...PBS/Frontline and that Insurrection brouhaha...


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
Iā€™ve watched the news coverage over the January 6th ā€˜eventsā€™ at the Capitol closely.
Have posted occasionally on this venue about the people and the alleged transgression by them.

So when I saw this TV documentary on PBS, put together by Frontline & ProPublica I was intrigued.
I watched it and was impressed.

I posted a recent thread about it, but, because Iā€™m a newbie and failed to follow common-sense protocols of the site, the thread was closed.

Still, the topic itself is still of importance. I bring it up again as in my opinion it remains a topic of important public interest and appropriate for political debate. Hopefully, Iā€™ll do it right and the thread will offer an opportunity for all to demonstrate their own personal opinion on January 6thā€™s importance.

January 6th will be one of those events that will long resonate with Americans for generationā€¦like Kennedy being shot, like the Challenger explosion, like 9/11.
A mob of partisans attacked the seat of our government, the ā€˜Peoplesā€™s Houseā€™, in attempt to disrupt or reverse a constitutionally mandated step in our sacred democratic process of choosing our leadership.

Therefore, because I have long admired PBS and the Frontline productions I was keenly interested in their perspective on January 6th.
I was not disappointed in their treatment.

From the Tea Party movement, to Birtherisms, to Charlottesville, to the Capitol takeover in Lansing, Michigan to the violence at the Capitol in January, Frontline shows us a thru-line.
A narrative that is credible and understandable.

I strongly recommend that readers here find the PBS documentary and watch it:
Here is what one reviewer said about it:

ā€œLaw enforcement officials might have been caught off guard by the assault on the U.S. Capitol in January, but ā€œAmerican Insurrectionā€ makes it painfully clear that the pieces for the attack had been put in play years before Donald Trump told his supporters to ā€œtake backā€ their country in Washington D.C. Part an examination of the various extremist groups that gained prominence during Trumpā€™s presidency and part a condemnation of the forces that have aided and abetted them, PBSā€™ ā€œAmerican Insurrectionā€ offers a wholly compelling portrait of how the nationā€™s most notorious fascist organizations operate and recruit members.

The 90-minute documentary, an investigative collaboration between Frontline, ProPublica, and the UC Berkeley Investigative Reporting Program, follows journalist A.C. Thompson as he reports on some of the nationā€™s most violent incidents over the last several yearsā€¦.ā€
"Makes Joseph Goebbels smile"

Can the poster explain the message of the meme?
I'm sincerely interested in the intent.
Iā€™ve watched the news coverage over the January 6th ā€˜eventsā€™ at the Capitol closely.
Have posted occasionally on this venue about the people and the alleged transgression by them.

So when I saw this TV documentary on PBS, put together by Frontline & ProPublica I was intrigued.
I watched it and was impressed.

I posted a recent thread about it, but, because Iā€™m a newbie and failed to follow common-sense protocols of the site, the thread was closed.

Still, the topic itself is still of importance. I bring it up again as in my opinion it remains a topic of important public interest and appropriate for political debate. Hopefully, Iā€™ll do it right and the thread will offer an opportunity for all to demonstrate their own personal opinion on January 6thā€™s importance.

January 6th will be one of those events that will long resonate with Americans for generationā€¦like Kennedy being shot, like the Challenger explosion, like 9/11.
A mob of partisans attacked the seat of our government, the ā€˜Peoplesā€™s Houseā€™, in attempt to disrupt or reverse a constitutionally mandated step in our sacred democratic process of choosing our leadership.

Therefore, because I have long admired PBS and the Frontline productions I was keenly interested in their perspective on January 6th.
I was not disappointed in their treatment.

From the Tea Party movement, to Birtherisms, to Charlottesville, to the Capitol takeover in Lansing, Michigan to the violence at the Capitol in January, Frontline shows us a thru-line.
A narrative that is credible and understandable.

