconscious chicks body parts and we would take selfies with her. But then it was down to business. Unfortunately, the extent of my instruction was, “Rod, take those forceps and shove it up that bitch’s cooter. Now, feel for something hard, like a walnut or acorn. Once you get it in the forceps, crush the shit out of it, then pull it out.”

We were supposed to dispose of the remains according to certain guidelines, but Dr. Killmeister usually flushed them down the toilet or took them home for his dogs. I remember this one time when the toilet overflowed and I had to snake out the clog. Jesus Christ!!! What a mess!!

It soon became clear that the PP clinic was a real train wreck, and totally out of control. But even weirder was the patients. They were mostly repeat clients. For example, there was this one leftist militant chick named “Vagina Spam” who had green hair and considered herself a pre-op tranny who was going to become a gay guy who felt he was really a woman in a man’s body. This bitch was crazy! She would get pregnant on purpose just so she could abort it. She did this like 17 times while I was there. She was a professional abortion getter.

Most of the patients were poor black girls. This struck me as sad; as if there was some sort of deep cultural flaw in the black community that was going untreated. Dr. Killmeister just said that I should pay no attention to this, that if they did not get rid of all those black babies then crime would become unbearable one day. I mean, I guess he was right. But the whole thing just seemed so sick and perverse!

The final straw finally came for me when Dr. Killmeister started performing late term abortions. On day he was so fucking shit-faced that I had to go perform the procedure. Of course, nobody told me it was a late termer. Jesus fucking Christ!!! It turned out that I performed the procedure on a fully functional, totally viable baby!! However, the baby was still alive when I got it out of the mother.

The mother regained consciousness early, crying out that she wanted her now mutilated baby. Dr. Killmeister started telling me to kill it. “It will never have the same quality of life as you and me, Rod, not after you just crushed its skull and stabbed its heart!” The nurse was no fucking help. She turned and ran out of the room. I pulled out my phone to call 911. Dr, Killmeister implored me to stop. “Rod!! No!! We will lose … ALL THIS!!! I only get 20 more payments on my Maserati, Rod!!!” The mother was in hysterics.

I looked at the doctor and said, “Man, fuck this shit! I did not sign up to be killing babies, you sick fuck!” Then I turned and walked out. I approached the reception area where both the nurse and receptionist looked at me with wide, tear-filled eyes. I thought, “fuck ‘em, I am out of here”, and walked right past them without saying a word.

Unfortunately, I did fuck one of them – Kayla. She spoke to me as I was about to walk out the door. “Rod!! Wait!!”, she shouted. I stopped and turned to face her. It was at this time she told me that she was pregnant and that I was the father. At first, I protested, saying that it could just as likely be Dr. Killmeister’s baby. She said, “No, the doctor shoots blanks. I never have to use birth control with him because of that.” Of course, she told me that she had been on birth control for years.

I did not even want to address the fact that this bitch lied to me about taking the pill. I did not have the energy. I just said, “OK, go to surgery room Number 2 and wait for me”. Kayla did as she was told. I had to perform one last unauthorized and illegal abortion before I left.

On the plus side, I now know how to perform abortions. With Biden’s inflation out of control, the cost of an abortion has shot to the moon. But I don’t have to worry about that because I am a DIY-er now. I even have buddies who bring their girlfriends and wives over to my house for abortions. They drop a little scratch for, you know, a tribute, and I do some scraping! Afterward we usually get a pizza and some beer.

tl;dr: I work my way through school performing abortions, then get grossed out by a late term abortion.
Then you betray women and medicine.
The first woman to run for president and the first female stock broker on Wall Street ,she joined the number of the first women who were doctors, all of whom saw abortion as a hideous ugly attack against women


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