Pay your fair share is Leftist BS propaganda


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

Pretty sure the "wealthy" pay more than their fair share based on the above exhibit.


Many of these tax credit programs, such as the child tax credit, also benefit middle-income taxpayers but typically don’t erase their tax liability. However, as is evident in the chart, taxpayers in the $30,000 to $100,000 range have effective tax rates in the single digits.

Stop whining, leftists.

Stop whining, leftists.

So when will you support a minimum tax for Bezos, Musk and Buffett who currently pay around 1% or slightly more while small businesses pay up to 35?

So when will you support a minimum tax for Bezos, Musk and Buffett who currently pay around 1% or slightly more while small businesses pay up to 35?

1% of what? In my OP I showed that the "wealthy" pay the vast majority of the taxes. That is not disputable. How many people to Bezos and Musk employ?
1% of what? In my OP I showed that the "wealthy" pay the vast majority of the taxes. That is not disputable. How many people to Bezos and Musk employ?

I don't f'n care how many they employ. Is THAT your yardstick on fair taxation? These assholes and their companies often pay ZERO to 3% in taxes. You consider this equitable? If so, I can't help.
I don't f'n care how many they employ. Is THAT your yardstick on fair taxation? These assholes and their companies often pay ZERO to 3% in taxes. You consider this equitable? If so, I can't help.
Are they breaking the law? I do not follow your anger? Bezos owns WAPO, a leftist paper. If they are breaking the law then arrest and fine them. If they aren't, I am not sure what you're so angry about? Care to explain?
I'm not advocating for a tax change. But if the top 1 percent of swindlers have most of the wealth then they should be paying more.
I don't f'n care how many they employ. Is THAT your yardstick on fair taxation? These assholes and their companies often pay ZERO to 3% in taxes. You consider this equitable? If so, I can't help.
Cut spending, and I‘d be all for Congress voting out deductions and tax credits and other ways to reduce a tax load. Then we can raise taxes all across the board at 20% for everyone.
I'm saying paying more than the rest of the peasants and serfs. They have next to nothing comparatively so of course they can't pay as much as the aristocracy and swindlers.
I don't f'n care how many they employ. Is THAT your yardstick on fair taxation? These assholes and their companies often pay ZERO to 3% in taxes. You consider this equitable? If so, I can't help.

Seems to me that if he and his son made "BILLIONS" from China, any minor tax debt like 500k would have already been erased no?

Get back to me when you wish to discuss the former Tax Cheat in Chief. That motherfucker owes BILLIONS.

Stay focused and you'll soon find out. :)
So when will you support a minimum tax for Bezos, Musk and Buffett who currently pay around 1% or slightly more while small businesses pay up to 35?

The Bezos, Musk, and Buffett wealth is mostly in the shares of stock they hold. Attempting to tax unrealized gains is lunacy, and unconstitutional.

Better for Congress to make the rules for transferring those shares different than this stupid idea of taxing unrealized gains.

BTW People are conflating the person named with what their companies may pay in [income] taxes. But those company taxes utilize the tax code as written by Congress and if Congres wants to remove certain corporate deductions then they are free to do so.

Making shareholders the target is the worst possible idea. If such a tax on unrealized capital gains were to pass, and then pass the Supreme Court, share prices would plunge as people would be forced to sell shares on the open market.

And if such a tax passed Congress and then passed SCOTUS it wouldn't be long before Congress expanded it to more and more people, aka the middle class.

That is how they [Progresives] sold the bulk of Americans on the income tax via the 16th Amendment, only the 1% would pay. Within 25 years, during WW II, Congress enacted withholding taxes on the working man and that tax is still there.
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The very rich hold the largest chunk of untaxed wealth. If we have lost the ability to tax the aristocrat class then they are just letting the rest of us live in their country.
Yes, the tax laws have to be changed .. PRONTO. In the meantime, a billionaire tax is apropos
So if laws need to be changed why isn't Congress changing them? They have the majority. Why is this blame falling on the GOP when the Democrats control Congress and the WH? Please explain why they aren't changing the laws this second?

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