I strongly recommend that readers here find the PBS documentary and watch it:
Here is what one reviewer said about it:

ā€œLaw enforcement officials might have been caught off guard by the assault on the U.S. Capitol in January, but ā€œAmerican Insurrectionā€ makes it painfully clear that the pieces for the attack had been put in play years before Donald Trump told his supporters to ā€œtake backā€ their country in Washington D.C. Part an examination of the various extremist groups that gained prominence during Trumpā€™s presidency and part a condemnation of the forces that have aided and abetted them, PBSā€™ ā€œAmerican Insurrectionā€ offers a wholly compelling portrait of how the nationā€™s most notorious fascist organizations operate and recruit members.

The 90-minute documentary, an investigative collaboration between Frontline, ProPublica, and the UC Berkeley Investigative Reporting Program, follows journalist A.C. Thompson as he reports on some of the nationā€™s most violent incidents over the last several yearsā€¦.ā€

Oh is this program about the January 6th assassination attempts against AOC and Nancy Pelosi?
January 6th will be remembered like 9-11 huh? Hardly, you had hundreds of mostly nut cases who were mostly pissed off what the Demonicrats have done to this country. If ANYTHING carrying on about it is a distraction of what really occurred this election.

History lies, so does the left. I've yet to see a single report how many people were on the streets in DC that day, the left clearly doesn't want people to know. Why would that be?
January 6th will be remembered like 9-11 huh? Hardly, you had hundreds of mostly nut cases who were mostly pissed off what the Demonicrats have done to this country. If ANYTHING carrying on about it is a distraction of what really occurred this election.

History lies, so does the left. I've yet to see a single report how many people were on the streets in DC that day, the left clearly doesn't want people to know. Why would that be?

Walking around the Capitol building and taking selfies doesn't qualify as an "insurrection". The left LIES about everything.
Iā€™ve watched the news coverage over the January 6th ā€˜eventsā€™ at the Capitol closely.
Have posted occasionally on this venue about the people and the alleged transgression by them.

So when I saw this TV documentary on PBS, put together by Frontline & ProPublica I was intrigued.
I watched it and was impressed.

I posted a recent thread about it, but, because Iā€™m a newbie and failed to follow common-sense protocols of the site, the thread was closed.

Still, the topic itself is still of importance. I bring it up again as in my opinion it remains a topic of important public interest and appropriate for political debate. Hopefully, Iā€™ll do it right and the thread will offer an opportunity for all to demonstrate their own personal opinion on January 6thā€™s importance.

January 6th will be one of those events that will long resonate with Americans for generationā€¦like Kennedy being shot, like the Challenger explosion, like 9/11.
A mob of partisans attacked the seat of our government, the ā€˜Peoplesā€™s Houseā€™, in attempt to disrupt or reverse a constitutionally mandated step in our sacred democratic process of choosing our leadership.

Therefore, because I have long admired PBS and the Frontline productions I was keenly interested in their perspective on January 6th.
I was not disappointed in their treatment.

From the Tea Party movement, to Birtherisms, to Charlottesville, to the Capitol takeover in Lansing, Michigan to the violence at the Capitol in January, Frontline shows us a thru-line.
A narrative that is credible and understandable.

I strongly recommend that readers here find the PBS documentary and watch it:
Here is what one reviewer said about it:

ā€œLaw enforcement officials might have been caught off guard by the assault on the U.S. Capitol in January, but ā€œAmerican Insurrectionā€ makes it painfully clear that the pieces for the attack had been put in play years before Donald Trump told his supporters to ā€œtake backā€ their country in Washington D.C. Part an examination of the various extremist groups that gained prominence during Trumpā€™s presidency and part a condemnation of the forces that have aided and abetted them, PBSā€™ ā€œAmerican Insurrectionā€ offers a wholly compelling portrait of how the nationā€™s most notorious fascist organizations operate and recruit members.

