No TRUE Catholic would vote for biden

so you're saying if someone loves God and his Son Jesus

he has to ditch politics? Or he doesn't maybe have to ditch it but his religious thing would be better if he/she did?
Politics is a pretty dirty business. It tends to divide people. But then Christ did say he came to bring not peace but a sword. Question is....what does the sword divide?

I come here and argue politics all the time. I can't say it makes me better but it does make me despise people at times. I suppose we have no right to complain about the results unless we are part of the process.

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Politics is a pretty dirty business. It tends to divide people. But then Christ did say he came to bring not peace but a sword. Question is....what does the sword divide?

I come here and argue politics all the time. I can't say it makes me better but it does make me despise people at times. I suppose we have no right to complain about the results unless we are part of the process.



I despise people a lot myself. It's their fault.

As far as I know most people don't separate them. Certainly politicians will use religion and religionists will use politics for their own means.

For me religion can only be ruined by politics.
it depends on... well, you have to know when enough is enough.. I find politics a little... uh.. heavy these days...

I don't know, but people change.. I'm starting to have a different attitude toward politics... could do without all the different stories, esp about dims

this article is from the BBC and as a practicing Catholic, I don't like the wording in it here and there, but nevertheless, they get it that biden is not really Catholic, something most Catholics have known ever since they heard of biden the first time.

If you vote for a child-murder-promoting candidate, you are NOT Catholic

End of sentence.

We have reached a point where most Catholics aren't really Catholic, sadly.
I am a life-long Roman Catholic, and I really don't care about the religious affiliation of political candidates generally, although I would look closely at a Mormon or a Muslim, to satisfy myself that they are not idiots.

As for Biden, I don't really give a shit about his morals, except as they impact specific policies and powers of the Presidency. But he claims to be a RC in good standing, and he manifestly is not. I would never vote for him anyway, but even if he wasn't so horrible, I would vote against him for this.
I am a life-long Roman Catholic, and I really don't care about the religious affiliation of political candidates generally, although I would look closely at a Mormon or a Muslim, to satisfy myself that they are not idiots.

As for Biden, I don't really give a shit about his morals, except as they impact specific policies and powers of the Presidency. But he claims to be a RC in good standing, and he manifestly is not. I would never vote for him anyway, but even if he wasn't so horrible, I would vote against him for this.
So no Christian idiots out there? Jim Jones immediately comes to mind...
I am a life-long Roman Catholic, and I really don't care about the religious affiliation of political candidates generally, although I would look closely at a Mormon or a Muslim, to satisfy myself that they are not idiots.

As for Biden, I don't really give a shit about his morals, except as they impact specific policies and powers of the Presidency. But he claims to be a RC in good standing, and he manifestly is not. I would never vote for him anyway, but even if he wasn't so horrible, I would vote against him for this.

it is a liar who claims to be something he is not.

But then bribum wrote the book on lying . He's from Scranton.. or maybe puerto Rico

and his uncle was cannibalized by... I can't remember but he was cannibalized (not)

and there are many other lies

this article is from the BBC and as a practicing Catholic, I don't like the wording in it here and there, but nevertheless, they get it that biden is not really Catholic, something most Catholics have known ever since they heard of biden the first time.

If you vote for a child-murder-promoting candidate, you are NOT Catholic

End of sentence.
I only know of one catholic family, they're all Biden. Seems Catholics often have the same issues as blacks, they traditionally side with the Demonicrats in-spite of their possession.
I only know of one catholic family, they're all Biden. Seems Catholics often have the same issues as blacks, they traditionally side with the Demonicrats in-spite of their possession.
well, u have to remember that the RCC was taken over by anti-Christs in 1958. No, wait, the Vatican was.

Most priests are not antichrists. Well, only God knows the exact number but I don't think most priests implemented V2 policies to a great degree.. and many of those who did are back- pedaling on the innovations, going back to traditional catholicism.

so yeh... that explains the bad voters in Catholic land.

this article is from the BBC and as a practicing Catholic, I don't like the wording in it here and there, but nevertheless, they get it that biden is not really Catholic, something most Catholics have known ever since they heard of biden the first time.

If you vote for a child-murder-promoting candidate, you are NOT Catholic

End of sentence.
No true American would vote for Biden. He's a career politician who got rich off of the taxpayer. He's pro-baby-murder. And he's a pedophile to boot. Who in their right mind would cast a vote for such a scumbag?

this article is from the BBC and as a practicing Catholic, I don't like the wording in it here and there, but nevertheless, they get it that biden is not really Catholic, something most Catholics have known ever since they heard of biden the first time.

If you vote for a child-murder-promoting candidate, you are NOT Catholic

End of sentence.

Did you get all angry over the Church's stance on the priests sexually abusing children? The Catholic Church has no moral high ground to stand on given their history of condoning genocide and child abuse.

Abortion is NOT "child murder". Abortion is the "standard of care" for numerous pregnancy complications. Banning abortion has resulted in thousands of women dying from the refusal of doctors and hospitals to provide proper care when they miscarry.

American women are dying in pregnancy and childbirth at a rate that was 4 times any other first world country, BEFORE states started banning abortion.

Now women in red states are being turned away from hospitals and emergency wards because hospitals fear they will miscarry on the premises and the hospital will be charged. So they're sent home to bleed out. Hospitals are closing maternity wards and refusing to provide care for pregnant women.

The CDC says that 80% of American women who died from the complications of pregnancy and childbirth, could be saved. Abortion isn't murder, but sending these women home to die, most certainly is.

I only know of one catholic family, they're all Biden. Seems Catholics often have the same issues as blacks, they traditionally side with the Demonicrats in-spite of their possession.
more Catholics are voting for Trump this time
Also, a lot of Catholics jjust are not Catholic... don't believe in the REal Presence, for instance.. I heard only 30% of them believe in the RP which could be priests' fault since I've known only ONE who ever told anyone (me) about it.. and I hav traveled quite a bit, been to different parishes..

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