‘Horrifying’: Huge Proportion Of Children Pursuing Gender Transitions Are Actually Autistic, Experts Believe

I have a friend with an autistic adult son who had body parts cut off in order to ‘transition’ to a ‘female.’
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but who's idea was it that there be any amputation, the boy or his parents?

God bless you always!!!

We Autistic people aint normal and so it very well could be linked at some level with one another. The papers I've read suggest that both are very much brainwiring and so having austism probably increases the odds of the other.

Why exactly do you believe we shouldn't get the treatment we need to have a quality of life?
Child mutilation is not increasing anyone's quality of life. There are much better ways to handle the over-indulgence of autistic behaviors that will give a higher quality of life than mutilation. Cutting off the protruding parts of the body is not treatment.
They should get some antibiotics then. Just plain stupid!
"Trans" is nothing but a big pharma scam.

Democrats confuse children with their gender speak

Democrats manipulate children with their gender speak

Then Democrats mutilate children.

Listen to an ex Trans person. It was usually a democrat counselor or teacher who groomed the kid trans.
but if there are particular differences that are common to most with a particular syndrome, then that could be diagnostic.

There is a danger, particularly in diagnostics, to confuse correlation with causation.

We don't understand completely how the brain works and how much of mental illness is biological vs environmental. So, to ascribe a diagnosis to a symptom without understanding the causation gets us no closer to a remedy.
"Trans" is nothing but a big pharma scam.

Democrats confuse children with their gender speak

Democrats manipulate children with their gender speak

Then Democrats mutilate children.

Listen to an ex Trans person. It was usually a democrat counselor or teacher who groomed the kid trans.
This is the work of evil Satan. Doing everything he can to hurt those of us who followed Jehovah in our pre-earth life. It will be the evil people that will pay eternally for all of this and not the children.
We girls are going to double down and going to wear our dresses as it makes us happy to deny you fundies power over us!!!
We girls are going to double down and going to wear our dresses as it makes us happy to deny you fundies power over us!!!
Just like your war on beer, porn and now drugs you'll also fail at controlling us girls. hahahaha. You fail! You're the real control freaks. Everything is bad in your sick little minds and your entire belief system is no different then the taliban. It is so important to tell you to stick it up your asses!
This is the work of evil Satan. Doing everything he can to hurt those of us who followed Jehovah in our pre-earth life. It will be the evil people that will pay eternally for all of this and not the children.
Those who support the manipulation and mutilation of children will burn in hell alongside the worst child abusers. God judges sin based on damage to innocents. Your support of child Trans enables the worst of the worst to do the worst of the worst.

If I were you I'd repent and do lots of charity work.
The biggest problem I see here (like it matters) is that the Left simply tries to solve every problem with a simple solution....

Child has autism and thinks he/she/it wants to be something else? Lop off body parts and in Leftists eyes, Problem solved !
Same with guns. A mentally ill person uses a gun to kill people? Take ALL guns from EVERYONE.
Drug use a problem? Make drugs legal for everyone!
Govt wants to spend massive amounts on special interests? Print tons of money.

The Left seems to have no sense of thinking their way to the root of a problem (or dealing with root causes of problems). Their solutions are generally over simplified superficial means to a quick and satisfying end that never result in a true correction but only a band-aid on a festering wound that will eventually result in far bigger problems.

But most Leftist here cheer these destructive simple solutions because they can't think of the complexities and pitfalls of the easy way out (or don't care). They just see the immediate here and now and think their man has "solved" the problem and brag. You see Jeb131, CityGator, Banker and rightwinger etc do this constantly.
Remember that thread after the elections that said Biden was "making America normal again"? Perfect example.

Isn't that pretty much how Biden and his entire cabinet has dealt with finances, war, taxes and everything else?
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The adult autistic kid.
The parents probably only gave him what he wanted because they were afraid of what would happen if they didn't. Right me if I am wrong, but people who are autistic are capable of doing pretty much anything, right?

God bless you and their families always!!!

There is a danger, particularly in diagnostics, to confuse correlation with causation.

We don't understand completely how the brain works and how much of mental illness is biological vs environmental. So, to ascribe a diagnosis to a symptom without understanding the causation gets us no closer to a remedy.
I agree you need to be careful (and history is full of such examples)….but, there are a number of illnesses where causation is not fully understood, but there are enough symptoms in common to provide a diagnosis (or rule out other diseases)and a provide a protocol for treatment. This doesn’t stop the ongoing research into causes. With the brain in particular, we have learned a lot in the past decade.

I can see the dangers (particularly in psychiatry) but sometimes the only remedy is to treat the symptoms. For example with depression…diagnosis is made on the symptoms and treatment is based on that. We don’t fully understand the causation(s) but we know that without treatment the mortality rate can be high.
Actually, autism, particularly self-diagnosed autism, is a form of superpower.

Persons who have, or claim to have, autism, regardless of where they exist on that scale, immediately feel they can no longer be held responsible for their actions.

They feel it relieves them from any obligation to conform to societal rules from polite behavior to criminal legislation.

That kind of liberation for responsibility is very much a super power.

In Miss Thunberg's case, her autism is also the basis for a slight amount of notoriety and financial compensation ... a much better super power than stretching or laser eyes.
She is part and parcel of stealing money from employed people and even impoverishing some with her views. A teenager who has been given sway by the powers that be. Seems criminal to me.
The parents probably only gave him what he wanted because they were afraid of what would happen if they didn't. Right me if I am wrong, but people who are autistic are capable of doing pretty much anything, right?

God bless you and their families always!!!


My understanding is it is a spectrum, that probably includes a number of different disorders from mildly effected to badly effected, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are innately more violent than anyone else.

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