The 90-minute documentary, an investigative collaboration between Frontline, ProPublica, and the UC Berkeley Investigative Reporting Program, follows journalist A.C. Thompson as he reports on some of the nationā€™s most violent incidents over the last several yearsā€¦.ā€
Ok, and instead of being fair it ran with one perspective instead of two didn't they ??? And you just ate it all up didn't you ?? They said exactly what you wanted to hear, and even tried to connect the dots for you even though they leave alot out, and why did you need them to do this for you ???

Because you are a leftist getting your ear tickled by other leftist, instead of freely thinking about what truly led to all that we are seeing in this nation now.

What took us from the peaceful seventies where black culture and white culture began to come together better than it ever had before, so what changed or stopped the forward progress ???

You have to really connect with your inner honesty in order to truly get the real story, but for now just keep lapping up their trail mix that they keep setting out for you.
Last edited:
January 6th will be remembered like 9-11 huh? Hardly, you had hundreds of mostly nut cases who were mostly pissed off what the Demonicrats have done to this country. If ANYTHING carrying on about it is a distraction of what really occurred this election.

History lies, so does the left. I've yet to see a single report how many people were on the streets in DC that day, the left clearly doesn't want people to know. Why would that be?

Walking around the Capitol building and taking selfies doesn't qualify as an "insurrection". The left LIES about everything.
They adopted that word hoping for a greater impact in the stories, but to have an insurection one must have a coop or an organized planned out effort to over throw the government. The Democrat's alledgedly had that going for 4 years straight, yet no documentary's have been seen on that as of yet by these so called renowned journalistic organizations. It's so obvious what has taken place, and what is going on that Stevie Wonder can see it from 100 miles away.
Iā€™ve watched the news coverage over the January 6th ā€˜eventsā€™ at the Capitol closely.
Have posted occasionally on this venue about the people and the alleged transgression by them.

So when I saw this TV documentary on PBS, put together by Frontline & ProPublica I was intrigued.
I watched it and was impressed.

I posted a recent thread about it, but, because Iā€™m a newbie and failed to follow common-sense protocols of the site, the thread was closed.

Still, the topic itself is still of importance. I bring it up again as in my opinion it remains a topic of important public interest and appropriate for political debate. Hopefully, Iā€™ll do it right and the thread will offer an opportunity for all to demonstrate their own personal opinion on January 6thā€™s importance.

January 6th will be one of those events that will long resonate with Americans for generationā€¦like Kennedy being shot, like the Challenger explosion, like 9/11.
A mob of partisans attacked the seat of our government, the ā€˜Peoplesā€™s Houseā€™, in attempt to disrupt or reverse a constitutionally mandated step in our sacred democratic process of choosing our leadership.

Therefore, because I have long admired PBS and the Frontline productions I was keenly interested in their perspective on January 6th.
I was not disappointed in their treatment.

From the Tea Party movement, to Birtherisms, to Charlottesville, to the Capitol takeover in Lansing, Michigan to the violence at the Capitol in January, Frontline shows us a thru-line.
A narrative that is credible and understandable.

I strongly recommend that readers here find the PBS documentary and watch it:
Here is what one reviewer said about it:

ā€œLaw enforcement officials might have been caught off guard by the assault on the U.S. Capitol in January, but ā€œAmerican Insurrectionā€ makes it painfully clear that the pieces for the attack had been put in play years before Donald Trump told his supporters to ā€œtake backā€ their country in Washington D.C. Part an examination of the various extremist groups that gained prominence during Trumpā€™s presidency and part a condemnation of the forces that have aided and abetted them, PBSā€™ ā€œAmerican Insurrectionā€ offers a wholly compelling portrait of how the nationā€™s most notorious fascist organizations operate and recruit members.

The 90-minute documentary, an investigative collaboration between Frontline, ProPublica, and the UC Berkeley Investigative Reporting Program, follows journalist A.C. Thompson as he reports on some of the nationā€™s most violent incidents over the last several yearsā€¦.ā€

Oh is this program about the January 6th assassination attempts against AOC and Nancy Pelosi?
You left out Mike Pence. Remember them chanting "Hang Mike Pense, Hang Mike Pense"? You know how trump trash get, they will eat their own in a heartbeat.
January 6th will be remembered like 9-11 huh? Hardly, you had hundreds of mostly nut cases who were mostly pissed off what the Demonicrats have done to this country. If ANYTHING carrying on about it is a distraction of what really occurred this election.

