Pedophilia apologetics???!!!!!!


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
Mental Health Group Looks to Remove Stigma From Pedophilia

A group of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals say it's time to change the way society views individuals who have physical attractions to children.

The organization, which calls itself B4U-Act, is lobbying for changes to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, the guideline of standards on mental health that's put together by the American Psychiatric Association

The American Psychiatric Association did not participate in the conference, and evidently does not condone the group's message

Mental Health Group Looks To Remove Stigma From Pedophilia |

Unless by changing the society's views they mean line them all up against a wall and shoot them, this group deserves the same stigma.
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Alot of people are starting to look at pedophilia as an illness and not a crime and that is scary, they already have light enough sentences as it is.
Mental Health Group Looks to Remove Stigma From Pedophilia

A group of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals say it's time to change the way society views individuals who have physical attractions to children.

The organization, which calls itself B4U-Act, is lobbying for changes to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, the guideline of standards on mental health that's put together by the American Psychiatric Association

The American Psychiatric Association did not participate in the conference, and evidently does not condone the group's message

Mental Health Group Looks To Remove Stigma From Pedophilia |


pedos are sick. It really is a mental disorder.

Sam Colt came up with a very good way to deliver the cure.
Even if it is an illness I don't care, they are a threat to society and need to be removed from it, for me they are more dangerous than dope dealers.
Alot of people are starting to look at pedophilia as an illness and not a crime and that is scary, they already have light enough sentences as it is.

You can't cure evil.

seriously, if these fucks get off on insanity pleas, fathers will start going to jail for life.

I know I would not tolerate someone walking free after they raped any of my kids.
Alot of people are starting to look at pedophilia as an illness and not a crime and that is scary, they already have light enough sentences as it is.

You can't cure evil.

seriously, if these fucks get off on insanity pleas, fathers will start going to jail for life.

I know I would not tolerate someone walking free after they raped any of my kids.

I would kill them and gladly accept my punishment for it.
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Mental Health Group Looks to Remove Stigma From Pedophilia

A group of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals say it's time to change the way society views individuals who have physical attractions to children.

The organization, which calls itself B4U-Act, is lobbying for changes to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, the guideline of standards on mental health that's put together by the American Psychiatric Association

The American Psychiatric Association did not participate in the conference, and evidently does not condone the group's message

Mental Health Group Looks To Remove Stigma From Pedophilia |


pedos are sick. It really is a mental disorder.

Sam Colt came up with a very good way to deliver the cure.

I like Peter Jensen's way better...

Woodchipper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Send them to an Island they can't escape in the Prisoner!

[ame=]The Prisoner Blu-ray out now - 'Free For All' clip (HD) - YouTube[/ame]
They used to say the same things about homosexuality.
Mental Health Group Looks to Remove Stigma From Pedophilia

A group of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals say it's time to change the way society views individuals who have physical attractions to children.

The organization, which calls itself B4U-Act, is lobbying for changes to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, the guideline of standards on mental health that's put together by the American Psychiatric Association

The American Psychiatric Association did not participate in the conference, and evidently does not condone the group's message

Mental Health Group Looks To Remove Stigma From Pedophilia |


:wtf: indeed.

For real...thats as bad as saying a drunk driver who killed your daughter isn't at fault because alcoholism is a disease.....lame.
Pedophiles who have made penetration should be locked up and never let sentence...1st offence.
Those that have fondled and/or removed clothing that revealed genitalia...10 years 1st offence with no parole. 2nd offence, life in prison.
This smacks of "If ya can't treat, 'em, embrace 'em" kind of mentality. I swear to heavens, we have become a nation of PC coddlers!

It is a disorder/disease but, you don't give a schizophrenic off meds a pass if he kills someone.

Pedophiles know to hide it, know to tell their victims not to tell. We all have sexual urges but we don't go 'round acting on them on unwilling folks.

What these folks take from a child cannot be replaced, their innocence, their trust of people in this world, and often it leaves them scarred for life with a multitude of issues. This PC view of them also sends the wrong message to children and is an added assault on their violation.....that it ain't all that bad, they're ill. Bullshit! We need to call it what it is, sexual abuse of a child and pedophiles deserve and have earned the stigma attached to this, let them wear it, and deal with whatever comes from it.
Alot of people are starting to look at pedophilia as an illness and not a crime and that is scary, they already have light enough sentences as it is.

There are some punkass liberal activist judges that have already been doing that shit for years, that why Jessica's law is so important imo.....
Alot of people are starting to look at pedophilia as an illness and not a crime and that is scary, they already have light enough sentences as it is.

There are some punkass liberal activist judges that have already been doing that shit for years, that why Jessica's law is so important imo.....

Republican Values Create Child Molesters


Why is it that every state that has trouble passing Jessica's Law, it's democrats that obstruct it?....... :eusa_whistle:

Why is it that it's liberal activist judges that give child molesters 90 day sentences? ..... :eusa_whistle:
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What is everyones thoughts on the mentally challenged individual who is left unsupervised mopping the floors at McDonalds who drags your six year old daughter into the bathroom and molests her?

I say we need to include the mentally challenged along with these pedophiles in the cure of death. They are like dogs...most won't bite but when they attack they are put down. If we are going to go we must go all the way.

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