History lies, so does the left. I've yet to see a single report how many people were on the streets in DC that day, the left clearly doesn't want people to know. Why would that be?

Walking around the Capitol building and taking selfies doesn't qualify as an "insurrection". The left LIES about everything.

I knew someone would say this. It was nothing really, just a celebration of independence.

The problem is when you have a delusional President who is also a pathological liar, his not very bright supporters also adopt his clean break from reality and invent their own, like Trump did with his stolen election claims. Now the insurrection becomes a guided tour of the Capitol.
"Makes Joseph Goebbels smile"

Can the poster explain the message of the meme?
I'm sincerely interested in the intent.
It's propaganda that would make one of the great propagandists of the 20th century smile, dope.

You could have just announced that you are a lefist hack with no critical thinking skills and be done with it.

Your repetition of the language hand-selected for you by your masters is most unimpressive.
All while the fucking hack maudes promptly whisk any thread that even obliquely questions the legitimacy of the 2020 election off to Conspiracy Theories.

Weapons grade hackery on full display.
Iā€™ve watched the news coverage over the January 6th ā€˜eventsā€™ at the Capitol closely.
Have posted occasionally on this venue about the people and the alleged transgression by them.

So when I saw this TV documentary on PBS, put together by Frontline & ProPublica I was intrigued.
I watched it and was impressed.

I posted a recent thread about it, but, because Iā€™m a newbie and failed to follow common-sense protocols of the site, the thread was closed.

Still, the topic itself is still of importance. I bring it up again as in my opinion it remains a topic of important public interest and appropriate for political debate. Hopefully, Iā€™ll do it right and the thread will offer an opportunity for all to demonstrate their own personal opinion on January 6thā€™s importance.

January 6th will be one of those events that will long resonate with Americans for generationā€¦like Kennedy being shot, like the Challenger explosion, like 9/11.
A mob of partisans attacked the seat of our government, the ā€˜Peoplesā€™s Houseā€™, in attempt to disrupt or reverse a constitutionally mandated step in our sacred democratic process of choosing our leadership.

Therefore, because I have long admired PBS and the Frontline productions I was keenly interested in their perspective on January 6th.
I was not disappointed in their treatment.

From the Tea Party movement, to Birtherisms, to Charlottesville, to the Capitol takeover in Lansing, Michigan to the violence at the Capitol in January, Frontline shows us a thru-line.
A narrative that is credible and understandable.

I strongly recommend that readers here find the PBS documentary and watch it:
Here is what one reviewer said about it:

ā€œLaw enforcement officials might have been caught off guard by the assault on the U.S. Capitol in January, but ā€œAmerican Insurrectionā€ makes it painfully clear that the pieces for the attack had been put in play years before Donald Trump told his supporters to ā€œtake backā€ their country in Washington D.C. Part an examination of the various extremist groups that gained prominence during Trumpā€™s presidency and part a condemnation of the forces that have aided and abetted them, PBSā€™ ā€œAmerican Insurrectionā€ offers a wholly compelling portrait of how the nationā€™s most notorious fascist organizations operate and recruit members.

The 90-minute documentary, an investigative collaboration between Frontline, ProPublica, and the UC Berkeley Investigative Reporting Program, follows journalist A.C. Thompson as he reports on some of the nationā€™s most violent incidents over the last several yearsā€¦.ā€
Why are my tax dollars going bro support some communist propaganda bullshit by ProPrublica and Berkeley University. Fucking wrong.
Iā€™ve watched the news coverage over the January 6th ā€˜eventsā€™ at the Capitol closely.
Have posted occasionally on this venue about the people and the alleged transgression by them.

So when I saw this TV documentary on PBS, put together by Frontline & ProPublica I was intrigued.
I watched it and was impressed.

I posted a recent thread about it, but, because Iā€™m a newbie and failed to follow common-sense protocols of the site, the thread was closed.

Still, the topic itself is still of importance. I bring it up again as in my opinion it remains a topic of important public interest and appropriate for political debate. Hopefully, Iā€™ll do it right and the thread will offer an opportunity for all to demonstrate their own personal opinion on January 6thā€™s importance.

January 6th will be one of those events that will long resonate with Americans for generationā€¦like Kennedy being shot, like the Challenger explosion, like 9/11.
A mob of partisans attacked the seat of our government, the ā€˜Peoplesā€™s Houseā€™, in attempt to disrupt or reverse a constitutionally mandated step in our sacred democratic process of choosing our leadership.

Therefore, because I have long admired PBS and the Frontline productions I was keenly interested in their perspective on January 6th.
I was not disappointed in their treatment.

From the Tea Party movement, to Birtherisms, to Charlottesville, to the Capitol takeover in Lansing, Michigan to the violence at the Capitol in January, Frontline shows us a thru-line.
A narrative that is credible and understandable.

I strongly recommend that readers here find the PBS documentary and watch it:
Here is what one reviewer said about it:

ā€œLaw enforcement officials might have been caught off guard by the assault on the U.S. Capitol in January, but ā€œAmerican Insurrectionā€ makes it painfully clear that the pieces for the attack had been put in play years before Donald Trump told his supporters to ā€œtake backā€ their country in Washington D.C. Part an examination of the various extremist groups that gained prominence during Trumpā€™s presidency and part a condemnation of the forces that have aided and abetted them, PBSā€™ ā€œAmerican Insurrectionā€ offers a wholly compelling portrait of how the nationā€™s most notorious fascist organizations operate and recruit members.

The 90-minute documentary, an investigative collaboration between Frontline, ProPublica, and the UC Berkeley Investigative Reporting Program, follows journalist A.C. Thompson as he reports on some of the nationā€™s most violent incidents over the last several yearsā€¦.ā€
Iā€™ve watched the news coverage over the January 6th ā€˜eventsā€™ at the Capitol closely.
Have posted occasionally on this venue about the people and the alleged transgression by them.

So when I saw this TV documentary on PBS, put together by Frontline & ProPublica I was intrigued.
I watched it and was impressed.

I posted a recent thread about it, but, because Iā€™m a newbie and failed to follow common-sense protocols of the site, the thread was closed.

Still, the topic itself is still of importance. I bring it up again as in my opinion it remains a topic of important public interest and appropriate for political debate. Hopefully, Iā€™ll do it right and the thread will offer an opportunity for all to demonstrate their own personal opinion on January 6thā€™s importance.

January 6th will be one of those events that will long resonate with Americans for generationā€¦like Kennedy being shot, like the Challenger explosion, like 9/11.
A mob of partisans attacked the seat of our government, the ā€˜Peoplesā€™s Houseā€™, in attempt to disrupt or reverse a constitutionally mandated step in our sacred democratic process of choosing our leadership.

Therefore, because I have long admired PBS and the Frontline productions I was keenly interested in their perspective on January 6th.
I was not disappointed in their treatment.

From the Tea Party movement, to Birtherisms, to Charlottesville, to the Capitol takeover in Lansing, Michigan to the violence at the Capitol in January, Frontline shows us a thru-line.
A narrative that is credible and understandable.

I strongly recommend that readers here find the PBS documentary and watch it:
Here is what one reviewer said about it:

ā€œLaw enforcement officials might have been caught off guard by the assault on the U.S. Capitol in January, but ā€œAmerican Insurrectionā€ makes it painfully clear that the pieces for the attack had been put in play years before Donald Trump told his supporters to ā€œtake backā€ their country in Washington D.C. Part an examination of the various extremist groups that gained prominence during Trumpā€™s presidency and part a condemnation of the forces that have aided and abetted them, PBSā€™ ā€œAmerican Insurrectionā€ offers a wholly compelling portrait of how the nationā€™s most notorious fascist organizations operate and recruit members.

The 90-minute documentary, an investigative collaboration between Frontline, ProPublica, and the UC Berkeley Investigative Reporting Program, follows journalist A.C. Thompson as he reports on some of the nationā€™s most violent incidents over the last several yearsā€¦.ā€
Only a goddamn fucking idiot would believe this is real journalism. My tax dollars go to support this bullshit. Democratic Party hit job against ALL conservatives by tying them to Nazi's. Look internally at your leftist side of political spectrum. ANTIFA and BLM ate domestic terrorist groups.
[QUOTE="WTH_Progs?, post: 26939462, member: 71865"]
I've yet to see a single report how many people were on the streets in DC that day, the left clearly doesn't want people to know. Why would that be?

I think your suggestion that "the left' is hiding the number of attendees at the 'rally' portion of the January events is, well, silly.
Poster WTH, I would sincerely and with good faith suggest to you to do a quick Google search with your question. You will see many estimates from many sources. Even some sources who say that it is difficult to estimate because of the lack of aerial view due to Washington DC restrictions over flight-space. But there are estimates ranging from 30,000 to Don Trump's "1 million".
You will see reportage that in that space it was impossible to even hold more than 135,000 people.
In short, keep looking. And then present this forum with your findings.
It would be illuminating to this forum if you could share with us your findings.

Walking around the Capitol building and taking selfies doesn't qualify as an "insurrection".
Yeah, I'd go along with what poster K9Buck suggests.
For those who ONLY did selfies....well, they ain't insurrectionists. Still, they are criminals. Deal with 'em harshly.

But then we will still have to address the issue of rioters who beat the crap out of Capitol police, who stated their intent to "Hang Mike Pence", to "shoot in the friggin' head" Speaker Pelosi, who battered down doors and windows.

Those mokes are a bit more problematic to the argument that it was all touristy selfies.



Iā€™ve watched the news coverage over the January 6th ā€˜eventsā€™ at the Capitol closely.
Have posted occasionally on this venue about the people and the alleged transgression by them.

So when I saw this TV documentary on PBS, put together by Frontline & ProPublica I was intrigued.
I watched it and was impressed.

I posted a recent thread about it, but, because Iā€™m a newbie and failed to follow common-sense protocols of the site, the thread was closed.

Still, the topic itself is still of importance. I bring it up again as in my opinion it remains a topic of important public interest and appropriate for political debate. Hopefully, Iā€™ll do it right and the thread will offer an opportunity for all to demonstrate their own personal opinion on January 6thā€™s importance.

January 6th will be one of those events that will long resonate with Americans for generationā€¦like Kennedy being shot, like the Challenger explosion, like 9/11.
A mob of partisans attacked the seat of our government, the ā€˜Peoplesā€™s Houseā€™, in attempt to disrupt or reverse a constitutionally mandated step in our sacred democratic process of choosing our leadership.

Therefore, because I have long admired PBS and the Frontline productions I was keenly interested in their perspective on January 6th.
I was not disappointed in their treatment.

From the Tea Party movement, to Birtherisms, to Charlottesville, to the Capitol takeover in Lansing, Michigan to the violence at the Capitol in January, Frontline shows us a thru-line.
A narrative that is credible and understandable.

I strongly recommend that readers here find the PBS documentary and watch it:
Here is what one reviewer said about it:

ā€œLaw enforcement officials might have been caught off guard by the assault on the U.S. Capitol in January, but ā€œAmerican Insurrectionā€ makes it painfully clear that the pieces for the attack had been put in play years before Donald Trump told his supporters to ā€œtake backā€ their country in Washington D.C. Part an examination of the various extremist groups that gained prominence during Trumpā€™s presidency and part a condemnation of the forces that have aided and abetted them, PBSā€™ ā€œAmerican Insurrectionā€ offers a wholly compelling portrait of how the nationā€™s most notorious fascist organizations operate and recruit members.

The 90-minute documentary, an investigative collaboration between Frontline, ProPublica, and the UC Berkeley Investigative Reporting Program, follows journalist A.C. Thompson as he reports on some of the nationā€™s most violent incidents over the last several yearsā€¦.ā€

You brought up JFK and 911, and the parallels are really obvious.

Zionists did all 3

Zionists lied about all 3

Zionists used the first two to sell out the US military for the cause of Zionism

It is only a matter of time before our troops are sold out again to fight and die for Greater Israel...
Why are my tax dollars going........

OK, poster Bush, we feel your pain.
So, rather than just complain on an internet gossipboard........do something.
Short-pocket your next tax payment by the amount you think is proportionately paid for NPR/PBS funding. Send with it an explanatory letter (if you would, please, share it with this forum)....as to why you are withholding some of your tax payment.

Let us know, please.......on how it goes.

Lastly, and most importantly, did you watch the PBS/Frontline documentary?
Iā€™ve watched the news coverage over the January 6th ā€˜eventsā€™ at the Capitol closely.
Have posted occasionally on this venue about the people and the alleged transgression by them.

So when I saw this TV documentary on PBS, put together by Frontline & ProPublica I was intrigued.
I watched it and was impressed.

I posted a recent thread about it, but, because Iā€™m a newbie and failed to follow common-sense protocols of the site, the thread was closed.

Still, the topic itself is still of importance. I bring it up again as in my opinion it remains a topic of important public interest and appropriate for political debate. Hopefully, Iā€™ll do it right and the thread will offer an opportunity for all to demonstrate their own personal opinion on January 6thā€™s importance.

January 6th will be one of those events that will long resonate with Americans for generationā€¦like Kennedy being shot, like the Challenger explosion, like 9/11.
A mob of partisans attacked the seat of our government, the ā€˜Peoplesā€™s Houseā€™, in attempt to disrupt or reverse a constitutionally mandated step in our sacred democratic process of choosing our leadership.

Therefore, because I have long admired PBS and the Frontline productions I was keenly interested in their perspective on January 6th.
I was not disappointed in their treatment.

From the Tea Party movement, to Birtherisms, to Charlottesville, to the Capitol takeover in Lansing, Michigan to the violence at the Capitol in January, Frontline shows us a thru-line.
A narrative that is credible and understandable.

I strongly recommend that readers here find the PBS documentary and watch it:
Here is what one reviewer said about it:

ā€œLaw enforcement officials might have been caught off guard by the assault on the U.S. Capitol in January, but ā€œAmerican Insurrectionā€ makes it painfully clear that the pieces for the attack had been put in play years before Donald Trump told his supporters to ā€œtake backā€ their country in Washington D.C. Part an examination of the various extremist groups that gained prominence during Trumpā€™s presidency and part a condemnation of the forces that have aided and abetted them, PBSā€™ ā€œAmerican Insurrectionā€ offers a wholly compelling portrait of how the nationā€™s most notorious fascist organizations operate and recruit members.

The 90-minute documentary, an investigative collaboration between Frontline, ProPublica, and the UC Berkeley Investigative Reporting Program, follows journalist A.C. Thompson as he reports on some of the nationā€™s most violent incidents over the last several yearsā€¦.ā€

It's America's Reichstag Fire.

The Nazi democrats desperately needed it.
They adopted that word hoping for a greater impact in the stories, but to have an insurection one must have a coop or an organized planned out effort to over throw the government. The Democrat's alledgedly had that going for 4 years straight, yet no documentary's have been seen on that as of yet by these so called renowned journalistic organizations. It's so obvious what has taken place, and what is going on that Stevie Wonder can see it from 100 miles away.

Or at least, you know, some FUCKING WEAPONS...

It was a protest, nothing more.

Far more peaceful than the Kristalnacht the democrats have waged for over a year.

The 1/6 Reichstag Fire is a joke.

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